/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2016 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ import { i18n } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { ProviderInfo, ProviderPaymentStatus, ProviderPaymentType, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core"; import { Fragment, h, VNode } from "preact"; import { ErrorMessage } from "../components/ErrorMessage"; import { Button, ButtonDestructive, ButtonPrimary, PaymentStatus, SmallLightText, WalletBox, } from "../components/styled"; import { Time } from "../components/Time"; import { useProviderStatus } from "../hooks/useProviderStatus"; interface Props { pid: string; onBack: () => void; } export function ProviderDetailPage({ pid, onBack }: Props): VNode { const status = useProviderStatus(pid); if (!status) { return (
); } if (!status.info) { onBack(); return
; } return ( status.remove().then(onBack)} onBack={onBack} onExtend={() => { null; }} /> ); } export interface ViewProps { info: ProviderInfo; onDelete: () => void; onSync: () => void; onBack: () => void; onExtend: () => void; } export function ProviderView({ info, onDelete, onSync, onBack, onExtend, }: ViewProps): VNode { const lb = info?.lastSuccessfulBackupTimestamp; const isPaid = info.paymentStatus.type === ProviderPaymentType.Paid || info.paymentStatus.type === ProviderPaymentType.TermsChanged; return (

{info.name}{" "} {info.syncProviderBaseUrl}

{isPaid ? "Paid" : "Unpaid"}

Last backup:

Back up {info.terms && (

Provider fee: {info.terms && info.terms.annualFee} per year



Extend {info.paymentStatus.type === ProviderPaymentType.TermsChanged && (

terms has changed, extending the service will imply accepting the new terms of service

  old -> new
fee {info.paymentStatus.oldTerms.annualFee} -> {info.paymentStatus.newTerms.annualFee}
storage {info.paymentStatus.oldTerms.storageLimitInMegabytes} -> {info.paymentStatus.newTerms.storageLimitInMegabytes}
remove provider
); } // function daysSince(d?: Timestamp): string { // if (!d || d.t_ms === "never") return "never synced"; // const duration = intervalToDuration({ // start: d.t_ms, // end: new Date(), // }); // const str = formatDuration(duration, { // delimiter: ", ", // format: [ // duration?.years // ? i18n.str`years` // : duration?.months // ? i18n.str`months` // : duration?.days // ? i18n.str`days` // : duration?.hours // ? i18n.str`hours` // : duration?.minutes // ? i18n.str`minutes` // : i18n.str`seconds`, // ], // }); // return `synced ${str} ago`; // } function Error({ info }: { info: ProviderInfo }): VNode { if (info.lastError) { return ; } if (info.backupProblem) { switch (info.backupProblem.type) { case "backup-conflicting-device": return ( There is conflict with another backup from{" "} {info.backupProblem.otherDeviceId} } /> ); case "backup-unreadable": return ; default: return ( Unknown backup problem: {JSON.stringify(info.backupProblem)} } /> ); } } return ; } // function colorByStatus(status: ProviderPaymentType): string { // switch (status) { // case ProviderPaymentType.InsufficientBalance: // return "rgb(223, 117, 20)"; // case ProviderPaymentType.Unpaid: // return "rgb(202, 60, 60)"; // case ProviderPaymentType.Paid: // return "rgb(28, 184, 65)"; // case ProviderPaymentType.Pending: // return "gray"; // // case ProviderPaymentType.InsufficientBalance: // // return "rgb(202, 60, 60)"; // case ProviderPaymentType.TermsChanged: // return "rgb(202, 60, 60)"; // } // } function descriptionByStatus(status: ProviderPaymentStatus): VNode { switch (status.type) { // return i18n.str`no enough balance to make the payment` // return i18n.str`not paid yet` case ProviderPaymentType.Paid: case ProviderPaymentType.TermsChanged: if (status.paidUntil.t_ms === "never") { return {i18n.str`service paid`}; } return ( Backup valid until:{" "} ); case ProviderPaymentType.Unpaid: case ProviderPaymentType.InsufficientBalance: case ProviderPaymentType.Pending: return ; } }