var sw = require('../') var isWindows = require('../lib/is-windows.js')() var winNoShebang = isWindows && 'no shebang execution on windows' var winNoSig = isWindows && 'no signals get through cmd' var onExit = require('signal-exit') var cp = require('child_process') var fixture = require.resolve('./fixtures/script.js') var npmFixture = require.resolve('./fixtures/npm') var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') if (process.argv[2] === 'parent') { // hang up once process.once('SIGHUP', function onHup () { console.log('SIGHUP') }) // handle sigints forever process.on('SIGINT', function onInt () { console.log('SIGINT') }) onExit(function (code, signal) { console.log('EXIT %j', [code, signal]) }) var argv = process.argv.slice(3).map(function (arg) { if (arg === fixture) { return '{{FIXTURE}}' } return arg }) console.log('WRAP %j', process.execArgv.concat(argv)) sw.runMain() return } var t = require('tap') var unwrap = sw([__filename, 'parent']) var expect = 'WRAP ["{{FIXTURE}}","xyz"]\n' + '[]\n' + '["xyz"]\n' + 'EXIT [0,null]\n' // dummy for node v0.10 if (!cp.spawnSync) { cp.spawnSync = function () { return { status: 0, signal: null, stdout: expect } } } t.test('spawn execPath', function (t) { t.plan(4) t.test('basic', function (t) { var child = cp.spawn(process.execPath, [fixture, 'xyz']) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, expect) t.end() }) }) t.test('basic sync', function (t) { var child = cp.spawnSync(process.execPath, [fixture, 'xyz']) t.equal(child.status, 0) t.equal(child.signal, null) t.equal(child.stdout.toString(), expect) t.end() }) t.test('SIGINT', { skip: winNoSig }, function (t) { var child = cp.spawn(process.execPath, [fixture, 'xyz']) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.stdout.once('data', function () { child.kill('SIGINT') }) child.stderr.on('data', function (t) { console.error(t) }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, 'WRAP ["{{FIXTURE}}","xyz"]\n' + '[]\n' + '["xyz"]\n' + 'SIGINT\n' + 'EXIT [0,null]\n') t.end() }) }) t.test('SIGHUP', { skip: winNoSig }, function (t) { var child = cp.spawn(process.execPath, [fixture, 'xyz']) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c child.kill('SIGHUP') }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(signal, 'SIGHUP') t.equal(out, 'WRAP ["{{FIXTURE}}","xyz"]\n' + '[]\n' + '["xyz"]\n' + 'SIGHUP\n' + 'EXIT [null,"SIGHUP"]\n') t.end() }) }) }) t.test('spawn node', function (t) { t.plan(4) t.test('basic', function (t) { var child = cp.spawn('node', [fixture, 'xyz']) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, expect) t.end() }) }) t.test('basic sync', function (t) { var child = cp.spawnSync('node', [fixture, 'xyz']) t.equal(child.status, 0) t.equal(child.signal, null) t.equal(child.stdout.toString(), expect) t.end() }) t.test('SIGINT', { skip: winNoSig }, function (t) { var child = cp.spawn('node', [fixture, 'xyz']) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.stdout.once('data', function () { child.kill('SIGINT') }) child.stderr.on('data', function (t) { console.error(t) }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, 'WRAP ["{{FIXTURE}}","xyz"]\n' + '[]\n' + '["xyz"]\n' + 'SIGINT\n' + 'EXIT [0,null]\n') t.end() }) }) t.test('SIGHUP', { skip: winNoSig }, function (t) { var child = cp.spawn('node', [fixture, 'xyz']) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c child.kill('SIGHUP') }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(signal, 'SIGHUP') t.equal(out, 'WRAP ["{{FIXTURE}}","xyz"]\n' + '[]\n' + '["xyz"]\n' + 'SIGHUP\n' + 'EXIT [null,"SIGHUP"]\n') t.end() }) }) }) t.test('exec execPath', function (t) { t.plan(4) t.test('basic', function (t) { var opt = isWindows ? null : { shell: '/bin/bash' } var child = cp.exec(process.execPath + ' ' + fixture + ' xyz', opt) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, expect) t.end() }) }) t.test('execPath wrapped with quotes', function (t) { var opt = isWindows ? null : { shell: '/bin/bash' } var child = cp.exec(JSON.stringify(process.execPath) + ' ' + fixture + ' xyz', opt) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, expect) t.end() }) }) t.test('SIGINT', { skip: winNoSig }, function (t) { var child = cp.exec(process.execPath + ' ' + fixture + ' xyz', { shell: '/bin/bash' }) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.stdout.once('data', function () { child.kill('SIGINT') }) child.stderr.on('data', function (t) { console.error(t) }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, 'WRAP ["{{FIXTURE}}","xyz"]\n' + '[]\n' + '["xyz"]\n' + 'SIGINT\n' + 'EXIT [0,null]\n') t.end() }) }) t.test('SIGHUP', { skip: winNoSig }, function (t) { var child = cp.exec(process.execPath + ' ' + fixture + ' xyz', { shell: '/bin/bash' }) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c child.kill('SIGHUP') }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(signal, 'SIGHUP') t.equal(out, 'WRAP ["{{FIXTURE}}","xyz"]\n' + '[]\n' + '["xyz"]\n' + 'SIGHUP\n' + 'EXIT [null,"SIGHUP"]\n') t.end() }) }) }) t.test('exec shebang', { skip: winNoShebang }, function (t) { t.plan(3) t.test('basic', function (t) { var child = cp.exec(fixture + ' xyz', { shell: '/bin/bash' }) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, expect) t.end() }) }) t.test('SIGHUP', function (t) { var child = cp.exec(fixture + ' xyz', { shell: '/bin/bash' }) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c child.kill('SIGHUP') }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(signal, 'SIGHUP') t.equal(out, 'WRAP ["{{FIXTURE}}","xyz"]\n' + '[]\n' + '["xyz"]\n' + 'SIGHUP\n' + 'EXIT [null,"SIGHUP"]\n') t.end() }) }) t.test('SIGINT', function (t) { var child = cp.exec(fixture + ' xyz', { shell: '/bin/bash' }) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.stdout.once('data', function () { child.kill('SIGINT') }) child.stderr.on('data', function (t) { console.error(t) }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, 'WRAP ["{{FIXTURE}}","xyz"]\n' + '[]\n' + '["xyz"]\n' + 'SIGINT\n' + 'EXIT [0,null]\n') t.end() }) }) }) // see: t.test('Node 5.8.x + npm 3.7.x - spawn', { skip: winNoShebang }, function (t) { var npmdir = path.dirname(npmFixture) process.env.PATH = npmdir + ':' + (process.env.PATH || '') var child = cp.spawn('npm', ['xyz']) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.true(~out.indexOf('xyz')) t.end() }) }) t.test('Node 5.8.x + npm 3.7.x - shell', { skip: winNoShebang }, function (t) { var npmdir = path.dirname(npmFixture) process.env.PATH = npmdir + ':' + (process.env.PATH || '') var child = cp.exec('npm xyz') var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.true(~out.indexOf('xyz')) t.end() }) }) t.test('--harmony', function (t) { var node = process.execPath var child = cp.spawn(node, ['--harmony', fixture, 'xyz']) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, 'WRAP ["--harmony","{{FIXTURE}}","xyz"]\n' + '["--harmony"]\n' + '["xyz"]\n' + 'EXIT [0,null]\n') t.end() }) }) t.test('node exe with different name', function(t) { var fp = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'exething.exe') var data = fs.readFileSync(process.execPath) fs.writeFileSync(fp, data) fs.chmodSync(fp, '0775') var child = cp.spawn(process.execPath, [fixture, 'xyz']) var out = '' child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { out += c }) child.on('close', function (code, signal) { t.equal(code, 0) t.equal(signal, null) t.equal(out, expect) fs.unlinkSync(fp) t.end() }) }) t.test('unwrap', function (t) { unwrap() t.end() })