{ "charset": "utf-8", "headers": { "project-id-version": "gettext-parser", "report-msgid-bugs-to": "andris@node.ee", "pot-creation-date": "2012-05-18 14:28:00+03:00", "po-revision-date": "2012-05-18 14:37+0300", "last-translator": "Andris Reinman ", "language-team": "gettext-parser ", "mime-version": "1.0", "content-type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "content-transfer-encoding": "8bit", "language": "", "plural-forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);", "x-poedit-language": "Estonian", "x-poedit-country": "ESTONIA", "x-poedit-sourcecharset": "utf-8" }, "translations": { "": { "": { "msgid": "", "comments": { "translator": "gettext-parser test file.\nCopyright (C) 2012 Andris Reinman\nThis file is distributed under the same license as the gettext-parser package.\nANDRIS REINMAN , 2012.\n" }, "msgstr": [ "Project-Id-Version: gettext-parser\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: andris@node.ee\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-18 14:28:00+03:00\nPO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-18 14:37+0300\nLast-Translator: Andris Reinman \nLanguage-Team: gettext-parser \nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nLanguage: \nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\nX-Poedit-Language: Estonian\nX-Poedit-Country: ESTONIA\nX-Poedit-Sourcecharset: utf-8\n" ] }, "o1": { "msgid": "o1", "comments": { "translator": "Normal string" }, "msgstr": [ "t1" ] }, "o2-1": { "msgid": "o2-1", "comments": { "translator": "Plural string" }, "msgid_plural": "o2-2\no2-3\no2-4", "msgstr": [ "t2-1", "t2-2" ] }, "o3-õäöü": { "msgid": "o3-õäöü", "comments": { "translator": "Normal string with special chars" }, "msgstr": [ "t3-žš" ] }, "test": { "msgid": "test", "comments": { "translator": "Normal comment line 1\nNormal comment line 2", "extracted": "Editors note line 1\nEditors note line 2", "reference": "/absolute/path:13\n/absolute/path:14", "flag": "line 1\nline 2", "previous": "line 3\nline 4" }, "msgstr": [ "test" ] }, "\"\\'\t": { "msgid": "\"\\'\t", "comments": { "translator": "String with escapes" }, "msgstr": [ "\"\\'\t" ] } }, "c1": { "co1": { "msgid": "co1", "msgctxt": "c1", "comments": { "translator": "Normal string in a context" }, "msgstr": [ "ct1" ] } }, "c2": { "co2-1": { "msgid": "co2-1", "msgctxt": "c2", "comments": { "translator": "Plural string in a context" }, "msgid_plural": "co2-2", "msgstr": [ "ct2-1", "ct2-2" ] } }, "Button label": { "Log in": { "msgid": "Log in", "msgctxt": "Button label", "msgstr": [ "" ] } }, "Dialog title": { "Log in": { "msgid": "Log in", "msgctxt": "Dialog title", "msgstr": [ "" ] } } } }