/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2016 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, If not, see */ /// /** * Database query abstractions. * @module Query * @author Florian Dold */ "use strict"; function Query(db) { return new QueryRoot(db); } abstract class QueryStreamBase { abstract subscribe(f: (isDone: boolean, value: any) => void); root: QueryRoot; constructor(root: QueryRoot) { this.root = root; } indexJoin(storeName: string, indexName: string, key: any): QueryStreamBase { // join on the source relation's key, which may be // a path or a transformer function return new QueryStreamIndexJoin(this, storeName, indexName, key); } filter(f: (any) => boolean): QueryStreamBase { return new QueryStreamFilter(this, f); } reduce(f, acc?): Promise { let leakedResolve; let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { leakedResolve = resolve; }); this.subscribe((isDone, value) => { if (isDone) { leakedResolve(acc); return; } acc = f(value, acc); }); return Promise.resolve().then(() => this.root.finish().then(() => p)); } } class QueryStreamFilter extends QueryStreamBase { s: QueryStreamBase; filterFn; constructor(s: QueryStreamBase, filterFn) { super(s.root); this.s = s; this.filterFn = filterFn; } subscribe(f) { this.s.subscribe((isDone, value) => { if (isDone) { f(true, undefined); return; } if (this.filterFn(value)) { f(false, value) } }); } } class QueryStreamIndexJoin extends QueryStreamBase { s: QueryStreamBase; storeName; key; constructor(s, storeName: string, indexName: string, key: any) { super(s.root); this.s = s; this.storeName = storeName; this.key = key; } subscribe(f) { this.s.subscribe((isDone, value) => { if (isDone) { f(true, undefined); return; } let s = this.root.tx.objectStore(this.storeName); let req = s.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(value)); req.onsuccess = () => { let cursor = req.result; if (cursor) { f(false, [value, cursor.value]); cursor.continue(); } else { f(true, undefined); } } }); } } class IterQueryStream extends QueryStreamBase { private qr: QueryRoot; private storeName; private options; constructor(qr, storeName, options?) { super(qr); this.qr = qr; this.options = options; this.storeName = storeName; } subscribe(f) { function doIt() { let s = this.qr.tx.objectStore(this.storeName); let kr = undefined; if (this.options && ("only" in this.options)) { kr = IDBKeyRange.only(this.options.only); } let req = s.openCursor(kr); req.onsuccess = (e) => { let cursor: IDBCursorWithValue = req.result; if (cursor) { f(false, cursor.value); cursor.continue(); } else { f(true, undefined); } } } this.qr.work.push(doIt.bind(this)); } } class QueryRoot { work = []; db: IDBDatabase; tx: IDBTransaction; stores = new Set(); kickoffPromise; constructor(db) { this.db = db; } iter(storeName): QueryStreamBase { this.stores.add(storeName); return new IterQueryStream(this, storeName); } iterOnly(storeName, key): QueryStreamBase { this.stores.add(storeName); return new IterQueryStream(this, storeName, {only: key}); } put(storeName, val): QueryRoot { this.stores.add(storeName); function doPut() { this.tx.objectStore(storeName).put(val); } this.work.push(doPut.bind(this)); return this; } putAll(storeName, iterable): QueryRoot { this.stores.add(storeName); function doPutAll() { for (let obj of iterable) { this.tx.objectStore(storeName).put(obj); } } this.work.push(doPutAll.bind(this)); return this; } add(storeName, val): QueryRoot { this.stores.add(storeName); function doAdd() { this.tx.objectStore(storeName).add(val); } this.work.push(doAdd.bind(this)); return this; } get(storeName, key): Promise { this.stores.add(storeName); let leakedResolve; let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { leakedResolve = resolve; }); if (!leakedResolve) { // According to ES6 spec (paragraph, this can't happen. throw Error("assertion failed"); } function doGet() { let req = this.tx.objectStore(storeName).get(key); req.onsuccess = (r) => { leakedResolve(req.result); }; } this.work.push(doGet.bind(this)); return Promise.resolve().then(() => { return this.finish().then(() => p); }); } finish(): Promise { if (this.kickoffPromise) { return this.kickoffPromise; } this.kickoffPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.tx = this.db.transaction(Array.from(this.stores), "readwrite"); this.tx.oncomplete = () => { resolve(); }; for (let w of this.work) { w(); } }); return this.kickoffPromise; } delete(storeName: string, key): QueryRoot { this.stores.add(storeName); function doDelete() { this.tx.objectStore(storeName).delete(key); } this.work.push(doDelete.bind(this)); return this; } }