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* Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
'use strict';
var _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');
var EventListener = require('fbjs/lib/EventListener');
var EventPropagators = require('./EventPropagators');
var ReactDOMComponentTree = require('./ReactDOMComponentTree');
var SyntheticAnimationEvent = require('./SyntheticAnimationEvent');
var SyntheticClipboardEvent = require('./SyntheticClipboardEvent');
var SyntheticEvent = require('./SyntheticEvent');
var SyntheticFocusEvent = require('./SyntheticFocusEvent');
var SyntheticKeyboardEvent = require('./SyntheticKeyboardEvent');
var SyntheticMouseEvent = require('./SyntheticMouseEvent');
var SyntheticDragEvent = require('./SyntheticDragEvent');
var SyntheticTouchEvent = require('./SyntheticTouchEvent');
var SyntheticTransitionEvent = require('./SyntheticTransitionEvent');
var SyntheticUIEvent = require('./SyntheticUIEvent');
var SyntheticWheelEvent = require('./SyntheticWheelEvent');
var emptyFunction = require('fbjs/lib/emptyFunction');
var getEventCharCode = require('./getEventCharCode');
var invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');
* Turns
* ['abort', ...]
* into
* eventTypes = {
* 'abort': {
* phasedRegistrationNames: {
* bubbled: 'onAbort',
* captured: 'onAbortCapture',
* },
* dependencies: ['topAbort'],
* },
* ...
* };
* topLevelEventsToDispatchConfig = {
* 'topAbort': { sameConfig }
* };
var eventTypes = {};
var topLevelEventsToDispatchConfig = {};
['abort', 'animationEnd', 'animationIteration', 'animationStart', 'blur', 'canPlay', 'canPlayThrough', 'click', 'contextMenu', 'copy', 'cut', 'doubleClick', 'drag', 'dragEnd', 'dragEnter', 'dragExit', 'dragLeave', 'dragOver', 'dragStart', 'drop', 'durationChange', 'emptied', 'encrypted', 'ended', 'error', 'focus', 'input', 'invalid', 'keyDown', 'keyPress', 'keyUp', 'load', 'loadedData', 'loadedMetadata', 'loadStart', 'mouseDown', 'mouseMove', 'mouseOut', 'mouseOver', 'mouseUp', 'paste', 'pause', 'play', 'playing', 'progress', 'rateChange', 'reset', 'scroll', 'seeked', 'seeking', 'stalled', 'submit', 'suspend', 'timeUpdate', 'touchCancel', 'touchEnd', 'touchMove', 'touchStart', 'transitionEnd', 'volumeChange', 'waiting', 'wheel'].forEach(function (event) {
var capitalizedEvent = event[0].toUpperCase() + event.slice(1);
var onEvent = 'on' + capitalizedEvent;
var topEvent = 'top' + capitalizedEvent;
var type = {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: onEvent,
captured: onEvent + 'Capture'
dependencies: [topEvent]
eventTypes[event] = type;
topLevelEventsToDispatchConfig[topEvent] = type;
var onClickListeners = {};
function getDictionaryKey(inst) {
// Prevents V8 performance issue:
// https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/7232
return '.' + inst._rootNodeID;
function isInteractive(tag) {
return tag === 'button' || tag === 'input' || tag === 'select' || tag === 'textarea';
var SimpleEventPlugin = {
eventTypes: eventTypes,
extractEvents: function (topLevelType, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) {
var dispatchConfig = topLevelEventsToDispatchConfig[topLevelType];
if (!dispatchConfig) {
return null;
var EventConstructor;
switch (topLevelType) {
case 'topAbort':
case 'topCanPlay':
case 'topCanPlayThrough':
case 'topDurationChange':
case 'topEmptied':
case 'topEncrypted':
case 'topEnded':
case 'topError':
case 'topInput':
case 'topInvalid':
case 'topLoad':
case 'topLoadedData':
case 'topLoadedMetadata':
case 'topLoadStart':
case 'topPause':
case 'topPlay':
case 'topPlaying':
case 'topProgress':
case 'topRateChange':
case 'topReset':
case 'topSeeked':
case 'topSeeking':
case 'topStalled':
case 'topSubmit':
case 'topSuspend':
case 'topTimeUpdate':
case 'topVolumeChange':
case 'topWaiting':
// HTML Events
// @see http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/index.html#events-0
EventConstructor = SyntheticEvent;
case 'topKeyPress':
// Firefox creates a keypress event for function keys too. This removes
// the unwanted keypress events. Enter is however both printable and
// non-printable. One would expect Tab to be as well (but it isn't).
if (getEventCharCode(nativeEvent) === 0) {
return null;
/* falls through */
case 'topKeyDown':
case 'topKeyUp':
EventConstructor = SyntheticKeyboardEvent;
case 'topBlur':
case 'topFocus':
EventConstructor = SyntheticFocusEvent;
case 'topClick':
// Firefox creates a click event on right mouse clicks. This removes the
// unwanted click events.
if (nativeEvent.button === 2) {
return null;
/* falls through */
case 'topDoubleClick':
case 'topMouseDown':
case 'topMouseMove':
case 'topMouseUp':
// TODO: Disabled elements should not respond to mouse events
/* falls through */
case 'topMouseOut':
case 'topMouseOver':
case 'topContextMenu':
EventConstructor = SyntheticMouseEvent;
case 'topDrag':
case 'topDragEnd':
case 'topDragEnter':
case 'topDragExit':
case 'topDragLeave':
case 'topDragOver':
case 'topDragStart':
case 'topDrop':
EventConstructor = SyntheticDragEvent;
case 'topTouchCancel':
case 'topTouchEnd':
case 'topTouchMove':
case 'topTouchStart':
EventConstructor = SyntheticTouchEvent;
case 'topAnimationEnd':
case 'topAnimationIteration':
case 'topAnimationStart':
EventConstructor = SyntheticAnimationEvent;
case 'topTransitionEnd':
EventConstructor = SyntheticTransitionEvent;
case 'topScroll':
EventConstructor = SyntheticUIEvent;
case 'topWheel':
EventConstructor = SyntheticWheelEvent;
case 'topCopy':
case 'topCut':
case 'topPaste':
EventConstructor = SyntheticClipboardEvent;
!EventConstructor ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'SimpleEventPlugin: Unhandled event type, `%s`.', topLevelType) : _prodInvariant('86', topLevelType) : void 0;
var event = EventConstructor.getPooled(dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);
return event;
didPutListener: function (inst, registrationName, listener) {
// Mobile Safari does not fire properly bubble click events on
// non-interactive elements, which means delegated click listeners do not
// fire. The workaround for this bug involves attaching an empty click
// listener on the target node.
// http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2010/09/click_event_del.html
if (registrationName === 'onClick' && !isInteractive(inst._tag)) {
var key = getDictionaryKey(inst);
var node = ReactDOMComponentTree.getNodeFromInstance(inst);
if (!onClickListeners[key]) {
onClickListeners[key] = EventListener.listen(node, 'click', emptyFunction);
willDeleteListener: function (inst, registrationName) {
if (registrationName === 'onClick' && !isInteractive(inst._tag)) {
var key = getDictionaryKey(inst);
delete onClickListeners[key];
module.exports = SimpleEventPlugin;