# code-excerpt [](https://travis-ci.org/vadimdemedes/code-excerpt) > Extract code excerpts ## Install ``` $ npm install --save code-excerpt ``` ## Usage ```js const codeExcerpt = require('code-excerpt'); const source = ` 'use strict'; function someFunc() {} module.exports = () => { const a = 1; const b = 2; const c = 3; someFunc(); }; `.trim(); const excerpt = codeExcerpt(source, 5); //=> [ // {line: 2, value: ''}, // {line: 3, value: 'function someFunc() {}'}, // {line: 4, value: ''}, // {line: 5, value: 'module.exports = () => {'}, // {line: 6, value: ' const a = 1;'}, // {line: 7, value: ' const b = 2;'}, // {line: 8, value: ' const c = 3;'} // ] ``` ## API ### codeExcerpt(source, line, [options]) #### source Type: `string` Source code. #### line Type: `number` Line number to extract excerpt for. #### options ##### around Type: `number`<br> Default: `3` Number of surrounding lines to extract. ## License MIT © [Vadim Demedes](https://github.com/vadimdemedes)