/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2015 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, If not, see */ /** * High-level wallet operations that should be indepentent from the underlying * browser extension interface. * @module Wallet * @author Florian Dold */ /// "use strict"; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; let AmountJson = class { }; __decorate([ Checkable.Number ], AmountJson.prototype, "value", void 0); __decorate([ Checkable.Number ], AmountJson.prototype, "fraction", void 0); __decorate([ Checkable.String ], AmountJson.prototype, "currency", void 0); AmountJson = __decorate([ Checkable.Class ], AmountJson); let CoinPaySig = class { }; __decorate([ Checkable.String ], CoinPaySig.prototype, "coin_sig", void 0); __decorate([ Checkable.String ], CoinPaySig.prototype, "coin_pub", void 0); __decorate([ Checkable.String ], CoinPaySig.prototype, "ub_sig", void 0); __decorate([ Checkable.String ], CoinPaySig.prototype, "denom_pub", void 0); __decorate([ Checkable.Value(AmountJson) ], CoinPaySig.prototype, "f", void 0); CoinPaySig = __decorate([ Checkable.Class ], CoinPaySig); /** * See http://api.taler.net/wallet.html#general */ function canonicalizeBaseUrl(url) { let x = new URI(url); if (!x.protocol()) { x.protocol("https"); } x.path(x.path() + "/").normalizePath(); x.fragment(); x.query(); return x.href(); } function copy(o) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o)); } function rankDenom(denom1, denom2) { // Slow ... we should find a better way than to convert it evert time. let v1 = new Amount(denom1.value); let v2 = new Amount(denom2.value); return (-1) * v1.cmp(v2); } class Wallet { constructor(db, http, badge) { this.db = db; this.http = http; this.badge = badge; } static signDeposit(offer, cds) { let ret = []; let amountSpent = Amount.getZero(cds[0].coin.currentAmount.currency); let amountRemaining = new Amount(offer.contract.amount); cds = copy(cds); for (let cd of cds) { let coinSpend; if (amountRemaining.value == 0 && amountRemaining.fraction == 0) { break; } if (amountRemaining.cmp(new Amount(cd.coin.currentAmount)) < 0) { coinSpend = new Amount(amountRemaining.toJson()); } else { coinSpend = new Amount(cd.coin.currentAmount); } amountSpent.add(coinSpend); amountRemaining.sub(coinSpend); let newAmount = new Amount(cd.coin.currentAmount); newAmount.sub(coinSpend); cd.coin.currentAmount = newAmount.toJson(); let args = { h_contract: HashCode.fromCrock(offer.H_contract), h_wire: HashCode.fromCrock(offer.contract.H_wire), amount_with_fee: coinSpend.toNbo(), coin_pub: EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(cd.coin.coinPub), deposit_fee: new Amount(cd.denom.fee_deposit).toNbo(), merchant: EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(offer.contract.merchant_pub), refund_deadline: AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromTalerString(offer.contract.refund_deadline), timestamp: AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromTalerString(offer.contract.timestamp), transaction_id: UInt64.fromNumber(offer.contract.transaction_id), }; let d = new DepositRequestPS(args); let coinSig = eddsaSign(d.toPurpose(), EddsaPrivateKey.fromCrock(cd.coin.coinPriv)) .toCrock(); let s = { coin_sig: coinSig, coin_pub: cd.coin.coinPub, ub_sig: cd.coin.denomSig, denom_pub: cd.coin.denomPub, f: coinSpend.toJson(), }; ret.push({ sig: s, updatedCoin: cd.coin }); } return ret; } /** * Get mints and associated coins that are still spendable, * but only if the sum the coins' remaining value exceeds the payment amount. * @param paymentAmount * @param depositFeeLimit * @param allowedMints */ getPossibleMintCoins(paymentAmount, depositFeeLimit, allowedMints) { let m = {}; function storeMintCoin(mc) { let mint = mc[0]; let coin = mc[1]; let cd = { coin: coin, denom: mint.keys.denoms.find((e) => e.denom_pub === coin.denomPub) }; if (!cd.denom) { throw Error("denom not found (database inconsistent)"); } let x = m[mint.baseUrl]; if (!x) { m[mint.baseUrl] = [cd]; } else { x.push(cd); } } let ps = allowedMints.map((info) => { return Query(this.db) .iterIndex("mints", "pubKey", info.master_pub) .indexJoin("coins", "mintBaseUrl", (mint) => mint.baseUrl) .reduce(storeMintCoin); }); return Promise.all(ps).then(() => { let ret = {}; nextMint: for (let key in m) { let coins = m[key].map((x) => ({ a: new Amount(x.denom.fee_deposit), c: x })); // Sort by ascending deposit fee coins.sort((o1, o2) => o1.a.cmp(o2.a)); let maxFee = new Amount(depositFeeLimit); let minAmount = new Amount(paymentAmount); let accFee = new Amount(coins[0].c.denom.fee_deposit); let accAmount = Amount.getZero(coins[0].c.coin.currentAmount.currency); let usableCoins = []; nextCoin: for (let i = 0; i < coins.length; i++) { let coinAmount = new Amount(coins[i].c.coin.currentAmount); let coinFee = coins[i].a; if (coinAmount.cmp(coinFee) <= 0) { continue nextCoin; } accFee.add(coinFee); accAmount.add(coinAmount); if (accFee.cmp(maxFee) >= 0) { console.log("too much fees"); continue nextMint; } usableCoins.push(coins[i].c); if (accAmount.cmp(minAmount) >= 0) { ret[key] = usableCoins; continue nextMint; } } } return ret; }); } executePay(offer, payCoinInfo, merchantBaseUrl, chosenMint) { let payReq = {}; payReq["H_wire"] = offer.contract.H_wire; payReq["H_contract"] = offer.H_contract; payReq["transaction_id"] = offer.contract.transaction_id; payReq["refund_deadline"] = offer.contract.refund_deadline; payReq["mint"] = URI(chosenMint).href(); payReq["coins"] = payCoinInfo.map((x) => x.sig); payReq["timestamp"] = offer.contract.timestamp; let payUrl = URI(offer.pay_url).absoluteTo(merchantBaseUrl); let t = { contractHash: offer.H_contract, contract: offer.contract, payUrl: payUrl.href(), payReq: payReq }; return Query(this.db) .put("transactions", t) .putAll("coins", payCoinInfo.map((pci) => pci.updatedCoin)) .finish(); } confirmPay(offer, merchantPageUrl) { return Promise.resolve().then(() => { return this.getPossibleMintCoins(offer.contract.amount, offer.contract.max_fee, offer.contract.mints); }).then((mcs) => { if (Object.keys(mcs).length == 0) { throw Error("Not enough coins."); } let mintUrl = Object.keys(mcs)[0]; let ds = Wallet.signDeposit(offer, mcs[mintUrl]); return this.executePay(offer, ds, merchantPageUrl, mintUrl); }); } doPayment(H_contract) { return Promise.resolve().then(() => { return Query(this.db) .get("transactions", H_contract) .then((t) => { if (!t) { throw Error("contract not found"); } let resp = { payUrl: t.payUrl, payReq: t.payReq }; return resp; }); }); } confirmReserve(req) { let reservePriv = EddsaPrivateKey.create(); let reservePub = reservePriv.getPublicKey(); let form = new FormData(); let now = (new Date()).toString(); form.append(req.field_amount, req.amount_str); form.append(req.field_reserve_pub, reservePub.toCrock()); form.append(req.field_mint, req.mint); // TODO: set bank-specified fields. let mintBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(req.mint); return this.http.postForm(req.post_url, form) .then((hresp) => { let resp = { status: hresp.status, text: hresp.responseText, success: undefined, backlink: undefined }; let reserveRecord = { reserve_pub: reservePub.toCrock(), reserve_priv: reservePriv.toCrock(), mint_base_url: mintBaseUrl, created: now, last_query: null, current_amount: null, // XXX: set to actual amount initial_amount: null }; if (hresp.status != 200) { resp.success = false; return resp; } resp.success = true; // We can't show the page directly, so // we show some generic page from the wallet. resp.backlink = null; return Query(this.db) .put("reserves", reserveRecord) .finish() .then(() => { // Do this in the background this.updateMintFromUrl(reserveRecord.mint_base_url) .then((mint) => this.updateReserve(reservePub, mint) .then((reserve) => this.depleteReserve(reserve, mint))); return resp; }); }); } withdrawPrepare(denom, reserve) { let reservePriv = new EddsaPrivateKey(); reservePriv.loadCrock(reserve.reserve_priv); let reservePub = new EddsaPublicKey(); reservePub.loadCrock(reserve.reserve_pub); let denomPub = RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(denom.denom_pub); let coinPriv = EddsaPrivateKey.create(); let coinPub = coinPriv.getPublicKey(); let blindingFactor = RsaBlindingKey.create(1024); let pubHash = coinPub.hash(); let ev = rsaBlind(pubHash, blindingFactor, denomPub); if (!denom.fee_withdraw) { throw Error("Field fee_withdraw missing"); } let amountWithFee = new Amount(denom.value); amountWithFee.add(new Amount(denom.fee_withdraw)); let withdrawFee = new Amount(denom.fee_withdraw); // Signature let withdrawRequest = new WithdrawRequestPS({ reserve_pub: reservePub, amount_with_fee: amountWithFee.toNbo(), withdraw_fee: withdrawFee.toNbo(), h_denomination_pub: denomPub.encode().hash(), h_coin_envelope: ev.hash() }); var sig = eddsaSign(withdrawRequest.toPurpose(), reservePriv); let preCoin = { reservePub: reservePub.toCrock(), blindingKey: blindingFactor.toCrock(), coinPub: coinPub.toCrock(), coinPriv: coinPriv.toCrock(), denomPub: denomPub.encode().toCrock(), mintBaseUrl: reserve.mint_base_url, withdrawSig: sig.toCrock(), coinEv: ev.toCrock(), coinValue: denom.value }; return Query(this.db).put("precoins", preCoin).finish().then(() => preCoin); } withdrawExecute(pc) { return Query(this.db) .get("reserves", pc.reservePub) .then((r) => { let wd = {}; wd.denom_pub = pc.denomPub; wd.reserve_pub = pc.reservePub; wd.reserve_sig = pc.withdrawSig; wd.coin_ev = pc.coinEv; let reqUrl = URI("reserve/withdraw").absoluteTo(r.mint_base_url); return this.http.postJson(reqUrl, wd); }) .then(resp => { if (resp.status != 200) { throw new RequestException({ hint: "Withdrawal failed", status: resp.status }); } let r = JSON.parse(resp.responseText); let denomSig = rsaUnblind(RsaSignature.fromCrock(r.ev_sig), RsaBlindingKey.fromCrock(pc.blindingKey), RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(pc.denomPub)); let coin = { coinPub: pc.coinPub, coinPriv: pc.coinPriv, denomPub: pc.denomPub, denomSig: denomSig.encode().toCrock(), currentAmount: pc.coinValue, mintBaseUrl: pc.mintBaseUrl, }; return coin; }); } updateBadge() { function countNonEmpty(c, n) { if (c.currentAmount.fraction != 0 || c.currentAmount.value != 0) { return n + 1; } return n; } function doBadge(n) { this.badge.setText(n.toString()); this.badge.setColor("#0F0"); } Query(this.db) .iter("coins") .reduce(countNonEmpty, 0) .then(doBadge); } storeCoin(coin) { Query(this.db) .delete("precoins", coin.coinPub) .add("coins", coin) .finish() .then(() => { this.updateBadge(); }); } withdraw(denom, reserve) { return this.withdrawPrepare(denom, reserve) .then((pc) => this.withdrawExecute(pc)) .then((c) => this.storeCoin(c)); } /** * Withdraw coins from a reserve until it is empty. */ depleteReserve(reserve, mint) { let denoms = copy(mint.keys.denoms); let remaining = new Amount(reserve.current_amount); denoms.sort(rankDenom); let workList = []; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { let found = false; for (let d of denoms) { let cost = new Amount(d.value); cost.add(new Amount(d.fee_withdraw)); if (remaining.cmp(cost) < 0) { continue; } found = true; remaining.sub(cost); workList.push(d); } if (!found) { console.log("did not find coins for remaining ", remaining.toJson()); break; } } // Do the request one by one. let next = () => { if (workList.length == 0) { return; } let d = workList.pop(); this.withdraw(d, reserve) .then(() => next()); }; // Asynchronous recursion next(); } updateReserve(reservePub, mint) { let reservePubStr = reservePub.toCrock(); return Query(this.db) .get("reserves", reservePubStr) .then((reserve) => { let reqUrl = URI("reserve/status").absoluteTo(mint.baseUrl); reqUrl.query({ 'reserve_pub': reservePubStr }); return this.http.get(reqUrl).then(resp => { if (resp.status != 200) { throw Error(); } let reserveInfo = JSON.parse(resp.responseText); if (!reserveInfo) { throw Error(); } reserve.current_amount = reserveInfo.balance; return Query(this.db) .put("reserves", reserve) .finish() .then(() => reserve); }); }); } /** * Update or add mint DB entry by fetching the /keys information. * Optionally link the reserve entry to the new or existing * mint entry in then DB. */ updateMintFromUrl(baseUrl) { let reqUrl = URI("keys").absoluteTo(baseUrl); return this.http.get(reqUrl).then((resp) => { if (resp.status != 200) { throw Error("/keys request failed"); } let mintKeysJson = JSON.parse(resp.responseText); if (!mintKeysJson) { throw new RequestException({ url: reqUrl, hint: "keys invalid" }); } let mint = { baseUrl: baseUrl, keys: mintKeysJson }; return Query(this.db).put("mints", mint).finish().then(() => mint); }); } getBalances() { function collectBalances(c, byCurrency) { let acc = byCurrency[c.currentAmount.currency]; if (!acc) { acc = Amount.getZero(c.currentAmount.currency).toJson(); } let am = new Amount(c.currentAmount); am.add(new Amount(acc)); byCurrency[c.currentAmount.currency] = am.toJson(); return byCurrency; } return Query(this.db) .iter("coins") .reduce(collectBalances, {}); } }