/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> */ import test from "ava"; import { Amounts, AmountJson, amountMaxValue } from "./amounts.js"; const jAmt = ( value: number, fraction: number, currency: string, ): AmountJson => ({ value, fraction, currency }); const sAmt = (s: string): AmountJson => Amounts.parseOrThrow(s); test("amount addition (simple)", (t) => { const a1 = jAmt(1, 0, "EUR"); const a2 = jAmt(1, 0, "EUR"); const a3 = jAmt(2, 0, "EUR"); t.true(0 === Amounts.cmp(Amounts.add(a1, a2).amount, a3)); t.pass(); }); test("amount addition (saturation)", (t) => { const a1 = jAmt(1, 0, "EUR"); const res = Amounts.add(jAmt(amountMaxValue, 0, "EUR"), a1); t.true(res.saturated); t.pass(); }); test("amount subtraction (simple)", (t) => { const a1 = jAmt(2, 5, "EUR"); const a2 = jAmt(1, 0, "EUR"); const a3 = jAmt(1, 5, "EUR"); t.true(0 === Amounts.cmp(Amounts.sub(a1, a2).amount, a3)); t.pass(); }); test("amount subtraction (saturation)", (t) => { const a1 = jAmt(0, 0, "EUR"); const a2 = jAmt(1, 0, "EUR"); let res = Amounts.sub(a1, a2); t.true(res.saturated); res = Amounts.sub(a1, a1); t.true(!res.saturated); t.pass(); }); test("amount comparison", (t) => { t.is(Amounts.cmp(jAmt(1, 0, "EUR"), jAmt(1, 0, "EUR")), 0); t.is(Amounts.cmp(jAmt(1, 1, "EUR"), jAmt(1, 0, "EUR")), 1); t.is(Amounts.cmp(jAmt(1, 1, "EUR"), jAmt(1, 2, "EUR")), -1); t.is(Amounts.cmp(jAmt(1, 0, "EUR"), jAmt(0, 0, "EUR")), 1); t.is(Amounts.cmp(jAmt(0, 0, "EUR"), jAmt(1, 0, "EUR")), -1); t.is(Amounts.cmp(jAmt(1, 0, "EUR"), jAmt(0, 100000000, "EUR")), 0); t.throws(() => Amounts.cmp(jAmt(1, 0, "FOO"), jAmt(1, 0, "BAR"))); t.pass(); }); test("amount parsing", (t) => { t.is( Amounts.cmp(Amounts.parseOrThrow("TESTKUDOS:0"), jAmt(0, 0, "TESTKUDOS")), 0, ); t.is( Amounts.cmp(Amounts.parseOrThrow("TESTKUDOS:10"), jAmt(10, 0, "TESTKUDOS")), 0, ); t.is( Amounts.cmp( Amounts.parseOrThrow("TESTKUDOS:0.1"), jAmt(0, 10000000, "TESTKUDOS"), ), 0, ); t.is( Amounts.cmp( Amounts.parseOrThrow("TESTKUDOS:0.00000001"), jAmt(0, 1, "TESTKUDOS"), ), 0, ); t.is( Amounts.cmp( Amounts.parseOrThrow("TESTKUDOS:4503599627370496.99999999"), jAmt(4503599627370496, 99999999, "TESTKUDOS"), ), 0, ); t.throws(() => Amounts.parseOrThrow("foo:")); t.throws(() => Amounts.parseOrThrow("1.0")); t.throws(() => Amounts.parseOrThrow("42")); t.throws(() => Amounts.parseOrThrow(":1.0")); t.throws(() => Amounts.parseOrThrow(":42")); t.throws(() => Amounts.parseOrThrow("EUR:.42")); t.throws(() => Amounts.parseOrThrow("EUR:42.")); t.throws(() => Amounts.parseOrThrow("TESTKUDOS:4503599627370497.99999999")); t.is( Amounts.cmp( Amounts.parseOrThrow("TESTKUDOS:0.99999999"), jAmt(0, 99999999, "TESTKUDOS"), ), 0, ); t.throws(() => Amounts.parseOrThrow("TESTKUDOS:0.999999991")); t.pass(); }); test("amount stringification", (t) => { t.is(Amounts.stringify(jAmt(0, 0, "TESTKUDOS")), "TESTKUDOS:0"); t.is(Amounts.stringify(jAmt(4, 94000000, "TESTKUDOS")), "TESTKUDOS:4.94"); t.is(Amounts.stringify(jAmt(0, 10000000, "TESTKUDOS")), "TESTKUDOS:0.1"); t.is(Amounts.stringify(jAmt(0, 1, "TESTKUDOS")), "TESTKUDOS:0.00000001"); t.is(Amounts.stringify(jAmt(5, 0, "TESTKUDOS")), "TESTKUDOS:5"); // denormalized t.is(Amounts.stringify(jAmt(1, 100000000, "TESTKUDOS")), "TESTKUDOS:2"); t.pass(); }); test("amount multiplication", (t) => { t.is(Amounts.stringify(Amounts.mult(sAmt("EUR:1.11"), 0).amount), "EUR:0"); t.is(Amounts.stringify(Amounts.mult(sAmt("EUR:1.11"), 1).amount), "EUR:1.11"); t.is(Amounts.stringify(Amounts.mult(sAmt("EUR:1.11"), 2).amount), "EUR:2.22"); t.is(Amounts.stringify(Amounts.mult(sAmt("EUR:1.11"), 3).amount), "EUR:3.33"); t.is(Amounts.stringify(Amounts.mult(sAmt("EUR:1.11"), 4).amount), "EUR:4.44"); t.is(Amounts.stringify(Amounts.mult(sAmt("EUR:1.11"), 5).amount), "EUR:5.55"); });