This file is part of TALER
(C) 2015 GNUnet e.V.
TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, If not, see
* High-level wallet operations that should be indepentent from the underlying
* browser extension interface.
* @module Wallet
* @author Florian Dold
import * as native from "./emscriptif";
import {AmountJson, CreateReserveResponse, IMintInfo, Denomination, Notifier} from "./types";
import {HttpResponse, RequestException} from "./http";
import {Query} from "./query";
import {Checkable} from "./checkable";
import {canonicalizeBaseUrl} from "./helpers";
import {ReserveCreationInfo} from "./types";
import {PreCoin} from "./types";
import {Reserve} from "./types";
"use strict";
export interface CoinWithDenom {
coin: Coin;
denom: Denomination;
export class KeysJson {
denoms: Denomination[];
master_public_key: string;
auditors: any[];
list_issue_date: string;
signkeys: any;
eddsa_pub: string;
eddsa_sig: string;
static checked: (obj: any) => KeysJson;
export interface Coin {
coinPub: string;
coinPriv: string;
denomPub: string;
denomSig: string;
currentAmount: AmountJson;
mintBaseUrl: string;
class MintInfo implements IMintInfo {
baseUrl: string;
masterPublicKey: string;
denoms: Denomination[];
constructor(obj: {baseUrl: string} & any) {
this.baseUrl = obj.baseUrl;
if (obj.denoms) {
this.denoms = Array.from(obj.denoms);
} else {
this.denoms = [];
if (typeof obj.masterPublicKey === "string") {
this.masterPublicKey = obj.masterPublicKey;
static fresh(baseUrl: string): MintInfo {
return new MintInfo({baseUrl});
* Merge new key information into the mint info.
* If the new key information is invalid (missing fields,
* invalid signatures), an exception is thrown, but the
* mint info is updated with the new information up until
* the first error.
mergeKeys(newKeys: KeysJson, wallet: Wallet): Promise {
if (!this.masterPublicKey) {
this.masterPublicKey = newKeys.master_public_key;
if (this.masterPublicKey != newKeys.master_public_key) {
throw Error("public keys do not match");
let ps = newKeys.denoms.map((newDenom) => {
let found = false;
for (let oldDenom of this.denoms) {
if (oldDenom.denom_pub === newDenom.denom_pub) {
let a = Object.assign({}, oldDenom);
let b = Object.assign({}, newDenom);
// pub hash is only there for convenience in the wallet
delete a["pub_hash"];
delete b["pub_hash"];
if (!deepEquals(a, b)) {
throw Error("denomination modified");
found = true;
if (found) {
return Promise.resolve();
return wallet.isValidDenom(newDenom, this.masterPublicKey)
.then((valid) => {
if (!valid) {
throw Error("signature on denomination invalid");
let d: Denomination = Object.assign({}, newDenom);
d.pub_hash = native.RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(d.denom_pub)
return Promise.all(ps).then(() => void 0);
export class CreateReserveRequest {
* The initial amount for the reserve.
amount: AmountJson;
* Mint URL where the bank should create the reserve.
mint: string;
static checked: (obj: any) => CreateReserveRequest;
export class ConfirmReserveRequest {
* Public key of then reserve that should be marked
* as confirmed.
reservePub: string;
static checked: (obj: any) => ConfirmReserveRequest;
export class MintHandle {
master_pub: string;
url: string;
static checked: (obj: any) => MintHandle;
export class Contract {
H_wire: string;
amount: AmountJson;
auditors: any[];
expiry: string;
locations: any;
max_fee: AmountJson;
merchant: any;
merchant_pub: string;
mints: MintHandle[];
products: any[];
refund_deadline: string;
timestamp: string;
transaction_id: number;
fulfillment_url: string;
repurchase_correlation_id: string;
static checked: (obj: any) => Contract;
export class Offer {
contract: Contract;
merchant_sig: string;
H_contract: string;
static checked: (obj: any) => Offer;
interface ConfirmPayRequest {
offer: Offer;
interface MintCoins {
[mintUrl: string]: CoinWithDenom[];
interface CoinPaySig {
coin_sig: string;
coin_pub: string;
ub_sig: string;
denom_pub: string;
f: AmountJson;
interface Transaction {
contractHash: string;
contract: any;
payReq: any;
export interface Badge {
setText(s: string): void;
setColor(c: string): void;
type PayCoinInfo = Array<{ updatedCoin: Coin, sig: CoinPaySig }>;
function deepEquals(x, y) {
if (x === y) {
return true;
if (Array.isArray(x) && x.length !== y.length) {
return false;
var p = Object.keys(x);
return Object.keys(y).every((i) => p.indexOf(i) !== -1) &&
p.every((i) => deepEquals(x[i], y[i]));
function getTalerStampSec(stamp: string) {
const m = stamp.match(/\/?Date\(([0-9]*)\)\/?/);
if (!m) {
return null;
return parseInt(m[1]);
function isWithdrawableDenom(d: Denomination) {
const now_sec = (new Date).getTime() / 1000;
const stamp_withdraw_sec = getTalerStampSec(d.stamp_expire_withdraw);
// Withdraw if still possible to withdraw within a minute
if (stamp_withdraw_sec + 60 > now_sec) {
return true;
return false;
interface HttpRequestLibrary {
req(method: string,
url: string|uri.URI,
options?: any): Promise;
get(url: string|uri.URI): Promise;
postJson(url: string|uri.URI, body): Promise;
postForm(url: string|uri.URI, form): Promise;
function copy(o) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));
* Rank two denomination by how desireable it is to withdraw them,
* based on their fees and value.
function rankDenom(denom1: any, denom2: any) {
// Slow ... we should find a better way than to convert it evert time.
let v1 = new native.Amount(denom1.value);
let v2 = new native.Amount(denom2.value);
return (-1) * v1.cmp(v2);
* Get a list of denominations (with repetitions possible)
* whose total value is as close as possible to the available
* amount, but never larger.
function getWithdrawDenomList(amountAvailable: AmountJson,
denoms: Denomination[]): Denomination[] {
let remaining = new native.Amount(amountAvailable);
let ds: Denomination[] = [];
denoms = denoms.filter(isWithdrawableDenom);
// This is an arbitrary number of coins
// we can withdraw in one go. It's not clear if this limit
// is useful ...
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
let found = false;
for (let d of denoms) {
let cost = new native.Amount(d.value);
cost.add(new native.Amount(d.fee_withdraw));
if (remaining.cmp(cost) < 0) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
console.log("did not find coins for remaining ", remaining.toJson());
return ds;
export class Wallet {
private db: IDBDatabase;
private http: HttpRequestLibrary;
private badge: Badge;
private notifier: Notifier;
private cryptoWorker: Worker;
private nextRpcId: number = 1;
private rpcRegistry = {};
constructor(db: IDBDatabase,
http: HttpRequestLibrary,
badge: Badge,
notifier: Notifier) {
this.db = db;
this.http = http;
this.badge = badge;
this.notifier = notifier;
this.cryptoWorker = new Worker("/lib/wallet/cryptoWorker.js");
this.cryptoWorker.onmessage = (msg: MessageEvent) => {
let id = msg.data.id;
if (typeof id !== "number") {
console.error("rpc id must be number");
if (!this.rpcRegistry[id]) {
console.error(`RPC with id ${id} has no registry entry`);
let {resolve, reject} = this.rpcRegistry[id];
* Generate updated coins (to store in the database)
* and deposit permissions for each given coin.
private static signDeposit(offer: Offer,
cds: CoinWithDenom[]): PayCoinInfo {
let ret = [];
let amountSpent = native.Amount.getZero(cds[0].coin.currentAmount.currency);
let amountRemaining = new native.Amount(offer.contract.amount);
cds = copy(cds);
for (let cd of cds) {
let coinSpend;
if (amountRemaining.value == 0 && amountRemaining.fraction == 0) {
if (amountRemaining.cmp(new native.Amount(cd.coin.currentAmount)) < 0) {
coinSpend = new native.Amount(amountRemaining.toJson());
} else {
coinSpend = new native.Amount(cd.coin.currentAmount);
let newAmount = new native.Amount(cd.coin.currentAmount);
cd.coin.currentAmount = newAmount.toJson();
let d = new native.DepositRequestPS({
h_contract: native.HashCode.fromCrock(offer.H_contract),
h_wire: native.HashCode.fromCrock(offer.contract.H_wire),
amount_with_fee: coinSpend.toNbo(),
coin_pub: native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(cd.coin.coinPub),
deposit_fee: new native.Amount(cd.denom.fee_deposit).toNbo(),
merchant: native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(offer.contract.merchant_pub),
refund_deadline: native.AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromTalerString(offer.contract.refund_deadline),
timestamp: native.AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromTalerString(offer.contract.timestamp),
transaction_id: native.UInt64.fromNumber(offer.contract.transaction_id),
let coinSig = native.eddsaSign(d.toPurpose(),
let s: CoinPaySig = {
coin_sig: coinSig,
coin_pub: cd.coin.coinPub,
ub_sig: cd.coin.denomSig,
denom_pub: cd.coin.denomPub,
f: coinSpend.toJson(),
ret.push({sig: s, updatedCoin: cd.coin});
return ret;
* Get mints and associated coins that are still spendable,
* but only if the sum the coins' remaining value exceeds the payment amount.
private getPossibleMintCoins(paymentAmount: AmountJson,
depositFeeLimit: AmountJson,
allowedMints: MintHandle[]): Promise {
// Mapping from mint base URL to list of coins together with their
// denomination
let m: MintCoins = {};
function storeMintCoin(mc) {
let mint: IMintInfo = mc[0];
let coin = mc[1];
let cd = {
coin: coin,
denom: mint.denoms.find((e) => e.denom_pub === coin.denomPub)
if (!cd.denom) {
throw Error("denom not found (database inconsistent)");
let x = m[mint.baseUrl];
if (!x) {
m[mint.baseUrl] = [cd];
} else {
let ps = allowedMints.map((info) => {
console.log("Checking for merchant's mint", JSON.stringify(info));
return Query(this.db)
.iter("mints", {indexName: "pubKey", only: info.master_pub})
.indexJoin("coins", "mintBaseUrl", (mint) => mint.baseUrl)
return Promise.all(ps).then(() => {
let ret: MintCoins = {};
if (Object.keys(m).length == 0) {
console.log("not suitable mints found");
// We try to find the first mint where we have
// enough coins to cover the paymentAmount with fees
// under depositFeeLimit
for (let key in m) {
let coins = m[key].map((x) => ({
a: new native.Amount(x.denom.fee_deposit),
c: x
// Sort by ascending deposit fee
coins.sort((o1, o2) => o1.a.cmp(o2.a));
let maxFee = new native.Amount(depositFeeLimit);
let minAmount = new native.Amount(paymentAmount);
let accFee = new native.Amount(coins[0].c.denom.fee_deposit);
let accAmount = native.Amount.getZero(coins[0].c.coin.currentAmount.currency);
let usableCoins: CoinWithDenom[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < coins.length; i++) {
let coinAmount = new native.Amount(coins[i].c.coin.currentAmount);
let coinFee = coins[i].a;
if (coinAmount.cmp(coinFee) <= 0) {
continue nextCoin;
if (accFee.cmp(maxFee) >= 0) {
// FIXME: if the fees are too high, we have
// to cover them ourselves ....
console.log("too much fees");
continue nextMint;
if (accAmount.cmp(minAmount) >= 0) {
ret[key] = usableCoins;
continue nextMint;
return ret;
* Record all information that is necessary to
* pay for a contract in the wallet's database.
private recordConfirmPay(offer: Offer,
payCoinInfo: PayCoinInfo,
chosenMint: string): Promise {
let payReq = {};
payReq["amount"] = offer.contract.amount;
payReq["coins"] = payCoinInfo.map((x) => x.sig);
payReq["H_contract"] = offer.H_contract;
payReq["max_fee"] = offer.contract.max_fee;
payReq["merchant_sig"] = offer.merchant_sig;
payReq["mint"] = URI(chosenMint).href();
payReq["refund_deadline"] = offer.contract.refund_deadline;
payReq["timestamp"] = offer.contract.timestamp;
payReq["transaction_id"] = offer.contract.transaction_id;
let t: Transaction = {
contractHash: offer.H_contract,
contract: offer.contract,
payReq: payReq,
console.log("pay request");
let historyEntry = {
type: "pay",
timestamp: (new Date).getTime(),
detail: {
merchantName: offer.contract.merchant.name,
amount: offer.contract.amount,
contractHash: offer.H_contract,
fulfillmentUrl: offer.contract.fulfillment_url
return Query(this.db)
.put("transactions", t)
.put("history", historyEntry)
.putAll("coins", payCoinInfo.map((pci) => pci.updatedCoin))
.then(() => {
* Add a contract to the wallet and sign coins,
* but do not send them yet.
confirmPay(offer: Offer): Promise {
console.log("executing confirmPay");
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
return this.getPossibleMintCoins(offer.contract.amount,
}).then((mcs) => {
if (Object.keys(mcs).length == 0) {
console.log("not confirming payment, insufficient coins");
return {
error: "coins-insufficient",
console.log("about to record ...");
let mintUrl = Object.keys(mcs)[0];
let ds = Wallet.signDeposit(offer, mcs[mintUrl]);
return this.recordConfirmPay(offer, ds, mintUrl)
.then((() => ({})));
* Retrieve all necessary information for looking up the contract
* with the given hash.
executePayment(H_contract): Promise {
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
return Query(this.db)
.get("transactions", H_contract)
.then((t) => {
if (!t) {
return {
success: false,
contractFound: false,
let resp = {
success: true,
payReq: t.payReq,
contract: t.contract,
return resp;
* First fetch information requred to withdraw from the reserve,
* then deplete the reserve, withdrawing coins until it is empty.
private initReserve(reserveRecord) {
.then((mint) =>
this.updateReserve(reserveRecord.reserve_pub, mint)
.then((reserve) => this.depleteReserve(reserve,
.then(() => {
let depleted = {
type: "depleted-reserve",
timestamp: (new Date).getTime(),
detail: {
reservePub: reserveRecord.reserve_pub,
return Query(this.db).put("history", depleted).finish();
.catch((e) => {
console.error("Failed to deplete reserve");
* Create a reserve, but do not flag it as confirmed yet.
createReserve(req: CreateReserveRequest): Promise {
const reservePriv = native.EddsaPrivateKey.create();
const reservePub = reservePriv.getPublicKey();
const now = (new Date).getTime();
const canonMint = canonicalizeBaseUrl(req.mint);
const reserveRecord = {
reserve_pub: reservePub.toCrock(),
reserve_priv: reservePriv.toCrock(),
mint_base_url: canonMint,
created: now,
last_query: null,
current_amount: null,
requested_amount: req.amount,
confirmed: false,
const historyEntry = {
type: "create-reserve",
timestamp: now,
detail: {
requestedAmount: req.amount,
reservePub: reserveRecord.reserve_pub,
return Query(this.db)
.put("reserves", reserveRecord)
.put("history", historyEntry)
.then(() => {
let r: CreateReserveResponse = {
mint: canonMint,
reservePub: reservePub.toCrock(),
return r;
* Mark an existing reserve as confirmed. The wallet will start trying
* to withdraw from that reserve. This may not immediately succeed,
* since the mint might not know about the reserve yet, even though the
* bank confirmed its creation.
* A confirmed reserve should be shown to the user in the UI, while
* an unconfirmed reserve should be hidden.
confirmReserve(req: ConfirmReserveRequest): Promise {
const now = (new Date).getTime();
const historyEntry = {
type: "confirm-reserve",
timestamp: now,
detail: {
reservePub: req.reservePub,
return Query(this.db)
.get("reserves", req.reservePub)
.then((r) => {
r.confirmed = true;
return Query(this.db)
.put("reserves", r)
.put("history", historyEntry)
.then(() => {
// Do this in the background
private withdrawExecute(pc: PreCoin): Promise {
return Query(this.db)
.get("reserves", pc.reservePub)
.then((r) => {
let wd: any = {};
wd.denom_pub = pc.denomPub;
wd.reserve_pub = pc.reservePub;
wd.reserve_sig = pc.withdrawSig;
wd.coin_ev = pc.coinEv;
let reqUrl = URI("reserve/withdraw").absoluteTo(r.mint_base_url);
return this.http.postJson(reqUrl, wd);
.then(resp => {
if (resp.status != 200) {
throw new RequestException({
hint: "Withdrawal failed",
status: resp.status
let r = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
let denomSig = native.rsaUnblind(native.RsaSignature.fromCrock(r.ev_sig),
let coin: Coin = {
coinPub: pc.coinPub,
coinPriv: pc.coinPriv,
denomPub: pc.denomPub,
denomSig: denomSig.encode().toCrock(),
currentAmount: pc.coinValue,
mintBaseUrl: pc.mintBaseUrl,
return coin;
storeCoin(coin: Coin): Promise {
let historyEntry = {
type: "withdraw",
timestamp: (new Date).getTime(),
detail: {
coinPub: coin.coinPub,
return Query(this.db)
.delete("precoins", coin.coinPub)
.add("coins", coin)
.add("history", historyEntry)
.then(() => {
* Withdraw one coins of the given denomination from the given reserve.
private withdraw(denom: Denomination, reserve: Reserve): Promise {
console.log("creating pre coin at", new Date());
return this.createPreCoin(denom, reserve)
.then((preCoin) => {
return Query(this.db)
.put("precoins", preCoin)
.then(() => this.withdrawExecute(preCoin))
.then((c) => this.storeCoin(c));
* Withdraw coins from a reserve until it is empty.
private depleteReserve(reserve, mint: MintInfo): Promise {
let denomsAvailable: Denomination[] = copy(mint.denoms);
let denomsForWithdraw = getWithdrawDenomList(reserve.current_amount,
let ps = denomsForWithdraw.map((denom) => {
console.log("withdrawing", JSON.stringify(denom));
// Do the withdraw asynchronously, so crypto is interleaved
// with requests
return this.withdraw(denom, reserve);
return Promise.all(ps).then(() => void 0);
* Update the information about a reserve that is stored in the wallet
* by quering the reserve's mint.
private updateReserve(reservePub: string, mint: MintInfo): Promise {
return Query(this.db)
.get("reserves", reservePub)
.then((reserve) => {
let reqUrl = URI("reserve/status").absoluteTo(mint.baseUrl);
reqUrl.query({'reserve_pub': reservePub});
return this.http.get(reqUrl).then(resp => {
if (resp.status != 200) {
throw Error();
let reserveInfo = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
if (!reserveInfo) {
throw Error();
let oldAmount = reserve.current_amount;
let newAmount = reserveInfo.balance;
reserve.current_amount = reserveInfo.balance;
let historyEntry = {
type: "reserve-update",
timestamp: (new Date).getTime(),
detail: {
return Query(this.db)
.put("reserves", reserve)
.then(() => reserve);
getReserveCreationInfo(baseUrl: string,
amount: AmountJson): Promise {
return this.updateMintFromUrl(baseUrl)
.then((mintInfo: IMintInfo) => {
let selectedDenoms = getWithdrawDenomList(amount,
let acc = native.Amount.getZero(amount.currency);
for (let d of selectedDenoms) {
acc.add(new native.Amount(d.fee_withdraw));
let ret: ReserveCreationInfo = {
withdrawFee: acc.toJson(),
return ret;
* Update or add mint DB entry by fetching the /keys information.
* Optionally link the reserve entry to the new or existing
* mint entry in then DB.
updateMintFromUrl(baseUrl): Promise {
baseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(baseUrl);
let reqUrl = URI("keys").absoluteTo(baseUrl);
return this.http.get(reqUrl).then((resp) => {
if (resp.status != 200) {
throw Error("/keys request failed");
let mintKeysJson = KeysJson.checked(JSON.parse(resp.responseText));
return Query(this.db).get("mints", baseUrl).then((r) => {
let mintInfo;
console.log("got mints result");
if (!r) {
mintInfo = MintInfo.fresh(baseUrl);
console.log("making fresh mint");
} else {
mintInfo = new MintInfo(r);
console.log("using old mint");
return mintInfo.mergeKeys(mintKeysJson, this)
.then(() => {
return Query(this.db)
.put("mints", mintInfo)
.then(() => mintInfo);
* Retrieve a mapping from currency name to the amount
* that is currenctly available for spending in the wallet.
getBalances(): Promise {
function collectBalances(c: Coin, byCurrency) {
let acc: AmountJson = byCurrency[c.currentAmount.currency];
if (!acc) {
acc = native.Amount.getZero(c.currentAmount.currency).toJson();
let am = new native.Amount(c.currentAmount);
am.add(new native.Amount(acc));
byCurrency[c.currentAmount.currency] = am.toJson();
return byCurrency;
return Query(this.db)
.reduce(collectBalances, {});
* Retrive the full event history for this wallet.
getHistory(): Promise {
function collect(x, acc) {
return acc;
return Query(this.db)
.iter("history", {indexName: "timestamp"})
.reduce(collect, [])
registerRpcId(resolve, reject): number {
let id = this.nextRpcId++;
this.rpcRegistry[id] = {resolve, reject};
return id;
private doRpc(methodName: string, ...args): Promise {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let msg = {
operation: methodName,
id: this.registerRpcId(resolve, reject),
args: args,
createPreCoin(denom: Denomination, reserve: Reserve): Promise {
return this.doRpc("createPreCoin", denom, reserve);
isValidDenom(denom: Denomination,
masterPub: string): Promise {
return this.doRpc("isValidDenom", denom, masterPub);