rationale:Lint.Utils.dedent(templateObject_1||(templateObject_1=tslib_1.__makeTemplateObject(["\n Using non-null assertion cancels the benefits of the strict null checking mode.\n\n Instead of assuming objects exist:\n\n ```\n function foo(instance: MyClass | undefined) {\n instance!.doWork();\n }\n ```\n\n Either inform the strict type system that the object must exist:\n\n ```\n function foo(instance: MyClass) {\n instance.doWork();\n }\n ```\n\n Or verify that the instance exists, which will inform the type checker:\n\n ```\n function foo(instance: MyClass | undefined) {\n if (instance !== undefined) {\n instance.doWork();\n }\n }\n ```\n "],["\n Using non-null assertion cancels the benefits of the strict null checking mode.\n\n Instead of assuming objects exist:\n\n \\`\\`\\`\n function foo(instance: MyClass | undefined) {\n instance!.doWork();\n }\n \\`\\`\\`\n\n Either inform the strict type system that the object must exist:\n\n \\`\\`\\`\n function foo(instance: MyClass) {\n instance.doWork();\n }\n \\`\\`\\`\n\n Or verify that the instance exists, which will inform the type checker:\n\n \\`\\`\\`\n function foo(instance: MyClass | undefined) {\n if (instance !== undefined) {\n instance.doWork();\n }\n }\n \\`\\`\\`\n "]))),