  assert = require('assert'),
  path   = require('path'),
  exec   = require('child_process').exec,
  tmp    = require('../lib/tmp');

// make sure that we do not test spam the global tmp
tmp.TMP_DIR = './tmp';

function _spawnTestWithError(testFile, params, cb) {
  _spawnTest(true, testFile, params, cb);

function _spawnTestWithoutError(testFile, params, cb) {
  _spawnTest(false, testFile, params, cb);

function _spawnTest(passError, testFile, params, cb) {
    node_path = process.argv[0],
    command = [ node_path, path.join(__dirname, testFile) ].concat(params).join(' ');

  exec(command, function _execDone(err, stdout, stderr) {
    if (passError) {
      if (err) {
        return cb(err);
      } else if (stderr.length > 0) {
        return cb(stderr.toString());

    return cb(null, stdout.toString());

function _testStat(stat, mode) {
  assert.equal(stat.uid, process.getuid(), 'should have the same UID');
  assert.equal(stat.gid, process.getgid(), 'should have the same GUID');
  assert.equal(stat.mode, mode);

function _testPrefix(prefix) {
  return function _testPrefixGenerated(err, name) {
    assert.equal(path.basename(name).slice(0, prefix.length), prefix, 'should have the provided prefix');

function _testPrefixSync(prefix) {
  return function _testPrefixGeneratedSync(result) {
    if (result instanceof Error) {
      throw result;
    _testPrefix(prefix)(null,, result.fd);

function _testPostfix(postfix) {
  return function _testPostfixGenerated(err, name) {
    assert.equal(name.slice(name.length - postfix.length, name.length), postfix, 'should have the provided postfix');

function _testPostfixSync(postfix) {
  return function _testPostfixGeneratedSync(result) {
    if (result instanceof Error) {
      throw result;
    _testPostfix(postfix)(null,, result.fd);

function _testKeep(type, keep, cb) {
  _spawnTestWithError('keep.js', [ type, keep ], cb);

function _testKeepSync(type, keep, cb) {
  _spawnTestWithError('keep-sync.js', [ type, keep ], cb);

function _testGraceful(type, graceful, cb) {
  _spawnTestWithoutError('graceful.js', [ type, graceful ], cb);

function _testGracefulSync(type, graceful, cb) {
  _spawnTestWithoutError('graceful-sync.js', [ type, graceful ], cb);

function _assertName(err, name) {
  assert.isNotZero(name.length, 'an empty string is not a valid name');

function _assertNameSync(result) {
  if (result instanceof Error) {
    throw result;
  var name = typeof(result) == 'string' ? result :;
  _assertName(null, name);

function _testName(expected){
  return function _testNameGenerated(err, name) {
    assert.equal(expected, name, 'should have the provided name');

function _testNameSync(expected){
  return function _testNameGeneratedSync(result) {
    if (result instanceof Error) {
      throw result;
    _testName(expected)(null,, result.fd);

function _testUnsafeCleanup(unsafe, cb) {
  _spawnTestWithoutError('unsafe.js', [ 'dir', unsafe ], cb);

function _testIssue62(cb) {
  _spawnTestWithoutError('issue62.js', [], cb);

function _testUnsafeCleanupSync(unsafe, cb) {
  _spawnTestWithoutError('unsafe-sync.js', [ 'dir', unsafe ], cb);

function _testIssue62Sync(cb) {
  _spawnTestWithoutError('issue62-sync.js', [], cb);

module.exports.testStat = _testStat;
module.exports.testPrefix = _testPrefix;
module.exports.testPrefixSync = _testPrefixSync;
module.exports.testPostfix = _testPostfix;
module.exports.testPostfixSync = _testPostfixSync;
module.exports.testKeep = _testKeep;
module.exports.testKeepSync = _testKeepSync;
module.exports.testGraceful = _testGraceful;
module.exports.testGracefulSync = _testGracefulSync;
module.exports.assertName = _assertName;
module.exports.assertNameSync = _assertNameSync;
module.exports.testName = _testName;
module.exports.testNameSync = _testNameSync;
module.exports.testUnsafeCleanup = _testUnsafeCleanup;
module.exports.testIssue62 = _testIssue62;
module.exports.testUnsafeCleanupSync = _testUnsafeCleanupSync;
module.exports.testIssue62Sync = _testIssue62Sync;