// Mithril type definitions for Typescript

* This is the module containing all the types/declarations/etc. for Mithril
declare module _mithril {
	interface MithrilStatic {
		* Creates a virtual element for use with m.render, m.mount, etc.
		* @param selector A simple CSS selector. May include SVG tags. Nested
		* selectors are not supported.
		* @param attributes Attributes to add. Any DOM attribute may be used
		* as an attribute, although innerHTML and the like may be overwritten
		* silently.
		* @param children Child elements, components, and text to add.
		* @return A virtual element.
		* @see m.render
		* @see m.mount
		* @see m.component
		<T extends MithrilController>(
			selector: string,
			attributes: MithrilAttributes,
			...children: Array<string |
				MithrilVirtualElement<T> |
		): MithrilVirtualElement<T>;

		* Initializes a component for use with m.render, m.mount, etc.
		* @param component A component.
		* @param args Arguments to optionally pass to the component.
		* @return A component.
		* @see m.render
		* @see m.mount
		* @see m
		<T extends MithrilController>(
			component: MithrilComponent<T>,
			...args: any[]
		): MithrilComponent<T>;

		* Creates a virtual element for use with m.render, m.mount, etc.
		* @param selector A simple CSS selector. Nested selectors are not
		* supported.
		* @param children Child elements, components, and text to add.
		* @return A virtual element.
		* @see m.render
		* @see m.mount
		* @see m.component
		<T extends MithrilController>(
			selector: string,
			...children: Array<string |
				MithrilVirtualElement<T> |
		): MithrilVirtualElement<T>;

		* Initializes a component for use with m.render, m.mount, etc.
		* Shorthand for m.component.
		* @param selector A component.
		* @param args Arguments to optionally pass to the component.
		* @return A component.
		* @see m.render
		* @see m.mount
		* @see m.component
		<T extends MithrilController>(
			component: MithrilComponent<T>,
			...args: any[]
		): MithrilComponent<T>;

		* Creates a getter-setter function that wraps a Mithril promise. Useful
		* for uniform data access, m.withAttr, etc.
		* @param promise A thennable to initialize the property with. It may
		* optionally be a Mithril promise.
		* @return A getter-setter function wrapping the promise.
		* @see m.withAttr
		prop<T>(promise: Thennable<T>) : MithrilPromiseProperty<T>;

		* Creates a getter-setter function that wraps a simple value. Useful
		* for uniform data access, m.withAttr, etc.
		* @param value A value to initialize the property with
		* @return A getter-setter function wrapping the value.
		* @see m.withAttr
		prop<T>(value: T): MithrilBasicProperty<T>;

		* Creates a getter-setter function that wraps a simple value. Useful
		* for uniform data access, m.withAttr, etc.
		* @return A getter-setter function wrapping the value.
		* @see m.withAttr
		prop<T>(): MithrilBasicProperty<T>;

		* Returns a event handler that can be bound to an element, firing with
		* the specified property.
		* @param property The property to get from the event.
		* @param callback The handler to use the value from the event.
		* @return A function suitable for listening to an event.
			property: string,
			callback: (value: any) => void,
			callbackThis: any
		): (e: Event) => any;

		* Returns a event handler that can be bound to an element, firing with
		* the specified property.
		* @param attributeName Name of the element's attribute to bind to.
		* @param property The property to bind.
		* @return A function suitable for listening to an event.
			attributeName: string,
			property: MithrilBasicProperty<T>
		) : (e: Event) => any;

		* @deprecated Use m.mount instead
		module<T extends MithrilController>(
			rootElement: Node,
			component: MithrilComponent<T>
		): T;

		* Mounts a component to a base DOM node.
		* @param rootElement The base node.
		* @param component The component to mount.
		* @return An instance of the top-level component's controller
		mount<T extends MithrilController>(
			rootElement: Node,
			component: MithrilComponent<T>
		): T;

		* Initializes a component for use with m.render, m.mount, etc.
		* @param selector A component.
		* @param args Arguments to optionally pass to the component.
		* @return A component.
		* @see m.render
		* @see m.mount
		* @see m
		component<T extends MithrilController>(
			component: MithrilComponent<T>,
			...args: any[]
		): MithrilComponent<T>;

		* Trust this string of HTML.
		* @param html The HTML to trust
		* @return A String object instance with an added internal flag to mark
		* it as trusted.
		trust(html: string): MithrilTrustedString;

		* Render a virtual DOM tree.
		* @param rootElement The base element/node to render the tree from.
		* @param children One or more child nodes to add to the tree.
		* @param forceRecreation If true, overwrite the entire tree without
		* diffing against it.
		render<T extends MithrilController>(
			rootElement: Element,
			children: MithrilVirtualElement<T>|MithrilVirtualElement<T>[],
			forceRecreation?: boolean
		): void;

		redraw: {
			* Force a redraw the active component. It redraws asynchronously by
			* default to allow for simultaneous events to run before redrawing,
			* such as the event combination keypress + input frequently used for
			* input.
			* @param force If true, redraw synchronously.
			(force?: boolean): void;

			strategy: {
				* Gets the current redraw strategy, which returns one of the
				* following:
				* "all" - recreates the DOM tree from scratch
				* "diff" - recreates the DOM tree from scratch
				* "none" - leaves the DOM tree intact
				* This is useful for event handlers, which may want to cancel
				* the next redraw if the event doesn't update the UI.
				* @return The current strategy
				(): string;

				* Sets the current redraw strategy. The parameter must be one of
				* the following values:
				* "all" - recreates the DOM tree from scratch
				* "diff" - recreates the DOM tree from scratch
				* "none" - leaves the DOM tree intact
				* This is useful for event handlers, which may want to cancel
				* the next redraw if the event doesn't update the UI.
				* @param value The value to set
				* @return The new strategy
				(value: string): string;

				* @private
				* Implementation detail - it's a MithrilBasicProperty instance
				toJSON(): string;

		route: {
			* Enable routing, mounting a controller based on the route. It
			* automatically mounts the components for you, starting with the one
			* specified by the default route.
			* @param rootElement The element to mount the active controller to.
			* @param defaultRoute The route to start with.
			* @param routes A key-value mapping of pathname to controller.
			<T extends MithrilController>(
				rootElement: Element,
				defaultRoute: string,
				routes: MithrilRoutes
			): void;

			* This allows m.route to be used as the `config` attribute for a
			* virtual element, particularly useful for cases like this:
			* ```ts
			* // Note that the '#' is not required in `href`, thanks to the
			* `config` setting.
			* m("a[href='/dashboard/alicesmith']", {config: m.route});
			* ```
			<T extends MithrilController>(
				element: Element,
				isInitialized: boolean,
				context?: MithrilContext,
				vdom?: MithrilVirtualElement<T>
			): void;

			* Programmatically redirect to another route.
			* @param path The route to go to.
			* @param params Parameters to pass as a query string.
			* @param shouldReplaceHistory Whether to replace the current history
			* instead of adding a new one.
			(path: string, params?: any, shouldReplaceHistory?: boolean): void;

			* Gets the current route.
			* @return The current route.
			(): string;

			* Gets a route parameter.
			* @param key The key to get.
			* @return The value associated with the parameter key.
			param(key: string): string;

			* The current routing mode. This may be changed before calling
			* m.route to change the part of the URL used to perform the routing.
			* The value can be set to one of the following, defaulting to
			* "hash":
			* "search" - Uses the query string. This allows for named anchors to
			* work on the page, but changes cause IE8 and lower to refresh the
			* page.
			* "hash" - Uses the hash. This is the only routing mode that does
			* not cause page refreshes on any browser, but it does not support
			* named anchors.
			* "pathname" - Uses the URL pathname. This requires server-side
			* setup to support bookmarking and page refreshes. It always causes
			* page refreshes on IE8 and lower. Note that this requires that the
			* application to be run from the root of the URL.
			mode: string;

			* Serialize an object into a query string.
			* @param data The data to serialize.
			* @return The serialized string.
			buildQueryString(data: Object): String

			* Parse a query string into an object.
			* @param data The data to parse.
			* @return The parsed object data.
			parseQueryString(data: String): Object

		* Send a request to a server to server. Note that the `url` option is
		* required.
		* @param options The options to use
		* @return A promise to the returned data for "GET" requests, or a void
		* promise for any other request type.
		* @see MithrilXHROptions for the available options.
		request<T>(options: MithrilXHROptions<T>): MithrilPromise<T>;

		deferred: {
			* Create a Mithril deferred object. It behaves synchronously if
			* possible, an intentional deviation from Promises/A+. Note that
			* deferreds are completely separate from the redrawing system, and
			* never trigger a redraw on their own.
			* @return A new Mithril deferred instance.
			* @see m.deferred.onerror for the error callback called for Error
			* subclasses
			<T>(): MithrilDeferred<T>;

			* A callback for all uncaught native Error subclasses in deferreds.
			* This defaults to synchronously rethrowing all errors, a deviation
			* from Promises/A+, but the behavior is configurable. To restore
			* Promises/A+-compatible behavior. simply set this to a no-op.
			onerror(e: Error): void;

		* Takes a list of promises or thennables and returns a Mithril promise
		* that resolves once all in the list are resolved, or rejects if any of
		* them reject.
		* @param promises A list of promises to try to resolve.
		* @return A promise that resolves to all the promises if all resolve, or
		* rejects with the error contained in the first rejection.
		sync<T>(promises: Thennable<T>[]): MithrilPromise<T[]>;

		* Use this and endComputation if your views aren't redrawing after
		* calls to third-party libraries. For integrating asynchronous code,
		* this should be called before any asynchronous work is done. For
		* synchronous code, this should be called at the beginning of the
		* problematic segment. Note that these calls must be balanced, much like
		* braces and parentheses. This is mostly used internally. Prefer
		* m.redraw where possible, especially when making repeated calls.
		* @see endComputation
		* @see m.render
		startComputation(): void;

		* Use startComputation and this if your views aren't redrawing after
		* calls to third-party libraries. For integrating asynchronous code,
		* this should be called after all asynchronous work completes. For
		* synchronous code, this should be called at the end of the problematic
		* segment. Note that these calls must be balanced, much like braces and
		* parentheses. This is mostly used internally. Prefer m.redraw where
		* possible, especially when making repeated calls.
		* @see startComputation
		* @see m.render
		endComputation(): void;

		* This overwrites the internal version of window used by Mithril.
		* It's mostly useful for testing, and is also used internally by
		* Mithril to test itself. By default Mithril uses `window` for the
		* dependency.
		* @param mockWindow The mock to use for the window.
		* @return The mock that was passed in.
		deps(mockWindow: Window): Window;

	interface MithrilTrustedString extends String {
		/** @private Implementation detail. Don't depend on it. */
		$trusted: boolean;

	* The interface for a virtual element. It's best to consider this immutable
	* for most use cases.
	* @see m
	interface MithrilVirtualElement<T extends MithrilController> {
		* A key to optionally associate with this element.
		key?: number;

		* The tag name of this element.
		tag?: string;

		* The attributes of this element.
		attrs?: MithrilAttributes;

		* The children of this element.
		children?: Array<string|MithrilVirtualElement<T>|MithrilComponent<T>>;

	* An event passed by Mithril to unload event handlers.
	interface MithrilEvent {
		* Prevent the default behavior of scrolling the page and updating the
		* URL on next route change.
		preventDefault(): void;

	* A context object for configuration functions.
	* @see MithrilElementConfig
	interface MithrilContext {
		* A function to call when the node is unloaded. Useful for cleanup.
		onunload?(): any;

		* Set true if the backing DOM node needs to be retained between route
		* changes if possible. Set false if this node needs to be recreated
		* every single time, regardless of how "different" it is.
		retain?: boolean;

	* This represents a callback function for a virtual element's config
	* attribute. It's a low-level function useful for extra cleanup after
	* removal from the tree, storing instances of third-party classes that
	* need to be associated with the DOM, etc.
	* @see MithrilAttributes
	* @see MithrilContext
	interface MithrilElementConfig {
		* A callback function for a virtual element's config attribute.
		* @param element The associated DOM element.
		* @param isInitialized Whether this is the first call for the virtual
		* element or not.
		* @param context The associated context for this element.
		* @param vdom The associated virtual element.
		<T extends MithrilController>(
			element: Element,
			isInitialized: boolean,
			context: MithrilContext,
			vdom: MithrilVirtualElement<T>
		): void;

	* This represents the attributes available for configuring virtual elements,
	* beyond the applicable DOM attributes.
	* @see m
	interface MithrilAttributes {
		* The class name(s) for this virtual element, as a space-separated list.
		className?: string;

		* The class name(s) for this virtual element, as a space-separated list.
		class?: string;

		* A custom, low-level configuration in case this element needs special
		* cleanup after removal from the tree.
		* @see MithrilElementConfig
		config?: MithrilElementConfig;

		* Any other virtual element properties including attributes and
		* event handlers
		[property: string]: any;

	* The basis of a Mithril controller instance.
	interface MithrilController {
		* An optional handler to call when the associated virtual element is
		* destroyed.
		* @param evt An associated event.
		onunload?(evt: MithrilEvent): any;

	* This represents a controller function.
	* @see MithrilControllerConstructor
	interface MithrilControllerFunction<T extends MithrilController> {
		(opts?: any): T;

	* This represents a controller constructor.
	* @see MithrilControllerFunction
	interface MithrilControllerConstructor<T extends MithrilController> {
		new(): T;

	* This represents a view factory.
	interface MithrilView<T extends MithrilController> {
		* Creates a view out of virtual elements.
		(ctrl: T): MithrilVirtualElement<T>;

	* This represents a Mithril component.
	* @see m
	* @see m.component
	interface MithrilComponent<T extends MithrilController> {
		* The component's controller.
		* @see m.component
		controller: MithrilControllerFunction<T> |

		* Creates a view out of virtual elements.
		* @see m.component
		view(ctrl?: T, opts?: any): MithrilVirtualElement<T>;

	* This is the base interface for property getter-setters
	* @see m.prop
	interface MithrilProperty<T> {
		* Gets the contained value.
		* @return The contained value.
		(): T;

		* Sets the contained value.
		* @param value The new value to set.
		* @return The newly set value.
		(value: T): T;

	* This represents a non-promise getter-setter functions.
	* @see m.prop which returns objects that implement this interface.
	interface MithrilBasicProperty<T> extends MithrilProperty<T> {
		* Makes this serializable to JSON.
		toJSON(): T;

	* This represents a promise getter-setter function.
	* @see m.prop which returns objects that implement this interface.
	interface MithrilPromiseProperty<T> extends MithrilPromise<T>,
			MithrilProperty<MithrilPromise<T>> {
		* Gets the contained promise.
		* @return The contained value.
		(): MithrilPromise<T>;

		* Sets the contained promise.
		* @param value The new value to set.
		* @return The newly set value.
		(value: MithrilPromise<T>): MithrilPromise<T>;

		* Sets the contained wrapped value.
		* @param value The new value to set.
		* @return The newly set value.
		(value: T): MithrilPromise<T>;

	* This represents a key-value mapping linking routes to components.
	interface MithrilRoutes {
		* The key represents the route. The value represents the corresponding
		* component.
		[key: string]: MithrilComponent<MithrilController>;

	* This represents a Mithril deferred object.
	interface MithrilDeferred<T> {
		* Resolve this deferred's promise with a value.
		* @param value The value to resolve the promise with.
		resolve(value?: T): void;

		* Reject this deferred with an error.
		* @param value The reason for rejecting the promise.
		reject(reason?: any): void;

		* The backing promise.
		* @see MithrilPromise
		promise: MithrilPromise<T>;

	* This represents a thennable success callback.
	interface MithrilSuccessCallback<T, U> {
		(value: T): U | Thennable<U>;

	* This represents a thennable error callback.
	interface MithrilErrorCallback<T> {
		(value: Error): T | Thennable<T>;

	* This represents a thennable.
	interface Thennable<T> {
		then<U>(success: (value: T) => U): Thennable<U>;
		then<U,V>(success: (value: T) => U, error: (value: Error) => V): Thennable<U>|Thennable<V>;
		catch?: <U>(error: (value: Error) => U) => Thennable<U>;

	* This represents a Mithril promise object.
	interface MithrilPromise<T> extends Thennable<T>, MithrilProperty<MithrilPromise<T>> {
		* Chain this promise with a simple success callback, propogating
		* rejections.
		* @param success The callback to call when the promise is resolved.
		* @return The chained promise.
		then<U>(success: MithrilSuccessCallback<T,U>): MithrilPromise<U>;

		* Chain this promise with a success callback and error callback, without
		* propogating rejections.
		* @param success The callback to call when the promise is resolved.
		* @param error The callback to call when the promise is rejected.
		* @return The chained promise.
		then<U, V>(
			success: MithrilSuccessCallback<T, U>,
			error: MithrilErrorCallback<V>
		): MithrilPromise<U> | MithrilPromise<V>;

		* Chain this promise with a single error callback, without propogating
		* rejections.
		* @param error The callback to call when the promise is rejected.
		* @return The chained promise.
		catch<U>(error: MithrilErrorCallback<U>): MithrilPromise<T> |

	* This represents the available options for configuring m.request.
	* @see m.request
	interface MithrilXHROptions<T> {
		* This represents the HTTP method used, one of the following:
		* - "GET" (default)
		* - "POST"
		* - "PUT"
		* - "DELETE"
		* - "HEAD"
		* - "OPTIONS"
		method?: string;

		* The URL to send the request to.
		url: string;

		* The username for HTTP authentication.
		user?: string;

		* The password for HTTP authentication.
		password?: string;

		* The data to be sent. It's automatically serialized in the right format
		* depending on the method (with exception of HTML5 FormData), and put in
		* the appropriate section of the request.
		data?: any;

		* Whether to run it in the background, i.e. true if it doesn't affect
		* template rendering.
		background?: boolean;

		* Set an initial value while the request is working, to populate the
		* promise getter-setter.
		initialValue?: T;

		* An optional preprocessor function to unwrap a successful response, in
		* case the response contains metadata wrapping the data.
		* @param data The data to unwrap.
		* @return The unwrapped result.
		unwrapSuccess?(data: any): T;

		* An optional preprocessor function to unwrap an unsuccessful response,
		* in case the response contains metadata wrapping the data.
		* @param data The data to unwrap.
		* @return The unwrapped result.
		unwrapError?(data: any): T;

		* An optional function to serialize the data. This defaults to
		* `JSON.stringify`.
		* @param dataToSerialize The data to serialize.
		* @return The serialized form as a string.
		serialize?(dataToSerialize: any): string;

		* An optional function to deserialize the data. This defaults to
		* `JSON.parse`.
		* @param dataToSerialize The data to parse.
		* @return The parsed form.
		deserialize?(dataToDeserialize: string): any;

		* An optional function to extract the data from a raw XMLHttpRequest,
		* useful if the relevant data is in a response header or the status
		* field.
		* @param xhr The associated XMLHttpRequest.
		* @param options The options passed to this request.
		* @return string The serialized format.
		extract?(xhr: XMLHttpRequest, options: MithrilXHROptions<T>): string;

		* The parsed data, or its children if it's an array, will be passed to
		* this class constructor if it's given, to parse it into classes.
		* @param data The data to parse.
		* @return The new instance for the list.
		type?: new (data: Object) => any;

		* An optional function to run between `open` and `send`, useful for
		* adding request headers or using XHR2 features such as the `upload`
		* property. It is even possible to override the XHR altogether with a
		* similar object, such as an XDomainRequest instance.
		* @param xhr The associated XMLHttpRequest.
		* @param options The options passed to this request.
		* @return The new XMLHttpRequest, or nothing if the same one is kept.
		config?(xhr: XMLHttpRequest, options: MithrilXHROptions<T>): any;

		* For JSONP requests, this must be the string "jsonp". Otherwise, it's
		* ignored.
		dataType?: string;

		* For JSONP requests, this is the query string key for the JSONP
		* request. This is useful for APIs that don't use common conventions,
		* such as `www.example.com/?jsonpCallback=doSomething`. It defaults to
		* `callback` for JSONP requests, and is ignored for any other kind of
		* request.
		callbackKey?: string;

declare var Mithril: _mithril.MithrilStatic;
declare var m: _mithril.MithrilStatic;

declare module "mithril" {
    export = m;