module.exports = {
    /* Header error messages */
    "INVALID_LOC" : "Invalid LOC header (bad signature)",
    "INVALID_CEN" : "Invalid CEN header (bad signature)",
    "INVALID_END" : "Invalid END header (bad signature)",

    /* ZipEntry error messages*/
    "NO_DATA" : "Nothing to decompress",
    "BAD_CRC" : "CRC32 checksum failed",
    "FILE_IN_THE_WAY" : "There is a file in the way: %s",
    "UNKNOWN_METHOD" : "Invalid/unsupported compression method",

    /* Inflater error messages */
    "AVAIL_DATA" : "inflate::Available inflate data did not terminate",
    "INVALID_DISTANCE" : "inflate::Invalid literal/length or distance code in fixed or dynamic block",
    "TO_MANY_CODES" : "inflate::Dynamic block code description: too many length or distance codes",
    "INVALID_REPEAT_LEN" : "inflate::Dynamic block code description: repeat more than specified lengths",
    "INVALID_REPEAT_FIRST" : "inflate::Dynamic block code description: repeat lengths with no first length",
    "INCOMPLETE_CODES" : "inflate::Dynamic block code description: code lengths codes incomplete",
    "INVALID_DYN_DISTANCE": "inflate::Dynamic block code description: invalid distance code lengths",
    "INVALID_CODES_LEN": "inflate::Dynamic block code description: invalid literal/length code lengths",
    "INVALID_STORE_BLOCK" : "inflate::Stored block length did not match one's complement",
    "INVALID_BLOCK_TYPE" : "inflate::Invalid block type (type == 3)",

    /* ADM-ZIP error messages */
    "CANT_EXTRACT_FILE" : "Could not extract the file",
    "CANT_OVERRIDE" : "Target file already exists",
    "NO_ZIP" : "No zip file was loaded",
    "NO_ENTRY" : "Entry doesn't exist",
    "DIRECTORY_CONTENT_ERROR" : "A directory cannot have content",
    "FILE_NOT_FOUND" : "File not found: %s",
    "NOT_IMPLEMENTED" : "Not implemented",
    "INVALID_FILENAME" : "Invalid filename",
    "INVALID_FORMAT" : "Invalid or unsupported zip format. No END header found"