2018-09-20 02:56:13 +02:00
'use strict' ;
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
2018-09-20 02:56:13 +02:00
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
2018-09-20 02:56:13 +02:00
var _createClass = function ( ) { function defineProperties ( target , props ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < props . length ; i ++ ) { var descriptor = props [ i ] ; descriptor . enumerable = descriptor . enumerable || false ; descriptor . configurable = true ; if ( "value" in descriptor ) descriptor . writable = true ; Object . defineProperty ( target , descriptor . key , descriptor ) ; } } return function ( Constructor , protoProps , staticProps ) { if ( protoProps ) defineProperties ( Constructor . prototype , protoProps ) ; if ( staticProps ) defineProperties ( Constructor , staticProps ) ; return Constructor ; } ; } ( ) ; / * e s l i n t - d i s a b l e
no - param - reassign
* /
var _crypto = require ( 'crypto' ) ;
var _crypto2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _crypto ) ;
var _path = require ( 'path' ) ;
var _path2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _path ) ;
var _sourceMap = require ( 'source-map' ) ;
var _webpackSources = require ( 'webpack-sources' ) ;
var _RequestShortener = require ( 'webpack/lib/RequestShortener' ) ;
var _RequestShortener2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _RequestShortener ) ;
var _ModuleFilenameHelpers = require ( 'webpack/lib/ModuleFilenameHelpers' ) ;
var _ModuleFilenameHelpers2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _ModuleFilenameHelpers ) ;
var _schemaUtils = require ( 'schema-utils' ) ;
var _schemaUtils2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _schemaUtils ) ;
var _options = require ( './options.json' ) ;
var _options2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _options ) ;
var _Runner = require ( './uglify/Runner' ) ;
var _Runner2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _Runner ) ;
function _interopRequireDefault ( obj ) { return obj && obj . _ _esModule ? obj : { default : obj } ; }
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
function _classCallCheck ( instance , Constructor ) { if ( ! ( instance instanceof Constructor ) ) { throw new TypeError ( "Cannot call a class as a function" ) ; } }
2018-09-20 02:56:13 +02:00
var warningRegex = /\[.+:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/ ;
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
var UglifyJsPlugin = function ( ) {
2018-09-20 02:56:13 +02:00
function UglifyJsPlugin ( ) {
var options = arguments . length > 0 && arguments [ 0 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 0 ] : { } ;
_classCallCheck ( this , UglifyJsPlugin ) ;
( 0 , _schemaUtils2 . default ) ( _options2 . default , options , 'UglifyJs Plugin' ) ;
var minify = options . minify ,
_options$uglifyOption = options . uglifyOptions ,
uglifyOptions = _options$uglifyOption === undefined ? { } : _options$uglifyOption ,
_options$test = options . test ,
test = _options$test === undefined ? /\.js(\?.*)?$/i : _options$test ,
_options$warningsFilt = options . warningsFilter ,
warningsFilter = _options$warningsFilt === undefined ? function ( ) {
return true ;
} : _options$warningsFilt ,
_options$extractComme = options . extractComments ,
extractComments = _options$extractComme === undefined ? false : _options$extractComme ,
_options$sourceMap = options . sourceMap ,
sourceMap = _options$sourceMap === undefined ? false : _options$sourceMap ,
_options$cache = options . cache ,
cache = _options$cache === undefined ? false : _options$cache ,
_options$cacheKeys = options . cacheKeys ,
cacheKeys = _options$cacheKeys === undefined ? function ( defaultCacheKeys ) {
return defaultCacheKeys ;
} : _options$cacheKeys ,
_options$parallel = options . parallel ,
parallel = _options$parallel === undefined ? false : _options$parallel ,
include = options . include ,
exclude = options . exclude ;
this . options = {
test ,
warningsFilter ,
extractComments ,
sourceMap ,
cache ,
cacheKeys ,
parallel ,
include ,
exclude ,
minify ,
uglifyOptions : Object . assign ( {
compress : {
inline : 1
} ,
output : {
comments : extractComments ? false : /^\**!|@preserve|@license|@cc_on/
} , uglifyOptions )
} ;
_createClass ( UglifyJsPlugin , [ {
key : 'apply' ,
value : function apply ( compiler ) {
var _this = this ;
var buildModuleFn = function buildModuleFn ( moduleArg ) {
// to get detailed location info about errors
moduleArg . useSourceMap = true ;
} ;
var optimizeFn = function optimizeFn ( compilation , chunks , callback ) {
var runner = new _Runner2 . default ( {
cache : _this . options . cache ,
parallel : _this . options . parallel
} ) ;
var uglifiedAssets = new WeakSet ( ) ;
var tasks = [ ] ;
chunks . reduce ( function ( acc , chunk ) {
return acc . concat ( chunk . files || [ ] ) ;
} , [ ] ) . concat ( compilation . additionalChunkAssets || [ ] ) . filter ( _ModuleFilenameHelpers2 . default . matchObject . bind ( null , _this . options ) ) . forEach ( function ( file ) {
var inputSourceMap = void 0 ;
var asset = compilation . assets [ file ] ;
if ( uglifiedAssets . has ( asset ) ) {
return ;
try {
var input = void 0 ;
if ( _this . options . sourceMap && asset . sourceAndMap ) {
var _asset$sourceAndMap = asset . sourceAndMap ( ) ,
source = _asset$sourceAndMap . source ,
map = _asset$sourceAndMap . map ;
input = source ;
if ( UglifyJsPlugin . isSourceMap ( map ) ) {
inputSourceMap = map ;
} else {
inputSourceMap = map ;
compilation . warnings . push ( new Error ( ` ${ file } contains invalid source map ` ) ) ;
} else {
input = asset . source ( ) ;
inputSourceMap = null ;
// Handling comment extraction
var commentsFile = false ;
if ( _this . options . extractComments ) {
commentsFile = _this . options . extractComments . filename || ` ${ file } .LICENSE ` ;
if ( typeof commentsFile === 'function' ) {
commentsFile = commentsFile ( file ) ;
var task = {
file ,
input ,
inputSourceMap ,
commentsFile ,
extractComments : _this . options . extractComments ,
uglifyOptions : _this . options . uglifyOptions ,
minify : _this . options . minify
} ;
if ( _this . options . cache ) {
var defaultCacheKeys = {
// eslint-disable-next-line global-require
'uglify-es' : require ( 'uglify-es/package.json' ) . version ,
// eslint-disable-next-line global-require
'uglifyjs-webpack-plugin' : require ( '../package.json' ) . version ,
'uglifyjs-webpack-plugin-options' : _this . options ,
path : compiler . outputPath ? ` ${ compiler . outputPath } / ${ file } ` : file ,
hash : _crypto2 . default . createHash ( 'md4' ) . update ( input ) . digest ( 'hex' )
} ;
task . cacheKeys = _this . options . cacheKeys ( defaultCacheKeys , file ) ;
tasks . push ( task ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
compilation . errors . push ( UglifyJsPlugin . buildError ( error , file , UglifyJsPlugin . buildSourceMap ( inputSourceMap ) , new _RequestShortener2 . default ( compiler . context ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
runner . runTasks ( tasks , function ( tasksError , results ) {
if ( tasksError ) {
compilation . errors . push ( tasksError ) ;
return ;
results . forEach ( function ( data , index ) {
var _tasks$index = tasks [ index ] ,
file = _tasks$index . file ,
input = _tasks$index . input ,
inputSourceMap = _tasks$index . inputSourceMap ,
commentsFile = _tasks$index . commentsFile ;
var error = data . error ,
map = data . map ,
code = data . code ,
warnings = data . warnings ,
extractedComments = data . extractedComments ;
var sourceMap = null ;
if ( error || warnings && warnings . length > 0 ) {
sourceMap = UglifyJsPlugin . buildSourceMap ( inputSourceMap ) ;
// Handling results
// Error case: add errors, and go to next file
if ( error ) {
compilation . errors . push ( UglifyJsPlugin . buildError ( error , file , sourceMap , new _RequestShortener2 . default ( compiler . context ) ) ) ;
return ;
var outputSource = void 0 ;
if ( map ) {
outputSource = new _webpackSources . SourceMapSource ( code , file , JSON . parse ( map ) , input , inputSourceMap ) ;
} else {
outputSource = new _webpackSources . RawSource ( code ) ;
// Write extracted comments to commentsFile
if ( commentsFile && extractedComments . length > 0 ) {
// Add a banner to the original file
if ( _this . options . extractComments . banner !== false ) {
var banner = _this . options . extractComments . banner || ` For license information please see ${ _path2 . default . posix . basename ( commentsFile ) } ` ;
if ( typeof banner === 'function' ) {
banner = banner ( commentsFile ) ;
if ( banner ) {
outputSource = new _webpackSources . ConcatSource ( ` /*! ${ banner } */ \n ` , outputSource ) ;
var commentsSource = new _webpackSources . RawSource ( ` ${ extractedComments . join ( '\n\n' ) } \n ` ) ;
if ( commentsFile in compilation . assets ) {
// commentsFile already exists, append new comments...
if ( compilation . assets [ commentsFile ] instanceof _webpackSources . ConcatSource ) {
compilation . assets [ commentsFile ] . add ( '\n' ) ;
compilation . assets [ commentsFile ] . add ( commentsSource ) ;
} else {
compilation . assets [ commentsFile ] = new _webpackSources . ConcatSource ( compilation . assets [ commentsFile ] , '\n' , commentsSource ) ;
} else {
compilation . assets [ commentsFile ] = commentsSource ;
// Updating assets
uglifiedAssets . add ( compilation . assets [ file ] = outputSource ) ;
// Handling warnings
if ( warnings && warnings . length > 0 ) {
warnings . forEach ( function ( warning ) {
var builtWarning = UglifyJsPlugin . buildWarning ( warning , file , sourceMap , _this . options . warningsFilter , new _RequestShortener2 . default ( compiler . context ) ) ;
if ( builtWarning ) {
compilation . warnings . push ( builtWarning ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
runner . exit ( ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
/* istanbul ignore if */
if ( compiler . hooks ) {
var plugin = { name : 'UglifyJSPlugin' } ;
compiler . hooks . compilation . tap ( plugin , function ( compilation ) {
if ( _this . options . sourceMap ) {
compilation . hooks . buildModule . tap ( plugin , buildModuleFn ) ;
compilation . hooks . optimizeChunkAssets . tapAsync ( plugin , optimizeFn . bind ( _this , compilation ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
compiler . plugin ( 'compilation' , function ( compilation ) {
if ( _this . options . sourceMap ) {
compilation . plugin ( 'build-module' , buildModuleFn ) ;
compilation . plugin ( 'optimize-chunk-assets' , optimizeFn . bind ( _this , compilation ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ] , [ {
key : 'isSourceMap' ,
value : function isSourceMap ( input ) {
// All required options for `new SourceMapConsumer(...options)`
// https://github.com/mozilla/source-map#new-sourcemapconsumerrawsourcemap
return Boolean ( input && input . version && input . sources && Array . isArray ( input . sources ) && typeof input . mappings === 'string' ) ;
} , {
key : 'buildSourceMap' ,
value : function buildSourceMap ( inputSourceMap ) {
if ( ! inputSourceMap || ! UglifyJsPlugin . isSourceMap ( inputSourceMap ) ) {
return null ;
return new _sourceMap . SourceMapConsumer ( inputSourceMap ) ;
} , {
key : 'buildError' ,
value : function buildError ( err , file , sourceMap , requestShortener ) {
// Handling error which should have line, col, filename and message
if ( err . line ) {
var original = sourceMap && sourceMap . originalPositionFor ( {
line : err . line ,
column : err . col
} ) ;
if ( original && original . source && requestShortener ) {
return new Error ( ` ${ file } from UglifyJs \n ${ err . message } [ ${ requestShortener . shorten ( original . source ) } : ${ original . line } , ${ original . column } ][ ${ file } : ${ err . line } , ${ err . col } ] ` ) ;
return new Error ( ` ${ file } from UglifyJs \n ${ err . message } [ ${ file } : ${ err . line } , ${ err . col } ] ` ) ;
} else if ( err . stack ) {
return new Error ( ` ${ file } from UglifyJs \n ${ err . stack } ` ) ;
return new Error ( ` ${ file } from UglifyJs \n ${ err . message } ` ) ;
} , {
key : 'buildWarning' ,
value : function buildWarning ( warning , file , sourceMap , warningsFilter , requestShortener ) {
if ( ! file || ! sourceMap ) {
return ` UglifyJs Plugin: ${ warning } ` ;
var warningMessage = warning ;
var match = warningRegex . exec ( warning ) ;
if ( match ) {
var line = + match [ 1 ] ;
var column = + match [ 2 ] ;
var original = sourceMap . originalPositionFor ( {
line ,
} ) ;
if ( warningsFilter && ! warningsFilter ( original . source ) ) {
return null ;
if ( original && original . source && original . source !== file && requestShortener ) {
warningMessage = ` ${ warningMessage . replace ( warningRegex , '' ) } [ ${ requestShortener . shorten ( original . source ) } : ${ original . line } , ${ original . column } ] ` ;
return ` UglifyJs Plugin: ${ warningMessage } in ${ file } ` ;
} ] ) ;
return UglifyJsPlugin ;
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
} ( ) ;
2018-09-20 02:56:13 +02:00
exports . default = UglifyJsPlugin ;