'use strict'; const keyword = require('esutils').keyword; const style = require('ansi-styles'); const printString = require('./printString'); const toString = Object.prototype.toString; const toISOString = Date.prototype.toISOString; const errorToString = Error.prototype.toString; const regExpToString = RegExp.prototype.toString; const symbolToString = Symbol.prototype.toString; const SYMBOL_REGEXP = /^Symbol\((.*)\)(.*)$/; const NEWLINE_REGEXP = /\n/ig; const getSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols || (obj => []); function isToStringedArrayType(toStringed) { return ( toStringed === '[object Array]' || toStringed === '[object ArrayBuffer]' || toStringed === '[object DataView]' || toStringed === '[object Float32Array]' || toStringed === '[object Float64Array]' || toStringed === '[object Int8Array]' || toStringed === '[object Int16Array]' || toStringed === '[object Int32Array]' || toStringed === '[object Uint8Array]' || toStringed === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]' || toStringed === '[object Uint16Array]' || toStringed === '[object Uint32Array]' ); } function printNumber(val) { if (val != +val) return 'NaN'; const isNegativeZero = val === 0 && (1 / val) < 0; return isNegativeZero ? '-0' : '' + val; } function printFunction(val, printFunctionName) { if (!printFunctionName) { return '[Function]'; } else if (val.name === '') { return '[Function anonymous]' } else { return '[Function ' + val.name + ']'; } } function printSymbol(val) { return symbolToString.call(val).replace(SYMBOL_REGEXP, 'Symbol($1)'); } function printError(val) { return '[' + errorToString.call(val) + ']'; } function printBasicValue(val, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { if (val === true || val === false) return colors.boolean.open + val + colors.boolean.close; if (val === undefined) return colors.misc.open + 'undefined' + colors.misc.close; if (val === null) return colors.misc.open + 'null' + colors.misc.close; const typeOf = typeof val; if (typeOf === 'number') return colors.number.open + printNumber(val) + colors.number.close; if (typeOf === 'string') return colors.string.open + '"' + printString(val) + '"' + colors.string.close; if (typeOf === 'function') return colors.function.open + printFunction(val, printFunctionName) + colors.function.close; if (typeOf === 'symbol') return colors.symbol.open + printSymbol(val) + colors.symbol.close; const toStringed = toString.call(val); if (toStringed === '[object WeakMap]') return colors.label.open + 'WeakMap ' + colors.label.close + colors.bracket.open + '{}' + colors.bracket.close; if (toStringed === '[object WeakSet]') return colors.label.open + 'WeakSet ' + colors.label.close + colors.bracket.open + '{}' + colors.bracket.close; if (toStringed === '[object Function]' || toStringed === '[object GeneratorFunction]') return colors.function.open + printFunction(val, printFunctionName) + colors.function.close; if (toStringed === '[object Symbol]') return colors.symbol.open + printSymbol(val) + colors.symbol.close; if (toStringed === '[object Date]') return colors.date.open + toISOString.call(val) + colors.date.close; if (toStringed === '[object Error]') return colors.error.open + printError(val) + colors.error.close; if (toStringed === '[object RegExp]') { if (escapeRegex) { return colors.regex.open + printString(regExpToString.call(val)) + colors.regex.close; } return colors.regex.open + regExpToString.call(val) + colors.regex.close; }; if (toStringed === '[object Arguments]' && val.length === 0) return colors.label.open + 'Arguments ' + colors.label.close + colors.bracket.open + '[]' + colors.bracket.close; if (isToStringedArrayType(toStringed) && val.length === 0) return val.constructor.name + colors.bracket.open + ' []' + colors.bracket.close; if (val instanceof Error) return colors.error.open + printError(val) + colors.error.close; return false; } function printList(list, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { let body = ''; if (list.length) { body += edgeSpacing; const innerIndent = prevIndent + indent; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { body += innerIndent + print(list[i], indent, innerIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); if (i < list.length - 1) { body += colors.comma.open + ',' + colors.comma.close + spacing; } } body += (min ? '' : colors.comma.open + ',' + colors.comma.close) + edgeSpacing + prevIndent; } return colors.bracket.open + '[' + colors.bracket.close + body + colors.bracket.open + ']' + colors.bracket.close; } function printArguments(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { return colors.label.open + (min ? '' : 'Arguments ') + colors.label.close + printList(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } function printArray(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { return colors.label.open + (min ? '' : val.constructor.name + ' ') + colors.label.close + printList(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } function printKey(key, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { const typeOf = typeof key; if (typeOf === 'string') { if (keyword.isIdentifierNameES6(key, true)) return colors.key.open + key + colors.key.close; if (/^\d+$/.test(key)) return colors.key.open + key + colors.key.close; return colors.key.open + '"' + printString(key) + '"' + colors.key.close; } if (typeOf === 'symbol') return colors.key.open + printSymbol(key) + colors.key.close; return print(key, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } function printMap(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { let result = colors.label.open + 'Map ' + colors.label.close + colors.bracket.open + '{' + colors.bracket.close; const iterator = val.entries(); let current = iterator.next(); if (!current.done) { result += edgeSpacing; const innerIndent = prevIndent + indent; while (!current.done) { const key = printKey(current.value[0], indent, innerIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); const value = print(current.value[1], indent, innerIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); result += innerIndent + key + ' => ' + value; current = iterator.next(); if (!current.done) { result += colors.comma.open + ',' + colors.comma.close + spacing; } } result += (min ? '' : colors.comma.open + ',' + colors.comma.close) + edgeSpacing + prevIndent; } return result + colors.bracket.open + '}' + colors.bracket.close; } function printObject(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { const constructor = min ? '' : (val.constructor ? val.constructor.name + ' ' : 'Object '); let result = colors.label.open + constructor + colors.label.close + colors.bracket.open + '{' + colors.bracket.close; let keys = Object.keys(val).sort(); const symbols = getSymbols(val); if (symbols.length) { keys = keys .filter(key => !(typeof key === 'symbol' || toString.call(key) === '[object Symbol]')) .concat(symbols); } if (keys.length) { result += edgeSpacing; const innerIndent = prevIndent + indent; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i]; const name = printKey(key, indent, innerIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); const value = print(val[key], indent, innerIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); result += innerIndent + name + ': ' + value; if (i < keys.length - 1) { result += colors.comma.open + ',' + colors.comma.close + spacing; } } result += (min ? '' : colors.comma.open + ',' + colors.comma.close) + edgeSpacing + prevIndent; } return result + colors.bracket.open + '}' + colors.bracket.close; } function printSet(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { let result = colors.label.open + 'Set ' + colors.label.close + colors.bracket.open + '{' + colors.bracket.close; const iterator = val.entries(); let current = iterator.next(); if (!current.done) { result += edgeSpacing; const innerIndent = prevIndent + indent; while (!current.done) { result += innerIndent + print(current.value[1], indent, innerIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); current = iterator.next(); if (!current.done) { result += colors.comma.open + ',' + colors.comma.close + spacing; } } result += (min ? '' : colors.comma.open + ',' + colors.comma.close) + edgeSpacing + prevIndent; } return result + colors.bracket.open + '}' + colors.bracket.close; } function printComplexValue(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { refs = refs.slice(); if (refs.indexOf(val) > -1) { return '[Circular]'; } else { refs.push(val); } currentDepth++; const hitMaxDepth = currentDepth > maxDepth; if (callToJSON && !hitMaxDepth && val.toJSON && typeof val.toJSON === 'function') { return print(val.toJSON(), indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } const toStringed = toString.call(val); if (toStringed === '[object Arguments]') { return hitMaxDepth ? '[Arguments]' : printArguments(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } else if (isToStringedArrayType(toStringed)) { return hitMaxDepth ? '[Array]' : printArray(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } else if (toStringed === '[object Map]') { return hitMaxDepth ? '[Map]' : printMap(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } else if (toStringed === '[object Set]') { return hitMaxDepth ? '[Set]' : printSet(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } else if (typeof val === 'object') { return hitMaxDepth ? '[Object]' : printObject(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } } function printPlugin(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { let match = false; let plugin; for (let p = 0; p < plugins.length; p++) { plugin = plugins[p]; if (plugin.test(val)) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { return false; } function boundPrint(val) { return print(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } function boundIndent(str) { const indentation = prevIndent + indent; return indentation + str.replace(NEWLINE_REGEXP, '\n' + indentation); } const opts = { edgeSpacing: edgeSpacing, spacing: spacing }; return plugin.print(val, boundPrint, boundIndent, opts, colors); } function print(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors) { const basic = printBasicValue(val, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); if (basic) return basic; const plugin = printPlugin(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); if (plugin) return plugin; return printComplexValue(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, maxDepth, currentDepth, plugins, min, callToJSON, printFunctionName, escapeRegex, colors); } const DEFAULTS = { callToJSON: true, indent: 2, maxDepth: Infinity, min: false, plugins: [], printFunctionName: true, escapeRegex: false, highlight: false, theme: { tag: 'cyan', content: 'reset', prop: 'yellow', value: 'green', number: 'yellow', string: 'red', date: 'red', symbol: 'red', regex: 'red', function: 'blue', error: 'red', boolean: 'yellow', label: 'blue', bracket: 'grey', comma: 'grey', misc: 'grey', key: 'reset' } }; function validateOptions(opts) { Object.keys(opts).forEach(key => { if (!DEFAULTS.hasOwnProperty(key)) { throw new Error('prettyFormat: Invalid option: ' + key); } }); if (opts.min && opts.indent !== undefined && opts.indent !== 0) { throw new Error('prettyFormat: Cannot run with min option and indent'); } } function normalizeOptions(opts) { const result = {}; Object.keys(DEFAULTS).forEach(key => result[key] = opts.hasOwnProperty(key) ? opts[key] : DEFAULTS[key] ); if (result.min) { result.indent = 0; } return result; } function createIndent(indent) { return new Array(indent + 1).join(' '); } function prettyFormat(val, opts) { if (!opts) { opts = DEFAULTS; } else { validateOptions(opts) opts = normalizeOptions(opts); } let colors = {}; Object.keys(opts.theme).forEach(key => { if (opts.highlight) { colors[key] = style[opts.theme[key]]; } else { colors[key] = {open: '', close: ''}; } }); let indent; let refs; const prevIndent = ''; const currentDepth = 0; const spacing = opts.min ? ' ' : '\n'; const edgeSpacing = opts.min ? '' : '\n'; if (opts && opts.plugins.length) { indent = createIndent(opts.indent); refs = []; var pluginsResult = printPlugin(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, opts.maxDepth, currentDepth, opts.plugins, opts.min, opts.callToJSON, opts.printFunctionName, opts.escapeRegex, colors); if (pluginsResult) return pluginsResult; } var basicResult = printBasicValue(val, opts.printFunctionName, opts.escapeRegex, colors); if (basicResult) return basicResult; if (!indent) indent = createIndent(opts.indent); if (!refs) refs = []; return printComplexValue(val, indent, prevIndent, spacing, edgeSpacing, refs, opts.maxDepth, currentDepth, opts.plugins, opts.min, opts.callToJSON, opts.printFunctionName, opts.escapeRegex, colors); } module.exports = prettyFormat;