2017-05-28 00:38:50 +02:00
"use strict" ;
/ * *
* @ license
* Copyright 2013 Palantir Technologies , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
var tslib _1 = require ( "tslib" ) ;
// tslint:disable object-literal-sort-keys
var utils = require ( "tsutils" ) ;
var ts = require ( "typescript" ) ;
var Lint = require ( "../index" ) ;
var OPTION _BRANCH = "check-branch" ;
var OPTION _DECL = "check-decl" ;
var OPTION _OPERATOR = "check-operator" ;
var OPTION _MODULE = "check-module" ;
var OPTION _SEPARATOR = "check-separator" ;
var OPTION _TYPE = "check-type" ;
var OPTION _TYPECAST = "check-typecast" ;
var OPTION _PREBLOCK = "check-preblock" ;
var Rule = ( function ( _super ) {
tslib _1 . _ _extends ( Rule , _super ) ;
function Rule ( ) {
return _super !== null && _super . apply ( this , arguments ) || this ;
Rule . prototype . apply = function ( sourceFile ) {
return this . applyWithFunction ( sourceFile , walk , parseOptions ( this . ruleArguments ) ) ;
} ;
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
Rule . metadata = {
ruleName : "whitespace" ,
description : "Enforces whitespace style conventions." ,
rationale : "Helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase." ,
optionsDescription : ( _a = [ "\n Eight arguments may be optionally provided:\n\n * `\"check-branch\"` checks branching statements (`if`/`else`/`for`/`while`) are followed by whitespace.\n * `\"check-decl\"`checks that variable declarations have whitespace around the equals token.\n * `\"check-operator\"` checks for whitespace around operator tokens.\n * `\"check-module\"` checks for whitespace in import & export statements.\n * `\"check-separator\"` checks for whitespace after separator tokens (`,`/`;`).\n * `\"check-type\"` checks for whitespace before a variable type specification.\n * `\"check-typecast\"` checks for whitespace between a typecast and its target.\n * `\"check-preblock\"` checks for whitespace before the opening brace of a block" ] , _a . raw = [ "\n Eight arguments may be optionally provided:\n\n * \\`\"check-branch\"\\` checks branching statements (\\`if\\`/\\`else\\`/\\`for\\`/\\`while\\`) are followed by whitespace.\n * \\`\"check-decl\"\\`checks that variable declarations have whitespace around the equals token.\n * \\`\"check-operator\"\\` checks for whitespace around operator tokens.\n * \\`\"check-module\"\\` checks for whitespace in import & export statements.\n * \\`\"check-separator\"\\` checks for whitespace after separator tokens (\\`,\\`/\\`;\\`).\n * \\`\"check-type\"\\` checks for whitespace before a variable type specification.\n * \\`\"check-typecast\"\\` checks for whitespace between a typecast and its target.\n * \\`\"check-preblock\"\\` checks for whitespace before the opening brace of a block" ] , Lint . Utils . dedent ( _a ) ) ,
options : {
type : "array" ,
items : {
type : "string" ,
enum : [ "check-branch" , "check-decl" , "check-operator" , "check-module" ,
"check-separator" , "check-type" , "check-typecast" , "check-preblock" ] ,
} ,
minLength : 0 ,
maxLength : 7 ,
} ,
optionExamples : [ [ true , "check-branch" , "check-operator" , "check-typecast" ] ] ,
type : "style" ,
typescriptOnly : false ,
} ;
Rule . FAILURE _STRING = "missing whitespace" ;
2017-05-28 00:38:50 +02:00
return Rule ;
} ( Lint . Rules . AbstractRule ) ) ;
exports . Rule = Rule ;
function parseOptions ( ruleArguments ) {
return {
branch : has ( OPTION _BRANCH ) ,
decl : has ( OPTION _DECL ) ,
operator : has ( OPTION _OPERATOR ) ,
module : has ( OPTION _MODULE ) ,
separator : has ( OPTION _SEPARATOR ) ,
type : has ( OPTION _TYPE ) ,
typecast : has ( OPTION _TYPECAST ) ,
preblock : has ( OPTION _PREBLOCK ) ,
} ;
function has ( option ) {
return ruleArguments . indexOf ( option ) !== - 1 ;
function walk ( ctx ) {
var sourceFile = ctx . sourceFile , options = ctx . options ;
ts . forEachChild ( sourceFile , function cb ( node ) {
switch ( node . kind ) {
case ts . SyntaxKind . ArrowFunction :
checkEqualsGreaterThanTokenInNode ( node ) ;
break ;
// check for spaces between the operator symbol (except in the case of comma statements)
case ts . SyntaxKind . BinaryExpression : {
var _a = node , left = _a . left , operatorToken = _a . operatorToken , right = _a . right ;
if ( options . operator && operatorToken . kind !== ts . SyntaxKind . CommaToken ) {
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( left . getEnd ( ) ) ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( right . getFullStart ( ) ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . Block :
if ( options . preblock ) {
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( node . getFullStart ( ) ) ;
break ;
// check for spaces between ternary operator symbols
case ts . SyntaxKind . ConditionalExpression :
if ( options . operator ) {
var _b = node , condition = _b . condition , whenTrue = _b . whenTrue ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( condition . getEnd ( ) ) ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( whenTrue . getFullStart ( ) ) ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( whenTrue . getEnd ( ) ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . ConstructorType :
checkEqualsGreaterThanTokenInNode ( node ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . ExportAssignment :
if ( options . module ) {
var exportKeyword = node . getChildAt ( 0 ) ;
var position = exportKeyword . getEnd ( ) ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( position ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . FunctionType :
checkEqualsGreaterThanTokenInNode ( node ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . ImportDeclaration : {
var importClause = node . importClause ;
if ( options . module && importClause !== undefined ) {
// an import clause can have _both_ named bindings and a name (the latter for the default import)
// but the named bindings always come last, so we only need to check that for whitespace
var position = void 0 ;
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
var namedBindings _1 = importClause . namedBindings ;
if ( namedBindings _1 !== undefined ) {
if ( namedBindings _1 . kind !== ts . SyntaxKind . NamespaceImport ) {
namedBindings _1 . elements . forEach ( function ( element , idx , arr ) {
var internalName = element . name ;
if ( internalName !== undefined ) {
if ( idx === arr . length - 1 ) {
var token = namedBindings _1 . getLastToken ( ) ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( token . getFullStart ( ) ) ;
if ( idx === 0 ) {
var startPos = internalName . getStart ( ) - 1 ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( startPos , startPos + 1 ) ;
} ) ;
position = namedBindings _1 . getEnd ( ) ;
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2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
else if ( importClause . name !== undefined ) {
position = importClause . name . getEnd ( ) ;
2017-05-28 00:38:50 +02:00
if ( position !== undefined ) {
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( position ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . ImportEqualsDeclaration :
if ( options . module ) {
var position = node . name . getEnd ( ) ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( position ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . TypeAssertionExpression :
if ( options . typecast ) {
var position = node . expression . getFullStart ( ) ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( position ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . VariableDeclaration :
var _c = node , name = _c . name , type = _c . type , initializer = _c . initializer ;
if ( options . decl && initializer !== undefined ) {
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( ( type !== undefined ? type : name ) . getEnd ( ) ) ;
ts . forEachChild ( node , cb ) ;
} ) ;
var prevTokenShouldBeFollowedByWhitespace = false ;
utils . forEachTokenWithTrivia ( sourceFile , function ( _text , tokenKind , range , parent ) {
if ( tokenKind === ts . SyntaxKind . WhitespaceTrivia ||
tokenKind === ts . SyntaxKind . NewLineTrivia ||
tokenKind === ts . SyntaxKind . EndOfFileToken ) {
prevTokenShouldBeFollowedByWhitespace = false ;
return ;
else if ( prevTokenShouldBeFollowedByWhitespace ) {
addMissingWhitespaceErrorAt ( range . pos ) ;
prevTokenShouldBeFollowedByWhitespace = false ;
// check for trailing space after the given tokens
switch ( tokenKind ) {
case ts . SyntaxKind . CatchKeyword :
case ts . SyntaxKind . ForKeyword :
case ts . SyntaxKind . IfKeyword :
case ts . SyntaxKind . SwitchKeyword :
case ts . SyntaxKind . WhileKeyword :
case ts . SyntaxKind . WithKeyword :
if ( options . branch ) {
prevTokenShouldBeFollowedByWhitespace = true ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . CommaToken :
case ts . SyntaxKind . SemicolonToken :
if ( options . separator ) {
prevTokenShouldBeFollowedByWhitespace = true ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . EqualsToken :
if ( options . decl && parent . kind !== ts . SyntaxKind . JsxAttribute ) {
prevTokenShouldBeFollowedByWhitespace = true ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . ColonToken :
if ( options . type ) {
prevTokenShouldBeFollowedByWhitespace = true ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . ImportKeyword :
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
if ( parent . kind === ts . SyntaxKind . CallExpression &&
parent . expression . kind === ts . SyntaxKind . ImportKeyword ) {
return ; // Don't check ImportCall
// falls through
2017-05-28 00:38:50 +02:00
case ts . SyntaxKind . ExportKeyword :
case ts . SyntaxKind . FromKeyword :
if ( options . typecast ) {
prevTokenShouldBeFollowedByWhitespace = true ;
} ) ;
function checkEqualsGreaterThanTokenInNode ( node ) {
if ( ! options . operator ) {
return ;
var equalsGreaterThanToken = Lint . childOfKind ( node , ts . SyntaxKind . EqualsGreaterThanToken ) ;
// condition so we don't crash if the arrow is somehow missing
if ( equalsGreaterThanToken === undefined ) {
return ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( equalsGreaterThanToken . getFullStart ( ) ) ;
checkForTrailingWhitespace ( equalsGreaterThanToken . getEnd ( ) ) ;
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function checkForTrailingWhitespace ( position , whiteSpacePos ) {
if ( whiteSpacePos === void 0 ) { whiteSpacePos = position ; }
if ( position !== sourceFile . end && ! Lint . isWhiteSpace ( sourceFile . text . charCodeAt ( position ) ) ) {
addMissingWhitespaceErrorAt ( whiteSpacePos ) ;
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function addMissingWhitespaceErrorAt ( position ) {
// TODO: this rule occasionally adds duplicate failures.
if ( ctx . failures . some ( function ( f ) { return f . getStartPosition ( ) . getPosition ( ) === position ; } ) ) {
return ;
var fix = Lint . Replacement . appendText ( position , " " ) ;
ctx . addFailureAt ( position , 1 , Rule . FAILURE _STRING , fix ) ;
var _a ;