.. This file is part of GNU TALER. Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> @author Florian Dold ===================== WebExtensions Wallet ===================== ------------ Introduction ------------ The WebExtensions Wallet (*wxwallet*) can be used to pay with GNU Taler on web sites from within modern web browsers. The `WebExtensions <https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebExtensions>`_ API enables the development of cross-browser extensions. Google Chrome / Chromium, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Microsoft Edge will all offer support for WebExtensions and thus be able to support Taler. Currently Chrome hast the best support for WebExtensions (since the API is a superset of Chrome's extension API). ----------------------- Development Environment ----------------------- The *wxwallet* mainly written in the `TypeScript <http://www.typescriptlang.org/>`_ language, which is a statically typed superset of JavaScript. While the *wxwallet* is mainly intended to be run from inside a browser, the logic is implemented in browser-independent modules that can also be called from other environments such as `nodejs <https://nodejs.org>`_. This is especially useful for automatically running unit tests. ----------------- Project Structure ----------------- .. parsed-literal:: **manifest.json** extension configuration **package.json** node.js package configuration **tsconfig.json** TypeScript compiler configuration **gulpfile.js** Build tasks script **lib/** **vendor/** 3rd party libraries **wallet/** actual application logic **emscripten/** emscripten object file and glue **test/** **run_tests.js** nodejs entry point for tests **tests/** test cases **content_scripts/notify.ts** wallet<->website signaling **backgrond/main.ts** backend entry point **img/** static image resources **style/** CSS stylesheets **pages/** pages shown in browser tabs **popup/** pages shown the extension popup ------------------- Building the Wallet ------------------- To build the extension for use during development, simply run the TypeScript compiler from the extension directory: .. code-block:: sh $ cd wallet.git/wallet_webextension/extension/ $ tsc This will use the ``tsconfig.json`` with development options such as `source map`_ support. .. _`source map`: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1RGAehQwRypUTovF1KRlpiOFze0b-_2gc6fAH0KY0k/edit When TypeScript source files are added or deleted to the project, make sure that the globs in ``gulpfile.js`` match them so that they will be compiled. The ``tsconfig.json`` is generated by running: .. code-block:: sh $ gulp tsconfig .. caution:: Do not edit the ``tsconfig.json`` manually. The source files should be defined in one place, and that is ``gulpfile.js``. To pack the extension in a format that can be uploaded to the Google Webstore, run: .. code-block:: sh $ gulp package This will build the wallet without source maps, copy resource files (which also need to be specified in ``gulpfile.js``) and create an archive. ---------- Emscripten ---------- `Emscripten <https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/index.html>`_ is C/C++ to JavaScript compiler. Emscripten is used in the *wxwallet* to access low-level cryptography from *libgcrypt*, and miscellaneous functionality from *libgnunetutil* and *libtalerwallet*. TODO: say things about wrappers -------------------------------------- Target Environments and Modularization -------------------------------------- Modules in the wallet are declared in TypeScript with the ES6 module syntax. These modules are then compiled to `SystemJS <https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs>`_ `register` modules. SystemJS modules can be loaded from the browser as well as from nodejs. However they require special entry points that configure the module system, load modules and execute code. Examples are `backgrond/main.ts` for the browser and `test/run_tests.js` for nodejs. Note that special care has to be taken when loading the Emscript code, as it is not compatible with the SystemJS module, even in the `globals` compatibility mode. The TypeScript sources in the *wxwallet* are compiled down to ES5, both to enable running in node.js without transpilers and to avoid a `bug <https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/6426>`_ in the TypeScript compiler. ---------------------------- IndexedDB Query Abstractions ---------------------------- The *wxwallet* uses a fluent-style API for queries on IndexedDB. TODO: say more about this ------- Testing ------- Test cases for the wallet are written in TypeScript and run with `mochajs <http://mochajs.org/>`_ and the `better-assert <https://github.com/tj/better-assert>`_ assertion library. Run the default test suite with ``npm run test``, which will call `mocha` with the right parameters. -------------------- Internationalisation -------------------- Strings in the JavaScript code are internationalised using the following functions: - *i18n*: translate string with arbitrary arguments, the result is returned as string. .. code-block:: js i18n`You have ${n} coins.` - *i18n.parts*: Interpolate i18nized values with arbitrary objects. Useful for example to include HTML elements. .. code-block:: js i18n.parts`Visit ${link} to get more coins.` - *i18n.pluralize*: translate with plural form. The i18n.number() function returns a ``PluralNumber`` object that specifies the argument that determines the plural form, if not present the first numeric argument is used. .. code-block:: js i18n.pluralize( i18n`${i}: you have ${i18n.number(n)} coin.`, `${i}: you have ${i18n.number(n)} coins.`); These functions are defined in ``lib/i18n.ts``. Include ``lib/vendor/jed.js``, ``lib/i18n.js``, ``lib/i18n-strings.js`` to use them. To extract strings from sources and update the .po files, run: .. code-block:: sh $ make i18n In static HTML files the ``lang`` attribute is used for language-specific strings: .. code-block:: html <p lang="en">Hello World!</p> <p lang="de">Hallo Welt!</p> ``lib/i18n.js`` and ``style/lang.css`` needs to be included for this to work.