@ -14,39 +14,39 @@
GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
import {
import { CancellationToken, Logger, minimatch } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util";
} from "@gnu-taler/taler-util";
import * as child_process from "child_process";
import * as child_process from "child_process";
import { spawnSync } from "child_process";
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as os from "os";
import * as os from "os";
import * as path from "path";
import * as path from "path";
import url from "url";
import url from "url";
import {
import {
} from "../harness/harness.js";
} from "../harness/harness.js";
import { spawnSync } from "child_process";
import { getSharedTestDir } from "../harness/helpers.js";
import { runAgeRestrictionsMerchantTest } from "./test-age-restrictions-merchant.js";
import { runAgeRestrictionsMerchantTest } from "./test-age-restrictions-merchant.js";
import { runAgeRestrictionsMixedMerchantTest } from "./test-age-restrictions-mixed-merchant.js";
import { runAgeRestrictionsPeerTest } from "./test-age-restrictions-peer.js";
import { runBankApiTest } from "./test-bank-api.js";
import { runBankApiTest } from "./test-bank-api.js";
import { runClaimLoopTest } from "./test-claim-loop.js";
import { runClaimLoopTest } from "./test-claim-loop.js";
import { runClauseSchnorrTest } from "./test-clause-schnorr.js";
import { runClauseSchnorrTest } from "./test-clause-schnorr.js";
import { runDenomUnofferedTest } from "./test-denom-unoffered.js";
import { runDenomUnofferedTest } from "./test-denom-unoffered.js";
import { runDepositTest } from "./test-deposit.js";
import { runDepositTest } from "./test-deposit.js";
import { runExchangeDepositTest } from "./test-exchange-deposit.js";
import { runExchangeManagementTest } from "./test-exchange-management.js";
import { runExchangeManagementTest } from "./test-exchange-management.js";
import { runExchangePurseTest } from "./test-exchange-purse.js";
import { runExchangeTimetravelTest } from "./test-exchange-timetravel.js";
import { runExchangeTimetravelTest } from "./test-exchange-timetravel.js";
import { runFeeRegressionTest } from "./test-fee-regression.js";
import { runFeeRegressionTest } from "./test-fee-regression.js";
import { runForcedSelectionTest } from "./test-forced-selection.js";
import { runForcedSelectionTest } from "./test-forced-selection.js";
import { runKycTest } from "./test-kyc.js";
import { runLibeufinApiBankaccountTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-bankaccount.js";
import { runLibeufinApiBankaccountTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-bankaccount.js";
import { runLibeufinApiBankconnectionTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-bankconnection.js";
import { runLibeufinApiBankconnectionTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-bankconnection.js";
import { runLibeufinApiFacadeTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-facade.js";
import { runLibeufinApiFacadeBadRequestTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-facade-bad-request.js";
import { runLibeufinApiFacadeBadRequestTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-facade-bad-request.js";
import { runLibeufinApiFacadeTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-facade.js";
import { runLibeufinApiPermissionsTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-permissions.js";
import { runLibeufinApiPermissionsTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-permissions.js";
import { runLibeufinApiSandboxCamtTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-sandbox-camt.js";
import { runLibeufinApiSandboxCamtTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-sandbox-camt.js";
import { runLibeufinApiSandboxTransactionsTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-sandbox-transactions.js";
import { runLibeufinApiSandboxTransactionsTest } from "./test-libeufin-api-sandbox-transactions.js";
@ -58,64 +58,58 @@ import { runLibeufinC5xTest } from "./test-libeufin-c5x.js";
import { runLibeufinAnastasisFacadeTest } from "./test-libeufin-facade-anastasis.js";
import { runLibeufinAnastasisFacadeTest } from "./test-libeufin-facade-anastasis.js";
import { runLibeufinKeyrotationTest } from "./test-libeufin-keyrotation.js";
import { runLibeufinKeyrotationTest } from "./test-libeufin-keyrotation.js";
import { runLibeufinNexusBalanceTest } from "./test-libeufin-nexus-balance.js";
import { runLibeufinNexusBalanceTest } from "./test-libeufin-nexus-balance.js";
import { runLibeufinRefundTest } from "./test-libeufin-refund.js";
import { runLibeufinRefundMultipleUsersTest } from "./test-libeufin-refund-multiple-users.js";
import { runLibeufinRefundMultipleUsersTest } from "./test-libeufin-refund-multiple-users.js";
import { runLibeufinRefundTest } from "./test-libeufin-refund.js";
import { runLibeufinSandboxWireTransferCliTest } from "./test-libeufin-sandbox-wire-transfer-cli.js";
import { runLibeufinSandboxWireTransferCliTest } from "./test-libeufin-sandbox-wire-transfer-cli.js";
import { runLibeufinTutorialTest } from "./test-libeufin-tutorial.js";
import { runLibeufinTutorialTest } from "./test-libeufin-tutorial.js";
import { runMerchantExchangeConfusionTest } from "./test-merchant-exchange-confusion.js";
import { runMerchantExchangeConfusionTest } from "./test-merchant-exchange-confusion.js";
import { runMerchantInstancesTest } from "./test-merchant-instances.js";
import { runMerchantInstancesDeleteTest } from "./test-merchant-instances-delete.js";
import { runMerchantInstancesDeleteTest } from "./test-merchant-instances-delete.js";
import { runMerchantInstancesUrlsTest } from "./test-merchant-instances-urls.js";
import { runMerchantInstancesUrlsTest } from "./test-merchant-instances-urls.js";
import { runMerchantInstancesTest } from "./test-merchant-instances.js";
import { runMerchantLongpollingTest } from "./test-merchant-longpolling.js";
import { runMerchantLongpollingTest } from "./test-merchant-longpolling.js";
import { runMerchantRefundApiTest } from "./test-merchant-refund-api.js";
import { runMerchantRefundApiTest } from "./test-merchant-refund-api.js";
import { runMerchantSpecPublicOrdersTest } from "./test-merchant-spec-public-orders.js";
import { runMerchantSpecPublicOrdersTest } from "./test-merchant-spec-public-orders.js";
import { runPayPaidTest } from "./test-pay-paid.js";
import { runPayPaidTest } from "./test-pay-paid.js";
import { runPaymentTest } from "./test-payment.js";
import { runPaymentAbortTest } from "./test-payment-abort.js";
import { runPaymentClaimTest } from "./test-payment-claim.js";
import { runPaymentClaimTest } from "./test-payment-claim.js";
import { runPaymentExpiredTest } from "./test-payment-expired.js";
import { runPaymentFaultTest } from "./test-payment-fault.js";
import { runPaymentFaultTest } from "./test-payment-fault.js";
import { runPaymentForgettableTest } from "./test-payment-forgettable.js";
import { runPaymentForgettableTest } from "./test-payment-forgettable.js";
import { runPaymentIdempotencyTest } from "./test-payment-idempotency.js";
import { runPaymentIdempotencyTest } from "./test-payment-idempotency.js";
import { runPaymentMultipleTest } from "./test-payment-multiple.js";
import { runPaymentMultipleTest } from "./test-payment-multiple.js";
import { runPaymentShareTest } from "./test-payment-share.js";
import { runPaymentTemplateTest } from "./test-payment-template.js";
import { runPaymentTransientTest } from "./test-payment-transient.js";
import { runPaymentTransientTest } from "./test-payment-transient.js";
import { runPaymentZeroTest } from "./test-payment-zero.js";
import { runPaymentZeroTest } from "./test-payment-zero.js";
import { runPaymentTest } from "./test-payment.js";
import { runPaywallFlowTest } from "./test-paywall-flow.js";
import { runPaywallFlowTest } from "./test-paywall-flow.js";
import { runPeerRepairTest } from "./test-peer-repair.js";
import { runPeerToPeerPullTest } from "./test-peer-to-peer-pull.js";
import { runPeerToPeerPullTest } from "./test-peer-to-peer-pull.js";
import { runPeerToPeerPushTest } from "./test-peer-to-peer-push.js";
import { runPeerToPeerPushTest } from "./test-peer-to-peer-push.js";
import { runRefundTest } from "./test-refund.js";
import { runRefundAutoTest } from "./test-refund-auto.js";
import { runRefundAutoTest } from "./test-refund-auto.js";
import { runRefundGoneTest } from "./test-refund-gone.js";
import { runRefundGoneTest } from "./test-refund-gone.js";
import { runRefundIncrementalTest } from "./test-refund-incremental.js";
import { runRefundIncrementalTest } from "./test-refund-incremental.js";
import { runRefundTest } from "./test-refund.js";
import { runRevocationTest } from "./test-revocation.js";
import { runRevocationTest } from "./test-revocation.js";
import { runSimplePaymentTest } from "./test-simple-payment.js";
import { runStoredBackupsTest } from "./test-stored-backups.js";
import { runTimetravelAutorefreshTest } from "./test-timetravel-autorefresh.js";
import { runTimetravelAutorefreshTest } from "./test-timetravel-autorefresh.js";
import { runTimetravelWithdrawTest } from "./test-timetravel-withdraw.js";
import { runTimetravelWithdrawTest } from "./test-timetravel-withdraw.js";
import { runTippingTest } from "./test-tipping.js";
import { runTippingTest } from "./test-tipping.js";
import { runTermOfServiceFormatTest } from "./test-tos-format.js";
import { runWalletBackupBasicTest } from "./test-wallet-backup-basic.js";
import { runWalletBackupBasicTest } from "./test-wallet-backup-basic.js";
import { runWalletBackupDoublespendTest } from "./test-wallet-backup-doublespend.js";
import { runWalletBackupDoublespendTest } from "./test-wallet-backup-doublespend.js";
import { runWalletBalanceTest } from "./test-wallet-balance.js";
import { runWalletCryptoWorkerTest } from "./test-wallet-cryptoworker.js";
import { runWalletDblessTest } from "./test-wallet-dbless.js";
import { runWalletDblessTest } from "./test-wallet-dbless.js";
import { runWalletNotificationsTest } from "./test-wallet-notifications.js";
import { runWallettestingTest } from "./test-wallettesting.js";
import { runWallettestingTest } from "./test-wallettesting.js";
import { runWithdrawalAbortBankTest } from "./test-withdrawal-abort-bank.js";
import { runWithdrawalAbortBankTest } from "./test-withdrawal-abort-bank.js";
import { runWithdrawalBankIntegratedTest } from "./test-withdrawal-bank-integrated.js";
import { runWithdrawalBankIntegratedTest } from "./test-withdrawal-bank-integrated.js";
import { runWithdrawalFakebankTest } from "./test-withdrawal-fakebank.js";
import { runWithdrawalFakebankTest } from "./test-withdrawal-fakebank.js";
import { runWithdrawalManualTest } from "./test-withdrawal-manual.js";
import { runAgeRestrictionsPeerTest } from "./test-age-restrictions-peer.js";
import { runWalletNotificationsTest } from "./test-wallet-notifications.js";
import { runAgeRestrictionsMixedMerchantTest } from "./test-age-restrictions-mixed-merchant.js";
import { runWalletCryptoWorkerTest } from "./test-wallet-cryptoworker.js";
import { runWithdrawalHugeTest } from "./test-withdrawal-huge.js";
import { runKycTest } from "./test-kyc.js";
import { runPaymentAbortTest } from "./test-payment-abort.js";
import { runWithdrawalFeesTest } from "./test-withdrawal-fees.js";
import { runWithdrawalFeesTest } from "./test-withdrawal-fees.js";
import { runWalletBalanceTest } from "./test-wallet-balance.js";
import { runWithdrawalHugeTest } from "./test-withdrawal-huge.js";
import { runPaymentTemplateTest } from "./test-payment-template.js";
import { runWithdrawalManualTest } from "./test-withdrawal-manual.js";
import { runExchangeDepositTest } from "./test-exchange-deposit.js";
import { runPeerRepairTest } from "./test-peer-repair.js";
import { runPaymentShareTest } from "./test-payment-share.js";
import { runSimplePaymentTest } from "./test-simple-payment.js";
import { runTermOfServiceFormatTest } from "./test-tos-format.js";
import { runExchangePurseTest } from "./test-exchange-purse.js";
import { getSharedTestDir } from "../harness/helpers.js";
import { runStoredBackupsTest } from "./test-stored-backups.js";
import { runPaymentExpiredTest } from "./test-payment-expired.js";
* Test runner.
* Test runner.
@ -128,7 +122,6 @@ const logger = new Logger("testrunner.ts");
interface TestMainFunction {
interface TestMainFunction {
(t: GlobalTestState): Promise<void>;
(t: GlobalTestState): Promise<void>;
timeoutMs?: number;
timeoutMs?: number;
excludeByDefault?: boolean;
experimental?: boolean;
experimental?: boolean;
suites?: string[];
suites?: string[];
@ -232,7 +225,6 @@ export interface TestRunSpec {
export interface TestInfo {
export interface TestInfo {
name: string;
name: string;
suites: string[];
suites: string[];
excludeByDefault: boolean;
experimental: boolean;
experimental: boolean;
@ -337,19 +329,16 @@ export async function runTests(spec: TestRunSpec) {
if (testCase.experimental && !spec.includeExperimental) {
if (suites) {
if (suites) {
const ts = new Set(testCase.suites ?? []);
const ts = new Set(testCase.suites ?? []);
const intersection = new Set([...suites].filter((x) => ts.has(x)));
const intersection = new Set([...suites].filter((x) => ts.has(x)));
if (intersection.size === 0) {
if (intersection.size === 0) {
} else {
if (testCase.excludeByDefault) {
if (testCase.experimental && !spec.includeExperimental) {
if (spec.dryRun) {
if (spec.dryRun) {
@ -525,7 +514,6 @@ export function getTestInfo(): TestInfo[] {
return allTests.map((x) => ({
return allTests.map((x) => ({
name: getTestName(x),
name: getTestName(x),
suites: x.suites ?? [],
suites: x.suites ?? [],
excludeByDefault: x.excludeByDefault ?? false,
experimental: x.experimental ?? false,
experimental: x.experimental ?? false,