descriptionDetails:"Unhandled Promises can cause unexpected behavior, such as resolving at unexpected times.",
optionsDescription:Lint.Utils.dedent(templateObject_1||(templateObject_1=tslib_1.__makeTemplateObject(["\n A list of 'string' names of any additional classes that should also be handled as Promises.\n "],["\n A list of \\'string\\' names of any additional classes that should also be handled as Promises.\n "]))),
rationale:Lint.Utils.dedent(templateObject_2||(templateObject_2=tslib_1.__makeTemplateObject(["\n Creating a Promise and not storing or returning it may let other code run independently of its result.\n This can cause unexpected and/or non-deterministic behavior depending on external timing factors.\n\n It's typically better to return Promises from functions that start them, then handle them in calling code.\n\n Use `no-unused-expression` in addition to this rule to reveal even more floating promises.\n "],["\n Creating a Promise and not storing or returning it may let other code run independently of its result.\n This can cause unexpected and/or non-deterministic behavior depending on external timing factors.\n\n It's typically better to return Promises from functions that start them, then handle them in calling code.\n\n Use \\`no-unused-expression\\` in addition to this rule to reveal even more floating promises.\n "]))),