(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (factory((global.async = global.async || {}))); }(this, function (exports) { 'use strict'; /** * A faster alternative to `Function#apply`, this function invokes `func` * with the `this` binding of `thisArg` and the arguments of `args`. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to invoke. * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`. * @param {Array} args The arguments to invoke `func` with. * @returns {*} Returns the result of `func`. */ function apply(func, thisArg, args) { var length = args.length; switch (length) { case 0: return func.call(thisArg); case 1: return func.call(thisArg, args[0]); case 2: return func.call(thisArg, args[0], args[1]); case 3: return func.call(thisArg, args[0], args[1], args[2]); } return func.apply(thisArg, args); } /** * Checks if `value` is the * [language type](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-ecmascript-language-types) * of `Object`. (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, `new Number(0)`, and `new String('')`) * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`. * @example * * _.isObject({}); * // => true * * _.isObject([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isObject(_.noop); * // => true * * _.isObject(null); * // => false */ function isObject(value) { var type = typeof value; return !!value && (type == 'object' || type == 'function'); } var funcTag = '[object Function]'; var genTag = '[object GeneratorFunction]'; /** Used for built-in method references. */ var objectProto = Object.prototype; /** * Used to resolve the * [`toStringTag`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-object.prototype.tostring) * of values. */ var objectToString = objectProto.toString; /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Function` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, * else `false`. * @example * * _.isFunction(_); * // => true * * _.isFunction(/abc/); * // => false */ function isFunction(value) { // The use of `Object#toString` avoids issues with the `typeof` operator // in Safari 8 which returns 'object' for typed array and weak map constructors, // and PhantomJS 1.9 which returns 'function' for `NodeList` instances. var tag = isObject(value) ? objectToString.call(value) : ''; return tag == funcTag || tag == genTag; } /** * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null` * and has a `typeof` result of "object". * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`. * @example * * _.isObjectLike({}); * // => true * * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isObjectLike(_.noop); * // => false * * _.isObjectLike(null); * // => false */ function isObjectLike(value) { return !!value && typeof value == 'object'; } /** `Object#toString` result references. */ var symbolTag = '[object Symbol]'; /** Used for built-in method references. */ var objectProto$1 = Object.prototype; /** * Used to resolve the * [`toStringTag`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-object.prototype.tostring) * of values. */ var objectToString$1 = objectProto$1.toString; /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Symbol` primitive or object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, * else `false`. * @example * * _.isSymbol(Symbol.iterator); * // => true * * _.isSymbol('abc'); * // => false */ function isSymbol(value) { return typeof value == 'symbol' || (isObjectLike(value) && objectToString$1.call(value) == symbolTag); } /** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */ var NAN = 0 / 0; /** Used to match leading and trailing whitespace. */ var reTrim = /^\s+|\s+$/g; /** Used to detect bad signed hexadecimal string values. */ var reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i; /** Used to detect binary string values. */ var reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i; /** Used to detect octal string values. */ var reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i; /** Built-in method references without a dependency on `root`. */ var freeParseInt = parseInt; /** * Converts `value` to a number. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to process. * @returns {number} Returns the number. * @example * * _.toNumber(3.2); * // => 3.2 * * _.toNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => 5e-324 * * _.toNumber(Infinity); * // => Infinity * * _.toNumber('3.2'); * // => 3.2 */ function toNumber(value) { if (typeof value == 'number') { return value; } if (isSymbol(value)) { return NAN; } if (isObject(value)) { var other = isFunction(value.valueOf) ? value.valueOf() : value; value = isObject(other) ? (other + '') : other; } if (typeof value != 'string') { return value === 0 ? value : +value; } value = value.replace(reTrim, ''); var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value); return (isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value)) ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8) : (reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value); } var INFINITY = 1 / 0; var MAX_INTEGER = 1.7976931348623157e+308; /** * Converts `value` to a finite number. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.12.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {number} Returns the converted number. * @example * * _.toFinite(3.2); * // => 3.2 * * _.toFinite(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => 5e-324 * * _.toFinite(Infinity); * // => 1.7976931348623157e+308 * * _.toFinite('3.2'); * // => 3.2 */ function toFinite(value) { if (!value) { return value === 0 ? value : 0; } value = toNumber(value); if (value === INFINITY || value === -INFINITY) { var sign = (value < 0 ? -1 : 1); return sign * MAX_INTEGER; } return value === value ? value : 0; } /** * Converts `value` to an integer. * * **Note:** This method is loosely based on * [`ToInteger`](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-tointeger). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer. * @example * * _.toInteger(3.2); * // => 3 * * _.toInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => 0 * * _.toInteger(Infinity); * // => 1.7976931348623157e+308 * * _.toInteger('3.2'); * // => 3 */ function toInteger(value) { var result = toFinite(value), remainder = result % 1; return result === result ? (remainder ? result - remainder : result) : 0; } /** Used as the `TypeError` message for "Functions" methods. */ var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = 'Expected a function'; /* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */ var nativeMax = Math.max; /** * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of the * created function and arguments from `start` and beyond provided as * an array. * * **Note:** This method is based on the * [rest parameter](https://mdn.io/rest_parameters). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to. * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. * @example * * var say = _.rest(function(what, names) { * return what + ' ' + _.initial(names).join(', ') + * (_.size(names) > 1 ? ', & ' : '') + _.last(names); * }); * * say('hello', 'fred', 'barney', 'pebbles'); * // => 'hello fred, barney, & pebbles' */ function rest(func, start) { if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } start = nativeMax(start === undefined ? (func.length - 1) : toInteger(start), 0); return function() { var args = arguments, index = -1, length = nativeMax(args.length - start, 0), array = Array(length); while (++index < length) { array[index] = args[start + index]; } switch (start) { case 0: return func.call(this, array); case 1: return func.call(this, args[0], array); case 2: return func.call(this, args[0], args[1], array); } var otherArgs = Array(start + 1); index = -1; while (++index < start) { otherArgs[index] = args[index]; } otherArgs[start] = array; return apply(func, this, otherArgs); }; } function initialParams (fn) { return rest(function (args /*..., callback*/) { var callback = args.pop(); fn.call(this, args, callback); }); } function applyEach$1(eachfn) { return rest(function (fns, args) { var go = initialParams(function (args, callback) { var that = this; return eachfn(fns, function (fn, cb) { fn.apply(that, args.concat([cb])); }, callback); }); if (args.length) { return go.apply(this, args); } else { return go; } }); } /** * The base implementation of `_.property` without support for deep paths. * * @private * @param {string} key The key of the property to get. * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function. */ function baseProperty(key) { return function(object) { return object == null ? undefined : object[key]; }; } /** * Gets the "length" property value of `object`. * * **Note:** This function is used to avoid a * [JIT bug](https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=142792) that affects * Safari on at least iOS 8.1-8.3 ARM64. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {*} Returns the "length" value. */ var getLength = baseProperty('length'); /** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */ var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991; /** * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like length. * * **Note:** This function is loosely based on * [`ToLength`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-tolength). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid length, * else `false`. * @example * * _.isLength(3); * // => true * * _.isLength(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => false * * _.isLength(Infinity); * // => false * * _.isLength('3'); * // => false */ function isLength(value) { return typeof value == 'number' && value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } /** * Checks if `value` is array-like. A value is considered array-like if it's * not a function and has a `value.length` that's an integer greater than or * equal to `0` and less than or equal to `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is array-like, else `false`. * @example * * _.isArrayLike([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isArrayLike(document.body.children); * // => true * * _.isArrayLike('abc'); * // => true * * _.isArrayLike(_.noop); * // => false */ function isArrayLike(value) { return value != null && isLength(getLength(value)) && !isFunction(value); } /** * A method that returns `undefined`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.3.0 * @category Util * @example * * _.times(2, _.noop); * // => [undefined, undefined] */ function noop() { // No operation performed. } function once(fn) { return function () { if (fn === null) return; var callFn = fn; fn = null; callFn.apply(this, arguments); }; } var iteratorSymbol = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.iterator; function getIterator (coll) { return iteratorSymbol && coll[iteratorSymbol] && coll[iteratorSymbol](); } /* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */ var nativeGetPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf; /** * Gets the `[[Prototype]]` of `value`. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to query. * @returns {null|Object} Returns the `[[Prototype]]`. */ function getPrototype(value) { return nativeGetPrototype(Object(value)); } /** Used for built-in method references. */ var objectProto$2 = Object.prototype; /** Used to check objects for own properties. */ var hasOwnProperty = objectProto$2.hasOwnProperty; /** * The base implementation of `_.has` without support for deep paths. * * @private * @param {Object} [object] The object to query. * @param {Array|string} key The key to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `key` exists, else `false`. */ function baseHas(object, key) { // Avoid a bug in IE 10-11 where objects with a [[Prototype]] of `null`, // that are composed entirely of index properties, return `false` for // `hasOwnProperty` checks of them. return object != null && (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) || (typeof object == 'object' && key in object && getPrototype(object) === null)); } /* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */ var nativeKeys = Object.keys; /** * The base implementation of `_.keys` which doesn't skip the constructor * property of prototypes or treat sparse arrays as dense. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names. */ function baseKeys(object) { return nativeKeys(Object(object)); } /** * The base implementation of `_.times` without support for iteratee shorthands * or max array length checks. * * @private * @param {number} n The number of times to invoke `iteratee`. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of results. */ function baseTimes(n, iteratee) { var index = -1, result = Array(n); while (++index < n) { result[index] = iteratee(index); } return result; } /** * This method is like `_.isArrayLike` except that it also checks if `value` * is an object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array-like object, * else `false`. * @example * * _.isArrayLikeObject([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isArrayLikeObject(document.body.children); * // => true * * _.isArrayLikeObject('abc'); * // => false * * _.isArrayLikeObject(_.noop); * // => false */ function isArrayLikeObject(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && isArrayLike(value); } /** `Object#toString` result references. */ var argsTag = '[object Arguments]'; /** Used for built-in method references. */ var objectProto$3 = Object.prototype; /** Used to check objects for own properties. */ var hasOwnProperty$1 = objectProto$3.hasOwnProperty; /** * Used to resolve the * [`toStringTag`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-object.prototype.tostring) * of values. */ var objectToString$2 = objectProto$3.toString; /** Built-in value references. */ var propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto$3.propertyIsEnumerable; /** * Checks if `value` is likely an `arguments` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, * else `false`. * @example * * _.isArguments(function() { return arguments; }()); * // => true * * _.isArguments([1, 2, 3]); * // => false */ function isArguments(value) { // Safari 8.1 incorrectly makes `arguments.callee` enumerable in strict mode. return isArrayLikeObject(value) && hasOwnProperty$1.call(value, 'callee') && (!propertyIsEnumerable.call(value, 'callee') || objectToString$2.call(value) == argsTag); } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as an `Array` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @type {Function} * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, * else `false`. * @example * * _.isArray([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isArray(document.body.children); * // => false * * _.isArray('abc'); * // => false * * _.isArray(_.noop); * // => false */ var isArray = Array.isArray; /** `Object#toString` result references. */ var stringTag = '[object String]'; /** Used for built-in method references. */ var objectProto$4 = Object.prototype; /** * Used to resolve the * [`toStringTag`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-object.prototype.tostring) * of values. */ var objectToString$3 = objectProto$4.toString; /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `String` primitive or object. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, * else `false`. * @example * * _.isString('abc'); * // => true * * _.isString(1); * // => false */ function isString(value) { return typeof value == 'string' || (!isArray(value) && isObjectLike(value) && objectToString$3.call(value) == stringTag); } /** * Creates an array of index keys for `object` values of arrays, * `arguments` objects, and strings, otherwise `null` is returned. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array|null} Returns index keys, else `null`. */ function indexKeys(object) { var length = object ? object.length : undefined; if (isLength(length) && (isArray(object) || isString(object) || isArguments(object))) { return baseTimes(length, String); } return null; } /** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */ var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1 = 9007199254740991; /** Used to detect unsigned integer values. */ var reIsUint = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; /** * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like index. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @param {number} [length=MAX_SAFE_INTEGER] The upper bounds of a valid index. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid index, else `false`. */ function isIndex(value, length) { length = length == null ? MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1 : length; return !!length && (typeof value == 'number' || reIsUint.test(value)) && (value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value < length); } /** Used for built-in method references. */ var objectProto$5 = Object.prototype; /** * Checks if `value` is likely a prototype object. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a prototype, else `false`. */ function isPrototype(value) { var Ctor = value && value.constructor, proto = (typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor.prototype) || objectProto$5; return value === proto; } /** * Creates an array of the own enumerable property names of `object`. * * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects. See the * [ES spec](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-object.keys) * for more details. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names. * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.keys(new Foo); * // => ['a', 'b'] (iteration order is not guaranteed) * * _.keys('hi'); * // => ['0', '1'] */ function keys(object) { var isProto = isPrototype(object); if (!(isProto || isArrayLike(object))) { return baseKeys(object); } var indexes = indexKeys(object), skipIndexes = !!indexes, result = indexes || [], length = result.length; for (var key in object) { if (baseHas(object, key) && !(skipIndexes && (key == 'length' || isIndex(key, length))) && !(isProto && key == 'constructor')) { result.push(key); } } return result; } function createArrayIterator(coll) { var i = -1; var len = coll.length; return function next() { return ++i < len ? { value: coll[i], key: i } : null; }; } function createES2015Iterator(iterator) { var i = -1; return function next() { var item = iterator.next(); if (item.done) return null; i++; return { value: item.value, key: i }; }; } function createObjectIterator(obj) { var okeys = keys(obj); var i = -1; var len = okeys.length; return function next() { var key = okeys[++i]; return i < len ? { value: obj[key], key: key } : null; }; } function iterator(coll) { if (isArrayLike(coll)) { return createArrayIterator(coll); } var iterator = getIterator(coll); return iterator ? createES2015Iterator(iterator) : createObjectIterator(coll); } function onlyOnce(fn) { return function () { if (fn === null) throw new Error("Callback was already called."); var callFn = fn; fn = null; callFn.apply(this, arguments); }; } function _eachOfLimit(limit) { return function (obj, iteratee, callback) { callback = once(callback || noop); if (limit <= 0 || !obj) { return callback(null); } var nextElem = iterator(obj); var done = false; var running = 0; function iterateeCallback(err) { running -= 1; if (err) { done = true; callback(err); } else if (done && running <= 0) { return callback(null); } else { replenish(); } } function replenish() { while (running < limit && !done) { var elem = nextElem(); if (elem === null) { done = true; if (running <= 0) { callback(null); } return; } running += 1; iteratee(elem.value, elem.key, onlyOnce(iterateeCallback)); } } replenish(); }; } /** * The same as [`eachOf`]{@link module:Collections.eachOf} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a * time. * * @name eachOfLimit * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.eachOf]{@link module:Collections.eachOf} * @alias forEachOfLimit * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each * item in `coll`. The `key` is the item's key, or index in the case of an * array. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err)` which must be called once it * has completed. If no error has occurred, the callback should be run without * arguments or with an explicit `null` argument. Invoked with * (item, key, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all * `iteratee` functions have finished, or an error occurs. Invoked with (err). */ function eachOfLimit(coll, limit, iteratee, callback) { _eachOfLimit(limit)(coll, iteratee, callback); } function doLimit(fn, limit) { return function (iterable, iteratee, callback) { return fn(iterable, limit, iteratee, callback); }; } /** Used as the `TypeError` message for "Functions" methods. */ var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$1 = 'Expected a function'; /** * Creates a function that invokes `func`, with the `this` binding and arguments * of the created function, while it's called less than `n` times. Subsequent * calls to the created function return the result of the last `func` invocation. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Function * @param {number} n The number of calls at which `func` is no longer invoked. * @param {Function} func The function to restrict. * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function. * @example * * jQuery(element).on('click', _.before(5, addContactToList)); * // => allows adding up to 4 contacts to the list */ function before(n, func) { var result; if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$1); } n = toInteger(n); return function() { if (--n > 0) { result = func.apply(this, arguments); } if (n <= 1) { func = undefined; } return result; }; } /** * Creates a function that is restricted to invoking `func` once. Repeat calls * to the function return the value of the first invocation. The `func` is * invoked with the `this` binding and arguments of the created function. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to restrict. * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function. * @example * * var initialize = _.once(createApplication); * initialize(); * initialize(); * // `initialize` invokes `createApplication` once */ function once$1(func) { return before(2, func); } // eachOf implementation optimized for array-likes function eachOfArrayLike(coll, iteratee, callback) { callback = once$1(callback || noop); var index = 0, completed = 0, length = coll.length; if (length === 0) { callback(null); } function iteratorCallback(err) { if (err) { callback(err); } else if (++completed === length) { callback(null); } } for (; index < length; index++) { iteratee(coll[index], index, onlyOnce(iteratorCallback)); } } // a generic version of eachOf which can handle array, object, and iterator cases. var eachOfGeneric = doLimit(eachOfLimit, Infinity); /** * Like [`each`]{@link module:Collections.each}, except that it passes the key (or index) as the second argument * to the iteratee. * * @name eachOf * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @alias forEachOf * @category Collection * @see [async.each]{@link module:Collections.each} * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each * item in `coll`. The `key` is the item's key, or index in the case of an * array. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err)` which must be called once it * has completed. If no error has occurred, the callback should be run without * arguments or with an explicit `null` argument. Invoked with * (item, key, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all * `iteratee` functions have finished, or an error occurs. Invoked with (err). * @example * * var obj = {dev: "/dev.json", test: "/test.json", prod: "/prod.json"}; * var configs = {}; * * async.forEachOf(obj, function (value, key, callback) { * fs.readFile(__dirname + value, "utf8", function (err, data) { * if (err) return callback(err); * try { * configs[key] = JSON.parse(data); * } catch (e) { * return callback(e); * } * callback(); * }); * }, function (err) { * if (err) console.error(err.message); * // configs is now a map of JSON data * doSomethingWith(configs); * }); */ function eachOf (coll, iteratee, callback) { var eachOfImplementation = isArrayLike(coll) ? eachOfArrayLike : eachOfGeneric; eachOfImplementation(coll, iteratee, callback); } function doParallel(fn) { return function (obj, iteratee, callback) { return fn(eachOf, obj, iteratee, callback); }; } function _asyncMap(eachfn, arr, iteratee, callback) { callback = once(callback || noop); arr = arr || []; var results = []; var counter = 0; eachfn(arr, function (value, _, callback) { var index = counter++; iteratee(value, function (err, v) { results[index] = v; callback(err); }); }, function (err) { callback(err, results); }); } /** * Produces a new collection of values by mapping each value in `coll` through * the `iteratee` function. The `iteratee` is called with an item from `coll` * and a callback for when it has finished processing. Each of these callback * takes 2 arguments: an `error`, and the transformed item from `coll`. If * `iteratee` passes an error to its callback, the main `callback` (for the * `map` function) is immediately called with the error. * * Note, that since this function applies the `iteratee` to each item in * parallel, there is no guarantee that the `iteratee` functions will complete * in order. However, the results array will be in the same order as the * original `coll`. * * If `map` is passed an Object, the results will be an Array. The results * will roughly be in the order of the original Objects' keys (but this can * vary across JavaScript engines) * * @name map * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each item in `coll`. * The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, transformed)` which must be called * once it has completed with an error (which can be `null`) and a * transformed item. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all `iteratee` * functions have finished, or an error occurs. Results is an Array of the * transformed items from the `coll`. Invoked with (err, results). * @example * * async.map(['file1','file2','file3'], fs.stat, function(err, results) { * // results is now an array of stats for each file * }); */ var map = doParallel(_asyncMap); /** * Applies the provided arguments to each function in the array, calling * `callback` after all functions have completed. If you only provide the first * argument, then it will return a function which lets you pass in the * arguments as if it were a single function call. * * @name applyEach * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @category Control Flow * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} fns - A collection of asynchronous functions to all * call with the same arguments * @param {...*} [args] - any number of separate arguments to pass to the * function. * @param {Function} [callback] - the final argument should be the callback, * called when all functions have completed processing. * @returns {Function} - If only the first argument is provided, it will return * a function which lets you pass in the arguments as if it were a single * function call. * @example * * async.applyEach([enableSearch, updateSchema], 'bucket', callback); * * // partial application example: * async.each( * buckets, * async.applyEach([enableSearch, updateSchema]), * callback * ); */ var applyEach = applyEach$1(map); function doParallelLimit(fn) { return function (obj, limit, iteratee, callback) { return fn(_eachOfLimit(limit), obj, iteratee, callback); }; } /** * The same as [`map`]{@link module:Collections.map} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a time. * * @name mapLimit * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.map]{@link module:Collections.map} * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each item in `coll`. * The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, transformed)` which must be called * once it has completed with an error (which can be `null`) and a transformed * item. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all `iteratee` * functions have finished, or an error occurs. Results is an array of the * transformed items from the `coll`. Invoked with (err, results). */ var mapLimit = doParallelLimit(_asyncMap); /** * The same as [`map`]{@link module:Collections.map} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name mapSeries * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.map]{@link module:Collections.map} * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each item in `coll`. * The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, transformed)` which must be called * once it has completed with an error (which can be `null`) and a * transformed item. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all `iteratee` * functions have finished, or an error occurs. Results is an array of the * transformed items from the `coll`. Invoked with (err, results). */ var mapSeries = doLimit(mapLimit, 1); /** * The same as [`applyEach`]{@link module:ControlFlow.applyEach} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name applyEachSeries * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.applyEach]{@link module:ControlFlow.applyEach} * @category Control Flow * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} fns - A collection of asynchronous functions to all * call with the same arguments * @param {...*} [args] - any number of separate arguments to pass to the * function. * @param {Function} [callback] - the final argument should be the callback, * called when all functions have completed processing. * @returns {Function} - If only the first argument is provided, it will return * a function which lets you pass in the arguments as if it were a single * function call. */ var applyEachSeries = applyEach$1(mapSeries); /** * Creates a continuation function with some arguments already applied. * * Useful as a shorthand when combined with other control flow functions. Any * arguments passed to the returned function are added to the arguments * originally passed to apply. * * @name apply * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @category Util * @param {Function} function - The function you want to eventually apply all * arguments to. Invokes with (arguments...). * @param {...*} arguments... - Any number of arguments to automatically apply * when the continuation is called. * @example * * // using apply * async.parallel([ * async.apply(fs.writeFile, 'testfile1', 'test1'), * async.apply(fs.writeFile, 'testfile2', 'test2') * ]); * * * // the same process without using apply * async.parallel([ * function(callback) { * fs.writeFile('testfile1', 'test1', callback); * }, * function(callback) { * fs.writeFile('testfile2', 'test2', callback); * } * ]); * * // It's possible to pass any number of additional arguments when calling the * // continuation: * * node> var fn = async.apply(sys.puts, 'one'); * node> fn('two', 'three'); * one * two * three */ var apply$1 = rest(function (fn, args) { return rest(function (callArgs) { return fn.apply(null, args.concat(callArgs)); }); }); /** * Take a sync function and make it async, passing its return value to a * callback. This is useful for plugging sync functions into a waterfall, * series, or other async functions. Any arguments passed to the generated * function will be passed to the wrapped function (except for the final * callback argument). Errors thrown will be passed to the callback. * * If the function passed to `asyncify` returns a Promise, that promises's * resolved/rejected state will be used to call the callback, rather than simply * the synchronous return value. * * This also means you can asyncify ES2016 `async` functions. * * @name asyncify * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @alias wrapSync * @category Util * @param {Function} func - The synchronous function to convert to an * asynchronous function. * @returns {Function} An asynchronous wrapper of the `func`. To be invoked with * (callback). * @example * * // passing a regular synchronous function * async.waterfall([ * async.apply(fs.readFile, filename, "utf8"), * async.asyncify(JSON.parse), * function (data, next) { * // data is the result of parsing the text. * // If there was a parsing error, it would have been caught. * } * ], callback); * * // passing a function returning a promise * async.waterfall([ * async.apply(fs.readFile, filename, "utf8"), * async.asyncify(function (contents) { * return db.model.create(contents); * }), * function (model, next) { * // `model` is the instantiated model object. * // If there was an error, this function would be skipped. * } * ], callback); * * // es6 example * var q = async.queue(async.asyncify(async function(file) { * var intermediateStep = await processFile(file); * return await somePromise(intermediateStep) * })); * * q.push(files); */ function asyncify(func) { return initialParams(function (args, callback) { var result; try { result = func.apply(this, args); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } // if result is Promise object if (isObject(result) && typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(function (value) { callback(null, value); }, function (err) { callback(err.message ? err : new Error(err)); }); } else { callback(null, result); } }); } /** * A specialized version of `_.forEach` for arrays without support for * iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function arrayEach(array, iteratee) { var index = -1, length = array ? array.length : 0; while (++index < length) { if (iteratee(array[index], index, array) === false) { break; } } return array; } /** * Creates a base function for methods like `_.forIn` and `_.forOwn`. * * @private * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left. * @returns {Function} Returns the new base function. */ function createBaseFor(fromRight) { return function(object, iteratee, keysFunc) { var index = -1, iterable = Object(object), props = keysFunc(object), length = props.length; while (length--) { var key = props[fromRight ? length : ++index]; if (iteratee(iterable[key], key, iterable) === false) { break; } } return object; }; } /** * The base implementation of `baseForOwn` which iterates over `object` * properties returned by `keysFunc` and invokes `iteratee` for each property. * Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly returning `false`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of `object`. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ var baseFor = createBaseFor(); /** * The base implementation of `_.forOwn` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ function baseForOwn(object, iteratee) { return object && baseFor(object, iteratee, keys); } /** * Gets the index at which the first occurrence of `NaN` is found in `array`. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to search. * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from. * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched `NaN`, else `-1`. */ function indexOfNaN(array, fromIndex, fromRight) { var length = array.length, index = fromIndex + (fromRight ? 1 : -1); while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length)) { var other = array[index]; if (other !== other) { return index; } } return -1; } /** * The base implementation of `_.indexOf` without `fromIndex` bounds checks. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to search. * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. */ function baseIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) { if (value !== value) { return indexOfNaN(array, fromIndex); } var index = fromIndex - 1, length = array.length; while (++index < length) { if (array[index] === value) { return index; } } return -1; } /** * Determines the best order for running the functions in `tasks`, based on * their requirements. Each function can optionally depend on other functions * being completed first, and each function is run as soon as its requirements * are satisfied. * * If any of the functions pass an error to their callback, the `auto` sequence * will stop. Further tasks will not execute (so any other functions depending * on it will not run), and the main `callback` is immediately called with the * error. * * Functions also receive an object containing the results of functions which * have completed so far as the first argument, if they have dependencies. If a * task function has no dependencies, it will only be passed a callback. * * @name auto * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @category Control Flow * @param {Object} tasks - An object. Each of its properties is either a * function or an array of requirements, with the function itself the last item * in the array. The object's key of a property serves as the name of the task * defined by that property, i.e. can be used when specifying requirements for * other tasks. The function receives one or two arguments: * * a `results` object, containing the results of the previously executed * functions, only passed if the task has any dependencies, * * a `callback(err, result)` function, which must be called when finished, * passing an `error` (which can be `null`) and the result of the function's * execution. * @param {number} [concurrency=Infinity] - An optional `integer` for * determining the maximum number of tasks that can be run in parallel. By * default, as many as possible. * @param {Function} [callback] - An optional callback which is called when all * the tasks have been completed. It receives the `err` argument if any `tasks` * pass an error to their callback. Results are always returned; however, if an * error occurs, no further `tasks` will be performed, and the results object * will only contain partial results. Invoked with (err, results). * @returns undefined * @example * * async.auto({ * // this function will just be passed a callback * readData: async.apply(fs.readFile, 'data.txt', 'utf-8'), * showData: ['readData', function(results, cb) { * // results.readData is the file's contents * // ... * }] * }, callback); * * async.auto({ * get_data: function(callback) { * console.log('in get_data'); * // async code to get some data * callback(null, 'data', 'converted to array'); * }, * make_folder: function(callback) { * console.log('in make_folder'); * // async code to create a directory to store a file in * // this is run at the same time as getting the data * callback(null, 'folder'); * }, * write_file: ['get_data', 'make_folder', function(results, callback) { * console.log('in write_file', JSON.stringify(results)); * // once there is some data and the directory exists, * // write the data to a file in the directory * callback(null, 'filename'); * }], * email_link: ['write_file', function(results, callback) { * console.log('in email_link', JSON.stringify(results)); * // once the file is written let's email a link to it... * // results.write_file contains the filename returned by write_file. * callback(null, {'file':results.write_file, 'email':'user@example.com'}); * }] * }, function(err, results) { * console.log('err = ', err); * console.log('results = ', results); * }); */ function auto (tasks, concurrency, callback) { if (typeof concurrency === 'function') { // concurrency is optional, shift the args. callback = concurrency; concurrency = null; } callback = once(callback || noop); var keys$$ = keys(tasks); var numTasks = keys$$.length; if (!numTasks) { return callback(null); } if (!concurrency) { concurrency = numTasks; } var results = {}; var runningTasks = 0; var hasError = false; var listeners = {}; var readyTasks = []; // for cycle detection: var readyToCheck = []; // tasks that have been identified as reachable // without the possibility of returning to an ancestor task var uncheckedDependencies = {}; baseForOwn(tasks, function (task, key) { if (!isArray(task)) { // no dependencies enqueueTask(key, [task]); readyToCheck.push(key); return; } var dependencies = task.slice(0, task.length - 1); var remainingDependencies = dependencies.length; if (remainingDependencies === 0) { enqueueTask(key, task); readyToCheck.push(key); return; } uncheckedDependencies[key] = remainingDependencies; arrayEach(dependencies, function (dependencyName) { if (!tasks[dependencyName]) { throw new Error('async.auto task `' + key + '` has a non-existent dependency in ' + dependencies.join(', ')); } addListener(dependencyName, function () { remainingDependencies--; if (remainingDependencies === 0) { enqueueTask(key, task); } }); }); }); checkForDeadlocks(); processQueue(); function enqueueTask(key, task) { readyTasks.push(function () { runTask(key, task); }); } function processQueue() { if (readyTasks.length === 0 && runningTasks === 0) { return callback(null, results); } while (readyTasks.length && runningTasks < concurrency) { var run = readyTasks.shift(); run(); } } function addListener(taskName, fn) { var taskListeners = listeners[taskName]; if (!taskListeners) { taskListeners = listeners[taskName] = []; } taskListeners.push(fn); } function taskComplete(taskName) { var taskListeners = listeners[taskName] || []; arrayEach(taskListeners, function (fn) { fn(); }); processQueue(); } function runTask(key, task) { if (hasError) return; var taskCallback = onlyOnce(rest(function (err, args) { runningTasks--; if (args.length <= 1) { args = args[0]; } if (err) { var safeResults = {}; baseForOwn(results, function (val, rkey) { safeResults[rkey] = val; }); safeResults[key] = args; hasError = true; listeners = []; callback(err, safeResults); } else { results[key] = args; taskComplete(key); } })); runningTasks++; var taskFn = task[task.length - 1]; if (task.length > 1) { taskFn(results, taskCallback); } else { taskFn(taskCallback); } } function checkForDeadlocks() { // Kahn's algorithm // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting#Kahn.27s_algorithm // http://connalle.blogspot.com/2013/10/topological-sortingkahn-algorithm.html var currentTask; var counter = 0; while (readyToCheck.length) { currentTask = readyToCheck.pop(); counter++; arrayEach(getDependents(currentTask), function (dependent) { if (--uncheckedDependencies[dependent] === 0) { readyToCheck.push(dependent); } }); } if (counter !== numTasks) { throw new Error('async.auto cannot execute tasks due to a recursive dependency'); } } function getDependents(taskName) { var result = []; baseForOwn(tasks, function (task, key) { if (isArray(task) && baseIndexOf(task, taskName, 0) >= 0) { result.push(key); } }); return result; } } /** * A specialized version of `_.map` for arrays without support for iteratee * shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array. */ function arrayMap(array, iteratee) { var index = -1, length = array ? array.length : 0, result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { result[index] = iteratee(array[index], index, array); } return result; } /** * Copies the values of `source` to `array`. * * @private * @param {Array} source The array to copy values from. * @param {Array} [array=[]] The array to copy values to. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function copyArray(source, array) { var index = -1, length = source.length; array || (array = Array(length)); while (++index < length) { array[index] = source[index]; } return array; } /** * Checks if `value` is a global object. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {null|Object} Returns `value` if it's a global object, else `null`. */ function checkGlobal(value) { return (value && value.Object === Object) ? value : null; } /** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js. */ var freeGlobal = checkGlobal(typeof global == 'object' && global); /** Detect free variable `self`. */ var freeSelf = checkGlobal(typeof self == 'object' && self); /** Detect `this` as the global object. */ var thisGlobal = checkGlobal(typeof this == 'object' && this); /** Used as a reference to the global object. */ var root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || thisGlobal || Function('return this')(); /** Built-in value references. */ var Symbol$1 = root.Symbol; /** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */ var INFINITY$1 = 1 / 0; /** Used to convert symbols to primitives and strings. */ var symbolProto = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.prototype : undefined; var symbolToString = symbolProto ? symbolProto.toString : undefined; /** * The base implementation of `_.toString` which doesn't convert nullish * values to empty strings. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to process. * @returns {string} Returns the string. */ function baseToString(value) { // Exit early for strings to avoid a performance hit in some environments. if (typeof value == 'string') { return value; } if (isSymbol(value)) { return symbolToString ? symbolToString.call(value) : ''; } var result = (value + ''); return (result == '0' && (1 / value) == -INFINITY$1) ? '-0' : result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.slice` without an iteratee call guard. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to slice. * @param {number} [start=0] The start position. * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. */ function baseSlice(array, start, end) { var index = -1, length = array.length; if (start < 0) { start = -start > length ? 0 : (length + start); } end = end > length ? length : end; if (end < 0) { end += length; } length = start > end ? 0 : ((end - start) >>> 0); start >>>= 0; var result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { result[index] = array[index + start]; } return result; } /** * Casts `array` to a slice if it's needed. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {number} start The start position. * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position. * @returns {Array} Returns the cast slice. */ function castSlice(array, start, end) { var length = array.length; end = end === undefined ? length : end; return (!start && end >= length) ? array : baseSlice(array, start, end); } /** * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimEnd` to get the index of the last string symbol * that is not found in the character symbols. * * @private * @param {Array} strSymbols The string symbols to inspect. * @param {Array} chrSymbols The character symbols to find. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the last unmatched string symbol. */ function charsEndIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols) { var index = strSymbols.length; while (index-- && baseIndexOf(chrSymbols, strSymbols[index], 0) > -1) {} return index; } /** * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimStart` to get the index of the first string symbol * that is not found in the character symbols. * * @private * @param {Array} strSymbols The string symbols to inspect. * @param {Array} chrSymbols The character symbols to find. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the first unmatched string symbol. */ function charsStartIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols) { var index = -1, length = strSymbols.length; while (++index < length && baseIndexOf(chrSymbols, strSymbols[index], 0) > -1) {} return index; } /** Used to compose unicode character classes. */ var rsAstralRange = '\\ud800-\\udfff'; var rsComboMarksRange = '\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe23'; var rsComboSymbolsRange = '\\u20d0-\\u20f0'; var rsVarRange = '\\ufe0e\\ufe0f'; var rsAstral = '[' + rsAstralRange + ']'; var rsCombo = '[' + rsComboMarksRange + rsComboSymbolsRange + ']'; var rsFitz = '\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]'; var rsModifier = '(?:' + rsCombo + '|' + rsFitz + ')'; var rsNonAstral = '[^' + rsAstralRange + ']'; var rsRegional = '(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}'; var rsSurrPair = '[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]'; var rsZWJ = '\\u200d'; var reOptMod = rsModifier + '?'; var rsOptVar = '[' + rsVarRange + ']?'; var rsOptJoin = '(?:' + rsZWJ + '(?:' + [rsNonAstral, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join('|') + ')' + rsOptVar + reOptMod + ')*'; var rsSeq = rsOptVar + reOptMod + rsOptJoin; var rsSymbol = '(?:' + [rsNonAstral + rsCombo + '?', rsCombo, rsRegional, rsSurrPair, rsAstral].join('|') + ')'; /** Used to match [string symbols](https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode). */ var reComplexSymbol = RegExp(rsFitz + '(?=' + rsFitz + ')|' + rsSymbol + rsSeq, 'g'); /** * Converts `string` to an array. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array. */ function stringToArray(string) { return string.match(reComplexSymbol); } /** * Converts `value` to a string. An empty string is returned for `null` * and `undefined` values. The sign of `-0` is preserved. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to process. * @returns {string} Returns the string. * @example * * _.toString(null); * // => '' * * _.toString(-0); * // => '-0' * * _.toString([1, 2, 3]); * // => '1,2,3' */ function toString(value) { return value == null ? '' : baseToString(value); } /** Used to match leading and trailing whitespace. */ var reTrim$1 = /^\s+|\s+$/g; /** * Removes leading and trailing whitespace or specified characters from `string`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to trim. * @param {string} [chars=whitespace] The characters to trim. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`. * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string. * @example * * _.trim(' abc '); * // => 'abc' * * _.trim('-_-abc-_-', '_-'); * // => 'abc' * * _.map([' foo ', ' bar '], _.trim); * // => ['foo', 'bar'] */ function trim(string, chars, guard) { string = toString(string); if (string && (guard || chars === undefined)) { return string.replace(reTrim$1, ''); } if (!string || !(chars = baseToString(chars))) { return string; } var strSymbols = stringToArray(string), chrSymbols = stringToArray(chars), start = charsStartIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols), end = charsEndIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols) + 1; return castSlice(strSymbols, start, end).join(''); } var FN_ARGS = /^(function)?\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m; var FN_ARG_SPLIT = /,/; var FN_ARG = /(=.+)?(\s*)$/; var STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg; function parseParams(func) { func = func.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, ''); func = func.match(FN_ARGS)[2].replace(' ', ''); func = func ? func.split(FN_ARG_SPLIT) : []; func = func.map(function (arg) { return trim(arg.replace(FN_ARG, '')); }); return func; } /** * A dependency-injected version of the [async.auto]{@link module:ControlFlow.auto} function. Dependent * tasks are specified as parameters to the function, after the usual callback * parameter, with the parameter names matching the names of the tasks it * depends on. This can provide even more readable task graphs which can be * easier to maintain. * * If a final callback is specified, the task results are similarly injected, * specified as named parameters after the initial error parameter. * * The autoInject function is purely syntactic sugar and its semantics are * otherwise equivalent to [async.auto]{@link module:ControlFlow.auto}. * * @name autoInject * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.auto]{@link module:ControlFlow.auto} * @category Control Flow * @param {Object} tasks - An object, each of whose properties is a function of * the form 'func([dependencies...], callback). The object's key of a property * serves as the name of the task defined by that property, i.e. can be used * when specifying requirements for other tasks. * * The `callback` parameter is a `callback(err, result)` which must be called * when finished, passing an `error` (which can be `null`) and the result of * the function's execution. The remaining parameters name other tasks on * which the task is dependent, and the results from those tasks are the * arguments of those parameters. * @param {Function} [callback] - An optional callback which is called when all * the tasks have been completed. It receives the `err` argument if any `tasks` * pass an error to their callback, and a `results` object with any completed * task results, similar to `auto`. * @example * * // The example from `auto` can be rewritten as follows: * async.autoInject({ * get_data: function(callback) { * // async code to get some data * callback(null, 'data', 'converted to array'); * }, * make_folder: function(callback) { * // async code to create a directory to store a file in * // this is run at the same time as getting the data * callback(null, 'folder'); * }, * write_file: function(get_data, make_folder, callback) { * // once there is some data and the directory exists, * // write the data to a file in the directory * callback(null, 'filename'); * }, * email_link: function(write_file, callback) { * // once the file is written let's email a link to it... * // write_file contains the filename returned by write_file. * callback(null, {'file':write_file, 'email':'user@example.com'}); * } * }, function(err, results) { * console.log('err = ', err); * console.log('email_link = ', results.email_link); * }); * * // If you are using a JS minifier that mangles parameter names, `autoInject` * // will not work with plain functions, since the parameter names will be * // collapsed to a single letter identifier. To work around this, you can * // explicitly specify the names of the parameters your task function needs * // in an array, similar to Angular.js dependency injection. * * // This still has an advantage over plain `auto`, since the results a task * // depends on are still spread into arguments. * async.autoInject({ * //... * write_file: ['get_data', 'make_folder', function(get_data, make_folder, callback) { * callback(null, 'filename'); * }], * email_link: ['write_file', function(write_file, callback) { * callback(null, {'file':write_file, 'email':'user@example.com'}); * }] * //... * }, function(err, results) { * console.log('err = ', err); * console.log('email_link = ', results.email_link); * }); */ function autoInject(tasks, callback) { var newTasks = {}; baseForOwn(tasks, function (taskFn, key) { var params; if (isArray(taskFn)) { params = copyArray(taskFn); taskFn = params.pop(); newTasks[key] = params.concat(params.length > 0 ? newTask : taskFn); } else if (taskFn.length === 1) { // no dependencies, use the function as-is newTasks[key] = taskFn; } else { params = parseParams(taskFn); if (taskFn.length === 0 && params.length === 0) { throw new Error("autoInject task functions require explicit parameters."); } params.pop(); newTasks[key] = params.concat(newTask); } function newTask(results, taskCb) { var newArgs = arrayMap(params, function (name) { return results[name]; }); newArgs.push(taskCb); taskFn.apply(null, newArgs); } }); auto(newTasks, callback); } var hasSetImmediate = typeof setImmediate === 'function' && setImmediate; var hasNextTick = typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.nextTick === 'function'; function fallback(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); } function wrap(defer) { return rest(function (fn, args) { defer(function () { fn.apply(null, args); }); }); } var _defer; if (hasSetImmediate) { _defer = setImmediate; } else if (hasNextTick) { _defer = process.nextTick; } else { _defer = fallback; } var setImmediate$1 = wrap(_defer); // Simple doubly linked list (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doubly_linked_list) implementation // used for queues. This implementation assumes that the node provided by the user can be modified // to adjust the next and last properties. We implement only the minimal functionality // for queue support. function DLL() { this.head = this.tail = null; this.length = 0; } function setInitial(dll, node) { dll.length = 1; dll.head = dll.tail = node; } DLL.prototype.removeLink = function (node) { if (node.prev) node.prev.next = node.next;else this.head = node.next; if (node.next) node.next.prev = node.prev;else this.tail = node.prev; node.prev = node.next = null; this.length -= 1; return node; }; DLL.prototype.empty = DLL; DLL.prototype.insertAfter = function (node, newNode) { newNode.prev = node; newNode.next = node.next; if (node.next) node.next.prev = newNode;else this.tail = newNode; node.next = newNode; this.length += 1; }; DLL.prototype.insertBefore = function (node, newNode) { newNode.prev = node.prev; newNode.next = node; if (node.prev) node.prev.next = newNode;else this.head = newNode; node.prev = newNode; this.length += 1; }; DLL.prototype.unshift = function (node) { if (this.head) this.insertBefore(this.head, node);else setInitial(this, node); }; DLL.prototype.push = function (node) { if (this.tail) this.insertAfter(this.tail, node);else setInitial(this, node); }; DLL.prototype.shift = function () { return this.head && this.removeLink(this.head); }; DLL.prototype.pop = function () { return this.tail && this.removeLink(this.tail); }; function queue(worker, concurrency, payload) { if (concurrency == null) { concurrency = 1; } else if (concurrency === 0) { throw new Error('Concurrency must not be zero'); } function _insert(data, insertAtFront, callback) { if (callback != null && typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new Error('task callback must be a function'); } q.started = true; if (!isArray(data)) { data = [data]; } if (data.length === 0 && q.idle()) { // call drain immediately if there are no tasks return setImmediate$1(function () { q.drain(); }); } arrayEach(data, function (task) { var item = { data: task, callback: callback || noop }; if (insertAtFront) { q._tasks.unshift(item); } else { q._tasks.push(item); } }); setImmediate$1(q.process); } function _next(tasks) { return rest(function (args) { workers -= 1; arrayEach(tasks, function (task) { arrayEach(workersList, function (worker, index) { if (worker === task) { workersList.splice(index, 1); return false; } }); task.callback.apply(task, args); if (args[0] != null) { q.error(args[0], task.data); } }); if (workers <= q.concurrency - q.buffer) { q.unsaturated(); } if (q.idle()) { q.drain(); } q.process(); }); } var workers = 0; var workersList = []; var q = { _tasks: new DLL(), concurrency: concurrency, payload: payload, saturated: noop, unsaturated: noop, buffer: concurrency / 4, empty: noop, drain: noop, error: noop, started: false, paused: false, push: function (data, callback) { _insert(data, false, callback); }, kill: function () { q.drain = noop; q._tasks.empty(); }, unshift: function (data, callback) { _insert(data, true, callback); }, process: function () { while (!q.paused && workers < q.concurrency && q._tasks.length) { var tasks = [], data = []; var l = q._tasks.length; if (q.payload) l = Math.min(l, q.payload); for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { var node = q._tasks.shift(); tasks.push(node); data.push(node.data); } if (q._tasks.length === 0) { q.empty(); } workers += 1; workersList.push(tasks[0]); if (workers === q.concurrency) { q.saturated(); } var cb = onlyOnce(_next(tasks)); worker(data, cb); } }, length: function () { return q._tasks.length; }, running: function () { return workers; }, workersList: function () { return workersList; }, idle: function () { return q._tasks.length + workers === 0; }, pause: function () { q.paused = true; }, resume: function () { if (q.paused === false) { return; } q.paused = false; var resumeCount = Math.min(q.concurrency, q._tasks.length); // Need to call q.process once per concurrent // worker to preserve full concurrency after pause for (var w = 1; w <= resumeCount; w++) { setImmediate$1(q.process); } } }; return q; } /** * A cargo of tasks for the worker function to complete. Cargo inherits all of * the same methods and event callbacks as [`queue`]{@link module:ControlFlow.queue}. * @typedef {Object} CargoObject * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @property {Function} length - A function returning the number of items * waiting to be processed. Invoke like `cargo.length()`. * @property {number} payload - An `integer` for determining how many tasks * should be process per round. This property can be changed after a `cargo` is * created to alter the payload on-the-fly. * @property {Function} push - Adds `task` to the `queue`. The callback is * called once the `worker` has finished processing the task. Instead of a * single task, an array of `tasks` can be submitted. The respective callback is * used for every task in the list. Invoke like `cargo.push(task, [callback])`. * @property {Function} saturated - A callback that is called when the * `queue.length()` hits the concurrency and further tasks will be queued. * @property {Function} empty - A callback that is called when the last item * from the `queue` is given to a `worker`. * @property {Function} drain - A callback that is called when the last item * from the `queue` has returned from the `worker`. * @property {Function} idle - a function returning false if there are items * waiting or being processed, or true if not. Invoke like `cargo.idle()`. * @property {Function} pause - a function that pauses the processing of tasks * until `resume()` is called. Invoke like `cargo.pause()`. * @property {Function} resume - a function that resumes the processing of * queued tasks when the queue is paused. Invoke like `cargo.resume()`. * @property {Function} kill - a function that removes the `drain` callback and * empties remaining tasks from the queue forcing it to go idle. Invoke like `cargo.kill()`. */ /** * Creates a `cargo` object with the specified payload. Tasks added to the * cargo will be processed altogether (up to the `payload` limit). If the * `worker` is in progress, the task is queued until it becomes available. Once * the `worker` has completed some tasks, each callback of those tasks is * called. Check out [these](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/6bbd36f4cf5b35a0f11a96dcd2e97711ffc2fb37/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f313637363837312f36383130382f62626330636662302d356632392d313165322d393734662d3333393763363464633835382e676966) [animations](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/f4810e00e1c5f5f8addbe3e9f49064fd5d102699/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f313637363837312f36383130312f38346339323036362d356632392d313165322d383134662d3964336430323431336266642e676966) * for how `cargo` and `queue` work. * * While [`queue`]{@link module:ControlFlow.queue} passes only one task to one of a group of workers * at a time, cargo passes an array of tasks to a single worker, repeating * when the worker is finished. * * @name cargo * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.queue]{@link module:ControlFlow.queue} * @category Control Flow * @param {Function} worker - An asynchronous function for processing an array * of queued tasks, which must call its `callback(err)` argument when finished, * with an optional `err` argument. Invoked with `(tasks, callback)`. * @param {number} [payload=Infinity] - An optional `integer` for determining * how many tasks should be processed per round; if omitted, the default is * unlimited. * @returns {module:ControlFlow.CargoObject} A cargo object to manage the tasks. Callbacks can * attached as certain properties to listen for specific events during the * lifecycle of the cargo and inner queue. * @example * * // create a cargo object with payload 2 * var cargo = async.cargo(function(tasks, callback) { * for (var i=0; i true */ function identity(value) { return value; } function _createTester(eachfn, check, getResult) { return function (arr, limit, iteratee, cb) { function done(err) { if (cb) { if (err) { cb(err); } else { cb(null, getResult(false)); } } } function wrappedIteratee(x, _, callback) { if (!cb) return callback(); iteratee(x, function (err, v) { if (cb) { if (err) { cb(err); cb = iteratee = false; } else if (check(v)) { cb(null, getResult(true, x)); cb = iteratee = false; } } callback(); }); } if (arguments.length > 3) { cb = cb || noop; eachfn(arr, limit, wrappedIteratee, done); } else { cb = iteratee; cb = cb || noop; iteratee = limit; eachfn(arr, wrappedIteratee, done); } }; } function _findGetResult(v, x) { return x; } /** * Returns the first value in `coll` that passes an async truth test. The * `iteratee` is applied in parallel, meaning the first iteratee to return * `true` will fire the detect `callback` with that result. That means the * result might not be the first item in the original `coll` (in terms of order) * that passes the test. * If order within the original `coll` is important, then look at * [`detectSeries`]{@link module:Collections.detectSeries}. * * @name detect * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @alias find * @category Collections * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in `coll`. * The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)` which must be called * with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called as soon as any * iteratee returns `true`, or after all the `iteratee` functions have finished. * Result will be the first item in the array that passes the truth test * (iteratee) or the value `undefined` if none passed. Invoked with * (err, result). * @example * * async.detect(['file1','file2','file3'], function(filePath, callback) { * fs.access(filePath, function(err) { * callback(null, !err) * }); * }, function(err, result) { * // result now equals the first file in the list that exists * }); */ var detect = _createTester(eachOf, identity, _findGetResult); /** * The same as [`detect`]{@link module:Collections.detect} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a * time. * * @name detectLimit * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.detect]{@link module:Collections.detect} * @alias findLimit * @category Collections * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in `coll`. * The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)` which must be called * with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called as soon as any * iteratee returns `true`, or after all the `iteratee` functions have finished. * Result will be the first item in the array that passes the truth test * (iteratee) or the value `undefined` if none passed. Invoked with * (err, result). */ var detectLimit = _createTester(eachOfLimit, identity, _findGetResult); /** * The same as [`detect`]{@link module:Collections.detect} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name detectSeries * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.detect]{@link module:Collections.detect} * @alias findSeries * @category Collections * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in `coll`. * The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)` which must be called * with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called as soon as any * iteratee returns `true`, or after all the `iteratee` functions have finished. * Result will be the first item in the array that passes the truth test * (iteratee) or the value `undefined` if none passed. Invoked with * (err, result). */ var detectSeries = _createTester(eachOfSeries, identity, _findGetResult); function consoleFunc(name) { return rest(function (fn, args) { fn.apply(null, args.concat([rest(function (err, args) { if (typeof console === 'object') { if (err) { if (console.error) { console.error(err); } } else if (console[name]) { arrayEach(args, function (x) { console[name](x); }); } } })])); }); } /** * Logs the result of an `async` function to the `console` using `console.dir` * to display the properties of the resulting object. Only works in Node.js or * in browsers that support `console.dir` and `console.error` (such as FF and * Chrome). If multiple arguments are returned from the async function, * `console.dir` is called on each argument in order. * * @name dir * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @category Util * @param {Function} function - The function you want to eventually apply all * arguments to. * @param {...*} arguments... - Any number of arguments to apply to the function. * @example * * // in a module * var hello = function(name, callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, {hello: name}); * }, 1000); * }; * * // in the node repl * node> async.dir(hello, 'world'); * {hello: 'world'} */ var dir = consoleFunc('dir'); /** * The post-check version of [`during`]{@link module:ControlFlow.during}. To reflect the difference in * the order of operations, the arguments `test` and `fn` are switched. * * Also a version of [`doWhilst`]{@link module:ControlFlow.doWhilst} with asynchronous `test` function. * @name doDuring * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.during]{@link module:ControlFlow.during} * @category Control Flow * @param {Function} fn - A function which is called each time `test` passes. * The function is passed a `callback(err)`, which must be called once it has * completed with an optional `err` argument. Invoked with (callback). * @param {Function} test - asynchronous truth test to perform before each * execution of `fn`. Invoked with (...args, callback), where `...args` are the * non-error args from the previous callback of `fn`. * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after the test * function has failed and repeated execution of `fn` has stopped. `callback` * will be passed an error if one occured, otherwise `null`. */ function doDuring(fn, test, callback) { callback = onlyOnce(callback || noop); var next = rest(function (err, args) { if (err) return callback(err); args.push(check); test.apply(this, args); }); function check(err, truth) { if (err) return callback(err); if (!truth) return callback(null); fn(next); } check(null, true); } /** * The post-check version of [`whilst`]{@link module:ControlFlow.whilst}. To reflect the difference in * the order of operations, the arguments `test` and `iteratee` are switched. * * `doWhilst` is to `whilst` as `do while` is to `while` in plain JavaScript. * * @name doWhilst * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.whilst]{@link module:ControlFlow.whilst} * @category Control Flow * @param {Function} iteratee - A function which is called each time `test` * passes. The function is passed a `callback(err)`, which must be called once * it has completed with an optional `err` argument. Invoked with (callback). * @param {Function} test - synchronous truth test to perform after each * execution of `iteratee`. Invoked with Invoked with the non-error callback * results of `iteratee`. * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after the test * function has failed and repeated execution of `iteratee` has stopped. * `callback` will be passed an error and any arguments passed to the final * `iteratee`'s callback. Invoked with (err, [results]); */ function doWhilst(iteratee, test, callback) { callback = onlyOnce(callback || noop); var next = rest(function (err, args) { if (err) return callback(err); if (test.apply(this, args)) return iteratee(next); callback.apply(null, [null].concat(args)); }); iteratee(next); } /** * Like ['doWhilst']{@link module:ControlFlow.doWhilst}, except the `test` is inverted. Note the * argument ordering differs from `until`. * * @name doUntil * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.doWhilst]{@link module:ControlFlow.doWhilst} * @category Control Flow * @param {Function} fn - A function which is called each time `test` fails. * The function is passed a `callback(err)`, which must be called once it has * completed with an optional `err` argument. Invoked with (callback). * @param {Function} test - synchronous truth test to perform after each * execution of `fn`. Invoked with the non-error callback results of `fn`. * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after the test * function has passed and repeated execution of `fn` has stopped. `callback` * will be passed an error and any arguments passed to the final `fn`'s * callback. Invoked with (err, [results]); */ function doUntil(fn, test, callback) { doWhilst(fn, function () { return !test.apply(this, arguments); }, callback); } /** * Like [`whilst`]{@link module:ControlFlow.whilst}, except the `test` is an asynchronous function that * is passed a callback in the form of `function (err, truth)`. If error is * passed to `test` or `fn`, the main callback is immediately called with the * value of the error. * * @name during * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.whilst]{@link module:ControlFlow.whilst} * @category Control Flow * @param {Function} test - asynchronous truth test to perform before each * execution of `fn`. Invoked with (callback). * @param {Function} fn - A function which is called each time `test` passes. * The function is passed a `callback(err)`, which must be called once it has * completed with an optional `err` argument. Invoked with (callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after the test * function has failed and repeated execution of `fn` has stopped. `callback` * will be passed an error, if one occured, otherwise `null`. * @example * * var count = 0; * * async.during( * function (callback) { * return callback(null, count < 5); * }, * function (callback) { * count++; * setTimeout(callback, 1000); * }, * function (err) { * // 5 seconds have passed * } * ); */ function during(test, fn, callback) { callback = onlyOnce(callback || noop); function next(err) { if (err) return callback(err); test(check); } function check(err, truth) { if (err) return callback(err); if (!truth) return callback(null); fn(next); } test(check); } function _withoutIndex(iteratee) { return function (value, index, callback) { return iteratee(value, callback); }; } /** * Applies the function `iteratee` to each item in `coll`, in parallel. * The `iteratee` is called with an item from the list, and a callback for when * it has finished. If the `iteratee` passes an error to its `callback`, the * main `callback` (for the `each` function) is immediately called with the * error. * * Note, that since this function applies `iteratee` to each item in parallel, * there is no guarantee that the iteratee functions will complete in order. * * @name each * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @alias forEach * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each item * in `coll`. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err)` which must be called once * it has completed. If no error has occurred, the `callback` should be run * without arguments or with an explicit `null` argument. The array index is not * passed to the iteratee. Invoked with (item, callback). If you need the index, * use `eachOf`. * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all * `iteratee` functions have finished, or an error occurs. Invoked with (err). * @example * * // assuming openFiles is an array of file names and saveFile is a function * // to save the modified contents of that file: * * async.each(openFiles, saveFile, function(err){ * // if any of the saves produced an error, err would equal that error * }); * * // assuming openFiles is an array of file names * async.each(openFiles, function(file, callback) { * * // Perform operation on file here. * console.log('Processing file ' + file); * * if( file.length > 32 ) { * console.log('This file name is too long'); * callback('File name too long'); * } else { * // Do work to process file here * console.log('File processed'); * callback(); * } * }, function(err) { * // if any of the file processing produced an error, err would equal that error * if( err ) { * // One of the iterations produced an error. * // All processing will now stop. * console.log('A file failed to process'); * } else { * console.log('All files have been processed successfully'); * } * }); */ function eachLimit(coll, iteratee, callback) { eachOf(coll, _withoutIndex(iteratee), callback); } /** * The same as [`each`]{@link module:Collections.each} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a time. * * @name eachLimit * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.each]{@link module:Collections.each} * @alias forEachLimit * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A colleciton to iterate over. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each item in `coll`. The * iteratee is passed a `callback(err)` which must be called once it has * completed. If no error has occurred, the `callback` should be run without * arguments or with an explicit `null` argument. The array index is not passed * to the iteratee. Invoked with (item, callback). If you need the index, use * `eachOfLimit`. * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all * `iteratee` functions have finished, or an error occurs. Invoked with (err). */ function eachLimit$1(coll, limit, iteratee, callback) { _eachOfLimit(limit)(coll, _withoutIndex(iteratee), callback); } /** * The same as [`each`]{@link module:Collections.each} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name eachSeries * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.each]{@link module:Collections.each} * @alias forEachSeries * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each * item in `coll`. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err)` which must be called * once it has completed. If no error has occurred, the `callback` should be run * without arguments or with an explicit `null` argument. The array index is * not passed to the iteratee. Invoked with (item, callback). If you need the * index, use `eachOfSeries`. * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all * `iteratee` functions have finished, or an error occurs. Invoked with (err). */ var eachSeries = doLimit(eachLimit$1, 1); /** * Wrap an async function and ensure it calls its callback on a later tick of * the event loop. If the function already calls its callback on a next tick, * no extra deferral is added. This is useful for preventing stack overflows * (`RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded`) and generally keeping * [Zalgo](http://blog.izs.me/post/59142742143/designing-apis-for-asynchrony) * contained. * * @name ensureAsync * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @category Util * @param {Function} fn - an async function, one that expects a node-style * callback as its last argument. * @returns {Function} Returns a wrapped function with the exact same call * signature as the function passed in. * @example * * function sometimesAsync(arg, callback) { * if (cache[arg]) { * return callback(null, cache[arg]); // this would be synchronous!! * } else { * doSomeIO(arg, callback); // this IO would be asynchronous * } * } * * // this has a risk of stack overflows if many results are cached in a row * async.mapSeries(args, sometimesAsync, done); * * // this will defer sometimesAsync's callback if necessary, * // preventing stack overflows * async.mapSeries(args, async.ensureAsync(sometimesAsync), done); */ function ensureAsync(fn) { return initialParams(function (args, callback) { var sync = true; args.push(function () { var innerArgs = arguments; if (sync) { setImmediate$1(function () { callback.apply(null, innerArgs); }); } else { callback.apply(null, innerArgs); } }); fn.apply(this, args); sync = false; }); } function notId(v) { return !v; } /** * Returns `true` if every element in `coll` satisfies an async test. If any * iteratee call returns `false`, the main `callback` is immediately called. * * @name every * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @alias all * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in the * collection in parallel. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)` * which must be called with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked * with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Result will be either `true` or `false` * depending on the values of the async tests. Invoked with (err, result). * @example * * async.every(['file1','file2','file3'], function(filePath, callback) { * fs.access(filePath, function(err) { * callback(null, !err) * }); * }, function(err, result) { * // if result is true then every file exists * }); */ var every = _createTester(eachOf, notId, notId); /** * The same as [`every`]{@link module:Collections.every} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a time. * * @name everyLimit * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.every]{@link module:Collections.every} * @alias allLimit * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in the * collection in parallel. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)` * which must be called with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked * with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Result will be either `true` or `false` * depending on the values of the async tests. Invoked with (err, result). */ var everyLimit = _createTester(eachOfLimit, notId, notId); /** * The same as [`every`]{@link module:Collections.every} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name everySeries * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.every]{@link module:Collections.every} * @alias allSeries * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in the * collection in parallel. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)` * which must be called with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked * with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Result will be either `true` or `false` * depending on the values of the async tests. Invoked with (err, result). */ var everySeries = doLimit(everyLimit, 1); function _filter(eachfn, arr, iteratee, callback) { callback = once(callback || noop); var results = []; eachfn(arr, function (x, index, callback) { iteratee(x, function (err, v) { if (err) { callback(err); } else { if (v) { results.push({ index: index, value: x }); } callback(); } }); }, function (err) { if (err) { callback(err); } else { callback(null, arrayMap(results.sort(function (a, b) { return a.index - b.index; }), baseProperty('value'))); } }); } /** * Returns a new array of all the values in `coll` which pass an async truth * test. This operation is performed in parallel, but the results array will be * in the same order as the original. * * @name filter * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @alias select * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in `coll`. * The `iteratee` is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)`, which must be called * with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Invoked with (err, results). * @example * * async.filter(['file1','file2','file3'], function(filePath, callback) { * fs.access(filePath, function(err) { * callback(null, !err) * }); * }, function(err, results) { * // results now equals an array of the existing files * }); */ var filter = doParallel(_filter); /** * The same as [`filter`]{@link module:Collections.filter} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a * time. * * @name filterLimit * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.filter]{@link module:Collections.filter} * @alias selectLimit * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in `coll`. * The `iteratee` is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)`, which must be called * with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Invoked with (err, results). */ var filterLimit = doParallelLimit(_filter); /** * The same as [`filter`]{@link module:Collections.filter} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name filterSeries * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.filter]{@link module:Collections.filter} * @alias selectSeries * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in `coll`. * The `iteratee` is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)`, which must be called * with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Invoked with (err, results) */ var filterSeries = doLimit(filterLimit, 1); /** * Calls the asynchronous function `fn` with a callback parameter that allows it * to call itself again, in series, indefinitely. * If an error is passed to the * callback then `errback` is called with the error, and execution stops, * otherwise it will never be called. * * @name forever * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @category Control Flow * @param {Function} fn - a function to call repeatedly. Invoked with (next). * @param {Function} [errback] - when `fn` passes an error to it's callback, * this function will be called, and execution stops. Invoked with (err). * @example * * async.forever( * function(next) { * // next is suitable for passing to things that need a callback(err [, whatever]); * // it will result in this function being called again. * }, * function(err) { * // if next is called with a value in its first parameter, it will appear * // in here as 'err', and execution will stop. * } * ); */ function forever(fn, errback) { var done = onlyOnce(errback || noop); var task = ensureAsync(fn); function next(err) { if (err) return done(err); task(next); } next(); } /** * Logs the result of an `async` function to the `console`. Only works in * Node.js or in browsers that support `console.log` and `console.error` (such * as FF and Chrome). If multiple arguments are returned from the async * function, `console.log` is called on each argument in order. * * @name log * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @category Util * @param {Function} function - The function you want to eventually apply all * arguments to. * @param {...*} arguments... - Any number of arguments to apply to the function. * @example * * // in a module * var hello = function(name, callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 'hello ' + name); * }, 1000); * }; * * // in the node repl * node> async.log(hello, 'world'); * 'hello world' */ var log = consoleFunc('log'); /** * The same as [`mapValues`]{@link module:Collections.mapValues} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a * time. * * @name mapValuesLimit * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.mapValues]{@link module:Collections.mapValues} * @category Collection * @param {Object} obj - A collection to iterate over. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each value in `obj`. * The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, transformed)` which must be called * once it has completed with an error (which can be `null`) and a * transformed value. Invoked with (value, key, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all `iteratee` * functions have finished, or an error occurs. Result is an object of the * transformed values from the `obj`. Invoked with (err, result). */ function mapValuesLimit(obj, limit, iteratee, callback) { callback = once(callback || noop); var newObj = {}; eachOfLimit(obj, limit, function (val, key, next) { iteratee(val, key, function (err, result) { if (err) return next(err); newObj[key] = result; next(); }); }, function (err) { callback(err, newObj); }); } /** * A relative of [`map`]{@link module:Collections.map}, designed for use with objects. * * Produces a new Object by mapping each value of `obj` through the `iteratee` * function. The `iteratee` is called each `value` and `key` from `obj` and a * callback for when it has finished processing. Each of these callbacks takes * two arguments: an `error`, and the transformed item from `obj`. If `iteratee` * passes an error to its callback, the main `callback` (for the `mapValues` * function) is immediately called with the error. * * Note, the order of the keys in the result is not guaranteed. The keys will * be roughly in the order they complete, (but this is very engine-specific) * * @name mapValues * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @category Collection * @param {Object} obj - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each value and key in * `coll`. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, transformed)` which must be * called once it has completed with an error (which can be `null`) and a * transformed value. Invoked with (value, key, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all `iteratee` * functions have finished, or an error occurs. Results is an array of the * transformed items from the `obj`. Invoked with (err, result). * @example * * async.mapValues({ * f1: 'file1', * f2: 'file2', * f3: 'file3' * }, function (file, key, callback) { * fs.stat(file, callback); * }, function(err, result) { * // results is now a map of stats for each file, e.g. * // { * // f1: [stats for file1], * // f2: [stats for file2], * // f3: [stats for file3] * // } * }); */ var mapValues = doLimit(mapValuesLimit, Infinity); /** * The same as [`mapValues`]{@link module:Collections.mapValues} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name mapValuesSeries * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.mapValues]{@link module:Collections.mapValues} * @category Collection * @param {Object} obj - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each value in `obj`. * The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, transformed)` which must be called * once it has completed with an error (which can be `null`) and a * transformed value. Invoked with (value, key, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called when all `iteratee` * functions have finished, or an error occurs. Result is an object of the * transformed values from the `obj`. Invoked with (err, result). */ var mapValuesSeries = doLimit(mapValuesLimit, 1); function has(obj, key) { return key in obj; } /** * Caches the results of an `async` function. When creating a hash to store * function results against, the callback is omitted from the hash and an * optional hash function can be used. * * If no hash function is specified, the first argument is used as a hash key, * which may work reasonably if it is a string or a data type that converts to a * distinct string. Note that objects and arrays will not behave reasonably. * Neither will cases where the other arguments are significant. In such cases, * specify your own hash function. * * The cache of results is exposed as the `memo` property of the function * returned by `memoize`. * * @name memoize * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @category Util * @param {Function} fn - The function to proxy and cache results from. * @param {Function} hasher - An optional function for generating a custom hash * for storing results. It has all the arguments applied to it apart from the * callback, and must be synchronous. * @returns {Function} a memoized version of `fn` * @example * * var slow_fn = function(name, callback) { * // do something * callback(null, result); * }; * var fn = async.memoize(slow_fn); * * // fn can now be used as if it were slow_fn * fn('some name', function() { * // callback * }); */ function memoize(fn, hasher) { var memo = Object.create(null); var queues = Object.create(null); hasher = hasher || identity; var memoized = initialParams(function memoized(args, callback) { var key = hasher.apply(null, args); if (has(memo, key)) { setImmediate$1(function () { callback.apply(null, memo[key]); }); } else if (has(queues, key)) { queues[key].push(callback); } else { queues[key] = [callback]; fn.apply(null, args.concat([rest(function (args) { memo[key] = args; var q = queues[key]; delete queues[key]; for (var i = 0, l = q.length; i < l; i++) { q[i].apply(null, args); } })])); } }); memoized.memo = memo; memoized.unmemoized = fn; return memoized; } /** * Calls `callback` on a later loop around the event loop. In Node.js this just * calls `setImmediate`. In the browser it will use `setImmediate` if * available, otherwise `setTimeout(callback, 0)`, which means other higher * priority events may precede the execution of `callback`. * * This is used internally for browser-compatibility purposes. * * @name nextTick * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @alias setImmediate * @category Util * @param {Function} callback - The function to call on a later loop around * the event loop. Invoked with (args...). * @param {...*} args... - any number of additional arguments to pass to the * callback on the next tick. * @example * * var call_order = []; * async.nextTick(function() { * call_order.push('two'); * // call_order now equals ['one','two'] * }); * call_order.push('one'); * * async.setImmediate(function (a, b, c) { * // a, b, and c equal 1, 2, and 3 * }, 1, 2, 3); */ var _defer$1; if (hasNextTick) { _defer$1 = process.nextTick; } else if (hasSetImmediate) { _defer$1 = setImmediate; } else { _defer$1 = fallback; } var nextTick = wrap(_defer$1); function _parallel(eachfn, tasks, callback) { callback = callback || noop; var results = isArrayLike(tasks) ? [] : {}; eachfn(tasks, function (task, key, callback) { task(rest(function (err, args) { if (args.length <= 1) { args = args[0]; } results[key] = args; callback(err); })); }, function (err) { callback(err, results); }); } /** * Run the `tasks` collection of functions in parallel, without waiting until * the previous function has completed. If any of the functions pass an error to * its callback, the main `callback` is immediately called with the value of the * error. Once the `tasks` have completed, the results are passed to the final * `callback` as an array. * * **Note:** `parallel` is about kicking-off I/O tasks in parallel, not about * parallel execution of code. If your tasks do not use any timers or perform * any I/O, they will actually be executed in series. Any synchronous setup * sections for each task will happen one after the other. JavaScript remains * single-threaded. * * It is also possible to use an object instead of an array. Each property will * be run as a function and the results will be passed to the final `callback` * as an object instead of an array. This can be a more readable way of handling * results from {@link async.parallel}. * * @name parallel * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @category Control Flow * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} tasks - A collection containing functions to run. * Each function is passed a `callback(err, result)` which it must call on * completion with an error `err` (which can be `null`) and an optional `result` * value. * @param {Function} [callback] - An optional callback to run once all the * functions have completed successfully. This function gets a results array * (or object) containing all the result arguments passed to the task callbacks. * Invoked with (err, results). * @example * async.parallel([ * function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 'one'); * }, 200); * }, * function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 'two'); * }, 100); * } * ], * // optional callback * function(err, results) { * // the results array will equal ['one','two'] even though * // the second function had a shorter timeout. * }); * * // an example using an object instead of an array * async.parallel({ * one: function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 1); * }, 200); * }, * two: function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 2); * }, 100); * } * }, function(err, results) { * // results is now equals to: {one: 1, two: 2} * }); */ function parallelLimit(tasks, callback) { _parallel(eachOf, tasks, callback); } /** * The same as [`parallel`]{@link module:ControlFlow.parallel} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a * time. * * @name parallelLimit * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.parallel]{@link module:ControlFlow.parallel} * @category Control Flow * @param {Array|Collection} tasks - A collection containing functions to run. * Each function is passed a `callback(err, result)` which it must call on * completion with an error `err` (which can be `null`) and an optional `result` * value. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} [callback] - An optional callback to run once all the * functions have completed successfully. This function gets a results array * (or object) containing all the result arguments passed to the task callbacks. * Invoked with (err, results). */ function parallelLimit$1(tasks, limit, callback) { _parallel(_eachOfLimit(limit), tasks, callback); } /** * A queue of tasks for the worker function to complete. * @typedef {Object} QueueObject * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @property {Function} length - a function returning the number of items * waiting to be processed. Invoke with `queue.length()`. * @property {boolean} started - a boolean indicating whether or not any * items have been pushed and processed by the queue. * @property {Function} running - a function returning the number of items * currently being processed. Invoke with `queue.running()`. * @property {Function} workersList - a function returning the array of items * currently being processed. Invoke with `queue.workersList()`. * @property {Function} idle - a function returning false if there are items * waiting or being processed, or true if not. Invoke with `queue.idle()`. * @property {number} concurrency - an integer for determining how many `worker` * functions should be run in parallel. This property can be changed after a * `queue` is created to alter the concurrency on-the-fly. * @property {Function} push - add a new task to the `queue`. Calls `callback` * once the `worker` has finished processing the task. Instead of a single task, * a `tasks` array can be submitted. The respective callback is used for every * task in the list. Invoke with `queue.push(task, [callback])`, * @property {Function} unshift - add a new task to the front of the `queue`. * Invoke with `queue.unshift(task, [callback])`. * @property {Function} saturated - a callback that is called when the number of * running workers hits the `concurrency` limit, and further tasks will be * queued. * @property {Function} unsaturated - a callback that is called when the number * of running workers is less than the `concurrency` & `buffer` limits, and * further tasks will not be queued. * @property {number} buffer - A minimum threshold buffer in order to say that * the `queue` is `unsaturated`. * @property {Function} empty - a callback that is called when the last item * from the `queue` is given to a `worker`. * @property {Function} drain - a callback that is called when the last item * from the `queue` has returned from the `worker`. * @property {Function} error - a callback that is called when a task errors. * Has the signature `function(error, task)`. * @property {boolean} paused - a boolean for determining whether the queue is * in a paused state. * @property {Function} pause - a function that pauses the processing of tasks * until `resume()` is called. Invoke with `queue.pause()`. * @property {Function} resume - a function that resumes the processing of * queued tasks when the queue is paused. Invoke with `queue.resume()`. * @property {Function} kill - a function that removes the `drain` callback and * empties remaining tasks from the queue forcing it to go idle. Invoke with `queue.kill()`. */ /** * Creates a `queue` object with the specified `concurrency`. Tasks added to the * `queue` are processed in parallel (up to the `concurrency` limit). If all * `worker`s are in progress, the task is queued until one becomes available. * Once a `worker` completes a `task`, that `task`'s callback is called. * * @name queue * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @category Control Flow * @param {Function} worker - An asynchronous function for processing a queued * task, which must call its `callback(err)` argument when finished, with an * optional `error` as an argument. If you want to handle errors from an * individual task, pass a callback to `q.push()`. Invoked with * (task, callback). * @param {number} [concurrency=1] - An `integer` for determining how many * `worker` functions should be run in parallel. If omitted, the concurrency * defaults to `1`. If the concurrency is `0`, an error is thrown. * @returns {module:ControlFlow.QueueObject} A queue object to manage the tasks. Callbacks can * attached as certain properties to listen for specific events during the * lifecycle of the queue. * @example * * // create a queue object with concurrency 2 * var q = async.queue(function(task, callback) { * console.log('hello ' + task.name); * callback(); * }, 2); * * // assign a callback * q.drain = function() { * console.log('all items have been processed'); * }; * * // add some items to the queue * q.push({name: 'foo'}, function(err) { * console.log('finished processing foo'); * }); * q.push({name: 'bar'}, function (err) { * console.log('finished processing bar'); * }); * * // add some items to the queue (batch-wise) * q.push([{name: 'baz'},{name: 'bay'},{name: 'bax'}], function(err) { * console.log('finished processing item'); * }); * * // add some items to the front of the queue * q.unshift({name: 'bar'}, function (err) { * console.log('finished processing bar'); * }); */ function queue$1 (worker, concurrency) { return queue(function (items, cb) { worker(items[0], cb); }, concurrency, 1); } /** * The same as [async.queue]{@link module:ControlFlow.queue} only tasks are assigned a priority and * completed in ascending priority order. * * @name priorityQueue * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.queue]{@link module:ControlFlow.queue} * @category Control Flow * @param {Function} worker - An asynchronous function for processing a queued * task, which must call its `callback(err)` argument when finished, with an * optional `error` as an argument. If you want to handle errors from an * individual task, pass a callback to `q.push()`. Invoked with * (task, callback). * @param {number} concurrency - An `integer` for determining how many `worker` * functions should be run in parallel. If omitted, the concurrency defaults to * `1`. If the concurrency is `0`, an error is thrown. * @returns {module:ControlFlow.QueueObject} A priorityQueue object to manage the tasks. There are two * differences between `queue` and `priorityQueue` objects: * * `push(task, priority, [callback])` - `priority` should be a number. If an * array of `tasks` is given, all tasks will be assigned the same priority. * * The `unshift` method was removed. */ function priorityQueue (worker, concurrency) { // Start with a normal queue var q = queue$1(worker, concurrency); // Override push to accept second parameter representing priority q.push = function (data, priority, callback) { if (callback == null) callback = noop; if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new Error('task callback must be a function'); } q.started = true; if (!isArray(data)) { data = [data]; } if (data.length === 0) { // call drain immediately if there are no tasks return setImmediate$1(function () { q.drain(); }); } priority = priority || 0; var nextNode = q._tasks.head; while (nextNode && priority >= nextNode.priority) { nextNode = nextNode.next; } arrayEach(data, function (task) { var item = { data: task, priority: priority, callback: callback }; if (nextNode) { q._tasks.insertBefore(nextNode, item); } else { q._tasks.push(item); } }); setImmediate$1(q.process); }; // Remove unshift function delete q.unshift; return q; } /** * Runs the `tasks` array of functions in parallel, without waiting until the * previous function has completed. Once any the `tasks` completed or pass an * error to its callback, the main `callback` is immediately called. It's * equivalent to `Promise.race()`. * * @name race * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @category Control Flow * @param {Array} tasks - An array containing functions to run. Each function * is passed a `callback(err, result)` which it must call on completion with an * error `err` (which can be `null`) and an optional `result` value. * @param {Function} callback - A callback to run once any of the functions have * completed. This function gets an error or result from the first function that * completed. Invoked with (err, result). * @returns undefined * @example * * async.race([ * function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 'one'); * }, 200); * }, * function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 'two'); * }, 100); * } * ], * // main callback * function(err, result) { * // the result will be equal to 'two' as it finishes earlier * }); */ function race(tasks, callback) { callback = once(callback || noop); if (!isArray(tasks)) return callback(new TypeError('First argument to race must be an array of functions')); if (!tasks.length) return callback(); arrayEach(tasks, function (task) { task(callback); }); } var slice = Array.prototype.slice; /** * Same as [`reduce`]{@link module:Collections.reduce}, only operates on `array` in reverse order. * * @name reduceRight * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.reduce]{@link module:Collections.reduce} * @alias foldr * @category Collection * @param {Array} array - A collection to iterate over. * @param {*} memo - The initial state of the reduction. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function applied to each item in the * array to produce the next step in the reduction. The `iteratee` is passed a * `callback(err, reduction)` which accepts an optional error as its first * argument, and the state of the reduction as the second. If an error is * passed to the callback, the reduction is stopped and the main `callback` is * immediately called with the error. Invoked with (memo, item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Result is the reduced value. Invoked with * (err, result). */ function reduceRight(array, memo, iteratee, callback) { var reversed = slice.call(array).reverse(); reduce(reversed, memo, iteratee, callback); } /** * Wraps the function in another function that always returns data even when it * errors. * * The object returned has either the property `error` or `value`. * * @name reflect * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @category Util * @param {Function} fn - The function you want to wrap * @returns {Function} - A function that always passes null to it's callback as * the error. The second argument to the callback will be an `object` with * either an `error` or a `value` property. * @example * * async.parallel([ * async.reflect(function(callback) { * // do some stuff ... * callback(null, 'one'); * }), * async.reflect(function(callback) { * // do some more stuff but error ... * callback('bad stuff happened'); * }), * async.reflect(function(callback) { * // do some more stuff ... * callback(null, 'two'); * }) * ], * // optional callback * function(err, results) { * // values * // results[0].value = 'one' * // results[1].error = 'bad stuff happened' * // results[2].value = 'two' * }); */ function reflect(fn) { return initialParams(function reflectOn(args, reflectCallback) { args.push(rest(function callback(err, cbArgs) { if (err) { reflectCallback(null, { error: err }); } else { var value = null; if (cbArgs.length === 1) { value = cbArgs[0]; } else if (cbArgs.length > 1) { value = cbArgs; } reflectCallback(null, { value: value }); } })); return fn.apply(this, args); }); } function reject$1(eachfn, arr, iteratee, callback) { _filter(eachfn, arr, function (value, cb) { iteratee(value, function (err, v) { if (err) { cb(err); } else { cb(null, !v); } }); }, callback); } /** * The opposite of [`filter`]{@link module:Collections.filter}. Removes values that pass an `async` truth test. * * @name reject * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.filter]{@link module:Collections.filter} * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in `coll`. * The `iteratee` is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)`, which must be called * with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Invoked with (err, results). * @example * * async.reject(['file1','file2','file3'], function(filePath, callback) { * fs.access(filePath, function(err) { * callback(null, !err) * }); * }, function(err, results) { * // results now equals an array of missing files * createFiles(results); * }); */ var reject = doParallel(reject$1); /** * A helper function that wraps an array or an object of functions with reflect. * * @name reflectAll * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @see [async.reflect]{@link module:Utils.reflect} * @category Util * @param {Array} tasks - The array of functions to wrap in `async.reflect`. * @returns {Array} Returns an array of functions, each function wrapped in * `async.reflect` * @example * * let tasks = [ * function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 'one'); * }, 200); * }, * function(callback) { * // do some more stuff but error ... * callback(new Error('bad stuff happened')); * }, * function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 'two'); * }, 100); * } * ]; * * async.parallel(async.reflectAll(tasks), * // optional callback * function(err, results) { * // values * // results[0].value = 'one' * // results[1].error = Error('bad stuff happened') * // results[2].value = 'two' * }); * * // an example using an object instead of an array * let tasks = { * one: function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 'one'); * }, 200); * }, * two: function(callback) { * callback('two'); * }, * three: function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 'three'); * }, 100); * } * }; * * async.parallel(async.reflectAll(tasks), * // optional callback * function(err, results) { * // values * // results.one.value = 'one' * // results.two.error = 'two' * // results.three.value = 'three' * }); */ function reflectAll(tasks) { var results; if (isArray(tasks)) { results = arrayMap(tasks, reflect); } else { results = {}; baseForOwn(tasks, function (task, key) { results[key] = reflect.call(this, task); }); } return results; } /** * The same as [`reject`]{@link module:Collections.reject} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a * time. * * @name rejectLimit * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.reject]{@link module:Collections.reject} * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in `coll`. * The `iteratee` is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)`, which must be called * with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Invoked with (err, results). */ var rejectLimit = doParallelLimit(reject$1); /** * The same as [`reject`]{@link module:Collections.reject} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name rejectSeries * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.reject]{@link module:Collections.reject} * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in `coll`. * The `iteratee` is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)`, which must be called * with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Invoked with (err, results). */ var rejectSeries = doLimit(rejectLimit, 1); /** * Creates a function that returns `value`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.4.0 * @category Util * @param {*} value The value to return from the new function. * @returns {Function} Returns the new constant function. * @example * * var objects = _.times(2, _.constant({ 'a': 1 })); * * console.log(objects); * // => [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 1 }] * * console.log(objects[0] === objects[1]); * // => true */ function constant$1(value) { return function() { return value; }; } /** * Attempts to get a successful response from `task` no more than `times` times * before returning an error. If the task is successful, the `callback` will be * passed the result of the successful task. If all attempts fail, the callback * will be passed the error and result (if any) of the final attempt. * * @name retry * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @category Control Flow * @param {Object|number} [opts = {times: 5, interval: 0}| 5] - Can be either an * object with `times` and `interval` or a number. * * `times` - The number of attempts to make before giving up. The default * is `5`. * * `interval` - The time to wait between retries, in milliseconds. The * default is `0`. The interval may also be specified as a function of the * retry count (see example). * * If `opts` is a number, the number specifies the number of times to retry, * with the default interval of `0`. * @param {Function} task - A function which receives two arguments: (1) a * `callback(err, result)` which must be called when finished, passing `err` * (which can be `null`) and the `result` of the function's execution, and (2) * a `results` object, containing the results of the previously executed * functions (if nested inside another control flow). Invoked with * (callback, results). * @param {Function} [callback] - An optional callback which is called when the * task has succeeded, or after the final failed attempt. It receives the `err` * and `result` arguments of the last attempt at completing the `task`. Invoked * with (err, results). * @example * * // The `retry` function can be used as a stand-alone control flow by passing * // a callback, as shown below: * * // try calling apiMethod 3 times * async.retry(3, apiMethod, function(err, result) { * // do something with the result * }); * * // try calling apiMethod 3 times, waiting 200 ms between each retry * async.retry({times: 3, interval: 200}, apiMethod, function(err, result) { * // do something with the result * }); * * // try calling apiMethod 10 times with exponential backoff * // (i.e. intervals of 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, ... milliseconds) * async.retry({ * times: 10, * interval: function(retryCount) { * return 50 * Math.pow(2, retryCount); * } * }, apiMethod, function(err, result) { * // do something with the result * }); * * // try calling apiMethod the default 5 times no delay between each retry * async.retry(apiMethod, function(err, result) { * // do something with the result * }); * * // It can also be embedded within other control flow functions to retry * // individual methods that are not as reliable, like this: * async.auto({ * users: api.getUsers.bind(api), * payments: async.retry(3, api.getPayments.bind(api)) * }, function(err, results) { * // do something with the results * }); */ function retry(opts, task, callback) { var DEFAULT_TIMES = 5; var DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 0; var options = { times: DEFAULT_TIMES, intervalFunc: constant$1(DEFAULT_INTERVAL) }; function parseTimes(acc, t) { if (typeof t === 'object') { acc.times = +t.times || DEFAULT_TIMES; acc.intervalFunc = typeof t.interval === 'function' ? t.interval : constant$1(+t.interval || DEFAULT_INTERVAL); } else if (typeof t === 'number' || typeof t === 'string') { acc.times = +t || DEFAULT_TIMES; } else { throw new Error("Invalid arguments for async.retry"); } } if (arguments.length < 3 && typeof opts === 'function') { callback = task || noop; task = opts; } else { parseTimes(options, opts); callback = callback || noop; } if (typeof task !== 'function') { throw new Error("Invalid arguments for async.retry"); } var attempt = 1; function retryAttempt() { task(function (err) { if (err && attempt++ < options.times) { setTimeout(retryAttempt, options.intervalFunc(attempt)); } else { callback.apply(null, arguments); } }); } retryAttempt(); } /** * A close relative of [`retry`]{@link module:ControlFlow.retry}. This method wraps a task and makes it * retryable, rather than immediately calling it with retries. * * @name retryable * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.retry]{@link module:ControlFlow.retry} * @category Control Flow * @param {Object|number} [opts = {times: 5, interval: 0}| 5] - optional * options, exactly the same as from `retry` * @param {Function} task - the asynchronous function to wrap * @returns {Functions} The wrapped function, which when invoked, will retry on * an error, based on the parameters specified in `opts`. * @example * * async.auto({ * dep1: async.retryable(3, getFromFlakyService), * process: ["dep1", async.retryable(3, function (results, cb) { * maybeProcessData(results.dep1, cb); * })] * }, callback); */ function retryable (opts, task) { if (!task) { task = opts; opts = null; } return initialParams(function (args, callback) { function taskFn(cb) { task.apply(null, args.concat([cb])); } if (opts) retry(opts, taskFn, callback);else retry(taskFn, callback); }); } /** * Run the functions in the `tasks` collection in series, each one running once * the previous function has completed. If any functions in the series pass an * error to its callback, no more functions are run, and `callback` is * immediately called with the value of the error. Otherwise, `callback` * receives an array of results when `tasks` have completed. * * It is also possible to use an object instead of an array. Each property will * be run as a function, and the results will be passed to the final `callback` * as an object instead of an array. This can be a more readable way of handling * results from {@link async.series}. * * **Note** that while many implementations preserve the order of object * properties, the [ECMAScript Language Specification](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-8.6) * explicitly states that * * > The mechanics and order of enumerating the properties is not specified. * * So if you rely on the order in which your series of functions are executed, * and want this to work on all platforms, consider using an array. * * @name series * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @category Control Flow * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} tasks - A collection containing functions to run, each * function is passed a `callback(err, result)` it must call on completion with * an error `err` (which can be `null`) and an optional `result` value. * @param {Function} [callback] - An optional callback to run once all the * functions have completed. This function gets a results array (or object) * containing all the result arguments passed to the `task` callbacks. Invoked * with (err, result). * @example * async.series([ * function(callback) { * // do some stuff ... * callback(null, 'one'); * }, * function(callback) { * // do some more stuff ... * callback(null, 'two'); * } * ], * // optional callback * function(err, results) { * // results is now equal to ['one', 'two'] * }); * * async.series({ * one: function(callback) { * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 1); * }, 200); * }, * two: function(callback){ * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, 2); * }, 100); * } * }, function(err, results) { * // results is now equal to: {one: 1, two: 2} * }); */ function series(tasks, callback) { _parallel(eachOfSeries, tasks, callback); } /** * Returns `true` if at least one element in the `coll` satisfies an async test. * If any iteratee call returns `true`, the main `callback` is immediately * called. * * @name some * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @alias any * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in the array * in parallel. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)` which must * be called with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with * (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called as soon as any * iteratee returns `true`, or after all the iteratee functions have finished. * Result will be either `true` or `false` depending on the values of the async * tests. Invoked with (err, result). * @example * * async.some(['file1','file2','file3'], function(filePath, callback) { * fs.access(filePath, function(err) { * callback(null, !err) * }); * }, function(err, result) { * // if result is true then at least one of the files exists * }); */ var some = _createTester(eachOf, Boolean, identity); /** * The same as [`some`]{@link module:Collections.some} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a time. * * @name someLimit * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.some]{@link module:Collections.some} * @alias anyLimit * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in the array * in parallel. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)` which must * be called with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with * (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called as soon as any * iteratee returns `true`, or after all the iteratee functions have finished. * Result will be either `true` or `false` depending on the values of the async * tests. Invoked with (err, result). */ var someLimit = _createTester(eachOfLimit, Boolean, identity); /** * The same as [`some`]{@link module:Collections.some} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name someSeries * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @see [async.some]{@link module:Collections.some} * @alias anySeries * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A truth test to apply to each item in the array * in parallel. The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, truthValue)` which must * be called with a boolean argument once it has completed. Invoked with * (item, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called as soon as any * iteratee returns `true`, or after all the iteratee functions have finished. * Result will be either `true` or `false` depending on the values of the async * tests. Invoked with (err, result). */ var someSeries = doLimit(someLimit, 1); /** * Sorts a list by the results of running each `coll` value through an async * `iteratee`. * * @name sortBy * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee - A function to apply to each item in `coll`. * The iteratee is passed a `callback(err, sortValue)` which must be called once * it has completed with an error (which can be `null`) and a value to use as * the sort criteria. Invoked with (item, callback). * @param {Function} callback - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished, or an error occurs. Results is the items * from the original `coll` sorted by the values returned by the `iteratee` * calls. Invoked with (err, results). * @example * * async.sortBy(['file1','file2','file3'], function(file, callback) { * fs.stat(file, function(err, stats) { * callback(err, stats.mtime); * }); * }, function(err, results) { * // results is now the original array of files sorted by * // modified date * }); * * // By modifying the callback parameter the * // sorting order can be influenced: * * // ascending order * async.sortBy([1,9,3,5], function(x, callback) { * callback(null, x); * }, function(err,result) { * // result callback * }); * * // descending order * async.sortBy([1,9,3,5], function(x, callback) { * callback(null, x*-1); //<- x*-1 instead of x, turns the order around * }, function(err,result) { * // result callback * }); */ function sortBy(coll, iteratee, callback) { map(coll, function (x, callback) { iteratee(x, function (err, criteria) { if (err) return callback(err); callback(null, { value: x, criteria: criteria }); }); }, function (err, results) { if (err) return callback(err); callback(null, arrayMap(results.sort(comparator), baseProperty('value'))); }); function comparator(left, right) { var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria; return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; } } /** * Sets a time limit on an asynchronous function. If the function does not call * its callback within the specified milliseconds, it will be called with a * timeout error. The code property for the error object will be `'ETIMEDOUT'`. * * @name timeout * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @category Util * @param {Function} asyncFn - The asynchronous function you want to set the * time limit. * @param {number} milliseconds - The specified time limit. * @param {*} [info] - Any variable you want attached (`string`, `object`, etc) * to timeout Error for more information.. * @returns {Function} Returns a wrapped function that can be used with any of * the control flow functions. * @example * * async.timeout(function(callback) { * doAsyncTask(callback); * }, 1000); */ function timeout(asyncFn, milliseconds, info) { var originalCallback, timer; var timedOut = false; function injectedCallback() { if (!timedOut) { originalCallback.apply(null, arguments); clearTimeout(timer); } } function timeoutCallback() { var name = asyncFn.name || 'anonymous'; var error = new Error('Callback function "' + name + '" timed out.'); error.code = 'ETIMEDOUT'; if (info) { error.info = info; } timedOut = true; originalCallback(error); } return initialParams(function (args, origCallback) { originalCallback = origCallback; // setup timer and call original function timer = setTimeout(timeoutCallback, milliseconds); asyncFn.apply(null, args.concat(injectedCallback)); }); } /* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */ var nativeCeil = Math.ceil; var nativeMax$1 = Math.max; /** * The base implementation of `_.range` and `_.rangeRight` which doesn't * coerce arguments to numbers. * * @private * @param {number} start The start of the range. * @param {number} end The end of the range. * @param {number} step The value to increment or decrement by. * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left. * @returns {Array} Returns the range of numbers. */ function baseRange(start, end, step, fromRight) { var index = -1, length = nativeMax$1(nativeCeil((end - start) / (step || 1)), 0), result = Array(length); while (length--) { result[fromRight ? length : ++index] = start; start += step; } return result; } /** * The same as [times]{@link module:ControlFlow.times} but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a * time. * * @name timesLimit * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.times]{@link module:ControlFlow.times} * @category Control Flow * @param {number} count - The number of times to run the function. * @param {number} limit - The maximum number of async operations at a time. * @param {Function} iteratee - The function to call `n` times. Invoked with the * iteration index and a callback (n, next). * @param {Function} callback - see [async.map]{@link module:Collections.map}. */ function timeLimit(count, limit, iteratee, callback) { mapLimit(baseRange(0, count, 1), limit, iteratee, callback); } /** * Calls the `iteratee` function `n` times, and accumulates results in the same * manner you would use with [map]{@link module:Collections.map}. * * @name times * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.map]{@link module:Collections.map} * @category Control Flow * @param {number} n - The number of times to run the function. * @param {Function} iteratee - The function to call `n` times. Invoked with the * iteration index and a callback (n, next). * @param {Function} callback - see {@link module:Collections.map}. * @example * * // Pretend this is some complicated async factory * var createUser = function(id, callback) { * callback(null, { * id: 'user' + id * }); * }; * * // generate 5 users * async.times(5, function(n, next) { * createUser(n, function(err, user) { * next(err, user); * }); * }, function(err, users) { * // we should now have 5 users * }); */ var times = doLimit(timeLimit, Infinity); /** * The same as [times]{@link module:ControlFlow.times} but runs only a single async operation at a time. * * @name timesSeries * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.times]{@link module:ControlFlow.times} * @category Control Flow * @param {number} n - The number of times to run the function. * @param {Function} iteratee - The function to call `n` times. Invoked with the * iteration index and a callback (n, next). * @param {Function} callback - see {@link module:Collections.map}. */ var timesSeries = doLimit(timeLimit, 1); /** * A relative of `reduce`. Takes an Object or Array, and iterates over each * element in series, each step potentially mutating an `accumulator` value. * The type of the accumulator defaults to the type of collection passed in. * * @name transform * @static * @memberOf module:Collections * @method * @category Collection * @param {Array|Iterable|Object} coll - A collection to iterate over. * @param {*} [accumulator] - The initial state of the transform. If omitted, * it will default to an empty Object or Array, depending on the type of `coll` * @param {Function} iteratee - A function applied to each item in the * collection that potentially modifies the accumulator. The `iteratee` is * passed a `callback(err)` which accepts an optional error as its first * argument. If an error is passed to the callback, the transform is stopped * and the main `callback` is immediately called with the error. * Invoked with (accumulator, item, key, callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after all the * `iteratee` functions have finished. Result is the transformed accumulator. * Invoked with (err, result). * @example * * async.transform([1,2,3], function(acc, item, index, callback) { * // pointless async: * process.nextTick(function() { * acc.push(item * 2) * callback(null) * }); * }, function(err, result) { * // result is now equal to [2, 4, 6] * }); * * @example * * async.transform({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, function (obj, val, key, callback) { * setImmediate(function () { * obj[key] = val * 2; * callback(); * }) * }, function (err, result) { * // result is equal to {a: 2, b: 4, c: 6} * }) */ function transform(coll, accumulator, iteratee, callback) { if (arguments.length === 3) { callback = iteratee; iteratee = accumulator; accumulator = isArray(coll) ? [] : {}; } callback = once(callback || noop); eachOf(coll, function (v, k, cb) { iteratee(accumulator, v, k, cb); }, function (err) { callback(err, accumulator); }); } /** * Undoes a [memoize]{@link module:Utils.memoize}d function, reverting it to the original, * unmemoized form. Handy for testing. * * @name unmemoize * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @see [async.memoize]{@link module:Utils.memoize} * @category Util * @param {Function} fn - the memoized function * @returns {Function} a function that calls the original unmemoized function */ function unmemoize(fn) { return function () { return (fn.unmemoized || fn).apply(null, arguments); }; } /** * Repeatedly call `fn`, while `test` returns `true`. Calls `callback` when * stopped, or an error occurs. * * @name whilst * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @category Control Flow * @param {Function} test - synchronous truth test to perform before each * execution of `fn`. Invoked with (). * @param {Function} iteratee - A function which is called each time `test` passes. * The function is passed a `callback(err)`, which must be called once it has * completed with an optional `err` argument. Invoked with (callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after the test * function has failed and repeated execution of `fn` has stopped. `callback` * will be passed an error and any arguments passed to the final `fn`'s * callback. Invoked with (err, [results]); * @returns undefined * @example * * var count = 0; * async.whilst( * function() { return count < 5; }, * function(callback) { * count++; * setTimeout(function() { * callback(null, count); * }, 1000); * }, * function (err, n) { * // 5 seconds have passed, n = 5 * } * ); */ function whilst(test, iteratee, callback) { callback = onlyOnce(callback || noop); if (!test()) return callback(null); var next = rest(function (err, args) { if (err) return callback(err); if (test()) return iteratee(next); callback.apply(null, [null].concat(args)); }); iteratee(next); } /** * Repeatedly call `fn` until `test` returns `true`. Calls `callback` when * stopped, or an error occurs. `callback` will be passed an error and any * arguments passed to the final `fn`'s callback. * * The inverse of [whilst]{@link module:ControlFlow.whilst}. * * @name until * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @see [async.whilst]{@link module:ControlFlow.whilst} * @category Control Flow * @param {Function} test - synchronous truth test to perform before each * execution of `fn`. Invoked with (). * @param {Function} fn - A function which is called each time `test` fails. * The function is passed a `callback(err)`, which must be called once it has * completed with an optional `err` argument. Invoked with (callback). * @param {Function} [callback] - A callback which is called after the test * function has passed and repeated execution of `fn` has stopped. `callback` * will be passed an error and any arguments passed to the final `fn`'s * callback. Invoked with (err, [results]); */ function until(test, fn, callback) { whilst(function () { return !test.apply(this, arguments); }, fn, callback); } /** * Runs the `tasks` array of functions in series, each passing their results to * the next in the array. However, if any of the `tasks` pass an error to their * own callback, the next function is not executed, and the main `callback` is * immediately called with the error. * * @name waterfall * @static * @memberOf module:ControlFlow * @method * @category Control Flow * @param {Array} tasks - An array of functions to run, each function is passed * a `callback(err, result1, result2, ...)` it must call on completion. The * first argument is an error (which can be `null`) and any further arguments * will be passed as arguments in order to the next task. * @param {Function} [callback] - An optional callback to run once all the * functions have completed. This will be passed the results of the last task's * callback. Invoked with (err, [results]). * @returns undefined * @example * * async.waterfall([ * function(callback) { * callback(null, 'one', 'two'); * }, * function(arg1, arg2, callback) { * // arg1 now equals 'one' and arg2 now equals 'two' * callback(null, 'three'); * }, * function(arg1, callback) { * // arg1 now equals 'three' * callback(null, 'done'); * } * ], function (err, result) { * // result now equals 'done' * }); * * // Or, with named functions: * async.waterfall([ * myFirstFunction, * mySecondFunction, * myLastFunction, * ], function (err, result) { * // result now equals 'done' * }); * function myFirstFunction(callback) { * callback(null, 'one', 'two'); * } * function mySecondFunction(arg1, arg2, callback) { * // arg1 now equals 'one' and arg2 now equals 'two' * callback(null, 'three'); * } * function myLastFunction(arg1, callback) { * // arg1 now equals 'three' * callback(null, 'done'); * } */ function waterfall (tasks, callback) { callback = once(callback || noop); if (!isArray(tasks)) return callback(new Error('First argument to waterfall must be an array of functions')); if (!tasks.length) return callback(); var taskIndex = 0; function nextTask(args) { if (taskIndex === tasks.length) { return callback.apply(null, [null].concat(args)); } var taskCallback = onlyOnce(rest(function (err, args) { if (err) { return callback.apply(null, [err].concat(args)); } nextTask(args); })); args.push(taskCallback); var task = tasks[taskIndex++]; task.apply(null, args); } nextTask([]); } var index = { applyEach: applyEach, applyEachSeries: applyEachSeries, apply: apply$1, asyncify: asyncify, auto: auto, autoInject: autoInject, cargo: cargo, compose: compose, concat: concat, concatSeries: concatSeries, constant: constant, detect: detect, detectLimit: detectLimit, detectSeries: detectSeries, dir: dir, doDuring: doDuring, doUntil: doUntil, doWhilst: doWhilst, during: during, each: eachLimit, eachLimit: eachLimit$1, eachOf: eachOf, eachOfLimit: eachOfLimit, eachOfSeries: eachOfSeries, eachSeries: eachSeries, ensureAsync: ensureAsync, every: every, everyLimit: everyLimit, everySeries: everySeries, filter: filter, filterLimit: filterLimit, filterSeries: filterSeries, forever: forever, log: log, map: map, mapLimit: mapLimit, mapSeries: mapSeries, mapValues: mapValues, mapValuesLimit: mapValuesLimit, mapValuesSeries: mapValuesSeries, memoize: memoize, nextTick: nextTick, parallel: parallelLimit, parallelLimit: parallelLimit$1, priorityQueue: priorityQueue, queue: queue$1, race: race, reduce: reduce, reduceRight: reduceRight, reflect: reflect, reflectAll: reflectAll, reject: reject, rejectLimit: rejectLimit, rejectSeries: rejectSeries, retry: retry, retryable: retryable, seq: seq, series: series, setImmediate: setImmediate$1, some: some, someLimit: someLimit, someSeries: someSeries, sortBy: sortBy, timeout: timeout, times: times, timesLimit: timeLimit, timesSeries: timesSeries, transform: transform, unmemoize: unmemoize, until: until, waterfall: waterfall, whilst: whilst, // aliases all: every, any: some, forEach: eachLimit, forEachSeries: eachSeries, forEachLimit: eachLimit$1, forEachOf: eachOf, forEachOfSeries: eachOfSeries, forEachOfLimit: eachOfLimit, inject: reduce, foldl: reduce, foldr: reduceRight, select: filter, selectLimit: filterLimit, selectSeries: filterSeries, wrapSync: asyncify }; exports['default'] = index; exports.applyEach = applyEach; exports.applyEachSeries = applyEachSeries; exports.apply = apply$1; exports.asyncify = asyncify; exports.auto = auto; exports.autoInject = autoInject; exports.cargo = cargo; exports.compose = compose; exports.concat = concat; exports.concatSeries = concatSeries; exports.constant = constant; exports.detect = detect; exports.detectLimit = detectLimit; exports.detectSeries = detectSeries; exports.dir = dir; exports.doDuring = doDuring; exports.doUntil = doUntil; exports.doWhilst = doWhilst; exports.during = during; exports.each = eachLimit; exports.eachLimit = eachLimit$1; exports.eachOf = eachOf; exports.eachOfLimit = eachOfLimit; exports.eachOfSeries = eachOfSeries; exports.eachSeries = eachSeries; exports.ensureAsync = ensureAsync; exports.every = every; exports.everyLimit = everyLimit; exports.everySeries = everySeries; exports.filter = filter; exports.filterLimit = filterLimit; exports.filterSeries = filterSeries; exports.forever = forever; exports.log = log; exports.map = map; exports.mapLimit = mapLimit; exports.mapSeries = mapSeries; exports.mapValues = mapValues; exports.mapValuesLimit = mapValuesLimit; exports.mapValuesSeries = mapValuesSeries; exports.memoize = memoize; exports.nextTick = nextTick; exports.parallel = parallelLimit; exports.parallelLimit = parallelLimit$1; exports.priorityQueue = priorityQueue; exports.queue = queue$1; exports.race = race; exports.reduce = reduce; exports.reduceRight = reduceRight; exports.reflect = reflect; exports.reflectAll = reflectAll; exports.reject = reject; exports.rejectLimit = rejectLimit; exports.rejectSeries = rejectSeries; exports.retry = retry; exports.retryable = retryable; exports.seq = seq; exports.series = series; exports.setImmediate = setImmediate$1; exports.some = some; exports.someLimit = someLimit; exports.someSeries = someSeries; exports.sortBy = sortBy; exports.timeout = timeout; exports.times = times; exports.timesLimit = timeLimit; exports.timesSeries = timesSeries; exports.transform = transform; exports.unmemoize = unmemoize; exports.until = until; exports.waterfall = waterfall; exports.whilst = whilst; exports.all = every; exports.allLimit = everyLimit; exports.allSeries = everySeries; exports.any = some; exports.anyLimit = someLimit; exports.anySeries = someSeries; exports.find = detect; exports.findLimit = detectLimit; exports.findSeries = detectSeries; exports.forEach = eachLimit; exports.forEachSeries = eachSeries; exports.forEachLimit = eachLimit$1; exports.forEachOf = eachOf; exports.forEachOfSeries = eachOfSeries; exports.forEachOfLimit = eachOfLimit; exports.inject = reduce; exports.foldl = reduce; exports.foldr = reduceRight; exports.select = filter; exports.selectLimit = filterLimit; exports.selectSeries = filterSeries; exports.wrapSync = asyncify; }));