# cloneable-readable [](https://travis-ci.org/mcollina/cloneable-readable) Clone a Readable stream, safely. ```js 'use strict' var cloneable = require('cloneable-readable') var fs = require('fs') var pump = require('pump') var stream = cloneable(fs.createReadStream('./package.json')) pump(stream.clone(), fs.createWriteStream('./out1')) // simulate some asynchronicity setImmediate(function () { pump(stream, fs.createWriteStream('./out2')) }) ``` **cloneable-readable** automatically handles `objectMode: true`. This module comes out of an healthy discussion on the 'right' way to clone a Readable in https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl/issues/85 and https://github.com/nodejs/readable-stream/issues/202. This is my take. **YOU MUST PIPE ALL CLONES TO START THE FLOW** You can also attach `'data'` and `'readable'` events to them. ## API ### cloneable(stream) Create a `Cloneable` stream. A Cloneable has a `clone()` method to create more clones. All clones must be resumed/piped to start the flow. ### cloneable.isCloneable(stream) Check if `stream` needs to be wrapped in a `Cloneable` or not. ## Acknowledgements This project was kindly sponsored by [nearForm](http://nearform.com). ## License MIT