62 lines
1.7 KiB
62 lines
1.7 KiB
![]() |
require! {
'../library/fn/promise': Promise
'./config': {list, experimental, libraryBlacklist, es5SpecialCase, banner}
fs: {readFile, writeFile, unlink}
path: {join}
webpack, temp
module.exports = ({modules = [], blacklist = [], library = no, umd = on})->
resolve, reject <~! new Promise _
let @ = modules.reduce ((memo, it)-> memo[it] = on; memo), {}
if @exp => for experimental => @[..] = on
if @es5 => for es5SpecialCase => @[..] = on
for ns of @
if @[ns]
for name in list
if name.indexOf("#ns.") is 0 and name not in experimental
@[name] = on
if library => blacklist ++= libraryBlacklist
for ns in blacklist
for name in list
if name is ns or name.indexOf("#ns.") is 0
@[name] = no
TARGET = temp.path {suffix: '.js'}
err, info <~! webpack do
entry: list.filter(~> @[it]).map ~>
if library => join __dirname, '..', 'library', 'modules', it
else join __dirname, '..', 'modules', it
path: ''
filename: TARGET
if err => return reject err
err, script <~! readFile TARGET
if err => return reject err
err <~! unlink TARGET
if err => return reject err
if umd
exportScript = """
// CommonJS export
if(typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports)module.exports = __e;
// RequireJS export
else if(typeof define == 'function' && define.amd)define(function(){return __e});
// Export to global object
else __g.core = __e;
exportScript = ""
resolve """
!function(__e, __g, undefined){
'use strict';
}(1, 1);