2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
/// <reference path="../decl/urijs/URIjs.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../decl/chrome/chrome.d.ts" />
'use strict';
const DB_NAME = "taler";
const DB_VERSION = 1;
* Return a promise that resolves
* to the taler wallet db.
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
function openTalerDb(): Promise<IDBDatabase> {
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let req = indexedDB.open(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION);
req.onerror = (e) => {
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
req.onsuccess = (e) => {
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
req.onupgradeneeded = (e) => {
let db = req.result;
console.log ("DB: upgrade needed: oldVersion = " + e.oldVersion);
switch (e.oldVersion) {
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
case 0: // DB does not exist yet
db.createObjectStore("mints", { keyPath: "baseUrl" });
db.createObjectStore("reserves", { keyPath: "reserve_pub"});
2015-12-16 08:01:43 +01:00
db.createObjectStore("denoms", { keyPath: "denomPub" });
2015-12-16 05:53:55 +01:00
db.createObjectStore("coins", { keyPath: "coinPub" });
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
db.createObjectStore("withdrawals", { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true });
db.createObjectStore("transactions", { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true });
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
db.createObjectStore("precoins", { keyPath: "coinPub", autoIncrement: true });
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
function canonicalizeBaseUrl(url) {
let x = new URI(url);
if (!x.protocol()) {
x.path(x.path() + "/").normalizePath();
return x.href()
function confirmReserve(db, detail, sendResponse) {
console.log('detail: ' + JSON.stringify(detail));
let reservePriv = EddsaPrivateKey.create();
let reservePub = reservePriv.getPublicKey();
let form = new FormData();
let now = (new Date()).toString();
form.append(detail.field_amount, detail.amount_str);
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
form.append(detail.field_reserve_pub, reservePub.toCrock());
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
form.append(detail.field_mint, detail.mint);
// XXX: set bank-specified fields.
let myRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
console.log("making request to " + detail.post_url);
myRequest.open('post', detail.post_url);
let mintBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(detail.mint);
myRequest.addEventListener('readystatechange', (e) => {
if (myRequest.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
// TODO: extract as interface
let resp = {
status: myRequest.status,
text: myRequest.responseText,
success: undefined,
backlink: undefined
let reserveRecord = {
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
reserve_pub: reservePub.toCrock(),
reserve_priv: reservePriv.toCrock(),
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
mint_base_url: mintBaseUrl,
created: now,
last_query: null,
current_amount: null,
// XXX: set to actual amount
initial_amount: null
// XXX: insert into db.
switch (myRequest.status) {
case 200:
resp.success = true;
// We can't show the page directly, so
// we show some generic page from the wallet.
resp.backlink = chrome.extension.getURL("pages/reserve-success.html");
let tx = db.transaction(['reserves'], 'readwrite');
tx.addEventListener('complete', (e) => {
console.log('tx complete, pk was ' + reserveRecord.reserve_pub);
var mint;
updateMintFromUrl(db, reserveRecord.mint_base_url)
.then((m) => { mint = m; return updateReserve(db, reservePub, mint); })
.then((reserve) => depleteReserve(db, reserve, mint));
resp.success = false;
// Allow async response
return true;
function copy(o) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));
2015-12-14 11:26:55 +01:00
function rankDenom(denom1: any, denom2: any) {
// Slow ... we should find a better way than to convert it evert time.
let v1 = new Amount(denom1.value);
let v2 = new Amount(denom2.value);
return (-1) * v1.cmp(v2);
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
2015-12-16 08:01:43 +01:00
interface AmountJson {
value: number;
fraction: number;
currency: string;
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
2015-12-16 08:01:43 +01:00
interface Denomination {
value: AmountJson;
denomPub: string;
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
interface PreCoin {
coinPub: string;
coinPriv: string;
reservePub: string;
denomPub: string;
blindingKey: string;
withdrawSig: string;
coinEv: string;
interface Coin {
coinPub: string;
coinPriv: string;
reservePub: string;
denomPub: string;
denomSig: string;
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
function withdrawPrepare(db: IDBDatabase, denom, reserve): Promise<PreCoin> {
console.log("in withdraw prepare");
let reservePriv = new EddsaPrivateKey();
console.log("loading reserve priv", reserve.reserve_priv);
console.log("reserve priv is", reservePriv.toCrock());
let reservePub = new EddsaPublicKey();
let denomPub = RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(denom.denom_pub);
let coinPriv = EddsaPrivateKey.create();
let coinPub = coinPriv.getPublicKey();
let blindingFactor = RsaBlindingKey.create(1024);
let pubHash: HashCode = coinPub.hash();
console.log("about to blind");
let ev: ByteArray = rsaBlind(pubHash, blindingFactor, denomPub);
if (!denom.fee_withdraw) {
throw Error("Field fee_withdraw missing");
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
let amountWithFee = new Amount(denom.value);
amountWithFee.add(new Amount(denom.fee_withdraw));
let withdrawFee = new Amount(denom.fee_withdraw);
// Signature
2015-12-16 10:45:16 +01:00
let withdrawRequest = new WithdrawRequestPS({
reserve_pub: reservePub,
amount_with_fee: amountWithFee.toNbo(),
withdraw_fee: withdrawFee.toNbo(),
h_denomination_pub: denomPub.encode().hash(),
h_coin_envelope: ev.hash()
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
console.log("about to sign");
var sig = eddsaSign(withdrawRequest.toPurpose(), reservePriv);
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
console.log("crypto done, doing request");
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
let preCoin: PreCoin = {
reservePub: reservePub.toCrock(),
blindingKey: blindingFactor.toCrock(),
coinPub: coinPub.toCrock(),
coinPriv: coinPriv.toCrock(),
denomPub: denomPub.encode().toCrock(),
withdrawSig: sig.toCrock(),
coinEv: ev.toCrock()
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
console.log("storing precoin", JSON.stringify(preCoin));
let tx = db.transaction(['precoins'], 'readwrite');
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
tx.oncomplete = (e) => {
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
function dbGet(db, store: string, key: any): Promise<any> {
let tx = db.transaction([store]);
let req = tx.objectStore(store).get(key);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
req.onsuccess = (e) => resolve(req.result);
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
function withdrawExecute(db, pc: PreCoin): Promise<Coin> {
return dbGet(db, 'reserves', pc.reservePub)
.then((r) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log("loading precoin", JSON.stringify(pc));
let wd: any = {};
wd.denom_pub = pc.denomPub;
wd.reserve_pub = pc.reservePub;
wd.reserve_sig = pc.withdrawSig;
wd.coin_ev = pc.coinEv;
let reqUrl = URI("reserve/withdraw").absoluteTo(r.mint_base_url);
let myRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
console.log("making request to " + reqUrl.href());
myRequest.open('post', reqUrl.href());
myRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
myRequest.addEventListener('readystatechange', (e) => {
if (myRequest.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
if (myRequest.status != 200) {
console.log("Withdrawal failed, status ", myRequest.status);
console.log("Withdrawal successful");
let resp = JSON.parse(myRequest.responseText);
//let denomSig = rsaUnblind(RsaSignature.fromCrock(resp.coin_ev),
// RsaBlindingKey.fromCrock(pc.blindingKey),
// RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(pc.denomPub));
let coin: Coin = {
coinPub: pc.coinPub,
coinPriv: pc.coinPriv,
denomPub: pc.denomPub,
reservePub: pc.reservePub,
denomSig: "foo" //denomSig.encode().toCrock()
console.log("unblinded coin");
} else {
console.log("ready state change to", myRequest.status);
2015-12-16 05:53:55 +01:00
function updateBadge(db) {
let tx = db.transaction(['coins'], 'readwrite');
let req = tx.objectStore('coins').openCursor();
let n = 0;
req.onsuccess = (e) => {
let cursor = req.result;
if (cursor) {
} else {
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: ""+n});
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({color: "#0F0"});
function storeCoin(db, coin: Coin) {
let tx = db.transaction(['coins', 'precoins'], 'readwrite');
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
tx.oncomplete = (e) => {
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
function withdraw(db, denom, reserve): Promise<void> {
return withdrawPrepare(db, denom, reserve)
.then((pc) => withdrawExecute(db, pc))
.then((c) => storeCoin(db, c));
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
* Withdraw coins from a reserve until it is empty.
function depleteReserve(db, reserve, mint) {
let denoms = copy(mint.keys.denoms);
let remaining = new Amount(reserve.current_amount);
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
let workList = [];
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
let found = false;
for (let d of denoms) {
2015-12-14 11:26:55 +01:00
let cost = new Amount(d.value);
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
cost.add(new Amount(d.fee_withdraw));
if (remaining.cmp(cost) < 0) {
found = true;
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
if (!found) {
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
// Do the request one by one.
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
function next(): void {
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
if (workList.length == 0) {
console.log("doing work");
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
let d = workList.pop();
withdraw(db, d, reserve)
.then(() => next());
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
2015-12-14 11:26:55 +01:00
function updateReserve(db, reservePub: EddsaPublicKey, mint) {
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
let reserve;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let tx = db.transaction(['reserves']);
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
tx.objectStore('reserves').get(reservePub.toCrock()).onsuccess = (e) => {
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
let reserve = e.target.result;
let reqUrl = URI("reserve/status").absoluteTo(mint.baseUrl);
2015-12-14 16:54:47 +01:00
reqUrl.query({'reserve_pub': reservePub.toCrock()});
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
let myRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
console.log("making request to " + reqUrl.href());
myRequest.open('get', reqUrl.href());
myRequest.addEventListener('readystatechange', (e) => {
if (myRequest.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
if (myRequest.status != 200) {
let reserveInfo = JSON.parse(myRequest.responseText);
console.log("got response " + JSON.stringify(reserveInfo));
reserve.current_amount = reserveInfo.balance;
let tx = db.transaction(['reserves'], 'readwrite');
console.log("putting updated reserve " + JSON.stringify(reserve));
tx.oncomplete = (e) => {
* Update or add mint DB entry by fetching the /keys information.
* Optionally link the reserve entry to the new or existing
* mint entry in then DB.
function updateMintFromUrl(db, baseUrl) {
console.log("base url is " + baseUrl);
let reqUrl = URI("keys").absoluteTo(baseUrl);
let myRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
myRequest.open('get', reqUrl.href());
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
myRequest.addEventListener('readystatechange', (e) => {
console.log("state change to " + myRequest.readyState);
if (myRequest.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
if (myRequest.status == 200) {
console.log("got /keys");
let mintKeysJson = JSON.parse(myRequest.responseText);
if (!mintKeysJson) {
console.log("keys invalid");
} else {
let mint = {
baseUrl: baseUrl,
keys: mintKeysJson
2015-12-16 08:01:43 +01:00
let tx = db.transaction(['mints', 'denoms'], 'readwrite');
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
2015-12-16 08:01:43 +01:00
for (let d of mintKeysJson.denoms) {
// TODO: verify and complete
let di = {
denomPub: d.denom_pub,
value: d.value
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
tx.oncomplete = (e) => {
} else {
console.log("/keys request failed with status " + myRequest.status);
// XXX: also write last error to DB to show in the UI
function dumpDb(db, detail, sendResponse) {
let dump = {
name: db.name,
version: db.version,
stores: {}
console.log("stores: " + JSON.stringify(db.objectStoreNames));
let tx = db.transaction(db.objectStoreNames);
tx.addEventListener('complete', (e) => {
for (let i = 0; i < db.objectStoreNames.length; i++) {
let name = db.objectStoreNames[i];
let storeDump = {};
dump.stores[name] = storeDump;
let store = tx.objectStore(name).openCursor().addEventListener('success', (e) => {
let cursor = e.target.result;
if (cursor) {
storeDump[cursor.key] = cursor.value;
return true;
2015-12-16 08:01:43 +01:00
// Just for debugging.
function reset(db, detail, sendResponse) {
let tx = db.transaction(db.objectStoreNames, 'readwrite');
for (let i = 0; i < db.objectStoreNames.length; i++) {
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: ""});
console.log("reset done");
return false;
function balances(db, detail, sendResponse) {
let byCurrency = {};
let tx = db.transaction(['coins', 'denoms']);
let req = tx.objectStore('coins').openCursor();
req.onsuccess = (e) => {
let cursor = req.result;
if (cursor) {
tx.objectStore('denoms').get(cursor.value.denomPub).onsuccess = (e2) => {
let d = e2.target.result;
console.log("got denom", JSON.stringify(d));
let acc = byCurrency[d.value.currency];
if (!acc) {
acc = new Amount(d.value);
console.log("initial:", JSON.stringify(acc.toJson()));
byCurrency[d.value.currency] = acc.toJson();
} else {
let am = new Amount(acc);
am.add(new Amount(d.value));
byCurrency[d.value.currency] = am.toJson();
console.log("then:", JSON.stringify(am.toJson()));
} else {
console.log("response", JSON.stringify(byCurrency));
return true;
2015-12-16 05:53:55 +01:00
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: ""});
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
openTalerDb().then((db) => {
console.log("db loaded");
function (req, sender, onresponse) {
let dispatch = {
"confirm-reserve": confirmReserve,
2015-12-16 08:01:43 +01:00
"dump-db": dumpDb,
"balances": balances,
"reset": reset
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00
2015-12-16 00:38:36 +01:00
if (req.type in dispatch) {
return dispatch[req.type](db, req.detail, onresponse);
console.error(format("Request type unknown, req {0}", JSON.stringify(req)));
return false;
2015-12-13 23:47:30 +01:00