"use strict"; var path = require("path"); var loaderUtils = require("loader-utils"); require('colors'); var instances = require("./instances"); var utils = require("./utils"); var constants = require("./constants"); var webpackInstances = []; var loaderOptionsCache = {}; /** * The entry point for ts-loader */ function loader(contents) { this.cacheable && this.cacheable(); var callback = this.async(); var options = getLoaderOptions(this); var _a = instances.getTypeScriptInstance(options, this), instance = _a.instance, error = _a.error; if (error) { callback(error); return; } var rawFilePath = path.normalize(this.resourcePath); var filePath = utils.appendTsSuffixIfMatch(options.appendTsSuffixTo, rawFilePath); var fileVersion = updateFileInCache(filePath, contents, instance); var _b = options.transpileOnly ? getTranspilationEmit(filePath, contents, instance, this) : getEmit(rawFilePath, filePath, instance, this), outputText = _b.outputText, sourceMapText = _b.sourceMapText; if (outputText === null || outputText === undefined) { var additionalGuidance = filePath.indexOf('node_modules') !== -1 ? "\nYou should not need to recompile .ts files in node_modules.\nPlease contact the package author to advise them to use --declaration --outDir.\nMore https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/12358" : ""; throw new Error("Typescript emitted no output for " + filePath + "." + additionalGuidance); } var _c = makeSourceMap(sourceMapText, outputText, filePath, contents, this), sourceMap = _c.sourceMap, output = _c.output; // _module.meta is not available inside happypack if (!options.happyPackMode) { // Make sure webpack is aware that even though the emitted JavaScript may be the same as // a previously cached version the TypeScript may be different and therefore should be // treated as new this._module.meta.tsLoaderFileVersion = fileVersion; } callback(null, output, sourceMap); } /** * either retrieves loader options from the cache * or creates them, adds them to the cache and returns */ function getLoaderOptions(loader) { // differentiate the TypeScript instance based on the webpack instance var webpackIndex = webpackInstances.indexOf(loader._compiler); if (webpackIndex === -1) { webpackIndex = webpackInstances.push(loader._compiler) - 1; } var queryOptions = loaderUtils.getOptions(loader) || {}; var configFileOptions = loader.options.ts || {}; var instanceName = webpackIndex + '_' + (queryOptions.instance || configFileOptions.instance || 'default'); if (utils.hasOwnProperty(loaderOptionsCache, instanceName)) { return loaderOptionsCache[instanceName]; } var options = Object.assign({}, { silent: false, logLevel: 'INFO', logInfoToStdOut: false, compiler: 'typescript', configFileName: 'tsconfig.json', transpileOnly: false, visualStudioErrorFormat: false, compilerOptions: {}, appendTsSuffixTo: [], entryFileIsJs: false, happyPackMode: false, }, configFileOptions, queryOptions); options.ignoreDiagnostics = utils.arrify(options.ignoreDiagnostics).map(Number); options.logLevel = options.logLevel.toUpperCase(); options.instance = instanceName; // happypack can be used only together with transpileOnly mode options.transpileOnly = options.happyPackMode ? true : options.transpileOnly; loaderOptionsCache[instanceName] = options; return options; } /** * Either add file to the overall files cache or update it in the cache when the file contents have changed * Also add the file to the modified files */ function updateFileInCache(filePath, contents, instance) { // Update file contents var file = instance.files[filePath]; if (!file) { file = instance.files[filePath] = { version: 0 }; } if (file.text !== contents) { file.version++; file.text = contents; instance.version++; } // push this file to modified files hash. if (!instance.modifiedFiles) { instance.modifiedFiles = {}; } instance.modifiedFiles[filePath] = file; return file.version; } function getEmit(rawFilePath, filePath, instance, loader) { // Emit Javascript var output = instance.languageService.getEmitOutput(filePath); loader.clearDependencies(); loader.addDependency(rawFilePath); var allDefinitionFiles = Object.keys(instance.files).filter(function (defFilePath) { return !!defFilePath.match(constants.dtsDtsxRegex); }); // Make this file dependent on *all* definition files in the program var addDependency = loader.addDependency.bind(loader); allDefinitionFiles.forEach(addDependency); /* - alternative approach to the below which is more correct but has a heavy performance cost see https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-loader/issues/393 with this approach constEnumReExportWatch test will pass; without it, not. // Additionally make this file dependent on all imported files as well // as any deeper recursive dependencies const additionalDependencies = utils.collectAllDependencies(instance.dependencyGraph, filePath); */ // Additionally make this file dependent on all imported files var additionalDependencies = instance.dependencyGraph[filePath] && instance.dependencyGraph[filePath].map(function (module) { return module.originalFileName; }); if (additionalDependencies) { additionalDependencies.forEach(addDependency); } loader._module.meta.tsLoaderDefinitionFileVersions = allDefinitionFiles .concat(additionalDependencies) .map(function (defFilePath) { return defFilePath + '@' + (instance.files[defFilePath] || { version: '?' }).version; }); var outputFile = output.outputFiles.filter(function (outputFile) { return !!outputFile.name.match(constants.jsJsx); }).pop(); var outputText = (outputFile) ? outputFile.text : undefined; var sourceMapFile = output.outputFiles.filter(function (outputFile) { return !!outputFile.name.match(constants.jsJsxMap); }).pop(); var sourceMapText = (sourceMapFile) ? sourceMapFile.text : undefined; return { outputText: outputText, sourceMapText: sourceMapText }; } /** * Transpile file */ function getTranspilationEmit(filePath, contents, instance, loader) { var fileName = path.basename(filePath); var _a = instance.compiler.transpileModule(contents, { compilerOptions: instance.compilerOptions, reportDiagnostics: true, fileName: fileName, }), outputText = _a.outputText, sourceMapText = _a.sourceMapText, diagnostics = _a.diagnostics; // _module.errors is not available inside happypack - see https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-loader/issues/336 if (!instance.loaderOptions.happyPackMode) { utils.registerWebpackErrors(loader._module.errors, utils.formatErrors(diagnostics, instance.loaderOptions, instance.compiler, { module: loader._module })); } return { outputText: outputText, sourceMapText: sourceMapText }; } function makeSourceMap(sourceMapText, outputText, filePath, contents, loader) { if (!sourceMapText) { return { output: outputText, sourceMap: undefined }; } return { output: outputText.replace(/^\/\/# sourceMappingURL=[^\r\n]*/gm, ''), sourceMap: Object.assign(JSON.parse(sourceMapText), { sources: [loaderUtils.getRemainingRequest(loader)], file: filePath, sourcesContent: [contents] }) }; } module.exports = loader;