!function(e){"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=e():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(e):"undefined"!=typeof window?window.when=e():"undefined"!=typeof global?global.when=e():"undefined"!=typeof self&&(self.when=e())}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var when = module.exports = require('../when');

when.callbacks = require('../callbacks');
when.cancelable = require('../cancelable');
when.delay = require('../delay');
when.fn = require('../function');
when.guard = require('../guard');
when.keys = require('../keys');
when.nodefn = when.node = require('../node');
when.parallel = require('../parallel');
when.pipeline = require('../pipeline');
when.poll = require('../poll');
when.sequence = require('../sequence');
when.timeout = require('../timeout');

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2013-2014 original author or authors */

 * Collection of helper functions for interacting with 'traditional',
 * callback-taking functions using a promise interface.
 * @author Renato Zannon
 * @contributor Brian Cavalier

(function(define) {
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');
	var Promise = when.Promise;
	var _liftAll = require('./lib/liftAll');
	var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

	var makeApply = require('./lib/apply');
	var _apply = makeApply(Promise, dispatch);

	return {
		lift: lift,
		liftAll: liftAll,
		apply: apply,
		call: call,
		promisify: promisify

	 * Takes a `traditional` callback-taking function and returns a promise for its
	 * result, accepting an optional array of arguments (that might be values or
	 * promises). It assumes that the function takes its callback and errback as
	 * the last two arguments. The resolution of the promise depends on whether the
	 * function will call its callback or its errback.
	 * @example
	 *    var domIsLoaded = callbacks.apply($);
	 *    domIsLoaded.then(function() {
	 *		doMyDomStuff();
	 *	});
	 * @example
	 *    function existingAjaxyFunction(url, callback, errback) {
	 *		// Complex logic you'd rather not change
	 *	}
	 *    var promise = callbacks.apply(existingAjaxyFunction, ["/movies.json"]);
	 *    promise.then(function(movies) {
	 *		// Work with movies
	 *	}, function(reason) {
	 *		// Handle error
	 *	});
	 * @param {function} asyncFunction function to be called
	 * @param {Array} [extraAsyncArgs] array of arguments to asyncFunction
	 * @returns {Promise} promise for the callback value of asyncFunction
	function apply(asyncFunction, extraAsyncArgs) {
		return _apply(asyncFunction, this, extraAsyncArgs || []);

	 * Apply helper that allows specifying thisArg
	 * @private
	function dispatch(f, thisArg, args, h) {
		args.push(alwaysUnary(h.resolve, h), alwaysUnary(h.reject, h));
		tryCatchResolve(f, thisArg, args, h);

	function tryCatchResolve(f, thisArg, args, resolver) {
		try {
			f.apply(thisArg, args);
		} catch(e) {

	 * Works as `callbacks.apply` does, with the difference that the arguments to
	 * the function are passed individually, instead of as an array.
	 * @example
	 *    function sumInFiveSeconds(a, b, callback) {
	 *		setTimeout(function() {
	 *			callback(a + b);
	 *		}, 5000);
	 *	}
	 *    var sumPromise = callbacks.call(sumInFiveSeconds, 5, 10);
	 *    // Logs '15' 5 seconds later
	 *    sumPromise.then(console.log);
	 * @param {function} asyncFunction function to be called
	 * @param {...*} args arguments that will be forwarded to the function
	 * @returns {Promise} promise for the callback value of asyncFunction
	function call(asyncFunction/*, arg1, arg2...*/) {
		return _apply(asyncFunction, this, slice.call(arguments, 1));

	 * Takes a 'traditional' callback/errback-taking function and returns a function
	 * that returns a promise instead. The resolution/rejection of the promise
	 * depends on whether the original function will call its callback or its
	 * errback.
	 * If additional arguments are passed to the `lift` call, they will be prepended
	 * on the calls to the original function, much like `Function.prototype.bind`.
	 * The resulting function is also "promise-aware", in the sense that, if given
	 * promises as arguments, it will wait for their resolution before executing.
	 * @example
	 *    function traditionalAjax(method, url, callback, errback) {
	 *		var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
	 *		xhr.open(method, url);
	 *		xhr.onload = callback;
	 *		xhr.onerror = errback;
	 *		xhr.send();
	 *	}
	 *    var promiseAjax = callbacks.lift(traditionalAjax);
	 *    promiseAjax("GET", "/movies.json").then(console.log, console.error);
	 *    var promiseAjaxGet = callbacks.lift(traditionalAjax, "GET");
	 *    promiseAjaxGet("/movies.json").then(console.log, console.error);
	 * @param {Function} f traditional async function to be decorated
	 * @param {...*} [args] arguments to be prepended for the new function @deprecated
	 * @returns {Function} a promise-returning function
	function lift(f/*, args...*/) {
		var args = arguments.length > 1 ? slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
		return function() {
			return _apply(f, this, args.concat(slice.call(arguments)));

	 * Lift all the functions/methods on src
	 * @param {object|function} src source whose functions will be lifted
	 * @param {function?} combine optional function for customizing the lifting
	 *  process. It is passed dst, the lifted function, and the property name of
	 *  the original function on src.
	 * @param {(object|function)?} dst option destination host onto which to place lifted
	 *  functions. If not provided, liftAll returns a new object.
	 * @returns {*} If dst is provided, returns dst with lifted functions as
	 *  properties.  If dst not provided, returns a new object with lifted functions.
	function liftAll(src, combine, dst) {
		return _liftAll(lift, combine, dst, src);

	 * `promisify` is a version of `lift` that allows fine-grained control over the
	 * arguments that passed to the underlying function. It is intended to handle
	 * functions that don't follow the common callback and errback positions.
	 * The control is done by passing an object whose 'callback' and/or 'errback'
	 * keys, whose values are the corresponding 0-based indexes of the arguments on
	 * the function. Negative values are interpreted as being relative to the end
	 * of the arguments array.
	 * If arguments are given on the call to the 'promisified' function, they are
	 * intermingled with the callback and errback. If a promise is given among them,
	 * the execution of the function will only occur after its resolution.
	 * @example
	 *    var delay = callbacks.promisify(setTimeout, {
	 *		callback: 0
	 *	});
	 *    delay(100).then(function() {
	 *		console.log("This happens 100ms afterwards");
	 *	});
	 * @example
	 *    function callbackAsLast(errback, followsStandards, callback) {
	 *		if(followsStandards) {
	 *			callback("well done!");
	 *		} else {
	 *			errback("some programmers just want to watch the world burn");
	 *		}
	 *	}
	 *    var promisified = callbacks.promisify(callbackAsLast, {
	 *		callback: -1,
	 *		errback:   0,
	 *	});
	 *    promisified(true).then(console.log, console.error);
	 *    promisified(false).then(console.log, console.error);
	 * @param {Function} asyncFunction traditional function to be decorated
	 * @param {object} positions
	 * @param {number} [positions.callback] index at which asyncFunction expects to
	 *  receive a success callback
	 * @param {number} [positions.errback] index at which asyncFunction expects to
	 *  receive an error callback
	 *  @returns {function} promisified function that accepts
	 * @deprecated
	function promisify(asyncFunction, positions) {

		return function() {
			var thisArg = this;
			return Promise.all(arguments).then(function(args) {
				var p = Promise._defer();

				var callbackPos, errbackPos;

				if(typeof positions.callback === 'number') {
					callbackPos = normalizePosition(args, positions.callback);

				if(typeof positions.errback === 'number') {
					errbackPos = normalizePosition(args, positions.errback);

				if(errbackPos < callbackPos) {
					insertCallback(args, errbackPos, p._handler.reject, p._handler);
					insertCallback(args, callbackPos, p._handler.resolve, p._handler);
				} else {
					insertCallback(args, callbackPos, p._handler.resolve, p._handler);
					insertCallback(args, errbackPos, p._handler.reject, p._handler);

				asyncFunction.apply(thisArg, args);

				return p;

	function normalizePosition(args, pos) {
		return pos < 0 ? (args.length + pos + 2) : pos;

	function insertCallback(args, pos, callback, thisArg) {
		if(typeof pos === 'number') {
			args.splice(pos, 0, alwaysUnary(callback, thisArg));

	function alwaysUnary(fn, thisArg) {
		return function() {
			if (arguments.length > 1) {
				fn.call(thisArg, slice.call(arguments));
			} else {
				fn.apply(thisArg, arguments);
})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright B Cavalier & J Hann */

 * cancelable.js
 * @deprecated
 * Decorator that makes a deferred "cancelable".  It adds a cancel() method that
 * will call a special cancel handler function and then reject the deferred.  The
 * cancel handler can be used to do resource cleanup, or anything else that should
 * be done before any other rejection handlers are executed.
 * Usage:
 * var cancelableDeferred = cancelable(when.defer(), myCancelHandler);
 * @author brian@hovercraftstudios.com

(function(define) {
define(function() {

     * Makes deferred cancelable, adding a cancel() method.
	 * @deprecated
     * @param deferred {Deferred} the {@link Deferred} to make cancelable
     * @param canceler {Function} cancel handler function to execute when this deferred
	 * is canceled.  This is guaranteed to run before all other rejection handlers.
	 * The canceler will NOT be executed if the deferred is rejected in the standard
	 * way, i.e. deferred.reject().  It ONLY executes if the deferred is canceled,
	 * i.e. deferred.cancel()
     * @returns deferred, with an added cancel() method.
    return function(deferred, canceler) {
        // Add a cancel method to the deferred to reject the delegate
        // with the special canceled indicator.
        deferred.cancel = function() {
			try {
			} catch(e) {

			return deferred.promise;

        return deferred;

})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2011-2013 original author or authors */

 * delay.js
 * Helper that returns a promise that resolves after a delay.
 * @author Brian Cavalier
 * @author John Hann

(function(define) {
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');

	 * @deprecated Use when(value).delay(ms)
    return function delay(msec, value) {
		return when(value).delay(msec);

})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2013-2014 original author or authors */

 * Collection of helper functions for wrapping and executing 'traditional'
 * synchronous functions in a promise interface.
 * @author Brian Cavalier
 * @contributor Renato Zannon

(function(define) {
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');
	var attempt = when['try'];
	var _liftAll = require('./lib/liftAll');
	var _apply = require('./lib/apply')(when.Promise);
	var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

	return {
		lift: lift,
		liftAll: liftAll,
		call: attempt,
		apply: apply,
		compose: compose

	 * Takes a function and an optional array of arguments (that might be promises),
	 * and calls the function. The return value is a promise whose resolution
	 * depends on the value returned by the function.
	 * @param {function} f function to be called
	 * @param {Array} [args] array of arguments to func
	 * @returns {Promise} promise for the return value of func
	function apply(f, args) {
		// slice args just in case the caller passed an Arguments instance
		return _apply(f, this, args == null ? [] : slice.call(args));

	 * Takes a 'regular' function and returns a version of that function that
	 * returns a promise instead of a plain value, and handles thrown errors by
	 * returning a rejected promise. Also accepts a list of arguments to be
	 * prepended to the new function, as does Function.prototype.bind.
	 * The resulting function is promise-aware, in the sense that it accepts
	 * promise arguments, and waits for their resolution.
	 * @param {Function} f function to be bound
	 * @param {...*} [args] arguments to be prepended for the new function @deprecated
	 * @returns {Function} a promise-returning function
	function lift(f /*, args... */) {
		var args = arguments.length > 1 ? slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
		return function() {
			return _apply(f, this, args.concat(slice.call(arguments)));

	 * Lift all the functions/methods on src
	 * @param {object|function} src source whose functions will be lifted
	 * @param {function?} combine optional function for customizing the lifting
	 *  process. It is passed dst, the lifted function, and the property name of
	 *  the original function on src.
	 * @param {(object|function)?} dst option destination host onto which to place lifted
	 *  functions. If not provided, liftAll returns a new object.
	 * @returns {*} If dst is provided, returns dst with lifted functions as
	 *  properties.  If dst not provided, returns a new object with lifted functions.
	function liftAll(src, combine, dst) {
		return _liftAll(lift, combine, dst, src);

	 * Composes multiple functions by piping their return values. It is
	 * transparent to whether the functions return 'regular' values or promises:
	 * the piped argument is always a resolved value. If one of the functions
	 * throws or returns a rejected promise, the composed promise will be also
	 * rejected.
	 * The arguments (or promises to arguments) given to the returned function (if
	 * any), are passed directly to the first function on the 'pipeline'.
	 * @param {Function} f the function to which the arguments will be passed
	 * @param {...Function} [funcs] functions that will be composed, in order
	 * @returns {Function} a promise-returning composition of the functions
	function compose(f /*, funcs... */) {
		var funcs = slice.call(arguments, 1);

		return function() {
			var thisArg = this;
			var args = slice.call(arguments);
			var firstPromise = attempt.apply(thisArg, [f].concat(args));

			return when.reduce(funcs, function(arg, func) {
				return func.call(thisArg, arg);
			}, firstPromise);
})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2011-2013 original author or authors */

 * Generalized promise concurrency guard
 * Adapted from original concept by Sakari Jokinen (Rocket Pack, Ltd.)
 * @author Brian Cavalier
 * @author John Hann
 * @contributor Sakari Jokinen
(function(define) {
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');
	var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

	guard.n = n;

	return guard;

	 * Creates a guarded version of f that can only be entered when the supplied
	 * condition allows.
	 * @param {function} condition represents a critical section that may only
	 *  be entered when allowed by the condition
	 * @param {function} f function to guard
	 * @returns {function} guarded version of f
	function guard(condition, f) {
		return function() {
			var args = slice.call(arguments);

			return when(condition()).withThis(this).then(function(exit) {
				return when(f.apply(this, args))['finally'](exit);

	 * Creates a condition that allows only n simultaneous executions
	 * of a guarded function
	 * @param {number} allowed number of allowed simultaneous executions
	 * @returns {function} condition function which returns a promise that
	 *  fulfills when the critical section may be entered.  The fulfillment
	 *  value is a function ("notifyExit") that must be called when the critical
	 *  section has been exited.
	function n(allowed) {
		var count = 0;
		var waiting = [];

		return function enter() {
			return when.promise(function(resolve) {
				if(count < allowed) {
				} else {
				count += 1;

		function exit() {
			count = Math.max(count - 1, 0);
			if(waiting.length > 0) {

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2011-2013 original author or authors */

 * Licensed under the MIT License at:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * @author Brian Cavalier
 * @author John Hann
(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');
	var Promise = when.Promise;
	var toPromise = when.resolve;

	return {
		all: when.lift(all),
		map: map,
		settle: settle

	 * Resolve all the key-value pairs in the supplied object or promise
	 * for an object.
	 * @param {Promise|object} object or promise for object whose key-value pairs
	 *  will be resolved
	 * @returns {Promise} promise for an object with the fully resolved key-value pairs
	function all(object) {
		var p = Promise._defer();
		var resolver = Promise._handler(p);

		var results = {};
		var keys = Object.keys(object);
		var pending = keys.length;

		for(var i=0, k; i<keys.length; ++i) {
			k = keys[i];
			Promise._handler(object[k]).fold(settleKey, k, results, resolver);

		if(pending === 0) {

		return p;

		function settleKey(k, x, resolver) {
			/*jshint validthis:true*/
			this[k] = x;
			if(--pending === 0) {

	 * Map values in the supplied object's keys
	 * @param {Promise|object} object or promise for object whose key-value pairs
	 *  will be reduced
	 * @param {function(value:*, key:String):*} f mapping function which may
	 *  return either a promise or a value
	 * @returns {Promise} promise for an object with the mapped and fully
	 *  resolved key-value pairs
	function map(object, f) {
		return toPromise(object).then(function(object) {
			return all(Object.keys(object).reduce(function(o, k) {
				o[k] = toPromise(object[k]).fold(mapWithKey, k);
				return o;
			}, {}));

		function mapWithKey(k, x) {
			return f(x, k);

	 * Resolve all key-value pairs in the supplied object and return a promise
	 * that will always fulfill with the outcome states of all input promises.
	 * @param {object} object whose key-value pairs will be settled
	 * @returns {Promise} promise for an object with the mapped and fully
	 *  settled key-value pairs
	function settle(object) {
		var keys = Object.keys(object);
		var results = {};

		if(keys.length === 0) {
			return toPromise(results);

		var p = Promise._defer();
		var resolver = Promise._handler(p);
		var promises = keys.map(function(k) { return object[k]; });

		when.settle(promises).then(function(states) {
			populateResults(keys, states, results, resolver);

		return p;

	function populateResults(keys, states, results, resolver) {
		for(var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
			results[keys[i]] = states[i];

})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function (require) {

	var makePromise = require('./makePromise');
	var Scheduler = require('./Scheduler');
	var async = require('./env').asap;

	return makePromise({
		scheduler: new Scheduler(async)

})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	// Credit to Twisol (https://github.com/Twisol) for suggesting
	// this type of extensible queue + trampoline approach for next-tick conflation.

	 * Async task scheduler
	 * @param {function} async function to schedule a single async function
	 * @constructor
	function Scheduler(async) {
		this._async = async;
		this._running = false;

		this._queue = this;
		this._queueLen = 0;
		this._afterQueue = {};
		this._afterQueueLen = 0;

		var self = this;
		this.drain = function() {

	 * Enqueue a task
	 * @param {{ run:function }} task
	Scheduler.prototype.enqueue = function(task) {
		this._queue[this._queueLen++] = task;

	 * Enqueue a task to run after the main task queue
	 * @param {{ run:function }} task
	Scheduler.prototype.afterQueue = function(task) {
		this._afterQueue[this._afterQueueLen++] = task;

	Scheduler.prototype.run = function() {
		if (!this._running) {
			this._running = true;

	 * Drain the handler queue entirely, and then the after queue
	Scheduler.prototype._drain = function() {
		var i = 0;
		for (; i < this._queueLen; ++i) {
			this._queue[i] = void 0;

		this._queueLen = 0;
		this._running = false;

		for (i = 0; i < this._afterQueueLen; ++i) {
			this._afterQueue[i] = void 0;

		this._afterQueueLen = 0;

	return Scheduler;

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	 * Custom error type for promises rejected by promise.timeout
	 * @param {string} message
	 * @constructor
	function TimeoutError (message) {
		this.message = message;
		this.name = TimeoutError.name;
		if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') {
			Error.captureStackTrace(this, TimeoutError);

	TimeoutError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
	TimeoutError.prototype.constructor = TimeoutError;

	return TimeoutError;
}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));
/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	makeApply.tryCatchResolve = tryCatchResolve;

	return makeApply;

	function makeApply(Promise, call) {
		if(arguments.length < 2) {
			call = tryCatchResolve;

		return apply;

		function apply(f, thisArg, args) {
			var p = Promise._defer();
			var l = args.length;
			var params = new Array(l);
			callAndResolve({ f:f, thisArg:thisArg, args:args, params:params, i:l-1, call:call }, p._handler);

			return p;

		function callAndResolve(c, h) {
			if(c.i < 0) {
				return call(c.f, c.thisArg, c.params, h);

			var handler = Promise._handler(c.args[c.i]);
			handler.fold(callAndResolveNext, c, void 0, h);

		function callAndResolveNext(c, x, h) {
			c.params[c.i] = x;
			c.i -= 1;
			callAndResolve(c, h);

	function tryCatchResolve(f, thisArg, args, resolver) {
		try {
			resolver.resolve(f.apply(thisArg, args));
		} catch(e) {

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function(require) {

	var state = require('../state');
	var applier = require('../apply');

	return function array(Promise) {

		var applyFold = applier(Promise);
		var toPromise = Promise.resolve;
		var all = Promise.all;

		var ar = Array.prototype.reduce;
		var arr = Array.prototype.reduceRight;
		var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

		// Additional array combinators

		Promise.any = any;
		Promise.some = some;
		Promise.settle = settle;

		Promise.map = map;
		Promise.filter = filter;
		Promise.reduce = reduce;
		Promise.reduceRight = reduceRight;

		 * When this promise fulfills with an array, do
		 * onFulfilled.apply(void 0, array)
		 * @param {function} onFulfilled function to apply
		 * @returns {Promise} promise for the result of applying onFulfilled
		Promise.prototype.spread = function(onFulfilled) {
			return this.then(all).then(function(array) {
				return onFulfilled.apply(this, array);

		return Promise;

		 * One-winner competitive race.
		 * Return a promise that will fulfill when one of the promises
		 * in the input array fulfills, or will reject when all promises
		 * have rejected.
		 * @param {array} promises
		 * @returns {Promise} promise for the first fulfilled value
		function any(promises) {
			var p = Promise._defer();
			var resolver = p._handler;
			var l = promises.length>>>0;

			var pending = l;
			var errors = [];

			for (var h, x, i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
				x = promises[i];
				if(x === void 0 && !(i in promises)) {

				h = Promise._handler(x);
				if(h.state() > 0) {
					Promise._visitRemaining(promises, i, h);
				} else {
					h.visit(resolver, handleFulfill, handleReject);

			if(pending === 0) {
				resolver.reject(new RangeError('any(): array must not be empty'));

			return p;

			function handleFulfill(x) {
				/*jshint validthis:true*/
				errors = null;
				this.resolve(x); // this === resolver

			function handleReject(e) {
				/*jshint validthis:true*/
				if(this.resolved) { // this === resolver

				if(--pending === 0) {

		 * N-winner competitive race
		 * Return a promise that will fulfill when n input promises have
		 * fulfilled, or will reject when it becomes impossible for n
		 * input promises to fulfill (ie when promises.length - n + 1
		 * have rejected)
		 * @param {array} promises
		 * @param {number} n
		 * @returns {Promise} promise for the earliest n fulfillment values
		 * @deprecated
		function some(promises, n) {
			/*jshint maxcomplexity:7*/
			var p = Promise._defer();
			var resolver = p._handler;

			var results = [];
			var errors = [];

			var l = promises.length>>>0;
			var nFulfill = 0;
			var nReject;
			var x, i; // reused in both for() loops

			// First pass: count actual array items
			for(i=0; i<l; ++i) {
				x = promises[i];
				if(x === void 0 && !(i in promises)) {

			// Compute actual goals
			n = Math.max(n, 0);
			nReject = (nFulfill - n + 1);
			nFulfill = Math.min(n, nFulfill);

			if(n > nFulfill) {
				resolver.reject(new RangeError('some(): array must contain at least '
				+ n + ' item(s), but had ' + nFulfill));
			} else if(nFulfill === 0) {

			// Second pass: observe each array item, make progress toward goals
			for(i=0; i<l; ++i) {
				x = promises[i];
				if(x === void 0 && !(i in promises)) {

				Promise._handler(x).visit(resolver, fulfill, reject, resolver.notify);

			return p;

			function fulfill(x) {
				/*jshint validthis:true*/
				if(this.resolved) { // this === resolver

				if(--nFulfill === 0) {
					errors = null;

			function reject(e) {
				/*jshint validthis:true*/
				if(this.resolved) { // this === resolver

				if(--nReject === 0) {
					results = null;

		 * Apply f to the value of each promise in a list of promises
		 * and return a new list containing the results.
		 * @param {array} promises
		 * @param {function(x:*, index:Number):*} f mapping function
		 * @returns {Promise}
		function map(promises, f) {
			return Promise._traverse(f, promises);

		 * Filter the provided array of promises using the provided predicate.  Input may
		 * contain promises and values
		 * @param {Array} promises array of promises and values
		 * @param {function(x:*, index:Number):boolean} predicate filtering predicate.
		 *  Must return truthy (or promise for truthy) for items to retain.
		 * @returns {Promise} promise that will fulfill with an array containing all items
		 *  for which predicate returned truthy.
		function filter(promises, predicate) {
			var a = slice.call(promises);
			return Promise._traverse(predicate, a).then(function(keep) {
				return filterSync(a, keep);

		function filterSync(promises, keep) {
			// Safe because we know all promises have fulfilled if we've made it this far
			var l = keep.length;
			var filtered = new Array(l);
			for(var i=0, j=0; i<l; ++i) {
				if(keep[i]) {
					filtered[j++] = Promise._handler(promises[i]).value;
			filtered.length = j;
			return filtered;


		 * Return a promise that will always fulfill with an array containing
		 * the outcome states of all input promises.  The returned promise
		 * will never reject.
		 * @param {Array} promises
		 * @returns {Promise} promise for array of settled state descriptors
		function settle(promises) {
			return all(promises.map(settleOne));

		function settleOne(p) {
			var h = Promise._handler(p);
			if(h.state() === 0) {
				return toPromise(p).then(state.fulfilled, state.rejected);

			return state.inspect(h);

		 * Traditional reduce function, similar to `Array.prototype.reduce()`, but
		 * input may contain promises and/or values, and reduceFunc
		 * may return either a value or a promise, *and* initialValue may
		 * be a promise for the starting value.
		 * @param {Array|Promise} promises array or promise for an array of anything,
		 *      may contain a mix of promises and values.
		 * @param {function(accumulated:*, x:*, index:Number):*} f reduce function
		 * @returns {Promise} that will resolve to the final reduced value
		function reduce(promises, f /*, initialValue */) {
			return arguments.length > 2 ? ar.call(promises, liftCombine(f), arguments[2])
					: ar.call(promises, liftCombine(f));

		 * Traditional reduce function, similar to `Array.prototype.reduceRight()`, but
		 * input may contain promises and/or values, and reduceFunc
		 * may return either a value or a promise, *and* initialValue may
		 * be a promise for the starting value.
		 * @param {Array|Promise} promises array or promise for an array of anything,
		 *      may contain a mix of promises and values.
		 * @param {function(accumulated:*, x:*, index:Number):*} f reduce function
		 * @returns {Promise} that will resolve to the final reduced value
		function reduceRight(promises, f /*, initialValue */) {
			return arguments.length > 2 ? arr.call(promises, liftCombine(f), arguments[2])
					: arr.call(promises, liftCombine(f));

		function liftCombine(f) {
			return function(z, x, i) {
				return applyFold(f, void 0, [z,x,i]);

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	return function flow(Promise) {

		var resolve = Promise.resolve;
		var reject = Promise.reject;
		var origCatch = Promise.prototype['catch'];

		 * Handle the ultimate fulfillment value or rejection reason, and assume
		 * responsibility for all errors.  If an error propagates out of result
		 * or handleFatalError, it will be rethrown to the host, resulting in a
		 * loud stack track on most platforms and a crash on some.
		 * @param {function?} onResult
		 * @param {function?} onError
		 * @returns {undefined}
		Promise.prototype.done = function(onResult, onError) {
			this._handler.visit(this._handler.receiver, onResult, onError);

		 * Add Error-type and predicate matching to catch.  Examples:
		 * promise.catch(TypeError, handleTypeError)
		 *   .catch(predicate, handleMatchedErrors)
		 *   .catch(handleRemainingErrors)
		 * @param onRejected
		 * @returns {*}
		Promise.prototype['catch'] = Promise.prototype.otherwise = function(onRejected) {
			if (arguments.length < 2) {
				return origCatch.call(this, onRejected);

			if(typeof onRejected !== 'function') {
				return this.ensure(rejectInvalidPredicate);

			return origCatch.call(this, createCatchFilter(arguments[1], onRejected));

		 * Wraps the provided catch handler, so that it will only be called
		 * if the predicate evaluates truthy
		 * @param {?function} handler
		 * @param {function} predicate
		 * @returns {function} conditional catch handler
		function createCatchFilter(handler, predicate) {
			return function(e) {
				return evaluatePredicate(e, predicate)
					? handler.call(this, e)
					: reject(e);

		 * Ensures that onFulfilledOrRejected will be called regardless of whether
		 * this promise is fulfilled or rejected.  onFulfilledOrRejected WILL NOT
		 * receive the promises' value or reason.  Any returned value will be disregarded.
		 * onFulfilledOrRejected may throw or return a rejected promise to signal
		 * an additional error.
		 * @param {function} handler handler to be called regardless of
		 *  fulfillment or rejection
		 * @returns {Promise}
		Promise.prototype['finally'] = Promise.prototype.ensure = function(handler) {
			if(typeof handler !== 'function') {
				return this;

			return this.then(function(x) {
				return runSideEffect(handler, this, identity, x);
			}, function(e) {
				return runSideEffect(handler, this, reject, e);

		function runSideEffect (handler, thisArg, propagate, value) {
			var result = handler.call(thisArg);
			return maybeThenable(result)
				? propagateValue(result, propagate, value)
				: propagate(value);

		function propagateValue (result, propagate, x) {
			return resolve(result).then(function () {
				return propagate(x);

		 * Recover from a failure by returning a defaultValue.  If defaultValue
		 * is a promise, it's fulfillment value will be used.  If defaultValue is
		 * a promise that rejects, the returned promise will reject with the
		 * same reason.
		 * @param {*} defaultValue
		 * @returns {Promise} new promise
		Promise.prototype['else'] = Promise.prototype.orElse = function(defaultValue) {
			return this.then(void 0, function() {
				return defaultValue;

		 * Shortcut for .then(function() { return value; })
		 * @param  {*} value
		 * @return {Promise} a promise that:
		 *  - is fulfilled if value is not a promise, or
		 *  - if value is a promise, will fulfill with its value, or reject
		 *    with its reason.
		Promise.prototype['yield'] = function(value) {
			return this.then(function() {
				return value;

		 * Runs a side effect when this promise fulfills, without changing the
		 * fulfillment value.
		 * @param {function} onFulfilledSideEffect
		 * @returns {Promise}
		Promise.prototype.tap = function(onFulfilledSideEffect) {
			return this.then(onFulfilledSideEffect)['yield'](this);

		return Promise;

	function rejectInvalidPredicate() {
		throw new TypeError('catch predicate must be a function');

	function evaluatePredicate(e, predicate) {
		return isError(predicate) ? e instanceof predicate : predicate(e);

	function isError(predicate) {
		return predicate === Error
			|| (predicate != null && predicate.prototype instanceof Error);

	function maybeThenable(x) {
		return (typeof x === 'object' || typeof x === 'function') && x !== null;

	function identity(x) {
		return x;

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */
/** @author Jeff Escalante */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	return function fold(Promise) {

		Promise.prototype.fold = function(f, z) {
			var promise = this._beget();

			this._handler.fold(function(z, x, to) {
				Promise._handler(z).fold(function(x, z, to) {
					to.resolve(f.call(this, z, x));
				}, x, this, to);
			}, z, promise._handler.receiver, promise._handler);

			return promise;

		return Promise;

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function(require) {

	var inspect = require('../state').inspect;

	return function inspection(Promise) {

		Promise.prototype.inspect = function() {
			return inspect(Promise._handler(this));

		return Promise;

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	return function generate(Promise) {

		var resolve = Promise.resolve;

		Promise.iterate = iterate;
		Promise.unfold = unfold;

		return Promise;

		 * @deprecated Use github.com/cujojs/most streams and most.iterate
		 * Generate a (potentially infinite) stream of promised values:
		 * x, f(x), f(f(x)), etc. until condition(x) returns true
		 * @param {function} f function to generate a new x from the previous x
		 * @param {function} condition function that, given the current x, returns
		 *  truthy when the iterate should stop
		 * @param {function} handler function to handle the value produced by f
		 * @param {*|Promise} x starting value, may be a promise
		 * @return {Promise} the result of the last call to f before
		 *  condition returns true
		function iterate(f, condition, handler, x) {
			return unfold(function(x) {
				return [x, f(x)];
			}, condition, handler, x);

		 * @deprecated Use github.com/cujojs/most streams and most.unfold
		 * Generate a (potentially infinite) stream of promised values
		 * by applying handler(generator(seed)) iteratively until
		 * condition(seed) returns true.
		 * @param {function} unspool function that generates a [value, newSeed]
		 *  given a seed.
		 * @param {function} condition function that, given the current seed, returns
		 *  truthy when the unfold should stop
		 * @param {function} handler function to handle the value produced by unspool
		 * @param x {*|Promise} starting value, may be a promise
		 * @return {Promise} the result of the last value produced by unspool before
		 *  condition returns true
		function unfold(unspool, condition, handler, x) {
			return resolve(x).then(function(seed) {
				return resolve(condition(seed)).then(function(done) {
					return done ? seed : resolve(unspool(seed)).spread(next);

			function next(item, newSeed) {
				return resolve(handler(item)).then(function() {
					return unfold(unspool, condition, handler, newSeed);

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	return function progress(Promise) {

		 * @deprecated
		 * Register a progress handler for this promise
		 * @param {function} onProgress
		 * @returns {Promise}
		Promise.prototype.progress = function(onProgress) {
			return this.then(void 0, void 0, onProgress);

		return Promise;

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function(require) {

	var env = require('../env');
	var TimeoutError = require('../TimeoutError');

	function setTimeout(f, ms, x, y) {
		return env.setTimer(function() {
			f(x, y, ms);
		}, ms);

	return function timed(Promise) {
		 * Return a new promise whose fulfillment value is revealed only
		 * after ms milliseconds
		 * @param {number} ms milliseconds
		 * @returns {Promise}
		Promise.prototype.delay = function(ms) {
			var p = this._beget();
			this._handler.fold(handleDelay, ms, void 0, p._handler);
			return p;

		function handleDelay(ms, x, h) {
			setTimeout(resolveDelay, ms, x, h);

		function resolveDelay(x, h) {

		 * Return a new promise that rejects after ms milliseconds unless
		 * this promise fulfills earlier, in which case the returned promise
		 * fulfills with the same value.
		 * @param {number} ms milliseconds
		 * @param {Error|*=} reason optional rejection reason to use, defaults
		 *   to a TimeoutError if not provided
		 * @returns {Promise}
		Promise.prototype.timeout = function(ms, reason) {
			var p = this._beget();
			var h = p._handler;

			var t = setTimeout(onTimeout, ms, reason, p._handler);

				function onFulfill(x) {
					this.resolve(x); // this = h
				function onReject(x) {
					this.reject(x); // this = h

			return p;

		function onTimeout(reason, h, ms) {
			var e = typeof reason === 'undefined'
				? new TimeoutError('timed out after ' + ms + 'ms')
				: reason;

		return Promise;

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function(require) {

	var setTimer = require('../env').setTimer;
	var format = require('../format');

	return function unhandledRejection(Promise) {

		var logError = noop;
		var logInfo = noop;
		var localConsole;

		if(typeof console !== 'undefined') {
			// Alias console to prevent things like uglify's drop_console option from
			// removing console.log/error. Unhandled rejections fall into the same
			// category as uncaught exceptions, and build tools shouldn't silence them.
			localConsole = console;
			logError = typeof localConsole.error !== 'undefined'
				? function (e) { localConsole.error(e); }
				: function (e) { localConsole.log(e); };

			logInfo = typeof localConsole.info !== 'undefined'
				? function (e) { localConsole.info(e); }
				: function (e) { localConsole.log(e); };

		Promise.onPotentiallyUnhandledRejection = function(rejection) {
			enqueue(report, rejection);

		Promise.onPotentiallyUnhandledRejectionHandled = function(rejection) {
			enqueue(unreport, rejection);

		Promise.onFatalRejection = function(rejection) {
			enqueue(throwit, rejection.value);

		var tasks = [];
		var reported = [];
		var running = null;

		function report(r) {
			if(!r.handled) {
				logError('Potentially unhandled rejection [' + r.id + '] ' + format.formatError(r.value));

		function unreport(r) {
			var i = reported.indexOf(r);
			if(i >= 0) {
				reported.splice(i, 1);
				logInfo('Handled previous rejection [' + r.id + '] ' + format.formatObject(r.value));

		function enqueue(f, x) {
			tasks.push(f, x);
			if(running === null) {
				running = setTimer(flush, 0);

		function flush() {
			running = null;
			while(tasks.length > 0) {

		return Promise;

	function throwit(e) {
		throw e;

	function noop() {}

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	return function addWith(Promise) {
		 * Returns a promise whose handlers will be called with `this` set to
		 * the supplied receiver.  Subsequent promises derived from the
		 * returned promise will also have their handlers called with receiver
		 * as `this`. Calling `with` with undefined or no arguments will return
		 * a promise whose handlers will again be called in the usual Promises/A+
		 * way (no `this`) thus safely undoing any previous `with` in the
		 * promise chain.
		 * WARNING: Promises returned from `with`/`withThis` are NOT Promises/A+
		 * compliant, specifically violating 2.2.5 (http://promisesaplus.com/#point-41)
		 * @param {object} receiver `this` value for all handlers attached to
		 *  the returned promise.
		 * @returns {Promise}
		Promise.prototype['with'] = Promise.prototype.withThis = function(receiver) {
			var p = this._beget();
			var child = p._handler;
			child.receiver = receiver;
			this._handler.chain(child, receiver);
			return p;

		return Promise;

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

/*global process,document,setTimeout,clearTimeout,MutationObserver,WebKitMutationObserver*/
(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function(require) {
	/*jshint maxcomplexity:6*/

	// Sniff "best" async scheduling option
	// Prefer process.nextTick or MutationObserver, then check for
	// setTimeout, and finally vertx, since its the only env that doesn't
	// have setTimeout

	var MutationObs;
	var capturedSetTimeout = typeof setTimeout !== 'undefined' && setTimeout;

	// Default env
	var setTimer = function(f, ms) { return setTimeout(f, ms); };
	var clearTimer = function(t) { return clearTimeout(t); };
	var asap = function (f) { return capturedSetTimeout(f, 0); };

	// Detect specific env
	if (isNode()) { // Node
		asap = function (f) { return process.nextTick(f); };

	} else if (MutationObs = hasMutationObserver()) { // Modern browser
		asap = initMutationObserver(MutationObs);

	} else if (!capturedSetTimeout) { // vert.x
		var vertxRequire = require;
		var vertx = vertxRequire('vertx');
		setTimer = function (f, ms) { return vertx.setTimer(ms, f); };
		clearTimer = vertx.cancelTimer;
		asap = vertx.runOnLoop || vertx.runOnContext;

	return {
		setTimer: setTimer,
		clearTimer: clearTimer,
		asap: asap

	function isNode () {
		return typeof process !== 'undefined' &&
			Object.prototype.toString.call(process) === '[object process]';

	function hasMutationObserver () {
		return (typeof MutationObserver === 'function' && MutationObserver) ||
			(typeof WebKitMutationObserver === 'function' && WebKitMutationObserver);

	function initMutationObserver(MutationObserver) {
		var scheduled;
		var node = document.createTextNode('');
		var o = new MutationObserver(run);
		o.observe(node, { characterData: true });

		function run() {
			var f = scheduled;
			scheduled = void 0;

		var i = 0;
		return function (f) {
			scheduled = f;
			node.data = (i ^= 1);
}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	return {
		formatError: formatError,
		formatObject: formatObject,
		tryStringify: tryStringify

	 * Format an error into a string.  If e is an Error and has a stack property,
	 * it's returned.  Otherwise, e is formatted using formatObject, with a
	 * warning added about e not being a proper Error.
	 * @param {*} e
	 * @returns {String} formatted string, suitable for output to developers
	function formatError(e) {
		var s = typeof e === 'object' && e !== null && (e.stack || e.message) ? e.stack || e.message : formatObject(e);
		return e instanceof Error ? s : s + ' (WARNING: non-Error used)';

	 * Format an object, detecting "plain" objects and running them through
	 * JSON.stringify if possible.
	 * @param {Object} o
	 * @returns {string}
	function formatObject(o) {
		var s = String(o);
		if(s === '[object Object]' && typeof JSON !== 'undefined') {
			s = tryStringify(o, s);
		return s;

	 * Try to return the result of JSON.stringify(x).  If that fails, return
	 * defaultValue
	 * @param {*} x
	 * @param {*} defaultValue
	 * @returns {String|*} JSON.stringify(x) or defaultValue
	function tryStringify(x, defaultValue) {
		try {
			return JSON.stringify(x);
		} catch(e) {
			return defaultValue;

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	return function liftAll(liftOne, combine, dst, src) {
		if(typeof combine === 'undefined') {
			combine = defaultCombine;

		return Object.keys(src).reduce(function(dst, key) {
			var f = src[key];
			return typeof f === 'function' ? combine(dst, liftOne(f), key) : dst;
		}, typeof dst === 'undefined' ? defaultDst(src) : dst);

	function defaultCombine(o, f, k) {
		o[k] = f;
		return o;

	function defaultDst(src) {
		return typeof src === 'function' ? src.bind() : Object.create(src);
}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	return function makePromise(environment) {

		var tasks = environment.scheduler;
		var emitRejection = initEmitRejection();

		var objectCreate = Object.create ||
			function(proto) {
				function Child() {}
				Child.prototype = proto;
				return new Child();

		 * Create a promise whose fate is determined by resolver
		 * @constructor
		 * @returns {Promise} promise
		 * @name Promise
		function Promise(resolver, handler) {
			this._handler = resolver === Handler ? handler : init(resolver);

		 * Run the supplied resolver
		 * @param resolver
		 * @returns {Pending}
		function init(resolver) {
			var handler = new Pending();

			try {
				resolver(promiseResolve, promiseReject, promiseNotify);
			} catch (e) {

			return handler;

			 * Transition from pre-resolution state to post-resolution state, notifying
			 * all listeners of the ultimate fulfillment or rejection
			 * @param {*} x resolution value
			function promiseResolve (x) {
			 * Reject this promise with reason, which will be used verbatim
			 * @param {Error|*} reason rejection reason, strongly suggested
			 *   to be an Error type
			function promiseReject (reason) {

			 * @deprecated
			 * Issue a progress event, notifying all progress listeners
			 * @param {*} x progress event payload to pass to all listeners
			function promiseNotify (x) {

		// Creation

		Promise.resolve = resolve;
		Promise.reject = reject;
		Promise.never = never;

		Promise._defer = defer;
		Promise._handler = getHandler;

		 * Returns a trusted promise. If x is already a trusted promise, it is
		 * returned, otherwise returns a new trusted Promise which follows x.
		 * @param  {*} x
		 * @return {Promise} promise
		function resolve(x) {
			return isPromise(x) ? x
				: new Promise(Handler, new Async(getHandler(x)));

		 * Return a reject promise with x as its reason (x is used verbatim)
		 * @param {*} x
		 * @returns {Promise} rejected promise
		function reject(x) {
			return new Promise(Handler, new Async(new Rejected(x)));

		 * Return a promise that remains pending forever
		 * @returns {Promise} forever-pending promise.
		function never() {
			return foreverPendingPromise; // Should be frozen

		 * Creates an internal {promise, resolver} pair
		 * @private
		 * @returns {Promise}
		function defer() {
			return new Promise(Handler, new Pending());

		// Transformation and flow control

		 * Transform this promise's fulfillment value, returning a new Promise
		 * for the transformed result.  If the promise cannot be fulfilled, onRejected
		 * is called with the reason.  onProgress *may* be called with updates toward
		 * this promise's fulfillment.
		 * @param {function=} onFulfilled fulfillment handler
		 * @param {function=} onRejected rejection handler
		 * @param {function=} onProgress @deprecated progress handler
		 * @return {Promise} new promise
		Promise.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
			var parent = this._handler;
			var state = parent.join().state();

			if ((typeof onFulfilled !== 'function' && state > 0) ||
				(typeof onRejected !== 'function' && state < 0)) {
				// Short circuit: value will not change, simply share handler
				return new this.constructor(Handler, parent);

			var p = this._beget();
			var child = p._handler;

			parent.chain(child, parent.receiver, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress);

			return p;

		 * If this promise cannot be fulfilled due to an error, call onRejected to
		 * handle the error. Shortcut for .then(undefined, onRejected)
		 * @param {function?} onRejected
		 * @return {Promise}
		Promise.prototype['catch'] = function(onRejected) {
			return this.then(void 0, onRejected);

		 * Creates a new, pending promise of the same type as this promise
		 * @private
		 * @returns {Promise}
		Promise.prototype._beget = function() {
			return begetFrom(this._handler, this.constructor);

		function begetFrom(parent, Promise) {
			var child = new Pending(parent.receiver, parent.join().context);
			return new Promise(Handler, child);

		// Array combinators

		Promise.all = all;
		Promise.race = race;
		Promise._traverse = traverse;

		 * Return a promise that will fulfill when all promises in the
		 * input array have fulfilled, or will reject when one of the
		 * promises rejects.
		 * @param {array} promises array of promises
		 * @returns {Promise} promise for array of fulfillment values
		function all(promises) {
			return traverseWith(snd, null, promises);

		 * Array<Promise<X>> -> Promise<Array<f(X)>>
		 * @private
		 * @param {function} f function to apply to each promise's value
		 * @param {Array} promises array of promises
		 * @returns {Promise} promise for transformed values
		function traverse(f, promises) {
			return traverseWith(tryCatch2, f, promises);

		function traverseWith(tryMap, f, promises) {
			var handler = typeof f === 'function' ? mapAt : settleAt;

			var resolver = new Pending();
			var pending = promises.length >>> 0;
			var results = new Array(pending);

			for (var i = 0, x; i < promises.length && !resolver.resolved; ++i) {
				x = promises[i];

				if (x === void 0 && !(i in promises)) {

				traverseAt(promises, handler, i, x, resolver);

			if(pending === 0) {
				resolver.become(new Fulfilled(results));

			return new Promise(Handler, resolver);

			function mapAt(i, x, resolver) {
				if(!resolver.resolved) {
					traverseAt(promises, settleAt, i, tryMap(f, x, i), resolver);

			function settleAt(i, x, resolver) {
				results[i] = x;
				if(--pending === 0) {
					resolver.become(new Fulfilled(results));

		function traverseAt(promises, handler, i, x, resolver) {
			if (maybeThenable(x)) {
				var h = getHandlerMaybeThenable(x);
				var s = h.state();

				if (s === 0) {
					h.fold(handler, i, void 0, resolver);
				} else if (s > 0) {
					handler(i, h.value, resolver);
				} else {
					visitRemaining(promises, i+1, h);
			} else {
				handler(i, x, resolver);

		Promise._visitRemaining = visitRemaining;
		function visitRemaining(promises, start, handler) {
			for(var i=start; i<promises.length; ++i) {
				markAsHandled(getHandler(promises[i]), handler);

		function markAsHandled(h, handler) {
			if(h === handler) {

			var s = h.state();
			if(s === 0) {
				h.visit(h, void 0, h._unreport);
			} else if(s < 0) {

		 * Fulfill-reject competitive race. Return a promise that will settle
		 * to the same state as the earliest input promise to settle.
		 * WARNING: The ES6 Promise spec requires that race()ing an empty array
		 * must return a promise that is pending forever.  This implementation
		 * returns a singleton forever-pending promise, the same singleton that is
		 * returned by Promise.never(), thus can be checked with ===
		 * @param {array} promises array of promises to race
		 * @returns {Promise} if input is non-empty, a promise that will settle
		 * to the same outcome as the earliest input promise to settle. if empty
		 * is empty, returns a promise that will never settle.
		function race(promises) {
			if(typeof promises !== 'object' || promises === null) {
				return reject(new TypeError('non-iterable passed to race()'));

			// Sigh, race([]) is untestable unless we return *something*
			// that is recognizable without calling .then() on it.
			return promises.length === 0 ? never()
				 : promises.length === 1 ? resolve(promises[0])
				 : runRace(promises);

		function runRace(promises) {
			var resolver = new Pending();
			var i, x, h;
			for(i=0; i<promises.length; ++i) {
				x = promises[i];
				if (x === void 0 && !(i in promises)) {

				h = getHandler(x);
				if(h.state() !== 0) {
					visitRemaining(promises, i+1, h);
				} else {
					h.visit(resolver, resolver.resolve, resolver.reject);
			return new Promise(Handler, resolver);

		// Promise internals
		// Below this, everything is @private

		 * Get an appropriate handler for x, without checking for cycles
		 * @param {*} x
		 * @returns {object} handler
		function getHandler(x) {
			if(isPromise(x)) {
				return x._handler.join();
			return maybeThenable(x) ? getHandlerUntrusted(x) : new Fulfilled(x);

		 * Get a handler for thenable x.
		 * NOTE: You must only call this if maybeThenable(x) == true
		 * @param {object|function|Promise} x
		 * @returns {object} handler
		function getHandlerMaybeThenable(x) {
			return isPromise(x) ? x._handler.join() : getHandlerUntrusted(x);

		 * Get a handler for potentially untrusted thenable x
		 * @param {*} x
		 * @returns {object} handler
		function getHandlerUntrusted(x) {
			try {
				var untrustedThen = x.then;
				return typeof untrustedThen === 'function'
					? new Thenable(untrustedThen, x)
					: new Fulfilled(x);
			} catch(e) {
				return new Rejected(e);

		 * Handler for a promise that is pending forever
		 * @constructor
		function Handler() {}

			= Handler.prototype.become
			= Handler.prototype.notify // deprecated
			= Handler.prototype.fail
			= Handler.prototype._unreport
			= Handler.prototype._report
			= noop;

		Handler.prototype._state = 0;

		Handler.prototype.state = function() {
			return this._state;

		 * Recursively collapse handler chain to find the handler
		 * nearest to the fully resolved value.
		 * @returns {object} handler nearest the fully resolved value
		Handler.prototype.join = function() {
			var h = this;
			while(h.handler !== void 0) {
				h = h.handler;
			return h;

		Handler.prototype.chain = function(to, receiver, fulfilled, rejected, progress) {
				resolver: to,
				receiver: receiver,
				fulfilled: fulfilled,
				rejected: rejected,
				progress: progress

		Handler.prototype.visit = function(receiver, fulfilled, rejected, progress) {
			this.chain(failIfRejected, receiver, fulfilled, rejected, progress);

		Handler.prototype.fold = function(f, z, c, to) {
			this.when(new Fold(f, z, c, to));

		 * Handler that invokes fail() on any handler it becomes
		 * @constructor
		function FailIfRejected() {}

		inherit(Handler, FailIfRejected);

		FailIfRejected.prototype.become = function(h) {

		var failIfRejected = new FailIfRejected();

		 * Handler that manages a queue of consumers waiting on a pending promise
		 * @constructor
		function Pending(receiver, inheritedContext) {
			Promise.createContext(this, inheritedContext);

			this.consumers = void 0;
			this.receiver = receiver;
			this.handler = void 0;
			this.resolved = false;

		inherit(Handler, Pending);

		Pending.prototype._state = 0;

		Pending.prototype.resolve = function(x) {

		Pending.prototype.reject = function(x) {
			if(this.resolved) {

			this.become(new Rejected(x));

		Pending.prototype.join = function() {
			if (!this.resolved) {
				return this;

			var h = this;

			while (h.handler !== void 0) {
				h = h.handler;
				if (h === this) {
					return this.handler = cycle();

			return h;

		Pending.prototype.run = function() {
			var q = this.consumers;
			var handler = this.handler;
			this.handler = this.handler.join();
			this.consumers = void 0;

			for (var i = 0; i < q.length; ++i) {

		Pending.prototype.become = function(handler) {
			if(this.resolved) {

			this.resolved = true;
			this.handler = handler;
			if(this.consumers !== void 0) {

			if(this.context !== void 0) {

		Pending.prototype.when = function(continuation) {
			if(this.resolved) {
				tasks.enqueue(new ContinuationTask(continuation, this.handler));
			} else {
				if(this.consumers === void 0) {
					this.consumers = [continuation];
				} else {

		 * @deprecated
		Pending.prototype.notify = function(x) {
			if(!this.resolved) {
				tasks.enqueue(new ProgressTask(x, this));

		Pending.prototype.fail = function(context) {
			var c = typeof context === 'undefined' ? this.context : context;
			this.resolved && this.handler.join().fail(c);

		Pending.prototype._report = function(context) {
			this.resolved && this.handler.join()._report(context);

		Pending.prototype._unreport = function() {
			this.resolved && this.handler.join()._unreport();

		 * Wrap another handler and force it into a future stack
		 * @param {object} handler
		 * @constructor
		function Async(handler) {
			this.handler = handler;

		inherit(Handler, Async);

		Async.prototype.when = function(continuation) {
			tasks.enqueue(new ContinuationTask(continuation, this));

		Async.prototype._report = function(context) {

		Async.prototype._unreport = function() {

		 * Handler that wraps an untrusted thenable and assimilates it in a future stack
		 * @param {function} then
		 * @param {{then: function}} thenable
		 * @constructor
		function Thenable(then, thenable) {
			tasks.enqueue(new AssimilateTask(then, thenable, this));

		inherit(Pending, Thenable);

		 * Handler for a fulfilled promise
		 * @param {*} x fulfillment value
		 * @constructor
		function Fulfilled(x) {
			this.value = x;

		inherit(Handler, Fulfilled);

		Fulfilled.prototype._state = 1;

		Fulfilled.prototype.fold = function(f, z, c, to) {
			runContinuation3(f, z, this, c, to);

		Fulfilled.prototype.when = function(cont) {
			runContinuation1(cont.fulfilled, this, cont.receiver, cont.resolver);

		var errorId = 0;

		 * Handler for a rejected promise
		 * @param {*} x rejection reason
		 * @constructor
		function Rejected(x) {

			this.id = ++errorId;
			this.value = x;
			this.handled = false;
			this.reported = false;


		inherit(Handler, Rejected);

		Rejected.prototype._state = -1;

		Rejected.prototype.fold = function(f, z, c, to) {

		Rejected.prototype.when = function(cont) {
			if(typeof cont.rejected === 'function') {
			runContinuation1(cont.rejected, this, cont.receiver, cont.resolver);

		Rejected.prototype._report = function(context) {
			tasks.afterQueue(new ReportTask(this, context));

		Rejected.prototype._unreport = function() {
			if(this.handled) {
			this.handled = true;
			tasks.afterQueue(new UnreportTask(this));

		Rejected.prototype.fail = function(context) {
			this.reported = true;
			emitRejection('unhandledRejection', this);
			Promise.onFatalRejection(this, context === void 0 ? this.context : context);

		function ReportTask(rejection, context) {
			this.rejection = rejection;
			this.context = context;

		ReportTask.prototype.run = function() {
			if(!this.rejection.handled && !this.rejection.reported) {
				this.rejection.reported = true;
				emitRejection('unhandledRejection', this.rejection) ||
					Promise.onPotentiallyUnhandledRejection(this.rejection, this.context);

		function UnreportTask(rejection) {
			this.rejection = rejection;

		UnreportTask.prototype.run = function() {
			if(this.rejection.reported) {
				emitRejection('rejectionHandled', this.rejection) ||

		// Unhandled rejection hooks
		// By default, everything is a noop

			= Promise.enterContext
			= Promise.exitContext
			= Promise.onPotentiallyUnhandledRejection
			= Promise.onPotentiallyUnhandledRejectionHandled
			= Promise.onFatalRejection
			= noop;

		// Errors and singletons

		var foreverPendingHandler = new Handler();
		var foreverPendingPromise = new Promise(Handler, foreverPendingHandler);

		function cycle() {
			return new Rejected(new TypeError('Promise cycle'));

		// Task runners

		 * Run a single consumer
		 * @constructor
		function ContinuationTask(continuation, handler) {
			this.continuation = continuation;
			this.handler = handler;

		ContinuationTask.prototype.run = function() {

		 * Run a queue of progress handlers
		 * @constructor
		function ProgressTask(value, handler) {
			this.handler = handler;
			this.value = value;

		ProgressTask.prototype.run = function() {
			var q = this.handler.consumers;
			if(q === void 0) {

			for (var c, i = 0; i < q.length; ++i) {
				c = q[i];
				runNotify(c.progress, this.value, this.handler, c.receiver, c.resolver);

		 * Assimilate a thenable, sending it's value to resolver
		 * @param {function} then
		 * @param {object|function} thenable
		 * @param {object} resolver
		 * @constructor
		function AssimilateTask(then, thenable, resolver) {
			this._then = then;
			this.thenable = thenable;
			this.resolver = resolver;

		AssimilateTask.prototype.run = function() {
			var h = this.resolver;
			tryAssimilate(this._then, this.thenable, _resolve, _reject, _notify);

			function _resolve(x) { h.resolve(x); }
			function _reject(x)  { h.reject(x); }
			function _notify(x)  { h.notify(x); }

		function tryAssimilate(then, thenable, resolve, reject, notify) {
			try {
				then.call(thenable, resolve, reject, notify);
			} catch (e) {

		 * Fold a handler value with z
		 * @constructor
		function Fold(f, z, c, to) {
			this.f = f; this.z = z; this.c = c; this.to = to;
			this.resolver = failIfRejected;
			this.receiver = this;

		Fold.prototype.fulfilled = function(x) {
			this.f.call(this.c, this.z, x, this.to);

		Fold.prototype.rejected = function(x) {

		Fold.prototype.progress = function(x) {

		// Other helpers

		 * @param {*} x
		 * @returns {boolean} true iff x is a trusted Promise
		function isPromise(x) {
			return x instanceof Promise;

		 * Test just enough to rule out primitives, in order to take faster
		 * paths in some code
		 * @param {*} x
		 * @returns {boolean} false iff x is guaranteed *not* to be a thenable
		function maybeThenable(x) {
			return (typeof x === 'object' || typeof x === 'function') && x !== null;

		function runContinuation1(f, h, receiver, next) {
			if(typeof f !== 'function') {
				return next.become(h);

			tryCatchReject(f, h.value, receiver, next);

		function runContinuation3(f, x, h, receiver, next) {
			if(typeof f !== 'function') {
				return next.become(h);

			tryCatchReject3(f, x, h.value, receiver, next);

		 * @deprecated
		function runNotify(f, x, h, receiver, next) {
			if(typeof f !== 'function') {
				return next.notify(x);

			tryCatchReturn(f, x, receiver, next);

		function tryCatch2(f, a, b) {
			try {
				return f(a, b);
			} catch(e) {
				return reject(e);

		 * Return f.call(thisArg, x), or if it throws return a rejected promise for
		 * the thrown exception
		function tryCatchReject(f, x, thisArg, next) {
			try {
				next.become(getHandler(f.call(thisArg, x)));
			} catch(e) {
				next.become(new Rejected(e));

		 * Same as above, but includes the extra argument parameter.
		function tryCatchReject3(f, x, y, thisArg, next) {
			try {
				f.call(thisArg, x, y, next);
			} catch(e) {
				next.become(new Rejected(e));

		 * @deprecated
		 * Return f.call(thisArg, x), or if it throws, *return* the exception
		function tryCatchReturn(f, x, thisArg, next) {
			try {
				next.notify(f.call(thisArg, x));
			} catch(e) {

		function inherit(Parent, Child) {
			Child.prototype = objectCreate(Parent.prototype);
			Child.prototype.constructor = Child;

		function snd(x, y) {
			return y;

		function noop() {}

		function initEmitRejection() {
			/*global process, self, CustomEvent*/
			if(typeof process !== 'undefined' && process !== null
				&& typeof process.emit === 'function') {
				// Returning falsy here means to call the default
				// onPotentiallyUnhandledRejection API.  This is safe even in
				// browserify since process.emit always returns falsy in browserify:
				// https://github.com/defunctzombie/node-process/blob/master/browser.js#L40-L46
				return function(type, rejection) {
					return type === 'unhandledRejection'
						? process.emit(type, rejection.value, rejection)
						: process.emit(type, rejection);
			} else if(typeof self !== 'undefined' && typeof CustomEvent === 'function') {
				return (function(noop, self, CustomEvent) {
					var hasCustomEvent = false;
					try {
						var ev = new CustomEvent('unhandledRejection');
						hasCustomEvent = ev instanceof CustomEvent;
					} catch (e) {}

					return !hasCustomEvent ? noop : function(type, rejection) {
						var ev = new CustomEvent(type, {
							detail: {
								reason: rejection.value,
								key: rejection
							bubbles: false,
							cancelable: true

						return !self.dispatchEvent(ev);
				}(noop, self, CustomEvent));

			return noop;

		return Promise;
}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */

(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function() {

	return {
		pending: toPendingState,
		fulfilled: toFulfilledState,
		rejected: toRejectedState,
		inspect: inspect

	function toPendingState() {
		return { state: 'pending' };

	function toRejectedState(e) {
		return { state: 'rejected', reason: e };

	function toFulfilledState(x) {
		return { state: 'fulfilled', value: x };

	function inspect(handler) {
		var state = handler.state();
		return state === 0 ? toPendingState()
			 : state > 0   ? toFulfilledState(handler.value)
			               : toRejectedState(handler.value);

}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(); }));

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2013 original author or authors */

 * Collection of helpers for interfacing with node-style asynchronous functions
 * using promises.
 * @author Brian Cavalier
 * @contributor Renato Zannon

(function(define) {
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');
	var _liftAll = require('./lib/liftAll');
	var setTimer = require('./lib/env').setTimer;
	var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

	var _apply = require('./lib/apply')(when.Promise, dispatch);

	return {
		lift: lift,
		liftAll: liftAll,
		apply: apply,
		call: call,
		createCallback: createCallback,
		bindCallback: bindCallback,
		liftCallback: liftCallback

	 * Takes a node-style async function and calls it immediately (with an optional
	 * array of arguments or promises for arguments). It returns a promise whose
	 * resolution depends on whether the async functions calls its callback with the
	 * conventional error argument or not.
	 * With this it becomes possible to leverage existing APIs while still reaping
	 * the benefits of promises.
	 * @example
	 *    function onlySmallNumbers(n, callback) {
	 *		if(n < 10) {
	 *			callback(null, n + 10);
	 *		} else {
	 *			callback(new Error("Calculation failed"));
	 *		}
	 *	}
	 *    var nodefn = require("when/node/function");
	 *    // Logs '15'
	 *    nodefn.apply(onlySmallNumbers, [5]).then(console.log, console.error);
	 *    // Logs 'Calculation failed'
	 *    nodefn.apply(onlySmallNumbers, [15]).then(console.log, console.error);
	 * @param {function} f node-style function that will be called
	 * @param {Array} [args] array of arguments to func
	 * @returns {Promise} promise for the value func passes to its callback
	function apply(f, args) {
		return _apply(f, this, args || []);

	function dispatch(f, thisArg, args, h) {
		var cb = createCallback(h);
		try {
			switch(args.length) {
				case 2: f.call(thisArg, args[0], args[1], cb); break;
				case 1: f.call(thisArg, args[0], cb); break;
				case 0: f.call(thisArg, cb); break;
					f.apply(thisArg, args);
		} catch(e) {

	 * Has the same behavior that {@link apply} has, with the difference that the
	 * arguments to the function are provided individually, while {@link apply} accepts
	 * a single array.
	 * @example
	 *    function sumSmallNumbers(x, y, callback) {
	 *		var result = x + y;
	 *		if(result < 10) {
	 *			callback(null, result);
	 *		} else {
	 *			callback(new Error("Calculation failed"));
	 *		}
	 *	}
	 *    // Logs '5'
	 *    nodefn.call(sumSmallNumbers, 2, 3).then(console.log, console.error);
	 *    // Logs 'Calculation failed'
	 *    nodefn.call(sumSmallNumbers, 5, 10).then(console.log, console.error);
	 * @param {function} f node-style function that will be called
	 * @param {...*} [args] arguments that will be forwarded to the function
	 * @returns {Promise} promise for the value func passes to its callback
	function call(f /*, args... */) {
		return _apply(f, this, slice.call(arguments, 1));

	 * Takes a node-style function and returns new function that wraps the
	 * original and, instead of taking a callback, returns a promise. Also, it
	 * knows how to handle promises given as arguments, waiting for their
	 * resolution before executing.
	 * Upon execution, the orginal function is executed as well. If it passes
	 * a truthy value as the first argument to the callback, it will be
	 * interpreted as an error condition, and the promise will be rejected
	 * with it. Otherwise, the call is considered a resolution, and the promise
	 * is resolved with the callback's second argument.
	 * @example
	 *    var fs = require("fs"), nodefn = require("when/node/function");
	 *    var promiseRead = nodefn.lift(fs.readFile);
	 *    // The promise is resolved with the contents of the file if everything
	 *    // goes ok
	 *    promiseRead('exists.txt').then(console.log, console.error);
	 *    // And will be rejected if something doesn't work out
	 *    // (e.g. the files does not exist)
	 *    promiseRead('doesnt_exist.txt').then(console.log, console.error);
	 * @param {Function} f node-style function to be lifted
	 * @param {...*} [args] arguments to be prepended for the new function @deprecated
	 * @returns {Function} a promise-returning function
	function lift(f /*, args... */) {
		var args1 = arguments.length > 1 ? slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
		return function() {
			// TODO: Simplify once partialing has been removed
			var l = args1.length;
			var al = arguments.length;
			var args = new Array(al + l);
			var i;
			for(i=0; i<l; ++i) {
				args[i] = args1[i];
			for(i=0; i<al; ++i) {
				args[i+l] = arguments[i];
			return _apply(f, this, args);

	 * Lift all the functions/methods on src
	 * @param {object|function} src source whose functions will be lifted
	 * @param {function?} combine optional function for customizing the lifting
	 *  process. It is passed dst, the lifted function, and the property name of
	 *  the original function on src.
	 * @param {(object|function)?} dst option destination host onto which to place lifted
	 *  functions. If not provided, liftAll returns a new object.
	 * @returns {*} If dst is provided, returns dst with lifted functions as
	 *  properties.  If dst not provided, returns a new object with lifted functions.
	function liftAll(src, combine, dst) {
		return _liftAll(lift, combine, dst, src);

	 * Takes an object that responds to the resolver interface, and returns
	 * a function that will resolve or reject it depending on how it is called.
	 * @example
	 *	function callbackTakingFunction(callback) {
	 *		if(somethingWrongHappened) {
	 *			callback(error);
	 *		} else {
	 *			callback(null, interestingValue);
	 *		}
	 *	}
	 *	var when = require('when'), nodefn = require('when/node/function');
	 *	var deferred = when.defer();
	 *	callbackTakingFunction(nodefn.createCallback(deferred.resolver));
	 *	deferred.promise.then(function(interestingValue) {
	 *		// Use interestingValue
	 *	});
	 * @param {Resolver} resolver that will be 'attached' to the callback
	 * @returns {Function} a node-style callback function
	function createCallback(resolver) {
		return function(err, value) {
			if(err) {
			} else if(arguments.length > 2) {
				resolver.resolve(slice.call(arguments, 1));
			} else {

	 * Attaches a node-style callback to a promise, ensuring the callback is
	 * called for either fulfillment or rejection. Returns a promise with the same
	 * state as the passed-in promise.
	 * @example
	 *	var deferred = when.defer();
	 *	function callback(err, value) {
	 *		// Handle err or use value
	 *	}
	 *	bindCallback(deferred.promise, callback);
	 *	deferred.resolve('interesting value');
	 * @param {Promise} promise The promise to be attached to.
	 * @param {Function} callback The node-style callback to attach.
	 * @returns {Promise} A promise with the same state as the passed-in promise.
	function bindCallback(promise, callback) {
		promise = when(promise);

		if (callback) {
			promise.then(success, wrapped);

		return promise;

		function success(value) {
			wrapped(null, value);

		function wrapped(err, value) {
			setTimer(function () {
				callback(err, value);
			}, 0);

	 * Takes a node-style callback and returns new function that accepts a
	 * promise, calling the original callback when the promise is either
	 * fulfilled or rejected with the appropriate arguments.
	 * @example
	 *	var deferred = when.defer();
	 *	function callback(err, value) {
	 *		// Handle err or use value
	 *	}
	 *	var wrapped = liftCallback(callback);
	 *	// `wrapped` can now be passed around at will
	 *	wrapped(deferred.promise);
	 *	deferred.resolve('interesting value');
	 * @param {Function} callback The node-style callback to wrap.
	 * @returns {Function} The lifted, promise-accepting function.
	function liftCallback(callback) {
		return function(promise) {
			return bindCallback(promise, callback);

})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2011-2013 original author or authors */

 * parallel.js
 * Run a set of task functions in parallel.  All tasks will
 * receive the same args
 * @author Brian Cavalier
 * @author John Hann

(function(define) {
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');
	var all = when.Promise.all;
	var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

	 * Run array of tasks in parallel
	 * @param tasks {Array|Promise} array or promiseForArray of task functions
	 * @param [args] {*} arguments to be passed to all tasks
	 * @return {Promise} promise for array containing the
	 * result of each task in the array position corresponding
	 * to position of the task in the tasks array
	return function parallel(tasks /*, args... */) {
		return all(slice.call(arguments, 1)).then(function(args) {
			return when.map(tasks, function(task) {
				return task.apply(void 0, args);

})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2011-2013 original author or authors */

 * pipeline.js
 * Run a set of task functions in sequence, passing the result
 * of the previous as an argument to the next.  Like a shell
 * pipeline, e.g. `cat file.txt | grep 'foo' | sed -e 's/foo/bar/g'
 * @author Brian Cavalier
 * @author John Hann

(function(define) {
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');
	var all = when.Promise.all;
	var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

	 * Run array of tasks in a pipeline where the next
	 * tasks receives the result of the previous.  The first task
	 * will receive the initialArgs as its argument list.
	 * @param tasks {Array|Promise} array or promise for array of task functions
	 * @param [initialArgs...] {*} arguments to be passed to the first task
	 * @return {Promise} promise for return value of the final task
	return function pipeline(tasks /* initialArgs... */) {
		// Self-optimizing function to run first task with multiple
		// args using apply, but subsequence tasks via direct invocation
		var runTask = function(args, task) {
			runTask = function(arg, task) {
				return task(arg);

			return task.apply(null, args);

		return all(slice.call(arguments, 1)).then(function(args) {
			return when.reduce(tasks, function(arg, task) {
				return runTask(arg, task);
			}, args);

})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2012-2013 original author or authors */

 * poll.js
 * Helper that polls until cancelled or for a condition to become true.
 * @author Scott Andrews

(function (define) { 'use strict';
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');
	var attempt = when['try'];
	var cancelable = require('./cancelable');

	 * Periodically execute the task function on the msec delay. The result of
	 * the task may be verified by watching for a condition to become true. The
	 * returned deferred is cancellable if the polling needs to be cancelled
	 * externally before reaching a resolved state.
	 * The next vote is scheduled after the results of the current vote are
	 * verified and rejected.
	 * Polling may be terminated by the verifier returning a truthy value,
	 * invoking cancel() on the returned promise, or the task function returning
	 * a rejected promise.
	 * Usage:
	 * var count = 0;
	 * function doSomething() { return count++ }
	 * // poll until cancelled
	 * var p = poll(doSomething, 1000);
	 * ...
	 * p.cancel();
	 * // poll until condition is met
	 * poll(doSomething, 1000, function(result) { return result > 10 })
	 *     .then(function(result) { assert result == 10 });
	 * // delay first vote
	 * poll(doSomething, 1000, anyFunc, true);
	 * @param task {Function} function that is executed after every timeout
	 * @param interval {number|Function} timeout in milliseconds
	 * @param [verifier] {Function} function to evaluate the result of the vote.
	 *     May return a {Promise} or a {Boolean}. Rejecting the promise or a
	 *     falsey value will schedule the next vote.
	 * @param [delayInitialTask] {boolean} if truthy, the first vote is scheduled
	 *     instead of immediate
	 * @returns {Promise}
	return function poll(task, interval, verifier, delayInitialTask) {
		var deferred, canceled, reject;

		canceled = false;
		deferred = cancelable(when.defer(), function () { canceled = true; });
		reject = deferred.reject;

		verifier = verifier || function () { return false; };

		if (typeof interval !== 'function') {
			interval = (function (interval) {
				return function () { return when().delay(interval); };

		function certify(result) {

		function schedule(result) {
			attempt(interval).then(vote, reject);
			if (result !== void 0) {

		function vote() {
			if (canceled) { return; }
				function (result) {
						function (verification) {
							return verification ? certify(result) : schedule(result);
						function () { schedule(result); }

		if (delayInitialTask) {
		} else {
			// if task() is blocking, vote will also block

		// make the promise cancelable
		deferred.promise = Object.create(deferred.promise);
		deferred.promise.cancel = deferred.cancel;

		return deferred.promise;

})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2011-2013 original author or authors */

 * sequence.js
 * Run a set of task functions in sequence.  All tasks will
 * receive the same args.
 * @author Brian Cavalier
 * @author John Hann

(function(define) {
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');
	var all = when.Promise.all;
	var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

	 * Run array of tasks in sequence with no overlap
	 * @param tasks {Array|Promise} array or promiseForArray of task functions
	 * @param [args] {*} arguments to be passed to all tasks
	 * @return {Promise} promise for an array containing
	 * the result of each task in the array position corresponding
	 * to position of the task in the tasks array
	return function sequence(tasks /*, args... */) {
		var results = [];

		return all(slice.call(arguments, 1)).then(function(args) {
			return when.reduce(tasks, function(results, task) {
				return when(task.apply(void 0, args), addResult);
			}, results);

		function addResult(result) {
			return results;

})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2011-2013 original author or authors */

 * timeout.js
 * Helper that returns a promise that rejects after a specified timeout,
 * if not explicitly resolved or rejected before that.
 * @author Brian Cavalier
 * @author John Hann

(function(define) {
define(function(require) {

	var when = require('./when');

	 * @deprecated Use when(trigger).timeout(ms)
    return function timeout(msec, trigger) {
		return when(trigger).timeout(msec);
})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */

 * Promises/A+ and when() implementation
 * when is part of the cujoJS family of libraries (http://cujojs.com/)
 * @author Brian Cavalier
 * @author John Hann
(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function (require) {

	var timed = require('./lib/decorators/timed');
	var array = require('./lib/decorators/array');
	var flow = require('./lib/decorators/flow');
	var fold = require('./lib/decorators/fold');
	var inspect = require('./lib/decorators/inspect');
	var generate = require('./lib/decorators/iterate');
	var progress = require('./lib/decorators/progress');
	var withThis = require('./lib/decorators/with');
	var unhandledRejection = require('./lib/decorators/unhandledRejection');
	var TimeoutError = require('./lib/TimeoutError');

	var Promise = [array, flow, fold, generate, progress,
		inspect, withThis, timed, unhandledRejection]
		.reduce(function(Promise, feature) {
			return feature(Promise);
		}, require('./lib/Promise'));

	var apply = require('./lib/apply')(Promise);

	// Public API

	when.promise     = promise;              // Create a pending promise
	when.resolve     = Promise.resolve;      // Create a resolved promise
	when.reject      = Promise.reject;       // Create a rejected promise

	when.lift        = lift;                 // lift a function to return promises
	when['try']      = attempt;              // call a function and return a promise
	when.attempt     = attempt;              // alias for when.try

	when.iterate     = Promise.iterate;      // DEPRECATED (use cujojs/most streams) Generate a stream of promises
	when.unfold      = Promise.unfold;       // DEPRECATED (use cujojs/most streams) Generate a stream of promises

	when.join        = join;                 // Join 2 or more promises

	when.all         = all;                  // Resolve a list of promises
	when.settle      = settle;               // Settle a list of promises

	when.any         = lift(Promise.any);    // One-winner race
	when.some        = lift(Promise.some);   // Multi-winner race
	when.race        = lift(Promise.race);   // First-to-settle race

	when.map         = map;                  // Array.map() for promises
	when.filter      = filter;               // Array.filter() for promises
	when.reduce      = lift(Promise.reduce);       // Array.reduce() for promises
	when.reduceRight = lift(Promise.reduceRight);  // Array.reduceRight() for promises

	when.isPromiseLike = isPromiseLike;      // Is something promise-like, aka thenable

	when.Promise     = Promise;              // Promise constructor
	when.defer       = defer;                // Create a {promise, resolve, reject} tuple

	// Error types

	when.TimeoutError = TimeoutError;

	 * Get a trusted promise for x, or by transforming x with onFulfilled
	 * @param {*} x
	 * @param {function?} onFulfilled callback to be called when x is
	 *   successfully fulfilled.  If promiseOrValue is an immediate value, callback
	 *   will be invoked immediately.
	 * @param {function?} onRejected callback to be called when x is
	 *   rejected.
	 * @param {function?} onProgress callback to be called when progress updates
	 *   are issued for x. @deprecated
	 * @returns {Promise} a new promise that will fulfill with the return
	 *   value of callback or errback or the completion value of promiseOrValue if
	 *   callback and/or errback is not supplied.
	function when(x, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
		var p = Promise.resolve(x);
		if (arguments.length < 2) {
			return p;

		return p.then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress);

	 * Creates a new promise whose fate is determined by resolver.
	 * @param {function} resolver function(resolve, reject, notify)
	 * @returns {Promise} promise whose fate is determine by resolver
	function promise(resolver) {
		return new Promise(resolver);

	 * Lift the supplied function, creating a version of f that returns
	 * promises, and accepts promises as arguments.
	 * @param {function} f
	 * @returns {Function} version of f that returns promises
	function lift(f) {
		return function() {
			for(var i=0, l=arguments.length, a=new Array(l); i<l; ++i) {
				a[i] = arguments[i];
			return apply(f, this, a);

	 * Call f in a future turn, with the supplied args, and return a promise
	 * for the result.
	 * @param {function} f
	 * @returns {Promise}
	function attempt(f /*, args... */) {
		/*jshint validthis:true */
		for(var i=0, l=arguments.length-1, a=new Array(l); i<l; ++i) {
			a[i] = arguments[i+1];
		return apply(f, this, a);

	 * Creates a {promise, resolver} pair, either or both of which
	 * may be given out safely to consumers.
	 * @return {{promise: Promise, resolve: function, reject: function, notify: function}}
	function defer() {
		return new Deferred();

	function Deferred() {
		var p = Promise._defer();

		function resolve(x) { p._handler.resolve(x); }
		function reject(x) { p._handler.reject(x); }
		function notify(x) { p._handler.notify(x); }

		this.promise = p;
		this.resolve = resolve;
		this.reject = reject;
		this.notify = notify;
		this.resolver = { resolve: resolve, reject: reject, notify: notify };

	 * Determines if x is promise-like, i.e. a thenable object
	 * NOTE: Will return true for *any thenable object*, and isn't truly
	 * safe, since it may attempt to access the `then` property of x (i.e.
	 *  clever/malicious getters may do weird things)
	 * @param {*} x anything
	 * @returns {boolean} true if x is promise-like
	function isPromiseLike(x) {
		return x && typeof x.then === 'function';

	 * Return a promise that will resolve only once all the supplied arguments
	 * have resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise will be an array
	 * containing the resolution values of each of the arguments.
	 * @param {...*} arguments may be a mix of promises and values
	 * @returns {Promise}
	function join(/* ...promises */) {
		return Promise.all(arguments);

	 * Return a promise that will fulfill once all input promises have
	 * fulfilled, or reject when any one input promise rejects.
	 * @param {array|Promise} promises array (or promise for an array) of promises
	 * @returns {Promise}
	function all(promises) {
		return when(promises, Promise.all);

	 * Return a promise that will always fulfill with an array containing
	 * the outcome states of all input promises.  The returned promise
	 * will only reject if `promises` itself is a rejected promise.
	 * @param {array|Promise} promises array (or promise for an array) of promises
	 * @returns {Promise} promise for array of settled state descriptors
	function settle(promises) {
		return when(promises, Promise.settle);

	 * Promise-aware array map function, similar to `Array.prototype.map()`,
	 * but input array may contain promises or values.
	 * @param {Array|Promise} promises array of anything, may contain promises and values
	 * @param {function(x:*, index:Number):*} mapFunc map function which may
	 *  return a promise or value
	 * @returns {Promise} promise that will fulfill with an array of mapped values
	 *  or reject if any input promise rejects.
	function map(promises, mapFunc) {
		return when(promises, function(promises) {
			return Promise.map(promises, mapFunc);

	 * Filter the provided array of promises using the provided predicate.  Input may
	 * contain promises and values
	 * @param {Array|Promise} promises array of promises and values
	 * @param {function(x:*, index:Number):boolean} predicate filtering predicate.
	 *  Must return truthy (or promise for truthy) for items to retain.
	 * @returns {Promise} promise that will fulfill with an array containing all items
	 *  for which predicate returned truthy.
	function filter(promises, predicate) {
		return when(promises, function(promises) {
			return Promise.filter(promises, predicate);

	return when;
})(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });

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