Some webserver modules such as nginx `gzip_static` looks for `example.html.gz`, serve it if it exists, else the original `example.html` will be served.
For instance, if `example.html` was 2kb, it would be gzipped and `example.html.gz` was created.
However, if later `example.html` is modified to content less than the threshold, gulp-gzip will only bypass it. Hence, you will end up with a new `example.html` yet old `example.html.gz`. Your webserver will continue to serve old content (`example.html.gz`).
Using this option, gulp-gzip will remove `example.html.gz`.
It takes in the same argument as `gulp.dest` as in `gulp.dest('mydest')`, so it knows where to look for the gzipped files. Defaults to `undefined`.
gzip({ threshold: 1024, deleteMode: 'mydest' })
If you have `cwd` as in `gulp.dest('mydest', { cwd: mycwd })`. You can configure it using `deleteModeCwd`.
Some files actually get larger after compression. If true, this option passes along the original, uncompressed file if compression increases the file size. Defaults to false.