make queries then-able
This commit is contained in:
@ -20288,44 +20288,44 @@ declare function addEventListener(type: "mouseenter", listener: (this: Window, e
declare function addEventListener(type: "mouseleave", listener: (this: Window, ev: MouseEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mouseleave", listener: (this: Window, ev: MouseEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mousemove", listener: (this: Window, ev: MouseEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mousemove", listener: (this: Window, ev: MouseEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mouseout", listener: (this: Window, ev: MouseEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mouseout", listener: (this: Window, ev: MouseEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mouseover", listener: (this: Window, MouseEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mouseover", listener: (this: Window, ev: MouseEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mouseup", listener: (this: Window, MouseEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mouseup", listener: (this: Window, ev: MouseEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mousewheel", listener: (this: Window, WheelEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "mousewheel", listener: (this: Window, ev: WheelEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "offline", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "offline", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "online", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "online", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "orientationchange", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "orientationchange", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pagehide", listener: (this: Window, PageTransitionEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pagehide", listener: (this: Window, ev: PageTransitionEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pageshow", listener: (this: Window, PageTransitionEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pageshow", listener: (this: Window, ev: PageTransitionEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pause", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pause", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "play", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "play", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "playing", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "playing", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointercancel", listener: (this: Window, PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointercancel", listener: (this: Window, ev: PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerdown", listener: (this: Window, PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerdown", listener: (this: Window, ev: PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerenter", listener: (this: Window, PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerenter", listener: (this: Window, ev: PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerleave", listener: (this: Window, PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerleave", listener: (this: Window, ev: PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointermove", listener: (this: Window, PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointermove", listener: (this: Window, ev: PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerout", listener: (this: Window, PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerout", listener: (this: Window, ev: PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerover", listener: (this: Window, PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerover", listener: (this: Window, ev: PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerup", listener: (this: Window, PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "pointerup", listener: (this: Window, ev: PointerEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "popstate", listener: (this: Window, PopStateEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "popstate", listener: (this: Window, ev: PopStateEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "progress", listener: (this: Window, ProgressEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "progress", listener: (this: Window, ev: ProgressEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "ratechange", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "ratechange", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "readystatechange", listener: (this: Window, ProgressEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "readystatechange", listener: (this: Window, ev: ProgressEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "reset", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "reset", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "resize", listener: (this: Window, UIEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "resize", listener: (this: Window, ev: UIEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "scroll", listener: (this: Window, UIEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "scroll", listener: (this: Window, ev: UIEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "seeked", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "seeked", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "seeking", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "seeking", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "select", listener: (this: Window, UIEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "select", listener: (this: Window, ev: UIEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "stalled", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "stalled", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "storage", listener: (this: Window, StorageEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "storage", listener: (this: Window, ev: StorageEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "submit", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "submit", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "suspend", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "suspend", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "timeupdate", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "timeupdate", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "unload", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "unload", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "volumechange", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "volumechange", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "waiting", listener: (this: Window, Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "waiting", listener: (this: Window, ev: Event) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "wheel", listener: (this: Window, WheelEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: "wheel", listener: (this: Window, ev: WheelEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare function addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
type AAGUID = string;
type AAGUID = string;
type AlgorithmIdentifier = string | Algorithm;
type AlgorithmIdentifier = string | Algorithm;
@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ export interface QueryStream<T> {
map<S>(f: (x:T) => S): QueryStream<S>;
map<S>(f: (x:T) => S): QueryStream<S>;
flatMap<S>(f: (x: T) => S[]): QueryStream<S>;
flatMap<S>(f: (x: T) => S[]): QueryStream<S>;
toArray(): Promise<T[]>;
toArray(): Promise<T[]>;
then(onfulfill: any, onreject: any): any;
export let AbortTransaction = Symbol("abort_transaction");
export let AbortTransaction = Symbol("abort_transaction");
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ function openPromise<T>() {
abstract class QueryStreamBase<T> implements QueryStream<T> {
abstract class QueryStreamBase<T> implements QueryStream<T>, PromiseLike<void> {
abstract subscribe(f: (isDone: boolean,
abstract subscribe(f: (isDone: boolean,
value: any,
value: any,
tx: IDBTransaction) => void): void;
tx: IDBTransaction) => void): void;
@ -103,11 +105,15 @@ abstract class QueryStreamBase<T> implements QueryStream<T> {
this.root = root;
this.root = root;
flatMap<S>(f: (x: T) => T[]): QueryStream<S> {
then<R>(onfulfilled: (value: void) => R | PromiseLike<R>, onrejected: (reason: any) => R | PromiseLike<R>): PromiseLike<R> {
return new QueryStreamFlatMap(this, f);
return this.root.then(onfulfilled, onrejected);
map<S>(f: (x: T) => S): QueryStream<T> {
flatMap<S>(f: (x: T) => S[]): QueryStream<S> {
return new QueryStreamFlatMap<T,S>(this, f);
map<S>(f: (x: T) => S): QueryStream<S> {
return new QueryStreamMap(this, f);
return new QueryStreamMap(this, f);
@ -193,11 +199,11 @@ class QueryStreamFilter<T> extends QueryStreamBase<T> {
class QueryStreamFlatMap<T> extends QueryStreamBase<T> {
class QueryStreamFlatMap<T,S> extends QueryStreamBase<S> {
s: QueryStreamBase<T>;
s: QueryStreamBase<T>;
flatMapFn: (v: T) => T[];
flatMapFn: (v: T) => S[];
constructor(s: QueryStreamBase<T>, flatMapFn: (v: T) => T[]) {
constructor(s: QueryStreamBase<T>, flatMapFn: (v: T) => S[]) {
this.s = s;
this.s = s;
this.flatMapFn = flatMapFn;
this.flatMapFn = flatMapFn;
@ -218,11 +224,11 @@ class QueryStreamFlatMap<T> extends QueryStreamBase<T> {
class QueryStreamMap<T> extends QueryStreamBase<T> {
class QueryStreamMap<S,T> extends QueryStreamBase<T> {
s: QueryStreamBase<T>;
s: QueryStreamBase<S>;
mapFn: (v: T) => T[];
mapFn: (v: S) => T;
constructor(s: QueryStreamBase<T>, mapFn: (v: T) => T[]) {
constructor(s: QueryStreamBase<S>, mapFn: (v: S) => T) {
this.s = s;
this.s = s;
this.mapFn = mapFn;
this.mapFn = mapFn;
@ -364,7 +370,7 @@ class IterQueryStream<T> extends QueryStreamBase<T> {
export class QueryRoot {
export class QueryRoot implements PromiseLike<void> {
private work: ((t: IDBTransaction) => void)[] = [];
private work: ((t: IDBTransaction) => void)[] = [];
private db: IDBDatabase;
private db: IDBDatabase;
private stores = new Set();
private stores = new Set();
@ -376,18 +382,26 @@ export class QueryRoot {
private hasWrite: boolean;
private hasWrite: boolean;
private finishScheduled: boolean;
constructor(db: IDBDatabase) {
constructor(db: IDBDatabase) {
this.db = db;
this.db = db;
then<R>(onfulfilled: (value: void) => R | PromiseLike<R>, onrejected: (reason: any) => R | PromiseLike<R>): PromiseLike<R> {
return this.finish().then(onfulfilled, onrejected);
iter<T>(store: Store<T>): QueryStream<T> {
iter<T>(store: Store<T>): QueryStream<T> {
return new IterQueryStream(this,, {});
return new IterQueryStream(this,, {});
iterIndex<S extends IDBValidKey,T>(index: Index<S,T>,
iterIndex<S extends IDBValidKey,T>(index: Index<S,T>,
only?: S): QueryStream<T> {
only?: S): QueryStream<T> {
return new IterQueryStream(this, index.storeName, {
return new IterQueryStream(this, index.storeName, {
indexName: index.indexName
indexName: index.indexName
@ -403,6 +417,7 @@ export class QueryRoot {
let doPut = (tx: IDBTransaction) => {
let doPut = (tx: IDBTransaction) => {
this.addWork(doPut,, true);
this.addWork(doPut,, true);
return this;
return this;
@ -427,6 +442,7 @@ export class QueryRoot {
this.addWork(doPut,, true);
this.addWork(doPut,, true);
return this;
return this;
@ -443,6 +459,7 @@ export class QueryRoot {
this.addWork(doPutAll,, true);
this.addWork(doPutAll,, true);
return this;
return this;
@ -456,6 +473,7 @@ export class QueryRoot {
const doAdd = (tx: IDBTransaction) => {
const doAdd = (tx: IDBTransaction) => {
this.addWork(doAdd,, true);
this.addWork(doAdd,, true);
return this;
return this;
@ -509,6 +527,13 @@ export class QueryRoot {
.then(() => promise);
.then(() => promise);
private scheduleFinish() {
if (!this.finishScheduled) {
Promise.resolve().then(() => this.finish());
this.finishScheduled = true;
* Finish the query, and start the query in the first place if necessary.
* Finish the query, and start the query in the first place if necessary.
@ -543,6 +568,7 @@ export class QueryRoot {
const doDelete = (tx: IDBTransaction) => {
const doDelete = (tx: IDBTransaction) => {
this.addWork(doDelete, storeName, true);
this.addWork(doDelete, storeName, true);
return this;
return this;
@ -64,10 +64,15 @@ export interface ReserveRecord {
* be higher than the requested_amount
* be higher than the requested_amount
requested_amount: AmountJson,
requested_amount: AmountJson,
* Amount we've already withdrawn from the reserve.
* What's the current amount that sits
* in precoins?
withdrawn_amount: AmountJson;
precoin_amount: AmountJson;
confirmed: boolean,
confirmed: boolean,
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import {
import {HttpResponse, RequestException} from "./http";
import {HttpResponse, RequestException} from "./http";
import {QueryRoot, Store, Index, JoinResult, AbortTransaction} from "./query";
import {QueryRoot, Store, Index, JoinResult, AbortTransaction} from "./query";
import {Checkable} from "./checkable";
import {Checkable} from "./checkable";
import {canonicalizeBaseUrl} from "./helpers";
import {canonicalizeBaseUrl, amountToPretty} from "./helpers";
import {ReserveCreationInfo, Amounts} from "./types";
import {ReserveCreationInfo, Amounts} from "./types";
import {PreCoin} from "./types";
import {PreCoin} from "./types";
import {CryptoApi} from "./cryptoApi";
import {CryptoApi} from "./cryptoApi";
@ -403,10 +403,13 @@ export class Wallet {
updateExchanges(): void {
async updateExchanges(): Promise<void> {
console.log("updating exchanges");
console.log("updating exchanges");
let exchangesUrls = this.q().iter(Stores.exchanges).map((e) => e.baseUrl);
let exchangesUrls = await this.q()
.map((e) => e.baseUrl)
for (let url of exchangesUrls) {
for (let url of exchangesUrls) {
@ -766,18 +769,18 @@ export class Wallet {
const coin = await this.withdrawExecute(preCoin);
const coin = await this.withdrawExecute(preCoin);
const mutateReserve = (r: ReserveRecord) => {
const mutateReserve = (r: ReserveRecord) => {
let currentAmount = r.current_amount;
if (!currentAmount) {
console.log(`before committing coin: current ${amountToPretty(r.current_amount!)}, precoin: ${amountToPretty(
throw Error("can't withdraw from reserve when current amount is" +
" unknown");
let x = Amounts.sub(r.precoin_amount,
let x = Amounts.sub(currentAmount,
if (x.saturated) {
if (x.saturated) {
console.error("database inconsistent");
throw AbortTransaction;
throw AbortTransaction;
r.current_amount = x.amount;
r.precoin_amount = x.amount;
return r;
return r;
@ -791,7 +794,6 @@ export class Wallet {
await this.q()
await this.q()
.put(Stores.precoins, preCoin)
.mutate(Stores.reserves, preCoin.reservePub, mutateReserve)
.mutate(Stores.reserves, preCoin.reservePub, mutateReserve)
.delete("precoins", coin.coinPub)
.delete("precoins", coin.coinPub)
.add(Stores.coins, coin)
.add(Stores.coins, coin)
@ -828,7 +830,7 @@ export class Wallet {
current_amount: null,
current_amount: null,
requested_amount: req.amount,
requested_amount: req.amount,
confirmed: false,
confirmed: false,
withdrawn_amount: Amounts.getZero(req.amount.currency)
precoin_amount: Amounts.getZero(req.amount.currency),
const historyEntry = {
const historyEntry = {
@ -940,17 +942,47 @@ export class Wallet {
* Withdraw coins from a reserve until it is empty.
* Withdraw coins from a reserve until it is empty.
private async depleteReserve(reserve: any,
private async depleteReserve(reserve: ReserveRecord,
exchange: IExchangeInfo): Promise<number> {
exchange: IExchangeInfo): Promise<number> {
if (!reserve.current_amount) {
throw Error("can't withdraw when amount is unknown");
let denomsAvailable: Denomination[] = copy(exchange.active_denoms);
let denomsAvailable: Denomination[] = copy(exchange.active_denoms);
let denomsForWithdraw = getWithdrawDenomList(reserve.current_amount,
let denomsForWithdraw = getWithdrawDenomList(reserve.current_amount!,
let ps = => {
let ps = => {
function mutateReserve(r: ReserveRecord): ReserveRecord {
let currentAmount = r.current_amount;
if (!currentAmount) {
throw Error("can't withdraw when amount is unknown");
r.precoin_amount = Amounts.add(r.precoin_amount,
let result = Amounts.sub(currentAmount,
if (result.saturated) {
console.error("can't create precoin, saturated");
throw AbortTransaction;
r.current_amount = result.amount;
console.log(`after creating precoin: current ${amountToPretty(r.current_amount)}, precoin: ${amountToPretty(
return r;
let preCoin = await this.cryptoApi
let preCoin = await this.cryptoApi
.createPreCoin(denom, reserve);
.createPreCoin(denom, reserve);
await this.q()
.put(Stores.precoins, preCoin)
.mutate(Stores.reserves, reserve.reserve_pub, mutateReserve);
await this.processPreCoin(preCoin);
await this.processPreCoin(preCoin);
await Promise.all(ps);
await Promise.all(ps);
return ps.length;
return ps.length;
@ -1219,6 +1251,7 @@ export class Wallet {
if (!amount) {
if (!amount) {
amount = r.requested_amount;
amount = r.requested_amount;
amount = Amounts.add(amount, r.precoin_amount).amount;
if (Amounts.cmp(smallestWithdraw[r.exchange_base_url], amount) < 0) {
if (Amounts.cmp(smallestWithdraw[r.exchange_base_url], amount) < 0) {
entry.pendingIncoming = Amounts.add(entry.pendingIncoming,
entry.pendingIncoming = Amounts.add(entry.pendingIncoming,
@ -1333,7 +1366,7 @@ export class Wallet {
function mutateCoin(c: Coin): Coin {
function mutateCoin(c: Coin): Coin {
let r = Amounts.sub(coin.currentAmount,
let r = Amounts.sub(c.currentAmount,
if (r.saturated) {
if (r.saturated) {
// Something else must have written the coin value
// Something else must have written the coin value
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ class WalletBalanceView extends preact.Component<any, any> {
return i18n`Error: could not retrieve balance information.`;
return i18n`Error: could not retrieve balance information.`;
if (!wallet) {
if (!wallet) {
return this.renderEmpty();
return <span></span>;
let listing = Object.keys(wallet).map((key) => {
let listing = Object.keys(wallet).map((key) => {
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
Reference in New Issue
Block a user