This file is part of GNU Anastasis
(C) 2021-2022 Anastasis SARL
GNU Anastasis is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
GNU Anastasis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
GNU Anastasis; see the file COPYING. If not, see
import {
} from "@gnu-taler/anastasis-core";
import { h, VNode } from "preact";
import { useEffect, useState } from "preact/hooks";
import { AsyncButton } from "../../components/AsyncButton.js";
import { PhoneNumberInput } from "../../components/fields/NumberInput.js";
import { useAnastasisContext } from "../../context/anastasis.js";
import AddingProviderScreen from "./AddingProviderScreen/index.js";
import { AnastasisClientFrame } from "./index.js";
export function SecretSelectionScreenFound({
}: {
policies: AggregatedPolicyMetaInfo[];
onManageProvider: () => void;
onNext: (version: AggregatedPolicyMetaInfo) => void;
}): VNode {
const reducer = useAnastasisContext();
if (!reducer) {
no reducer in context
if (
!reducer.currentReducerState ||
reducer.currentReducerState.reducer_type !== "recovery"
) {
return invalid state
return (
Found versions:
{policies.map((version, i) => (
Name: {version.secret_name}
{version.policy_hash.substring(0, 22)}...
export function SecretSelectionScreen(): VNode {
const reducer = useAnastasisContext();
const [manageProvider, setManageProvider] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
async function f() {
if (reducer) {
await reducer.discoverStart();
f().catch((e) => console.log(e));
}, []);
if (!reducer) {
return no reducer in context
if (
!reducer.currentReducerState ||
reducer.currentReducerState.reducer_type !== "recovery"
) {
return invalid state
if (manageProvider) {
return (
setManageProvider(false)} />
if (
reducer.discoveryState.state === "none" ||
reducer.discoveryState.state === "active"
) {
// Can this even happen?
return ;
const policies = reducer.discoveryState.aggregatedPolicies ?? [];
if (policies.length === 0) {
return (
message: "Secret not found",
type: "ERROR",
"With the information you provided we could not found secret in any of the providers. You can try adding more providers if you think the data is correct.",
return (
reducer.transition("select_version", version)}
onManageProvider={async () => setManageProvider(false)}
// export function OldSecretSelectionScreen(): VNode {
// const [selectingVersion, setSelectingVersion] = useState(false);
// const reducer = useAnastasisContext();
// const [manageProvider, setManageProvider] = useState(false);
// useEffect(() => {
// async function f() {
// if (reducer) {
// await reducer.discoverStart();
// }
// }
// f().catch((e) => console.log(e));
// }, []);
// const currentVersion =
// (reducer?.currentReducerState &&
// "recovery_document" in reducer.currentReducerState &&
// reducer.currentReducerState.recovery_document?.version) ||
// 0;
// if (!reducer) {
// return no reducer in context
// }
// if (
// !reducer.currentReducerState ||
// reducer.currentReducerState.reducer_type !== "recovery"
// ) {
// return invalid state
// }
// async function doSelectVersion(p: string, n: number): Promise {
// if (!reducer) return Promise.resolve();
// return reducer.runTransaction(async (tx) => {
// await tx.transition("select_version", {
// version: n,
// provider_url: p,
// });
// setSelectingVersion(false);
// });
// }
// const provs = reducer.currentReducerState.authentication_providers ?? {};
// const recoveryDocument = reducer.currentReducerState.recovery_document;
// if (!recoveryDocument) {
// return (
// doSelectVersion(newProv, 0)}
// />
// );
// }
// if (selectingVersion) {
// return (
// setSelectingVersion(false)}
// onConfirm={doSelectVersion}
// />
// );
// }
// if (manageProvider) {
// return (
// setManageProvider(false)} />
// );
// }
// const providerInfo = provs[
// recoveryDocument.provider_url
// ] as AuthenticationProviderStatusOk;
// return (
// {currentVersion === 0 ? (
Set to recover the latest version
// ) : (
Set to recover the version number {currentVersion}
// )}
// setSelectingVersion(true)}>
// Change secret's version
// );
// }
function ChooseAnotherProviderScreen({
}: {
onChange: (prov: string) => void;
}): VNode {
const reducer = useAnastasisContext();
if (!reducer) {
return no reducer in context
if (
!reducer.currentReducerState ||
reducer.currentReducerState.reducer_type !== "recovery"
) {
return invalid state
const providers = reducer.currentReducerState.authentication_providers ?? {};
return (
No recovery document found, try with another provider
onChange(e.currentTarget.value)} value="">
Choose a provider
{Object.keys(providers).map((url) => {
const p = providers[url];
if (!("methods" in p)) return null;
return (
function SelectOtherVersionProviderScreen({
}: {
onCancel: () => void;
provider: string;
version: number;
providers: { [url: string]: AuthenticationProviderStatus };
onConfirm: (prov: string, v: number) => Promise;
}): VNode {
const [otherProvider, setOtherProvider] = useState(provider);
const [otherVersion, setOtherVersion] = useState(
version > 0 ? String(version) : "",
const otherProviderInfo = providers[
] as AuthenticationProviderStatusOk;
return (
Provider {otherProviderInfo.business_name}
{version === 0 ? (
Set to recover the latest version
) : (
Set to recover the version number {version}
Specify other version below or use the latest
{" "}
Choose a provider{" "}
{Object.keys(providers).map((url) => {
const p = providers[url];
if (!("methods" in p)) return null;
return (
function SecretSelectionScreenWaiting(): VNode {
return (
loading secret versions