diff --git a/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/wallet-api-types.ts b/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/wallet-api-types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39d63b04b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/wallet-api-types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ This file is part of GNU Taler
+ (C) 2021 Taler Systems S.A.
+ GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see
+ */
+ * Type declarations for the high-level interface to wallet-core.
+ */
+ * Imports.
+ */
+import {
+ AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawalRequest,
+ AcceptExchangeTosRequest,
+ AcceptManualWithdrawalRequest,
+ AcceptManualWithdrawalResult,
+ AcceptTipRequest,
+ AcceptWithdrawalResponse,
+ AddExchangeRequest,
+ ApplyRefundRequest,
+ ApplyRefundResponse,
+ BackupRecovery,
+ BalancesResponse,
+ CoinDumpJson,
+ ConfirmPayRequest,
+ ConfirmPayResult,
+ CreateDepositGroupRequest,
+ CreateDepositGroupResponse,
+ DeleteTransactionRequest,
+ ExchangesListRespose,
+ ForceRefreshRequest,
+ GetExchangeTosRequest,
+ GetExchangeTosResult,
+ GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmountRequest,
+ GetWithdrawalDetailsForUriRequest,
+ ManualWithdrawalDetails,
+ PreparePayRequest,
+ PreparePayResult,
+ PrepareTipRequest,
+ PrepareTipResult,
+ RecoveryLoadRequest,
+ RetryTransactionRequest,
+ SetCoinSuspendedRequest,
+ SetWalletDeviceIdRequest,
+ TrackDepositGroupRequest,
+ TrackDepositGroupResponse,
+ TransactionsRequest,
+ TransactionsResponse,
+ WalletBackupContentV1,
+ WalletCurrencyInfo,
+ WithdrawUriInfoResponse,
+} from "@gnu-taler/taler-util";
+import { AddBackupProviderRequest, BackupInfo } from "./operations/backup";
+import { PendingOperationsResponse } from "./pending-types.js";
+export enum WalletApiOperation {
+ InitWallet = "initWallet",
+ WithdrawTestkudos = "withdrawTestkudos",
+ WithdrawTestBalance = "withdrawTestBalance",
+ PreparePayForUri = "preparePayForUri",
+ RunIntegrationTest = "runIntegrationTest",
+ TestPay = "testPay",
+ AddExchange = "addExchange",
+ GetTransactions = "getTransactions",
+ ListExchanges = "listExchanges",
+ GetWithdrawalDetailsForUri = "getWithdrawalDetailsForUri",
+ GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmount = "getWithdrawalDetailsForAmount",
+ AcceptManualWithdrawal = "acceptManualWithdrawal",
+ GetBalances = "getBalances",
+ GetPendingOperations = "getPendingOperations",
+ SetExchangeTosAccepted = "setExchangeTosAccepted",
+ ApplyRefund = "applyRefund",
+ AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal = "acceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal",
+ GetExchangeTos = "getExchangeTos",
+ RetryPendingNow = "retryPendingNow",
+ PreparePay = "preparePay",
+ ConfirmPay = "confirmPay",
+ DumpCoins = "dumpCoins",
+ SetCoinSuspended = "setCoinSuspended",
+ ForceRefresh = "forceRefresh",
+ PrepareTip = "prepareTip",
+ AcceptTip = "acceptTip",
+ ExportBackup = "exportBackup",
+ AddBackupProvider = "addBackupProvider",
+ RunBackupCycle = "runBackupCycle",
+ ExportBackupRecovery = "exportBackupRecovery",
+ ImportBackupRecovery = "importBackupRecovery",
+ GetBackupInfo = "getBackupInfo",
+ TrackDepositGroup = "trackDepositGroup",
+ DeleteTransaction = "deleteTransaction",
+ RetryTransaction = "retryTransaction",
+ GetCoins = "getCoins",
+ ListCurrencies = "listCurrencies",
+ CreateDepositGroup = "createDepositGroup",
+ SetWalletDeviceId = "setWalletDeviceId",
+ ExportBackupPlain = "exportBackupPlain",
+export type WalletOperations = {
+ [WalletApiOperation.PreparePayForUri]: {
+ request: PreparePayRequest;
+ response: PreparePayResult;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.WithdrawTestkudos]: {
+ request: {};
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.PreparePay]: {
+ request: PreparePayRequest;
+ response: PreparePayResult;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.ConfirmPay]: {
+ request: ConfirmPayRequest;
+ response: ConfirmPayResult;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.GetBalances]: {
+ request: {};
+ response: BalancesResponse;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.GetTransactions]: {
+ request: TransactionsRequest;
+ response: TransactionsResponse;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.GetPendingOperations]: {
+ request: {};
+ response: PendingOperationsResponse;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.DumpCoins]: {
+ request: {};
+ response: CoinDumpJson;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.SetCoinSuspended]: {
+ request: SetCoinSuspendedRequest;
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.ForceRefresh]: {
+ request: ForceRefreshRequest;
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.DeleteTransaction]: {
+ request: DeleteTransactionRequest;
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.RetryTransaction]: {
+ request: RetryTransactionRequest;
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.PrepareTip]: {
+ request: PrepareTipRequest;
+ response: PrepareTipResult;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.AcceptTip]: {
+ request: AcceptTipRequest;
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.ApplyRefund]: {
+ request: ApplyRefundRequest;
+ response: ApplyRefundResponse;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.ListCurrencies]: {
+ request: {};
+ response: WalletCurrencyInfo;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmount]: {
+ request: GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmountRequest;
+ response: ManualWithdrawalDetails;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForUri]: {
+ request: GetWithdrawalDetailsForUriRequest;
+ response: WithdrawUriInfoResponse;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal]: {
+ request: AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawalRequest;
+ response: AcceptWithdrawalResponse;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.AcceptManualWithdrawal]: {
+ request: AcceptManualWithdrawalRequest;
+ response: AcceptManualWithdrawalResult;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.ListExchanges]: {
+ request: {};
+ response: ExchangesListRespose;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.AddExchange]: {
+ request: AddExchangeRequest;
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.SetExchangeTosAccepted]: {
+ request: AcceptExchangeTosRequest;
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.GetExchangeTos]: {
+ request: GetExchangeTosRequest;
+ response: GetExchangeTosResult;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.TrackDepositGroup]: {
+ request: TrackDepositGroupRequest;
+ response: TrackDepositGroupResponse;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.CreateDepositGroup]: {
+ request: CreateDepositGroupRequest;
+ response: CreateDepositGroupResponse;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.SetWalletDeviceId]: {
+ request: SetWalletDeviceIdRequest;
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.ExportBackupPlain]: {
+ request: {};
+ response: WalletBackupContentV1;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.ExportBackupRecovery]: {
+ request: {};
+ response: BackupRecovery;
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.ImportBackupRecovery]: {
+ request: RecoveryLoadRequest;
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.RunBackupCycle]: {
+ request: {};
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.AddBackupProvider]: {
+ request: AddBackupProviderRequest;
+ response: {};
+ };
+ [WalletApiOperation.GetBackupInfo]: {
+ request: {};
+ response: BackupInfo;
+ };
+export type RequestType<
+ Op extends WalletApiOperation & keyof WalletOperations
+> = WalletOperations[Op] extends { request: infer T } ? T : never;
+export type ResponseType<
+ Op extends WalletApiOperation & keyof WalletOperations
+> = WalletOperations[Op] extends { response: infer T } ? T : never;
+export interface WalletCoreApiClient {
+ call(
+ operation: Op,
+ payload: RequestType,
+ ): Promise>;
diff --git a/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/wallet.ts b/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/wallet.ts
index 82bc8b44b..85b5ae657 100644
--- a/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/wallet.ts
+++ b/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/wallet.ts
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ import { AmountJson, Amounts } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util";
import { assertUnreachable } from "./util/assertUnreachable";
import { Logger } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util";
import { setWalletDeviceId } from "./operations/backup/state.js";
+import { WalletCoreApiClient } from "./wallet-api-types.js";
const builtinAuditors: AuditorTrustRecord[] = [
@@ -653,198 +654,6 @@ async function dumpCoins(ws: InternalWalletState): Promise {
return coinsJson;
-export enum WalletApiOperation {
- InitWallet = "initWallet",
- WithdrawTestkudos = "withdrawTestkudos",
- WithdrawTestBalance = "withdrawTestBalance",
- PreparePayForUri = "preparePayForUri",
- RunIntegrationTest = "runIntegrationTest",
- TestPay = "testPay",
- AddExchange = "addExchange",
- GetTransactions = "getTransactions",
- ListExchanges = "listExchanges",
- GetWithdrawalDetailsForUri = "getWithdrawalDetailsForUri",
- GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmount = "getWithdrawalDetailsForAmount",
- AcceptManualWithdrawal = "acceptManualWithdrawal",
- GetBalances = "getBalances",
- GetPendingOperations = "getPendingOperations",
- SetExchangeTosAccepted = "setExchangeTosAccepted",
- ApplyRefund = "applyRefund",
- AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal = "acceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal",
- GetExchangeTos = "getExchangeTos",
- RetryPendingNow = "retryPendingNow",
- PreparePay = "preparePay",
- ConfirmPay = "confirmPay",
- DumpCoins = "dumpCoins",
- SetCoinSuspended = "setCoinSuspended",
- ForceRefresh = "forceRefresh",
- PrepareTip = "prepareTip",
- AcceptTip = "acceptTip",
- ExportBackup = "exportBackup",
- AddBackupProvider = "addBackupProvider",
- RunBackupCycle = "runBackupCycle",
- ExportBackupRecovery = "exportBackupRecovery",
- ImportBackupRecovery = "importBackupRecovery",
- GetBackupInfo = "getBackupInfo",
- TrackDepositGroup = "trackDepositGroup",
- DeleteTransaction = "deleteTransaction",
- RetryTransaction = "retryTransaction",
- GetCoins = "getCoins",
- ListCurrencies = "listCurrencies",
- CreateDepositGroup = "createDepositGroup",
- SetWalletDeviceId = "setWalletDeviceId",
- ExportBackupPlain = "exportBackupPlain",
-export type WalletOperations = {
- [WalletApiOperation.PreparePayForUri]: {
- request: PreparePayRequest;
- response: PreparePayResult;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.WithdrawTestkudos]: {
- request: {};
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.PreparePay]: {
- request: PreparePayRequest;
- response: PreparePayResult;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.ConfirmPay]: {
- request: ConfirmPayRequest;
- response: ConfirmPayResult;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.GetBalances]: {
- request: {};
- response: BalancesResponse;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.GetTransactions]: {
- request: TransactionsRequest;
- response: TransactionsResponse;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.GetPendingOperations]: {
- request: {};
- response: PendingOperationsResponse;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.DumpCoins]: {
- request: {};
- response: CoinDumpJson;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.SetCoinSuspended]: {
- request: SetCoinSuspendedRequest;
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.ForceRefresh]: {
- request: ForceRefreshRequest;
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.DeleteTransaction]: {
- request: DeleteTransactionRequest;
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.RetryTransaction]: {
- request: RetryTransactionRequest;
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.PrepareTip]: {
- request: PrepareTipRequest;
- response: PrepareTipResult;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.AcceptTip]: {
- request: AcceptTipRequest;
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.ApplyRefund]: {
- request: ApplyRefundRequest;
- response: ApplyRefundResponse;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.ListCurrencies]: {
- request: {};
- response: WalletCurrencyInfo;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmount]: {
- request: GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmountRequest;
- response: ManualWithdrawalDetails;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForUri]: {
- request: GetWithdrawalDetailsForUriRequest;
- response: WithdrawUriInfoResponse;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal]: {
- request: AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawalRequest;
- response: AcceptWithdrawalResponse;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.AcceptManualWithdrawal]: {
- request: AcceptManualWithdrawalRequest;
- response: AcceptManualWithdrawalResult;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.ListExchanges]: {
- request: {};
- response: ExchangesListRespose;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.AddExchange]: {
- request: AddExchangeRequest;
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.SetExchangeTosAccepted]: {
- request: AcceptExchangeTosRequest;
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.GetExchangeTos]: {
- request: GetExchangeTosRequest;
- response: GetExchangeTosResult;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.TrackDepositGroup]: {
- request: TrackDepositGroupRequest;
- response: TrackDepositGroupResponse;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.CreateDepositGroup]: {
- request: CreateDepositGroupRequest;
- response: CreateDepositGroupResponse;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.SetWalletDeviceId]: {
- request: SetWalletDeviceIdRequest;
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.ExportBackupPlain]: {
- request: {};
- response: WalletBackupContentV1;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.ExportBackupRecovery]: {
- request: {};
- response: BackupRecovery;
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.ImportBackupRecovery]: {
- request: RecoveryLoadRequest;
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.RunBackupCycle]: {
- request: {};
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.AddBackupProvider]: {
- request: AddBackupProviderRequest;
- response: {};
- };
- [WalletApiOperation.GetBackupInfo]: {
- request: {};
- response: BackupInfo;
- };
-export type RequestType<
- Op extends WalletApiOperation & keyof WalletOperations
-> = WalletOperations[Op] extends { request: infer T } ? T : never;
-export type ResponseType<
- Op extends WalletApiOperation & keyof WalletOperations
-> = WalletOperations[Op] extends { response: infer T } ? T : never;
-export interface WalletCoreApiClient {
- call(
- operation: Op,
- payload: RequestType,
- ): Promise>;
* Get an API client from an internal wallet state object.