- Fix wrong `chmod` values in `fs.remove()` [#501](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/501)
- Fix `TypeError` on systems that don't have some `fs` operations like `lchown` [#520](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/520)
4.0.2 / 2017-09-12
- Added `EOL` option to `writeJson*`&`outputJson*` (via upgrade to jsonfile v4)
- Added promise support to [`fs.copyFile()`](https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_copyfile_src_dest_flags_callback) in Node 8.5+
- Added `.js` extension to `main` field in `package.json` for better tooling compatibility. [#485](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/485)
- Previously, `ensureFile()`&`ensureFileSync()` would do nothing if the path was a directory. Now, they error out for consistency with `ensureDir()`. [#465](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/465), [#466](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/466), [#470](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/470)
4.0.0 / 2017-07-14
### Changed
- **BREAKING:** The promisified versions of `fs.read()`&`fs.write()` now return objects. See [the docs](docs/fs-read-write.md) for details. [#436](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/436), [#449](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/449)
-`fs.move()` now errors out when destination is a subdirectory of source. [#458](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/458)
- Applied upstream fixes from `rimraf` to `fs.remove()`&`fs.removeSync()`. [#459](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/459)
### Fixed
- Got `fs.outputJSONSync()` working again; it was broken due to refactoring. [#428](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/428)
- Fix bug in `move()`&`moveSync()` when source and destination are the same, and source does not exist. [#415](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/415)
3.0.0 / 2017-04-27
### Added
- **BREAKING:** Added Promise support. All asynchronous native fs methods and fs-extra methods now return a promise if the callback is not passed. [#403](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/403)
-`pathExists()`, a replacement for the deprecated `fs.exists`. `pathExists` has a normal error-first callback signature. Also added `pathExistsSync`, an alias to `fs.existsSync`, for completeness. [#406](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/406)
### Removed
- **BREAKING:** Removed support for setting the default spaces for `writeJson()`, `writeJsonSync()`, `outputJson()`, &`outputJsonSync()`. This was undocumented. [#402](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/402)
### Changed
- Upgraded jsonfile dependency to v3.0.0:
- **BREAKING:** Changed behavior of `throws` option for `readJsonSync()`; now does not throw filesystem errors when `throws` is `false`.
- **BREAKING:** `writeJson()`, `writeJsonSync()`, `outputJson()`, &`outputJsonSync()` now output minified JSON by default for consistency with `JSON.stringify()`; set the `spaces` option to `2` to override this new behavior. [#402](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/402)
- Use `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` instead of `new Buffer()` in environments that support it. [#394](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/394)
### Fixed
-`removeSync()` silently failed on Windows in some cases. Now throws an `EBUSY` error. [#408](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/408)
2.1.2 / 2017-03-16
### Fixed
- Weird windows bug that resulted in `ensureDir()`'s callback being called twice in some cases. This bug may have also affected `remove()`. See [#392](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/392), [#393](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/393)
2.1.1 / 2017-03-15
### Fixed
- Reverted [`5597bd`](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/commit/5597bd5b67f7d060f5f5bf26e9635be48330f5d7), this broke compatibility with Node.js versions v4+ but less than `v4.5.0`.
- Remove `Buffer.alloc()` usage in `moveSync()`.
2.1.0 / 2017-03-15
Thanks to [Mani Maghsoudlou (@manidlou)](https://github.com/manidlou) & [Jan Peer Stöcklmair (@JPeer264)](https://github.com/JPeer264) for their extraordinary help with this release!
### Added
-`moveSync()` See [#309], [#381](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/381). ([@manidlou](https://github.com/manidlou))
-`copy()` and `copySync()`'s `filter` option now gets the destination path passed as the second parameter. [#366](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/366) ([@manidlou](https://github.com/manidlou))
### Changed
- Use `Buffer.alloc()` instead of deprecated `new Buffer()` in `copySync()`. [#380](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/380) ([@manidlou](https://github.com/manidlou))
- Refactored entire codebase to use ES6 features supported by Node.js v4+ [#355](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/355). [(@JPeer264)](https://github.com/JPeer264)
-`move()` shouldn't error out when source and dest are the same. [#377](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/377), [#378](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/378) ([@jdalton](https://github.com/jdalton))
2.0.0 / 2017-01-16
### Removed
- **BREAKING:** Removed support for Node `v0.12`. The Node foundation stopped officially supporting it
on Jan 1st, 2017.
- **BREAKING:** Remove `walk()` and `walkSync()`. `walkSync()` was only part of `fs-extra` for a little
over two months. Use [klaw](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-klaw) instead of `walk()`, in fact, `walk()` was just
an alias to klaw. For `walkSync()` use [klaw-sync](https://github.com/mawni/node-klaw-sync). See: [#338], [#339]
### Changed
- **BREAKING:** Renamed `clobber` to `overwrite`. This affects `copy()`, `copySync()`, and `move()`. [#330], [#333]
- Moved docs, to `docs/`. [#340]
### Fixed
- Apply filters to directories in `copySync()` like in `copy()`. [#324]
- A specific condition when disk is under heavy use, `copy()` can fail. [#326]
1.0.0 / 2016-11-01
After five years of development, we finally have reach the 1.0.0 milestone! Big thanks goes
to [Ryan Zim](https://github.com/RyanZim) for leading the charge on this release!
### Added
### Changed
- **BREAKING**: dropped Node v0.10 support.
- disabled `rimaf` globbing, wasn't used. [#280]
- deprecate `copy()/copySync()` option `filter` if it's a `RegExp`. `filter` should now be a function.
- inline `rimraf`. This is temporary and was done because `rimraf` depended upon the beefy `glob` which `fs-extra` does not use. [#300]
### Fixed
- bug fix proper closing of file handle on `utimesMillis()` [#271]
- proper escaping of files with dollar signs [#291]
-`copySync()` failed if user didn't own file. [#199], [#301]
0.30.0 / 2016-04-28
- Brought back Node v0.10 support. I didn't realize there was still demand. Official support will end **2016-10-01**.
0.29.0 / 2016-04-27
- **BREAKING**: removed support for Node v0.10. If you still want to use Node v0.10, everything should work except for `ensureLink()/ensureSymlink()`. Node v0.12 is still supported but will be dropped in the near future as well.
0.28.0 / 2016-04-17
- **BREAKING**: removed `createOutputStream()`. Use https://www.npmjs.com/package/create-output-stream. See: [#192][#192]
-`mkdirs()/mkdirsSync()` check for invalid win32 path chars. See: [#209][#209], [#237][#237]
-`mkdirs()/mkdirsSync()` if drive not mounted, error. See: [#93][#93]
0.27.0 / 2016-04-15
- add `dereference` option to `copySync()`. [#235][#235]
0.26.7 / 2016-03-16
- fixed `copy()` if source and dest are the same. [#230][#230]
0.26.6 / 2016-03-15
- fixed if `emptyDir()` does not have a callback: [#229][#229]
0.26.5 / 2016-01-27
-`copy()` with two arguments (w/o callback) was broken. See: [#215][#215]
0.26.4 / 2016-01-05
-`copySync()` made `preserveTimestamps` default consistent with `copy()` which is `false`. See: [#208][#208]
- fixed `outputJson{Sync}()` spacing adherence to `fs.spaces`
0.26.1 / 2015-11-02
- fixed `copySync()` when `clogger=true` and the destination is read only. See: [#190][#190]
0.26.0 / 2015-10-25
- extracted the `walk()` function into its own module [`klaw`](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-klaw).
0.25.0 / 2015-10-24
- now has a file walker `walk()`
0.24.0 / 2015-08-28
- removed alias `delete()` and `deleteSync()`. See: [#171][#171]
0.23.1 / 2015-08-07
- Better handling of errors for `move()` when moving across devices. [#170][#170]
-`ensureSymlink()` and `ensureLink()` should not throw errors if link exists. [#169][#169]
0.23.0 / 2015-08-06
- added `ensureLink{Sync}()` and `ensureSymlink{Sync}()`. See: [#165][#165]
0.22.1 / 2015-07-09
- Prevent calling `hasMillisResSync()` on module load. See: [#149][#149].
Fixes regression that was introduced in `0.21.0`.
0.22.0 / 2015-07-09
- preserve permissions / ownership in `copy()`. See: [#54][#54]
0.21.0 / 2015-07-04
- add option to preserve timestamps in `copy()` and `copySync()`. See: [#141][#141]
- updated `graceful-fs@3.x` to `4.x`. This brings in features from `amazing-graceful-fs` (much cleaner code / less hacks)
0.20.1 / 2015-06-23
- fixed regression caused by latest jsonfile update: See: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-jsonfile/issues/26
0.20.0 / 2015-06-19
- removed `jsonfile` aliases with `File` in the name, they weren't documented and probably weren't in use e.g.
this package had both `fs.readJsonFile` and `fs.readJson` that were aliases to each other, now use `fs.readJson`.
- preliminary walker created. Intentionally not documented. If you use it, it will almost certainly change and break your code.
- started moving tests inline
- upgraded to `jsonfile@2.1.0`, can now pass JSON revivers/replacers to `readJson()`, `writeJson()`, `outputJson()`
0.19.0 / 2015-06-08
-`fs.copy()` had support for Node v0.8, dropped support
0.18.4 / 2015-05-22
- fixed license field according to this: [#136][#136] and https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v2.10.0
0.18.3 / 2015-05-08
- bugfix: handle `EEXIST` when clobbering on some Linux systems. [#134][#134]
0.18.2 / 2015-04-17
- bugfix: allow `F_OK` ([#120][#120])
0.18.1 / 2015-04-15
- improved windows support for `move()` a bit. https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/commit/92838980f25dc2ee4ec46b43ee14d3c4a1d30c1b
- fixed a lot of tests for Windows (appveyor)
0.18.0 / 2015-03-31
- added `emptyDir()` and `emptyDirSync()`
0.17.0 / 2015-03-28
-`copySync` added `clobber` option (before always would clobber, now if `clobber` is `false` it throws an error if the destination exists).
**Only works with files at the moment.**
-`createOutputStream()` added. See: [#118][#118]
0.16.5 / 2015-03-08
- fixed `fs.move` when `clobber` is `true` and destination is a directory, it should clobber. [#114][#114]
0.16.4 / 2015-03-01
-`fs.mkdirs` fix infinite loop on Windows. See: See https://github.com/substack/node-mkdirp/pull/74 and https://github.com/substack/node-mkdirp/issues/66
- changed `copy`/`copySync` from `fs.copy(src, dest, [filters], callback)` to `fs.copy(src, dest, [options], callback)` [#100][#100]
- removed mockfs tests for mkdirp (this may be temporary, but was getting in the way of other tests)
0.13.0 / 2014-12-10
- removed `touch` and `touchSync` methods (they didn't handle permissions like UNIX touch)
- updated `"ncp": "^0.6.0"` to `"ncp": "^1.0.1"`
- imported `mkdirp` => `minimist` and `mkdirp` are no longer dependences, should now appease people who wanted `mkdirp` to be `--use_strict` safe. See [#59]([#59][#59])
[#313]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/313 "Test that remove() ignores glob characters."
[#312]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/312 "Enhance walkSync() to return items with path and stats [feature-walk]"
[#311]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/311 "move() not work when dest name not provided [feature-move]"
[#310]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/310 "Edit walkSync to return items like what walk emits [documentation, enhancement, feature-walk]"
[#309]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/309 "moveSync support [enhancement, feature-move]"
[#291]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/291 "Escape '$' in replacement string for async file copying"
[#290]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/290 "Exclude files pattern while copying using copy.config.js [question]"
[#289]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/289 "(Closes #271) lib/util/utimes: properly close file descriptors in the event of an error"
[#288]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/288 "(Closes #271) lib/util/utimes: properly close file descriptors in the event of an error"
[#287]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/287 "emptyDir() callback arguments are inconsistent [enhancement, feature-remove]"
[#285]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/285 "CITGM test failing on s390"
[#284]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/284 "outputFile method is missing a check to determine if existing item is a folder or not"
[#283]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/283 "Apply filter also on directories and symlinks for copySync()"
[#282]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/282 "Apply filter also on directories and symlinks for copySync()"
[#281]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/281 "remove function executes 'successfully' but doesn't do anything?"
[#265]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/265 "Link the `fs.stat fs.exists` etc. methods for replace the `fs` module forever?"
[#264]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/264 "Renaming a file using move fails when a file inside is open (at least on windows) [wont-fix]"
[#263]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/263 "ENOSYS: function not implemented, link [needs-confirmed]"
[#262]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/262 "Add .exists() and .existsSync()"
[#261]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/261 "Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined"
[#260]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/260 "use more specific path for method require"
[#215]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/215 "fse.copy throws error when only src and dest provided [bug, documentation, feature-copy]"
[#191]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/191 "How to copy symlinks to target as normal folders [feature-copy]"
[#190]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/190 "copySync to overwrite destination file if readonly and clobber true"
[#189]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/189 "move.test fix to support CRLF on Windows"
[#188]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/188 "move.test failing on windows platform"
[#187]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/187 "Not filter each file, stops on first false [feature-copy]"
[#186]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/186 "Do you need a .size() function in this module? [future]"
[#185]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/185 "Doesn't work on NodeJS v4.x"
[#184]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/184 "CLI equivalent for fs-extra"
[#183]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/183 "with clobber true, copy and copySync behave differently if destination file is read only [bug, feature-copy]"
[#182]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/182 "ensureDir(dir, callback) second callback parameter not specified"
[#181]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/181 "Add ability to remove file securely [enhancement, wont-fix]"
[#180]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/180 "Filter option doesn't work the same way in copy and copySync [bug, feature-copy]"
[#127]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/127 "consider using fs.access to remove deprecated warnings for fs.exists"
[#126]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/126 " TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'access'"
[#125]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/125 "Question: What do the *Sync function do different from non-sync"
[#124]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/124 "move with clobber option 'ENOTEMPTY'"
[#123]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/123 "Only copy the content of a directory"
[#122]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/pull/122 "Update section links in README to match current section ids."
[#121]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/121 "emptyDir is undefined"
[#120]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/120 "usage bug caused by shallow cloning methods of 'graceful-fs'"
[#119]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/119 "mkdirs and ensureDir never invoke callback and consume CPU indefinitely if provided a path with invalid characters on Windows"
[#93]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/93 "Confusing error if drive not mounted [enhancement]"
[#92]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/92 "Problems with Bluebird"
[#91]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/91 "fs.copySync('/test', '/haha') is different with 'cp -r /test /haha' [enhancement]"
[#90]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/90 "Folder creation and file copy is Happening in 64 bit machine but not in 32 bit machine"
[#89]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/89 "Error: EEXIST using fs-extra's fs.copy to copy a directory on Windows"
[#88]: https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/88 "Stacking those libraries"