"use strict";

function isDirectoryIndex(resource, options)
	var verdict = false;
	options.directoryIndexes.every( function(index)
		if (index === resource)
			verdict = true;
			return false;
		return true;
	return verdict;

function parsePath(urlObj, options)
	var path = urlObj.path.absolute.string;
	if (path)
		var lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/");
		if (lastSlash > -1)
			if (++lastSlash < path.length)
				var resource = path.substr(lastSlash);
				if (resource!=="." && resource!=="..")
					urlObj.resource = resource;
					path = path.substr(0, lastSlash);
					path += "/";
			urlObj.path.absolute.string = path;
			urlObj.path.absolute.array = splitPath(path);
		else if (path==="." || path==="..")
			// "..?var", "..#anchor", etc ... not "..index.html"
			path += "/";
			urlObj.path.absolute.string = path;
			urlObj.path.absolute.array = splitPath(path);
			// Resource-only
			urlObj.resource = path;
			urlObj.path.absolute.string = null;
		urlObj.extra.resourceIsIndex = isDirectoryIndex(urlObj.resource, options);
	// Else: query/hash-only or empty

function splitPath(path)
	// TWEAK :: condition only for speed optimization
	if (path !== "/")
		var cleaned = [];
		path.split("/").forEach( function(dir)
			// Cleanup -- splitting "/dir/" becomes ["","dir",""]
			if (dir !== "")
		return cleaned;
		// Faster to skip the above block and just create an array
		return [];

module.exports = parsePath;