Say you wrote a command line tool that runs arbitrary javascript (e.g. task runner, test framework, etc). For the sake of discussion, let's pretend it's a testing harness you've named `testify`.
Everything is going splendidly until one day you decide to test some code that relies on a feature behind a v8 flag in node (`--harmony`, for example). Without much thought, you run `testify --harmony spec tests.js`.
It doesn't work. After digging around for a bit, you realize this produces a [`process.argv`]( of:
Respawns the script itself when *argv* has special flag contained in *flags* and/or *forcedFlags* is not empty. Because members of *flags* and *forcedFlags* are passed to `node` command, each of them needs to be a node flag or a V8 flag.
#### Forbid respawning
If `--no-respawning` flag is given in *argv*, this function does not respawned even if *argv* contains members of flags or *forcedFlags* is not empty. (This flag is also used internally to prevent from respawning more than once).
*callback* function is called both when respawned or not, and it can be distinguished by callback's argument: *ready*. (*ready* indicates whether a process spawned its child process (false) or not (true), but it does not indicate whether a process is a spawned child process or not. *ready* for a spawned child process is true.)
*argv* is an array of command line arguments which is respawned (when *ready* is false) or is passed current process except flags within *flags* and `--no-respawning` (when *ready* is true).