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"use strict";
* @license
* Copyright 2013 Palantir Technologies, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
// tslint:disable deprecation
// (https://github.com/palantir/tslint/pull/2598)
var ts = require("typescript");
var Lint = require("../index");
var Rule = (function (_super) {
tslib_1.__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
/* tslint:enable:object-literal-sort-keys */
Rule.FAILURE_STRING_FACTORY = function (name) {
return "Shadowed variable: '" + name + "'";
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
return this.applyWithWalker(new NoShadowedVariableWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions()));
return Rule;
/* tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys */
Rule.metadata = {
ruleName: "no-shadowed-variable",
description: "Disallows shadowing variable declarations.",
rationale: "Shadowing a variable masks access to it and obscures to what value an identifier actually refers.",
optionsDescription: "Not configurable.",
options: null,
optionExamples: [true],
type: "functionality",
typescriptOnly: false,
exports.Rule = Rule;
var NoShadowedVariableWalker = (function (_super) {
tslib_1.__extends(NoShadowedVariableWalker, _super);
function NoShadowedVariableWalker() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.createScope = function () {
return new Set();
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.createBlockScope = function () {
return new Set();
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.visitBindingElement = function (node) {
var isSingleVariable = node.name.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier;
if (isSingleVariable) {
var name = node.name;
var variableDeclaration = Lint.getBindingElementVariableDeclaration(node);
var isBlockScopedVariable = variableDeclaration !== null && Lint.isBlockScopedVariable(variableDeclaration);
this.handleSingleVariableIdentifier(name, isBlockScopedVariable);
_super.prototype.visitBindingElement.call(this, node);
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.visitCatchClause = function (node) {
// don't visit the catch clause variable declaration, just visit the block
// the catch clause variable declaration has its own special scoping rules
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.visitCallSignature = function (_node) {
// don't call super, we don't need to check parameter names in call signatures
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.visitFunctionType = function (_node) {
// don't call super, we don't need to check names in function types
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.visitConstructorType = function (_node) {
// don't call super, we don't need to check names in constructor types
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.visitIndexSignatureDeclaration = function (_node) {
// don't call super, we don't want to walk index signatures
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.visitMethodSignature = function (_node) {
// don't call super, we don't want to walk method signatures either
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.visitParameterDeclaration = function (node) {
var isSingleParameter = node.name.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier;
if (isSingleParameter) {
this.handleSingleVariableIdentifier(node.name, false);
_super.prototype.visitParameterDeclaration.call(this, node);
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.visitTypeLiteral = function (_node) {
// don't call super, we don't want to walk the inside of type nodes
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.visitVariableDeclaration = function (node) {
var isSingleVariable = node.name.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier;
if (isSingleVariable) {
this.handleSingleVariableIdentifier(node.name, Lint.isBlockScopedVariable(node));
_super.prototype.visitVariableDeclaration.call(this, node);
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.handleSingleVariableIdentifier = function (variableIdentifier, isBlockScoped) {
var variableName = variableIdentifier.text;
if (this.isVarInCurrentScope(variableName) && !this.inCurrentBlockScope(variableName)) {
// shadowing if there's already a `var` of the same name in the scope AND
// it's not in the current block (handled by the 'no-duplicate-variable' rule)
else if (this.inPreviousBlockScope(variableName)) {
// shadowing if there is a `var`, `let`, 'const`, or parameter in a previous block scope
if (!isBlockScoped) {
// `var` variables go on the scope
// all variables go on block scope, including `var`
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.isVarInCurrentScope = function (varName) {
return this.getCurrentScope().has(varName);
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.inCurrentBlockScope = function (varName) {
return this.getCurrentBlockScope().has(varName);
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.inPreviousBlockScope = function (varName) {
var _this = this;
return this.getAllBlockScopes().some(function (scopeInfo) {
return scopeInfo !== _this.getCurrentBlockScope() && scopeInfo.has(varName);
NoShadowedVariableWalker.prototype.addFailureOnIdentifier = function (ident) {
var failureString = Rule.FAILURE_STRING_FACTORY(ident.text);
this.addFailureAtNode(ident, failureString);
return NoShadowedVariableWalker;