descriptionDetails:Lint.Utils.dedent(templateObject_1||(templateObject_1=tslib_1.__makeTemplateObject(["\n In other words, the use of forms such as `var module = require(\"module\")` are banned.\n Instead use ES2015-style imports or `import foo = require('foo')` imports."],["\n In other words, the use of forms such as \\`var module = require(\"module\")\\` are banned.\n Instead use ES2015-style imports or \\`import foo = require('foo')\\` imports."]))),
rationale:Lint.Utils.dedent(templateObject_2||(templateObject_2=tslib_1.__makeTemplateObject(["\n AMD-style `require([])` and CommonJS-style `require(\"\")` statements are environment-specific\n and more difficult to statically analyze.\n\n ES2015-style `import`s are part of the JavaScript language specfication and recommended as the path going forward.\n TypeScript will compile them to environment-specific forms as needed.\n "],["\n AMD-style \\`require([])\\` and CommonJS-style \\`require(\"\")\\` statements are environment-specific\n and more difficult to statically analyze.\n\n ES2015-style \\`import\\`s are part of the JavaScript language specfication and recommended as the path going forward.\n TypeScript will compile them to environment-specific forms as needed.\n "]))),