'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const cleanYamlObject = require('clean-yaml-object'); const StackUtils = require('stack-utils'); const assert = require('./assert'); const beautifyStack = require('./beautify-stack'); function isAvaAssertionError(source) { return source instanceof assert.AssertionError; } function filter(propertyName, isRoot) { return !isRoot || (propertyName !== 'message' && propertyName !== 'name' && propertyName !== 'stack'); } const stackUtils = new StackUtils(); function extractSource(stack) { if (!stack) { return null; } const firstStackLine = stack.split('\n')[0]; return stackUtils.parseLine(firstStackLine); } function buildSource(source) { if (!source) { return null; } // Assume the CWD is the project directory. This holds since this function // is only called in test workers, which are created with their working // directory set to the project directory. const projectDir = process.cwd(); const file = path.resolve(projectDir, source.file.trim()); const rel = path.relative(projectDir, file); const isWithinProject = rel.split(path.sep)[0] !== '..'; const isDependency = isWithinProject && path.dirname(rel).split(path.sep).indexOf('node_modules') > -1; return { isDependency, isWithinProject, file, line: source.line }; } module.exports = error => { const stack = typeof error.stack === 'string' ? beautifyStack(error.stack) : null; const retval = { avaAssertionError: isAvaAssertionError(error), source: buildSource(extractSource(stack)) }; if (stack) { retval.stack = stack; } if (retval.avaAssertionError) { retval.improperUsage = error.improperUsage; retval.message = error.message; retval.name = error.name; retval.statements = error.statements; retval.values = error.values; if (error.fixedSource) { const source = buildSource(error.fixedSource); if (source) { retval.source = source; } } if (error.assertion) { retval.assertion = error.assertion; } if (error.operator) { retval.operator = error.operator; } } else { retval.object = cleanYamlObject(error, filter); // Cleanly copy non-standard properties if (typeof error.message === 'string') { retval.message = error.message; } if (typeof error.name === 'string') { retval.name = error.name; } } if (typeof error.stack === 'string') { retval.summary = error.stack.split('\n')[0]; } else { retval.summary = JSON.stringify(error); } return retval; };