# first-chunk-stream [](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/first-chunk-stream) > Transform the first chunk in a stream Useful if you want to do something to the first chunk. You can also set the minimum size of that chunk. ## Install ```sh $ npm install --save first-chunk-stream ``` ## Usage ```js var fs = require('fs'); var concat = require('concat-stream'); var firstChunk = require('first-chunk-stream'); // unicorn.txt => unicorn rainbow // `highWaterMark: 1` means it will only read 1 byte at the time fs.createReadStream('unicorn.txt', {highWaterMark: 1}) .pipe(firstChunk({minSize: 7}, function (chunk, enc, cb) { this.push(chunk.toUpperCase()); cb(); })) .pipe(concat(function (data) { console.log(data); //=> UNICORN rainbow })); ``` ## API ### firstChunk([options], transform) #### options.minSize Type: `number` The minimum size of the first chunk. #### transform(chunk, encoding, callback) *Required* Type: `function` The [function](http://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/stream.html#stream_transform_transform_chunk_encoding_callback) that gets the first chunk. ### firstChunk.ctor() Instead of returning a [stream.Transform](http://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_transform_1) instance, `firstChunk.ctor()` returns a constructor for a custom Transform. This is useful when you want to use the same transform logic in multiple instances. ## License MIT © [Sindre Sorhus](http://sindresorhus.com)