/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const Tapable = require("tapable"); const ConcatSource = require("webpack-sources").ConcatSource; const START_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET_CODE = "a".charCodeAt(0); const START_UPPERCASE_ALPHABET_CODE = "A".charCodeAt(0); const DELTA_A_TO_Z = "z".charCodeAt(0) - START_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET_CODE + 1; module.exports = class Template extends Tapable { constructor(outputOptions) { super(); this.outputOptions = outputOptions || {}; } static getFunctionContent(fn) { return fn.toString().replace(/^function\s?\(\)\s?\{\n?|\n?\}$/g, "").replace(/^\t/mg, ""); } static toIdentifier(str) { if(typeof str !== "string") return ""; return str.replace(/^[^a-zA-Z$_]/, "_").replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9$_]/g, "_"); } static toPath(str) { if(typeof str !== "string") return ""; return str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_!§$()=\-^°]+/g, "-").replace(/^-|-$/, ""); } // map number to a single character a-z, A-Z or <_ + number> if number is too big static numberToIdentifer(n) { // lower case if(n < DELTA_A_TO_Z) return String.fromCharCode(START_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET_CODE + n); // upper case n -= DELTA_A_TO_Z; if(n < DELTA_A_TO_Z) return String.fromCharCode(START_UPPERCASE_ALPHABET_CODE + n); // fall back to _ + number n -= DELTA_A_TO_Z; return "_" + n; } indent(str) { if(Array.isArray(str)) { return str.map(this.indent.bind(this)).join("\n"); } else { str = str.trimRight(); if(!str) return ""; var ind = (str[0] === "\n" ? "" : "\t"); return ind + str.replace(/\n([^\n])/g, "\n\t$1"); } } prefix(str, prefix) { if(Array.isArray(str)) { str = str.join("\n"); } str = str.trim(); if(!str) return ""; const ind = (str[0] === "\n" ? "" : prefix); return ind + str.replace(/\n([^\n])/g, "\n" + prefix + "$1"); } asString(str) { if(Array.isArray(str)) { return str.join("\n"); } return str; } getModulesArrayBounds(modules) { if(!modules.every(moduleIdIsNumber)) return false; var maxId = -Infinity; var minId = Infinity; modules.forEach(function(module) { if(maxId < module.id) maxId = module.id; if(minId > module.id) minId = module.id; }); if(minId < 16 + ("" + minId).length) { // add minId x ',' instead of 'Array(minId).concat(...)' minId = 0; } var objectOverhead = modules.map(function(module) { var idLength = (module.id + "").length; return idLength + 2; }).reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }, -1); var arrayOverhead = minId === 0 ? maxId : 16 + ("" + minId).length + maxId; return arrayOverhead < objectOverhead ? [minId, maxId] : false; } renderChunkModules(chunk, moduleTemplate, dependencyTemplates, prefix) { if(!prefix) prefix = ""; var source = new ConcatSource(); if(chunk.getNumberOfModules() === 0) { source.add("[]"); return source; } var removedModules = chunk.removedModules; var allModules = chunk.mapModules(function(module) { return { id: module.id, source: moduleTemplate.render(module, dependencyTemplates, chunk) }; }); if(removedModules && removedModules.length > 0) { removedModules.forEach(function(id) { allModules.push({ id: id, source: "false" }); }); } var bounds = this.getModulesArrayBounds(allModules); if(bounds) { // Render a spare array var minId = bounds[0]; var maxId = bounds[1]; if(minId !== 0) source.add("Array(" + minId + ").concat("); source.add("[\n"); var modules = {}; allModules.forEach(function(module) { modules[module.id] = module; }); for(var idx = minId; idx <= maxId; idx++) { var module = modules[idx]; if(idx !== minId) source.add(",\n"); source.add("/* " + idx + " */"); if(module) { source.add("\n"); source.add(module.source); } } source.add("\n" + prefix + "]"); if(minId !== 0) source.add(")"); } else { // Render an object source.add("{\n"); allModules.sort(function(a, b) { var aId = a.id + ""; var bId = b.id + ""; if(aId < bId) return -1; if(aId > bId) return 1; return 0; }).forEach(function(module, idx) { if(idx !== 0) source.add(",\n"); source.add("\n/***/ " + JSON.stringify(module.id) + ":\n"); source.add(module.source); }); source.add("\n\n" + prefix + "}"); } return source; } }; function moduleIdIsNumber(module) { return typeof module.id === "number"; }