From 7e34b6699a77620b148b167e6aa12d50cc7456e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florian Dold <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 14:33:59 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] test cases

 src/operations/balance.ts      | 36 +++++++++++++-------
 src/operations/transactions.ts | 10 ------
 tests/              | 15 ++++----
 tests/components/       | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tests/components/     | 14 +++++---
 tests/       | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 6 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/operations/balance.ts b/src/operations/balance.ts
index b503b7546..26f0aaeee 100644
--- a/src/operations/balance.ts
+++ b/src/operations/balance.ts
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ export async function getBalancesInsideTransaction(
   ws: InternalWalletState,
   tx: TransactionHandle,
 ): Promise<BalancesResponse> {
   const balanceStore: Record<string, WalletBalance> = {};
@@ -57,11 +56,17 @@ export async function getBalancesInsideTransaction(
     return balanceStore[currency];
-  }
+  };
   // Initialize balance to zero, even if we didn't start withdrawing yet.
   await tx.iter(Stores.reserves).forEach((r) => {
-    initBalance(r.currency);
+    const b = initBalance(r.currency);
+    if (!r.initialWithdrawalStarted) {
+      b.pendingIncoming = Amounts.add(
+        b.pendingIncoming,
+        r.initialDenomSel.totalCoinValue,
+      ).amount;
+    }
   await tx.iter(Stores.coins).forEach((c) => {
@@ -95,23 +100,28 @@ export async function getBalancesInsideTransaction(
     const b = initBalance(wds.denomsSel.totalWithdrawCost.currency);
-    b.pendingIncoming = Amounts.add(b.pendingIncoming, wds.denomsSel.totalCoinValue).amount;
+    b.pendingIncoming = Amounts.add(
+      b.pendingIncoming,
+      wds.denomsSel.totalCoinValue,
+    ).amount;
   const balancesResponse: BalancesResponse = {
     balances: [],
-  Object.keys(balanceStore).sort().forEach((c) => {
-    const v = balanceStore[c];
-    balancesResponse.balances.push({
-      available: Amounts.stringify(v.available),
-      pendingIncoming: Amounts.stringify(v.pendingIncoming),
-      pendingOutgoing: Amounts.stringify(v.pendingOutgoing),
-      hasPendingTransactions: false,
-      requiresUserInput: false,
+  Object.keys(balanceStore)
+    .sort()
+    .forEach((c) => {
+      const v = balanceStore[c];
+      balancesResponse.balances.push({
+        available: Amounts.stringify(v.available),
+        pendingIncoming: Amounts.stringify(v.pendingIncoming),
+        pendingOutgoing: Amounts.stringify(v.pendingOutgoing),
+        hasPendingTransactions: false,
+        requiresUserInput: false,
+      });
-  })
   return balancesResponse;
diff --git a/src/operations/transactions.ts b/src/operations/transactions.ts
index fb0629660..647949d22 100644
--- a/src/operations/transactions.ts
+++ b/src/operations/transactions.ts
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
 import { InternalWalletState } from "./state";
 import {
-  ReserveRecordStatus,
-  PurchaseRecord,
 } from "../types/dbTypes";
 import { Amounts, AmountJson } from "../util/amounts";
@@ -182,14 +180,6 @@ export async function getTransactions(
         if (shouldSkipSearch(transactionsRequest, [])) {
-        switch (r.reserveStatus) {
-          case ReserveRecordStatus.WAIT_CONFIRM_BANK:
-            break;
-          case ReserveRecordStatus.WITHDRAWING:
-            break;
-          default:
-            return;
-        }
         if (r.initialWithdrawalStarted) {
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index a01ed07c2..9f0dc11da 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
 from taler.util.amount import Amount
-def check_single_balance(balances, available, pending_in="TESTKUDOS:0", pending_out="TESTKUDOS:0",
-                         has_pending=False):
+def check_single_balance(
+    balances,
+    available,
+    pending_in=Amount.parse("TESTKUDOS:0"),
+    pending_out=Amount.parse("TESTKUDOS:0"),
     assert len(balances) == 1
-    assert balances[0]["available"] == available
-    assert balances[0]["pendingIncoming"] == pending_in
-    assert balances[0]["pendingOutgoing"] == pending_out
-    assert balances[0]["hasPendingTransactions"] == has_pending
+    assert Amount.parse(balances[0]["available"]) == available
+    assert Amount.parse(balances[0]["pendingIncoming"]) == pending_in
+    assert Amount.parse(balances[0]["pendingOutgoing"]) == pending_out
 def json_to_amount(d):
diff --git a/tests/components/ b/tests/components/
index 707edbfc4..ee2d6e923 100644
--- a/tests/components/
+++ b/tests/components/
@@ -3,8 +3,24 @@ from subprocess import run
 import psutil
+import requests
+import secrets
 from .taler_service import TalerService
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+class BankUser:
+    username: str
+    password: str
+class WithdrawUriResponse:
+    taler_withdraw_uri: str
+    withdrawal_id: str
 class Bank(TalerService):
@@ -14,7 +30,7 @@ class Bank(TalerService):
         # get localhost port and store bank URL
         r = run(["taler-config", "-c", config.conf, "-s", "BANK", "-o", "HTTP_PORT"],
                 check=True, text=True, capture_output=True)
-        self.url = "http://localhost:%s" % r.stdout.rstrip()
+        self.url = "http://localhost:%s/" % r.stdout.rstrip()
     def start(self):
         db = "postgres:///%s" % self.config.db
@@ -33,6 +49,35 @@ class Bank(TalerService):
+    def register_random_user(self):
+        username = f"testuser-{secrets.token_hex(10)}"
+        password = f"testpw-{secrets.token_hex(10)}"
+            f"{self.url}testing/register",
+            json=dict(username=username, password=password)
+        )
+        return BankUser(username, password)
+    def generate_withdraw_uri(self, bankuser, amount):
+        auth = (bankuser.username, bankuser.password)
+        resp =
+            f"{self.url}accounts/{bankuser.username}/withdrawals",
+            json=dict(amount=amount),
+            auth=auth
+        )
+        rj = resp.json()
+        return WithdrawUriResponse(
+            taler_withdraw_uri=rj["taler_withdraw_uri"],
+            withdrawal_id=rj["withdrawal_id"],
+        )
+    def confirm_withdrawal(self, bankuser, withdrawal_id):
+        auth = (bankuser.username, bankuser.password)
+        resp =
+            f"{self.url}accounts/{bankuser.username}/withdrawals/{withdrawal_id}/confirm",
+            auth=auth
+        )
     # Alternative way to check if the bank came up.
     # Testing the URL has the issue that on the CI, django keeps closing the connection.
diff --git a/tests/components/ b/tests/components/
index 77099ab88..cedae84e1 100644
--- a/tests/components/
+++ b/tests/components/
@@ -37,11 +37,15 @@ class Wallet:
                  ], timeout=10, check=True, text=True, capture_output=True)
-    def gen_withdraw_uri(self, amount, bank_url):
-        r = run(["taler-wallet-cli", self.arg_db, "testing", "gen-withdraw-uri",
-                 "-a", amount,
-                 "-b", bank_url
-                 ], timeout=10, check=True, text=True, capture_output=True)
+    def run_pending(self):
+        r = run(["taler-wallet-cli", self.arg_db, "run-pending"],
+                timeout=10, check=True, text=True, capture_output=True)
+        self.write_to_log(r.stderr)
+        return r.stdout.rstrip()
+    def run_until_done(self):
+        r = run(["taler-wallet-cli", self.arg_db, "run-until-done"],
+                timeout=10, check=True, text=True, capture_output=True)
         return r.stdout.rstrip()
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 8a68807b6..0f5c8435b 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -6,17 +6,19 @@ from tests import check_single_balance
 def test_withdrawal(exchange, bank, wallet):
+    bank_user = bank.register_random_user()
     # assert that we start with no transactions
     result = wallet.cmd("getTransactions")
     assert not result["transactions"]
     # test withdrawal
-    amount_raw = "TESTKUDOS:5"
-    wallet.testing_withdraw(amount_raw, exchange.url, bank.url)
+    amount_raw = Amount.parse("TESTKUDOS:5")
+    wallet.testing_withdraw(amount_raw.stringify(), exchange.url, bank.url)
     # check that balance is correct
     result = wallet.cmd("getBalances")
-    amount_effective = Amount("TESTKUDOS", 4, 84000000).stringify()
+    amount_effective = Amount("TESTKUDOS", 4, 84000000)
     check_single_balance(result["balances"], amount_effective)
     # assert that withdrawal shows up properly in transactions
@@ -24,8 +26,8 @@ def test_withdrawal(exchange, bank, wallet):
     assert len(result["transactions"]) == 1
     transaction = result["transactions"][0]
     assert transaction["type"] == "withdrawal"
-    assert transaction["amountEffective"] == amount_effective
-    assert transaction["amountRaw"] == amount_raw
+    assert Amount.parse(transaction["amountEffective"]) == amount_effective
+    assert Amount.parse(transaction["amountRaw"]) == amount_raw
     assert transaction["exchangeBaseUrl"] == exchange.url
     assert not transaction["pending"]
     withdrawal_details = transaction["withdrawalDetails"]
@@ -34,12 +36,13 @@ def test_withdrawal(exchange, bank, wallet):
     assert withdrawal_details["exchangePaytoUris"] == payto_list
     # get a withdrawal URI
-    uri = wallet.gen_withdraw_uri(amount_raw, bank.url)
+    bank_uri_resp = bank.generate_withdraw_uri(bank_user, "TESTKUDOS:5")
+    uri = bank_uri_resp.taler_withdraw_uri
     assert uri.startswith("taler+http://withdraw")
     # get withdrawal details from URI
     result = wallet.cmd("getWithdrawalDetailsForUri", {"talerWithdrawUri": uri})
-    assert result["amount"] == amount_raw
+    assert Amount.parse(result["amount"]) == amount_raw
     assert result["defaultExchangeBaseUrl"] == exchange.url
     assert len(result["possibleExchanges"]) == 1
     assert result["possibleExchanges"][0]["exchangeBaseUrl"] == exchange.url
@@ -47,10 +50,10 @@ def test_withdrawal(exchange, bank, wallet):
     assert result["possibleExchanges"][0]["paytoUris"] == payto_list
     # check withdrawal details for amount
-    request = {"exchangeBaseUrl": exchange.url, "amount": amount_raw}
+    request = {"exchangeBaseUrl": exchange.url, "amount": amount_raw.stringify()}
     result = wallet.cmd("getWithdrawalDetailsForAmount", request)
-    assert result["amountRaw"] == amount_raw
-    assert result["amountEffective"] == amount_effective
+    assert Amount.parse(result["amountRaw"]) == amount_raw
+    assert Amount.parse(result["amountEffective"]) == amount_effective
     assert result["paytoUris"] == payto_list
     assert not result["tosAccepted"]
@@ -64,29 +67,33 @@ def test_withdrawal(exchange, bank, wallet):
     wallet.cmd("setExchangeTosAccepted", request)
     # check that ToS are now shown as accepted
-    request = {"exchangeBaseUrl": exchange.url, "amount": amount_raw}
+    request = {"exchangeBaseUrl": exchange.url, "amount": amount_raw.stringify()}
     result = wallet.cmd("getWithdrawalDetailsForAmount", request)
     assert result["tosAccepted"]
     # accept withdrawal
     request = {"exchangeBaseUrl": exchange.url, "talerWithdrawUri": uri}
     result = wallet.cmd("acceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal", request)
-    assert result["confirmTransferUrl"].startswith(bank.url + "/confirm-withdrawal/")
+    assert result["confirmTransferUrl"].startswith(bank.url + "confirm-withdrawal/")
     confirm_url = result["confirmTransferUrl"]
+    # Let the wallet do its work.  At this point, the bank-integrated
+    # withdrawal won't have succeeded yet, as it's not confirmed at the bank
+    # side.
+    wallet.run_pending()
     # check that balance is correct
     result = wallet.cmd("getBalances")
-    # TODO pendingIncoming and hasPendingTransactions are wrong, right?
-    # check_single_balance(result["balances"], amount_effective, amount_effective, has_pending=True)
+    check_single_balance(result["balances"], amount_effective, amount_effective)
     # assert that 2nd withdrawal shows up properly in transactions
     result = wallet.cmd("getTransactions")
     assert len(result["transactions"]) == 2
     transaction = result["transactions"][0]
     assert transaction["type"] == "withdrawal"
-    assert transaction["amountEffective"] == amount_effective
-    assert transaction["amountRaw"] == amount_raw
+    assert Amount.parse(transaction["amountEffective"]) == amount_effective
+    assert Amount.parse(transaction["amountRaw"]) == amount_raw
     assert transaction["exchangeBaseUrl"] == exchange.url
     assert transaction["pending"]
     withdrawal_details = transaction["withdrawalDetails"]
@@ -99,22 +106,35 @@ def test_withdrawal(exchange, bank, wallet):
     timestamp1 = result["transactions"][1]["timestamp"]["t_ms"]
     assert timestamp0 > timestamp1
+    # now we actually confirm the withdrawal
+    bank.confirm_withdrawal(bank_user, bank_uri_resp.withdrawal_id)
+    # It might take some time until the exchange knows about the reserve,
+    # so we'll try until it works.
+    wallet.run_until_done()
+    # check that balance is correct
+    result = wallet.cmd("getBalances")
+    print(result)
+    check_single_balance(
+        result["balances"], Amount.parse("TESTKUDOS:9.68"), Amount.parse("TESTKUDOS:0"),
+    )
     # one more manual withdrawal
-    request = {"exchangeBaseUrl": exchange.url, "amount": amount_raw}
+    request = {"exchangeBaseUrl": exchange.url, "amount": amount_raw.stringify()}
     result = wallet.cmd("acceptManualWithdrawal", request)
     assert len(result["exchangePaytoUris"]) == 1
     # check that balance is correct
     result = wallet.cmd("getBalances")
-    # TODO pendingIncoming and hasPendingTransactions are wrong, right?
-    # check_single_balance(result["balances"], amount_effective, TODO, has_pending=True)
+    check_single_balance(
+        result["balances"], amount_effective + amount_effective, amount_effective
+    )
     # assert that 3nd withdrawal shows up properly in transactions
     result = wallet.cmd("getTransactions")
-    # TODO where is the manual withdrawal!??
-    # assert len(result["transactions"]) == 3
+    assert len(result["transactions"]) == 3
     for t in result["transactions"]: