/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const SourceMapConsumer = require("source-map").SourceMapConsumer; const SourceMapSource = require("webpack-sources").SourceMapSource; const RawSource = require("webpack-sources").RawSource; const ConcatSource = require("webpack-sources").ConcatSource; const RequestShortener = require("../RequestShortener"); const ModuleFilenameHelpers = require("../ModuleFilenameHelpers"); const uglify = require("uglify-js"); class UglifyJsPlugin { constructor(options) { if(typeof options !== "object" || Array.isArray(options)) options = {}; if(typeof options.compressor !== "undefined") options.compress = options.compressor; this.options = options; } apply(compiler) { const options = this.options; options.test = options.test || /\.js($|\?)/i; const warningsFilter = options.warningsFilter || (() => true); const requestShortener = new RequestShortener(compiler.context); compiler.plugin("compilation", (compilation) => { if(options.sourceMap) { compilation.plugin("build-module", (module) => { // to get detailed location info about errors module.useSourceMap = true; }); } compilation.plugin("optimize-chunk-assets", (chunks, callback) => { const files = []; chunks.forEach((chunk) => files.push.apply(files, chunk.files)); files.push.apply(files, compilation.additionalChunkAssets); const filterdFiles = files.filter(ModuleFilenameHelpers.matchObject.bind(undefined, options)); filterdFiles.forEach((file) => { const oldWarnFunction = uglify.AST_Node.warn_function; const warnings = []; let sourceMap; try { const asset = compilation.assets[file]; if(asset.__UglifyJsPlugin) { compilation.assets[file] = asset.__UglifyJsPlugin; return; } let input; let inputSourceMap; if(options.sourceMap) { if(asset.sourceAndMap) { const sourceAndMap = asset.sourceAndMap(); inputSourceMap = sourceAndMap.map; input = sourceAndMap.source; } else { inputSourceMap = asset.map(); input = asset.source(); } sourceMap = new SourceMapConsumer(inputSourceMap); uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = (warning) => { // eslint-disable-line camelcase const match = /\[.+:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/.exec(warning); const line = +match[1]; const column = +match[2]; const original = sourceMap.originalPositionFor({ line: line, column: column }); if(!original || !original.source || original.source === file) return; if(!warningsFilter(original.source)) return; warnings.push(warning.replace(/\[.+:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/, "") + "[" + requestShortener.shorten(original.source) + ":" + original.line + "," + original.column + "]"); }; } else { input = asset.source(); uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = (warning) => { // eslint-disable-line camelcase warnings.push(warning); }; } uglify.base54.reset(); let ast = uglify.parse(input, { filename: file }); if(options.compress !== false) { ast.figure_out_scope(); const compress = uglify.Compressor(options.compress || { warnings: false }); // eslint-disable-line new-cap ast = compress.compress(ast); } if(options.mangle !== false) { ast.figure_out_scope(options.mangle || {}); ast.compute_char_frequency(options.mangle || {}); ast.mangle_names(options.mangle || {}); if(options.mangle && options.mangle.props) { uglify.mangle_properties(ast, options.mangle.props); } } const output = {}; output.comments = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options, "comments") ? options.comments : /^\**!|@preserve|@license/; output.beautify = options.beautify; for(let k in options.output) { output[k] = options.output[k]; } const extractedComments = []; if(options.extractComments) { const condition = {}; if(typeof options.extractComments === "string" || options.extractComments instanceof RegExp) { // extractComments specifies the extract condition and output.comments specifies the preserve condition condition.preserve = output.comments; condition.extract = options.extractComments; } else if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options.extractComments, "condition")) { // Extract condition is given in extractComments.condition condition.preserve = output.comments; condition.extract = options.extractComments.condition; } else { // No extract condition is given. Extract comments that match output.comments instead of preserving them condition.preserve = false; condition.extract = output.comments; } // Ensure that both conditions are functions ["preserve", "extract"].forEach(key => { switch(typeof condition[key]) { case "boolean": var b = condition[key]; condition[key] = () => b; break; case "function": break; case "string": if(condition[key] === "all") { condition[key] = () => true; break; } var regex = new RegExp(condition[key]); condition[key] = (astNode, comment) => regex.test(comment.value); break; default: regex = condition[key]; condition[key] = (astNode, comment) => regex.test(comment.value); } }); // Redefine the comments function to extract and preserve // comments according to the two conditions output.comments = (astNode, comment) => { if(condition.extract(astNode, comment)) { extractedComments.push( comment.type === "comment2" ? "/*" + comment.value + "*/" : "//" + comment.value ); } return condition.preserve(astNode, comment); }; } let map; if(options.sourceMap) { map = uglify.SourceMap({ // eslint-disable-line new-cap file: file, root: "" }); output.source_map = map; // eslint-disable-line camelcase } const stream = uglify.OutputStream(output); // eslint-disable-line new-cap ast.print(stream); if(map) map = map + ""; const stringifiedStream = stream + ""; let outputSource = (map ? new SourceMapSource(stringifiedStream, file, JSON.parse(map), input, inputSourceMap) : new RawSource(stringifiedStream)); if(extractedComments.length > 0) { let commentsFile = options.extractComments.filename || file + ".LICENSE"; if(typeof commentsFile === "function") { commentsFile = commentsFile(file); } // Write extracted comments to commentsFile const commentsSource = new RawSource(extractedComments.join("\n\n") + "\n"); if(commentsFile in compilation.assets) { // commentsFile already exists, append new comments... if(compilation.assets[commentsFile] instanceof ConcatSource) { compilation.assets[commentsFile].add("\n"); compilation.assets[commentsFile].add(commentsSource); } else { compilation.assets[commentsFile] = new ConcatSource( compilation.assets[commentsFile], "\n", commentsSource ); } } else { compilation.assets[commentsFile] = commentsSource; } // Add a banner to the original file if(options.extractComments.banner !== false) { let banner = options.extractComments.banner || "For license information please see " + commentsFile; if(typeof banner === "function") { banner = banner(commentsFile); } if(banner) { outputSource = new ConcatSource( "/*! " + banner + " */\n", outputSource ); } } } asset.__UglifyJsPlugin = compilation.assets[file] = outputSource; if(warnings.length > 0) { compilation.warnings.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + warnings.join("\n"))); } } catch(err) { if(err.line) { const original = sourceMap && sourceMap.originalPositionFor({ line: err.line, column: err.col }); if(original && original.source) { compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.message + " [" + requestShortener.shorten(original.source) + ":" + original.line + "," + original.column + "][" + file + ":" + err.line + "," + err.col + "]")); } else { compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.message + " [" + file + ":" + err.line + "," + err.col + "]")); } } else if(err.msg) { compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.msg)); } else compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.stack)); } finally { uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = oldWarnFunction; // eslint-disable-line camelcase } }); callback(); }); }); } } module.exports = UglifyJsPlugin;