'use strict'; const nodePath = require('path'); const debug = require('debug')('ava:watcher'); const diff = require('lodash.difference'); const chokidar = require('chokidar'); const flatten = require('arr-flatten'); const union = require('array-union'); const uniq = require('array-uniq'); const AvaFiles = require('./ava-files'); function rethrowAsync(err) { // Don't swallow exceptions. Note that any // expected error should already have been logged setImmediate(() => { throw err; }); } const MIN_DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 10; const INITIAL_DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 100; class Debouncer { constructor(watcher) { this.watcher = watcher; this.timer = null; this.repeat = false; } debounce(delay) { if (this.timer) { this.again = true; return; } delay = delay ? Math.max(delay, MIN_DEBOUNCE_DELAY) : INITIAL_DEBOUNCE_DELAY; const timer = setTimeout(() => { this.watcher.busy.then(() => { // Do nothing if debouncing was canceled while waiting for the busy // promise to fulfil if (this.timer !== timer) { return; } if (this.again) { this.timer = null; this.again = false; this.debounce(delay / 2); } else { this.watcher.runAfterChanges(); this.timer = null; this.again = false; } }); }, delay); this.timer = timer; } cancel() { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; this.again = false; } } } class TestDependency { constructor(file, sources) { this.file = file; this.sources = sources; } contains(source) { return this.sources.indexOf(source) !== -1; } } class Watcher { constructor(logger, api, files, sources) { this.debouncer = new Debouncer(this); this.avaFiles = new AvaFiles({ files, sources }); this.clearLogOnNextRun = true; this.runVector = 0; this.previousFiles = files; this.run = (specificFiles, updateSnapshots) => { if (this.runVector > 0) { const cleared = this.clearLogOnNextRun && logger.clear(); if (!cleared) { logger.reset(); logger.section(); } this.clearLogOnNextRun = true; logger.reset(); logger.start(); } this.runVector += 1; const currentVector = this.runVector; let runOnlyExclusive = false; if (specificFiles) { const exclusiveFiles = specificFiles.filter(file => this.filesWithExclusiveTests.indexOf(file) !== -1); runOnlyExclusive = exclusiveFiles.length !== this.filesWithExclusiveTests.length; if (runOnlyExclusive) { // The test files that previously contained exclusive tests are always // run, together with the remaining specific files. const remainingFiles = diff(specificFiles, exclusiveFiles); specificFiles = this.filesWithExclusiveTests.concat(remainingFiles); } } this.touchedFiles.clear(); this.previousFiles = specificFiles || files; this.busy = api.run(this.previousFiles, {runOnlyExclusive, updateSnapshots: updateSnapshots === true}) .then(runStatus => { runStatus.previousFailCount = this.sumPreviousFailures(currentVector); logger.finish(runStatus); const badCounts = runStatus.failCount + runStatus.rejectionCount + runStatus.exceptionCount; this.clearLogOnNextRun = this.clearLogOnNextRun && badCounts === 0; }) .catch(rethrowAsync); }; this.testDependencies = []; this.trackTestDependencies(api, sources); this.touchedFiles = new Set(); this.trackTouchedFiles(api); this.filesWithExclusiveTests = []; this.trackExclusivity(api); this.filesWithFailures = []; this.trackFailures(api); this.dirtyStates = {}; this.watchFiles(); this.rerunAll(); } watchFiles() { const patterns = this.avaFiles.getChokidarPatterns(); chokidar.watch(patterns.paths, { ignored: patterns.ignored, ignoreInitial: true }).on('all', (event, path) => { if (event === 'add' || event === 'change' || event === 'unlink') { debug('Detected %s of %s', event, path); this.dirtyStates[path] = event; this.debouncer.debounce(); } }); } trackTestDependencies(api) { const relative = absPath => nodePath.relative(process.cwd(), absPath); api.on('test-run', runStatus => { runStatus.on('dependencies', (file, dependencies) => { const sourceDeps = dependencies.map(x => relative(x)).filter(this.avaFiles.isSource); this.updateTestDependencies(file, sourceDeps); }); }); } updateTestDependencies(file, sources) { if (sources.length === 0) { this.testDependencies = this.testDependencies.filter(dep => dep.file !== file); return; } const isUpdate = this.testDependencies.some(dep => { if (dep.file !== file) { return false; } dep.sources = sources; return true; }); if (!isUpdate) { this.testDependencies.push(new TestDependency(file, sources)); } } trackTouchedFiles(api) { api.on('test-run', runStatus => { runStatus.on('touchedFiles', files => { for (const file of files) { this.touchedFiles.add(nodePath.relative(process.cwd(), file)); } }); }); } trackExclusivity(api) { api.on('stats', stats => { this.updateExclusivity(stats.file, stats.hasExclusive); }); } updateExclusivity(file, hasExclusiveTests) { const index = this.filesWithExclusiveTests.indexOf(file); if (hasExclusiveTests && index === -1) { this.filesWithExclusiveTests.push(file); } else if (!hasExclusiveTests && index !== -1) { this.filesWithExclusiveTests.splice(index, 1); } } trackFailures(api) { api.on('test-run', (runStatus, files) => { files.forEach(file => { this.pruneFailures(nodePath.relative(process.cwd(), file)); }); const currentVector = this.runVector; runStatus.on('error', err => { this.countFailure(err.file, currentVector); }); runStatus.on('test', result => { if (result.error) { this.countFailure(result.file, currentVector); } }); }); } pruneFailures(file) { this.filesWithFailures = this.filesWithFailures.filter(state => state.file !== file); } countFailure(file, vector) { const isUpdate = this.filesWithFailures.some(state => { if (state.file !== file) { return false; } state.count++; return true; }); if (!isUpdate) { this.filesWithFailures.push({ file, vector, count: 1 }); } } sumPreviousFailures(beforeVector) { let total = 0; this.filesWithFailures.forEach(state => { if (state.vector < beforeVector) { total += state.count; } }); return total; } cleanUnlinkedTests(unlinkedTests) { unlinkedTests.forEach(testFile => { this.updateTestDependencies(testFile, []); this.updateExclusivity(testFile, false); this.pruneFailures(testFile); }); } observeStdin(stdin) { stdin.resume(); stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); stdin.on('data', data => { data = data.trim().toLowerCase(); if (data !== 'r' && data !== 'rs' && data !== 'u') { return; } // Cancel the debouncer, it might rerun specific tests whereas *all* tests // need to be rerun this.debouncer.cancel(); this.busy.then(() => { // Cancel the debouncer again, it might have restarted while waiting for // the busy promise to fulfil this.debouncer.cancel(); this.clearLogOnNextRun = false; if (data === 'u') { this.updatePreviousSnapshots(); } else { this.rerunAll(); } }); }); } rerunAll() { this.dirtyStates = {}; this.run(); } updatePreviousSnapshots() { this.dirtyStates = {}; this.run(this.previousFiles, true); } runAfterChanges() { const dirtyStates = this.dirtyStates; this.dirtyStates = {}; const dirtyPaths = Object.keys(dirtyStates).filter(path => { if (this.touchedFiles.has(path)) { debug('Ignoring known touched file %s', path); this.touchedFiles.delete(path); return false; } return true; }); const dirtyTests = dirtyPaths.filter(this.avaFiles.isTest); const dirtySources = diff(dirtyPaths, dirtyTests); const addedOrChangedTests = dirtyTests.filter(path => dirtyStates[path] !== 'unlink'); const unlinkedTests = diff(dirtyTests, addedOrChangedTests); this.cleanUnlinkedTests(unlinkedTests); // No need to rerun tests if the only change is that tests were deleted if (unlinkedTests.length === dirtyPaths.length) { return; } if (dirtySources.length === 0) { // Run any new or changed tests this.run(addedOrChangedTests); return; } // Try to find tests that depend on the changed source files const testsBySource = dirtySources.map(path => { return this.testDependencies.filter(dep => dep.contains(path)).map(dep => { debug('%s is a dependency of %s', path, dep.file); return dep.file; }); }, this).filter(tests => tests.length > 0); // Rerun all tests if source files were changed that could not be traced to // specific tests if (testsBySource.length !== dirtySources.length) { debug('Sources remain that cannot be traced to specific tests: %O', dirtySources); debug('Rerunning all tests'); this.run(); return; } // Run all affected tests this.run(union(addedOrChangedTests, uniq(flatten(testsBySource)))); } } module.exports = Watcher;