This file is part of GNU Taler
(C) 2019-2020 Taler Systems S.A.
GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see
import { canonicalizeBaseUrl } from "./helpers.js";
import { AmountString } from "./taler-types.js";
import { URLSearchParams, URL } from "./url.js";
export type TalerUri =
| PayUriResult
| PayTemplateUriResult
| DevExperimentUri
| PayPullUriResult
| PayPushUriResult
| BackupRestoreUri
| RefundUriResult
| TipUriResult
| WithdrawUriResult
| ExchangeUri
| WithdrawExchangeUri
| AuditorUri;
export interface PayUriResult {
type: TalerUriAction.Pay;
merchantBaseUrl: string;
orderId: string;
sessionId: string;
claimToken?: string;
noncePriv?: string;
export interface PayTemplateUriResult {
type: TalerUriAction.PayTemplate;
merchantBaseUrl: string;
templateId: string;
templateParams: Record;
export interface WithdrawUriResult {
type: TalerUriAction.Withdraw;
bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl: string;
withdrawalOperationId: string;
export interface RefundUriResult {
type: TalerUriAction.Refund;
merchantBaseUrl: string;
orderId: string;
export interface TipUriResult {
type: TalerUriAction.Tip;
merchantBaseUrl: string;
merchantTipId: string;
export interface ExchangeUri {
type: TalerUriAction.Exchange;
exchangeBaseUrl: string;
exchangePub: string;
export interface AuditorUri {
type: TalerUriAction.Auditor;
auditorBaseUrl: string;
auditorPub: string;
export interface PayPushUriResult {
type: TalerUriAction.PayPush;
exchangeBaseUrl: string;
contractPriv: string;
export interface PayPullUriResult {
type: TalerUriAction.PayPull;
exchangeBaseUrl: string;
contractPriv: string;
export interface DevExperimentUri {
type: TalerUriAction.DevExperiment;
devExperimentId: string;
export interface BackupRestoreUri {
type: TalerUriAction.Restore;
walletRootPriv: string;
providers: Array;
export interface WithdrawExchangeUri {
type: TalerUriAction.WithdrawExchange;
exchangeBaseUrl: string;
exchangePub: string;
amount?: AmountString;
* Parse a taler[+http]://withdraw URI.
* Return undefined if not passed a valid URI.
export function parseWithdrawUri(s: string): WithdrawUriResult | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "withdraw");
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const parts = pi.rest.split("/");
if (parts.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const host = parts[0].toLowerCase();
const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1);
* The statement below does not tolerate a slash-ended URI.
* This results in (1) the withdrawalId being passed as the
* empty string, and (2) the bankIntegrationApi ending with the
* actual withdrawal operation ID. That can be fixed by
* trimming the parts-list. FIXME
const withdrawId = parts[parts.length - 1];
const p = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/");
return {
type: TalerUriAction.Withdraw,
bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl: canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${p}/`),
withdrawalOperationId: withdrawId,
* @deprecated use TalerUriAction
export enum TalerUriType {
TalerPay = "taler-pay",
TalerTemplate = "taler-template",
TalerPayTemplate = "taler-pay-template",
TalerWithdraw = "taler-withdraw",
TalerTip = "taler-tip",
TalerRefund = "taler-refund",
TalerPayPush = "taler-pay-push",
TalerPayPull = "taler-pay-pull",
TalerRecovery = "taler-recovery",
TalerDevExperiment = "taler-dev-experiment",
Unknown = "unknown",
const talerActionPayPull = "pay-pull";
const talerActionPayPush = "pay-push";
const talerActionPayTemplate = "pay-template";
export enum TalerUriAction {
Pay = "pay",
Withdraw = "withdraw",
Refund = "refund",
Tip = "tip",
PayPull = "pay-pull",
PayPush = "pay-push",
PayTemplate = "pay-template",
Exchange = "exchange",
Auditor = "auditor",
Restore = "restore",
DevExperiment = "dev-experiment",
WithdrawExchange = "withdraw-exchange",
interface TalerUriProtoInfo {
innerProto: "http" | "https";
rest: string;
function parseProtoInfo(
s: string,
action: string,
): TalerUriProtoInfo | undefined {
const pfxPlain = `taler://${action}/`;
const pfxHttp = `taler+http://${action}/`;
if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfxPlain)) {
return {
innerProto: "https",
rest: s.substring(pfxPlain.length),
} else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfxHttp)) {
return {
innerProto: "http",
rest: s.substring(pfxHttp.length),
} else {
return undefined;
type Parser = (s: string) => TalerUri | undefined;
const parsers: { [A in TalerUriAction]: Parser } = {
[TalerUriAction.Pay]: parsePayUri,
[TalerUriAction.PayPull]: parsePayPullUri,
[TalerUriAction.PayPush]: parsePayPushUri,
[TalerUriAction.PayTemplate]: parsePayTemplateUri,
[TalerUriAction.Restore]: parseRestoreUri,
[TalerUriAction.Refund]: parseRefundUri,
[TalerUriAction.Tip]: parseTipUri,
[TalerUriAction.Withdraw]: parseWithdrawUri,
[TalerUriAction.DevExperiment]: parseDevExperimentUri,
[TalerUriAction.Exchange]: parseExchangeUri,
[TalerUriAction.Auditor]: parseAuditorUri,
[TalerUriAction.WithdrawExchange]: parseWithdrawExchangeUri,
export function parseTalerUri(string: string): TalerUri | undefined {
const https = string.startsWith("taler://");
const http = string.startsWith("taler+http://");
if (!https && !http) return undefined;
const actionStart = https ? 8 : 13;
const actionEnd = string.indexOf("/", actionStart + 1);
const action = string.substring(actionStart, actionEnd);
const found = Object.values(TalerUriAction).find((x) => x === action);
if (!found) return undefined;
return parsers[found](string);
export function stringifyTalerUri(uri: TalerUri): string {
switch (uri.type) {
case TalerUriAction.DevExperiment: {
return stringifyDevExperimentUri(uri);
case TalerUriAction.Pay: {
return stringifyPayUri(uri);
case TalerUriAction.PayPull: {
return stringifyPayPullUri(uri);
case TalerUriAction.PayPush: {
return stringifyPayPushUri(uri);
case TalerUriAction.PayTemplate: {
return stringifyPayTemplateUri(uri);
case TalerUriAction.Restore: {
return stringifyRestoreUri(uri);
case TalerUriAction.Refund: {
return stringifyRefundUri(uri);
case TalerUriAction.Tip: {
return stringifyTipUri(uri);
case TalerUriAction.Withdraw: {
return stringifyWithdrawUri(uri);
case TalerUriAction.Exchange: {
return stringifyExchangeUri(uri);
case TalerUriAction.WithdrawExchange: {
return stringifyWithdrawExchange(uri);
case TalerUriAction.Auditor: {
return stringifyAuditorUri(uri);
* Parse a taler[+http]://pay URI.
* Return undefined if not passed a valid URI.
export function parsePayUri(s: string): PayUriResult | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "pay");
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const c = pi?.rest.split("?");
const q = new URLSearchParams(c[1] ?? "");
const claimToken = q.get("c") ?? undefined;
const noncePriv = q.get("n") ?? undefined;
const parts = c[0].split("/");
if (parts.length < 3) {
return undefined;
const host = parts[0].toLowerCase();
const sessionId = parts[parts.length - 1];
const orderId = parts[parts.length - 2];
const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 2);
const p = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/");
const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${p}/`);
return {
type: TalerUriAction.Pay,
export function parsePayTemplateUri(
uriString: string,
): PayTemplateUriResult | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(uriString, talerActionPayTemplate);
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const c = pi.rest.split("?");
const parts = c[0].split("/");
if (parts.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const q = new URLSearchParams(c[1] ?? "");
const params: Record = {};
q.forEach((v, k) => {
params[k] = v;
const host = parts[0].toLowerCase();
const templateId = parts[parts.length - 1];
const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1);
const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/");
const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(
return {
type: TalerUriAction.PayTemplate,
templateParams: params,
export function parsePayPushUri(s: string): PayPushUriResult | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, talerActionPayPush);
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const c = pi?.rest.split("?");
const parts = c[0].split("/");
if (parts.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const host = parts[0].toLowerCase();
const contractPriv = parts[parts.length - 1];
const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1);
const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/");
const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(
return {
type: TalerUriAction.PayPush,
export function parsePayPullUri(s: string): PayPullUriResult | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, talerActionPayPull);
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const c = pi?.rest.split("?");
const parts = c[0].split("/");
if (parts.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const host = parts[0].toLowerCase();
const contractPriv = parts[parts.length - 1];
const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1);
const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/");
const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(
return {
type: TalerUriAction.PayPull,
* Parse a taler[+http]://tip URI.
* Return undefined if not passed a valid URI.
export function parseTipUri(s: string): TipUriResult | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "tip");
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const c = pi?.rest.split("?");
const parts = c[0].split("/");
if (parts.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const host = parts[0].toLowerCase();
const tipId = parts[parts.length - 1];
const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1);
const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/");
const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(
return {
type: TalerUriAction.Tip,
merchantTipId: tipId,
export function parseExchangeUri(s: string): ExchangeUri | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "exchange");
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const c = pi?.rest.split("?");
const parts = c[0].split("/");
if (parts.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const host = parts[0].toLowerCase();
const exchangePub = parts[parts.length - 1];
const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1);
const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/");
const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(
return {
type: TalerUriAction.Exchange,
export function parseWithdrawExchangeUri(
s: string,
): WithdrawExchangeUri | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "withdraw-exchange");
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const c = pi?.rest.split("?");
const parts = c[0].split("/");
if (parts.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const host = parts[0].toLowerCase();
const exchangePub = parts[parts.length - 1];
const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1);
const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/");
const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(
const q = new URLSearchParams(c[1] ?? "");
const amount = q.get("a") ?? undefined;
return {
type: TalerUriAction.WithdrawExchange,
export function parseAuditorUri(s: string): AuditorUri | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "auditor");
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const c = pi?.rest.split("?");
const parts = c[0].split("/");
if (parts.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const host = parts[0].toLowerCase();
const auditorPub = parts[parts.length - 1];
const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1);
const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/");
const auditorBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(
return {
type: TalerUriAction.Auditor,
* Parse a taler[+http]://refund URI.
* Return undefined if not passed a valid URI.
export function parseRefundUri(s: string): RefundUriResult | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "refund");
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const c = pi?.rest.split("?");
const parts = c[0].split("/");
if (parts.length < 3) {
return undefined;
const host = parts[0].toLowerCase();
const sessionId = parts[parts.length - 1];
const orderId = parts[parts.length - 2];
const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 2);
const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/");
const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(
return {
type: TalerUriAction.Refund,
export function parseDevExperimentUri(s: string): DevExperimentUri | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "dev-experiment");
const c = pi?.rest.split("?");
if (!c) {
return undefined;
const parts = c[0].split("/");
return {
type: TalerUriAction.DevExperiment,
devExperimentId: parts[0],
export function parseRestoreUri(uri: string): BackupRestoreUri | undefined {
const pi = parseProtoInfo(uri, "restore");
if (!pi) {
return undefined;
const c = pi.rest.split("?");
const parts = c[0].split("/");
if (parts.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const walletRootPriv = parts[0];
if (!walletRootPriv) return undefined;
const providers = new Array();
parts[1].split(",").map((name) => {
const url = canonicalizeBaseUrl(
return {
type: TalerUriAction.Restore,
// ================================================
// To string functions
// ================================================
* @deprecated use stringifyRecoveryUri
export function constructRecoveryUri(args: {
walletRootPriv: string;
providers: string[];
}): string {
return stringifyRestoreUri(args);
* @deprecated stringifyPayPullUri
export function constructPayPullUri(args: {
exchangeBaseUrl: string;
contractPriv: string;
}): string {
return stringifyPayPullUri(args);
* @deprecated use stringifyPayPushUri
export function constructPayPushUri(args: {
exchangeBaseUrl: string;
contractPriv: string;
}): string {
return stringifyPayPushUri(args);
* @deprecated use stringifyPayUri
export function constructPayUri(
merchantBaseUrl: string,
orderId: string,
sessionId: string,
claimToken?: string,
noncePriv?: string,
): string {
return stringifyPayUri({
export function stringifyPayUri({
}: Omit): string {
const { proto, path, query } = getUrlInfo(merchantBaseUrl, {
c: claimToken,
n: noncePriv,
return `${proto}://pay/${path}${orderId}/${sessionId}${query}`;
export function stringifyPayPullUri({
}: Omit): string {
const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(exchangeBaseUrl);
return `${proto}://pay-pull/${path}${contractPriv}`;
export function stringifyPayPushUri({
}: Omit): string {
const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(exchangeBaseUrl);
return `${proto}://pay-push/${path}${contractPriv}`;
export function stringifyRestoreUri({
}: Omit): string {
const list = providers
.map((url) => `${encodeURIComponent(new URL(url).href)}`)
return `taler://restore/${walletRootPriv}/${list}`;
export function stringifyWithdrawExchange({
}: Omit): string {
const { proto, path, query } = getUrlInfo(exchangeBaseUrl, {
a: amount,
return `${proto}://withdraw-exchange/${path}${exchangePub}${query}`;
export function stringifyDevExperimentUri({
}: Omit): string {
return `taler://dev-experiment/${devExperimentId}`;
export function stringifyPayTemplateUri({
}: Omit): string {
const { proto, path, query } = getUrlInfo(merchantBaseUrl, templateParams);
return `${proto}://pay-template/${path}${templateId}${query}`;
export function stringifyRefundUri({
}: Omit): string {
const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(merchantBaseUrl);
return `${proto}://refund/${path}${orderId}`;
export function stringifyTipUri({
}: Omit): string {
const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(merchantBaseUrl);
return `${proto}://tip/${path}${merchantTipId}`;
export function stringifyExchangeUri({
}: Omit): string {
const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(exchangeBaseUrl);
return `${proto}://exchange/${path}${exchangePub}`;
export function stringifyAuditorUri({
}: Omit): string {
const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(auditorBaseUrl);
return `${proto}://auditor/${path}${auditorPub}`;
export function stringifyWithdrawUri({
}: Omit): string {
const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl);
return `${proto}://withdraw/${path}${withdrawalOperationId}`;
* Use baseUrl to defined http or https
* create path using host+port+pathname
* use params to create a query parameter string or empty
* @param baseUrl
* @param params
* @returns
function getUrlInfo(
baseUrl: string,
params: Record = {},
): { proto: string; path: string; query: string } {
const url = new URL(baseUrl);
let proto: string;
if (url.protocol === "https:") {
proto = "taler";
} else if (url.protocol === "http:") {
proto = "taler+http";
} else {
throw Error(`Unsupported URL protocol in ${baseUrl}`);
let path = url.hostname;
if (url.port) {
path = path + ":" + url.port;
if (url.pathname) {
path = path + url.pathname;
if (!path.endsWith("/")) {
path = path + "/";
const qp = new URLSearchParams();
let withParams = false;
Object.entries(params).forEach(([name, value]) => {
if (value) {
withParams = true;
qp.append(name, value);
const query = withParams ? "?" + qp.toString() : "";
return { proto, path, query };