- [bugfix] [`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/) no longer shows errors on imports and exports (#3141)
- [bugfix] [`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/): fix false positive when calling a function or method where another overload is deprecated (#2883)
- [bugfix] [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/): fixed `"check-separator"` for trivial `for` cases. (#3132)
- [bugfix] [`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/) prevent spreading `this` as it is not allowed by the compiler (#3126)
- [bugfix] `msbuild` formatter uses backslashes in paths on Windows (#3145)
- [bugfix] [`no-namespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-namespace/) ignores global augmentation (#3161)
- [enhancement] remove superfluous empty lines on tslint output. (#3121)
- [enhancement] [`no-submodule-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-submodule-imports/) allows whitelisting of submodules like `@angular/core/testing` (#3129)
- [enhancement] custom lint rules will be resolved using node's path resolution to allow for loaders like `ts-node` (#3108)
- [enhancement] [`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/) no longer requires `"single"` or `"double"` to be the first option. The rule defaults to `"double"` if none is specified. (#3114)
- [enhancement] [`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) autofix removes trailing comments of imports (#3156)
- [enhancement] [`no-unnecessary-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-type-assertion/) allows certain necessary assertions to prevent type widening (#3120)
- [new-rule-option] [`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) let's you optionally ignore certain kinds of declarations (#3030)
- [bugfix] [`array-type`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/array-type/): consider `this` to be simple type (#2982)
- [bugfix] [`await-promise`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/await-promise/) accepts not only union types but also intersection types with Promise-like types (#2987)
- [bugfix] [`callable-types`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/callable-types/): don't remove export modifier of interfaces (#2962)
- [bugfix] [`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/): Only checks variables at the file-level. (#2950)
- [bugfix] [`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/): Uses correct visibility of variables. (#2950)
- [bugfix] [`no-floating-promises`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-floating-promises/): recognize rejection handler passed as second argument to `promise.then()` (#3048)
- [bugfix] [`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) don't warn for shadowed type parameter on static class members (#3030)
- [bugfix] [`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) fixed false positive with key name in index signature (#3030)
- [bugfix] [`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) fixed false positive with parameter inside function decorator (#3030)
- [bugfix] [`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): allow truthyness and falsyness checks (#3008)
- [bugfix] [`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) fixed crash when using destructuring (#3058)
- [bugfix] [`one-line`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/one-line/) correctly handles multiline type parameters (#3004)
- [bugfix] [`prefer-for-of`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-for-of/) fixed false positives when array is modified, e.g. `arr[i]++` (#3044)
- [bugfix] [`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/) adds parens when fixing arrow function return (#3026)
- [bugfix] [`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/) permit functions as first argument to Object.assign (#3098)
- [bugfix] [`space-before-function-paren`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/space-before-function-paren/) Handle default exports of functions without names like anonymous functions (fixes #3040) (#3053)
- [bugfix] Fixed an issue where, at runtime, the module `./test/parse` could not be located due after consumers had run `yarn clean` (#3072)
- [enhancement] [`no-switch-case-fall-through`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-switch-case-fall-through/) matches `// falls through` comments case insensitive and allows trailing text (#2983)
- [enhancement] [`ordered-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ordered-imports/): support importEqualsDeclaration (#3102)
- [enhancement] Added NaN and (+/-)Infinity as numbers to [`no-inferrable-types`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-inferrable-types/) (#2885)
- [enhancement] Improved CLI error message when no filenames are specified (#3066)
- [rule-change] [`prefer-conditional-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-conditional-expression/): ignore `if-else-if` by default. Use the new `"check-else-if"` option to check nested if statements (#2963)
Thanks to our contributors!
- Klaus Meinhardt
- Julian Verdurmen
- Alexandre Alonso
- Josh Goldberg
- ksvitkovsky
- Daisuke Yokomoto
- Andrii Dieiev
- Florent Suc
- Jason Killian
- Amin Pakseresht
- reduckted
- vilicvane
- Russell Briggs
- Andy Hanson
- Leo Liang
- Dan Homola
- BehindTheMath
- David Golightly
- aervin
- Daniel Kucal
- Ika
- Chris Barr
__Editor's note__: This release features an important bugfix for overlapping fixes when using `--project` and `--fix` (#2864).
- [bugfix] [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/) fix whitespace `"check-module"` to properly lint and fix errors (#2401) (#2825)
- [bugfix]: [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/): now correctly handles dynamic imports introduced in typescript@2.4.0 (#2924)
- [bugfix] [`switch-final-break`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/switch-final-break/): don't fail if break jumps to a label outside of the switch (#2914)
- [enhancement] Print stack trace of exceptions (#2890)
- [enhancement] Added allow-empty-catch option to [`no-empty`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-empty/) (#2886)
- [enhancement] [`prefer-const`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-const/): handle destructuring in for-of loop initializer as if `{"destructuring": "all"}` was specified (#2904)
- [enhancement] [`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/): added checks for other shadowing declarations, e.g. interfaces, classes, type parameters, imports, etc. (#2598)
- [rule-change] [`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) no longer fails for declarations in the same scope, e.g. `var foo; var foo;`. Use the rule [`no-duplicate-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-duplicate-variable/) to find such errors. (#2598)
Thanks to our contributors!
- Klaus Meinhardt
- Josh Goldberg
- Petr Kosikhin
- Pablo Núñez
- Benny Neugebauer
- Radon Rosborough
- reduckted
- Chris Barr
- Julian Verdurmen
## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes
- [bugfix] Fixed regression with empty `--out` file (#2867)
- [bugfix] [`unified-signatures`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unified-signatures/): Don't suggest to unify rest parameters. (#2874)
- [bugfix] [`binary-expression-operand-order`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/binary-expression-operand-order/): Allow if both sides of the binary expression are literals. (#2873)
- [bugfix] Restore compatibility with typescript@2.1 and 2.2 for [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/), [`space-before-function-paren`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/space-before-function-paren/) and [`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/) (#2893)
- [bugfix] Restored support for multiple `--exclude` options in the CLI (#2855)
- [bugfix] Restored support for `--version` CLI option (#2857)
## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes
- [bugfix] Fixed regression in `--exclude` CLI option when using `--project` (#2852)
## :star: Non-breaking API changes
-`--type-check` only checks for errors before linting is no longer required to enable rules that use the type checker. You only need to supply `--project` now.
- [new-rule-option] [`ban`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ban/) new options format: allows to specify an optional explanation message for function bans, banning nested methods and using a wildcard for object of a method ban (#2547)
- [new-rule-option] [`no-duplicate-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-duplicate-variable/) adds `check-parameters` option to check if variable has the same name as a parameter (#2597)
- [new-fixer] [`object-literal-shorthand`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-shorthand/) can fix longhand methods (#2558)
## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements
- [bugfix] [`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/) allows constructor, function and method calls and more as first argument to `Object.assign` (#2828)
- [bugfix] [`no-unbound-method`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unbound-method/) walker skips past the parent if it is a cast or parenthesized expression (#2838)
- [bugfix] [`object-literal-shorthand`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-shorthand/): fixed suggestion for generator functions (#2558)
- [bugfix] Fixed issue with case sensitivity of [`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) rule on Windows (#2819)
- [bugfix] don't crash `tslint --project` if `allowJs` is set in tsconfig.json (#2823)
- [bugfix] [`align`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/align/) with option `"members"`: check members of class expressions; don't check semicolons in classes (#2668)
- [bugfix] [`semicolon`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/semicolon/): don't warn about unnecesary semicolon when it is actually needed, e.g. when followed by type assertion or template string (#2655)
- [bugfix] [`space-before-function-paren`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/space-before-function-paren/): Ignore async arrow function with no parentheses (#2833)
- [bugfix]: [`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): Don't fail on `continue label;` (#2830)
- [bugfix] [`no-unbound-method`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unbound-method/): Allow unbound method to be used as a condition (#2834)
- [bugfix] [`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): Allow to switch on a value of type `any` (#2836)
- [bugfix] [`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): Don't mark `declare global {}` as an unsafe any. (#2839)
- [bugfix] [`indent`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/indent/) now checks indentation of expressions inside template strings (#2826)
- [enhancement] `--project` (or `-p`) enables rules that require the type checker. `--type-check` only checks for errors before linting is no longer required (#2773)
- [enhancement] [`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/): error message includes deprecation text if available (#2748)
- [enhancement] [`comment-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/comment-format/) no longer excludes comments with triple slash from linting except `/// <reference path="..."/>` (#2616)
- [enhancement] [`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/): lint more locations where return value is used. (#2828)
- [enhancement] [`semicolon`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/semicolon/): option `"never"` is now spec compliant (#2655)
- [enhancement] Use commander instead of optimist for CLI arguments (#2689)
- [enhancement] [`strict-type-predicates`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-type-predicates/): warn if strictNullChecks is not enabled (#2786)
- [new-rule-option] [`await-promise`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/await-promise): What's considered a "Promise" is now configurable. (#2661)
- [develop] testing rules with type information is enabled when a `tsconfig.json` is found next to `tslint.json` (#2769)
- [configuration] deprecate mixed case tslint.json (#2713)
- [bugfix] [`return-undefined`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/return-undefined/): Treat a return type `void | undefined` same as `void` (#2731)
- [bugfix] [`no-unnecessary-initializer`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-initializer/): Handle `BindingElement` anywhere, not just in a `VariableDeclaration`. (#2707)
- [bugfix] [`jsdoc-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/jsdoc-format/): correctly handle alignment in files with BOM (#2619)
- [bugfix] [`typedef-whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/typedef-whitespace/) don't warn for leading whitespace if token is preceded by line break (#2718)
- [bugfix] [`prefer-const`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-const/): fix false positive with variable declared outside of for-of or for-in (#2760)
- [bugfix] `--project`: fix file matching with relative path to `tsconfig.json` (#2688)
- [bugfix] [`await-promise`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/await-promise): Consider types derived from a Promise in union types too. (#2661)
- [bugfix] [`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): Fix bug where number literal in type position was flagged as an unsafe `any`. (#2712)
- [api] Deprecate `Lint.Utils.objectify` (#2764)
Thanks to our contributors!
- Andy Hanson
- Klaus Meinhardt
- Martin Probst
- Filipe Silva
- walkerburgin
- René Scheibe
- [rule-change] [`no-console`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-console/) bans all console methods when no methods are specified (#2610)
- [new-rule-option] [`align`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/align/) rule added `members` option, which checks alignment of methods and properties of classes, objects, interfaces, type literals and object destructuring (#2387)
- [new-rule-option] [`align`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/align/) rule added `elements` option, which checks alignment of elements in array literals, array destructuring and tuple types (#2387)
- [new-rule-option] [`trailing-comma`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/trailing-comma/) adds more granular options to specify trailing commas for arrays, objects, functions, type literals, imports, and exports (#2538)
- [api] Deprecate `ScopeAwareRuleWalker` and `BlockScopeAwareRuleWalker`. (#2561)
- [develop] added support for [error templates in rule tests](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/develop/testing-rules/) (#2481)
- [bugfix] Fixes "Severity for rule not found" error (#2516)
- [bugfix] [`no-unused-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-expression/): allow `void(0)` in addition to `void 0` and `void` in expression and statement position (#2645)
- [bugfix] [`align`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/align/): fix false positive for files with BOM (#2642)
- [bugfix] [`return-undefined`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/return-undefined/): Handle contextual types with ambiguous signatures; allow `any`; and handle async functions. (#2576)
- [bugfix] [`semicolon`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/semicolon/): don't mark semicolon as unnecessary when the next statement is on the same line (#2591)
- [bugfix] [`no-internal-module`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-internal-module/): no more false positives for global augmentation (#2517)
- [bugfix] [`no-unnecessary-qualifier`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-qualifier/): no longer breaks when walking a function that references `arguments` (#2555)
- [bugfix] [`prefer-const`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-const/) no longer shows warnings on ambient declarations (#2391)
- [bugfix] [`callable-types`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/callable-types/): suggest correct fix for interfaces with type arguments (#2552)
- [bugfix] [`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/): fix regression with jsx attributes (#2605)
- [bugfix] [`adjacent-overload-signatures`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/adjacent-overload-signatures/) handles functions ending in semicolon (#2412)
- [bugfix] [`object-literal-key-quotes`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-key-quotes/): correctly stringify numbers when fixing (#2515)
- [bugfix] [`object-literal-key-quotes`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-key-quotes/): does no longer require quotes for property names containing digits (#2515)
- [enhancement] Failures in extended config files now indicate which file (#2588)
- [enhancement] [`align`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/align/): Don't report 'statements are not aligned' for empty statements (#2653)
- [enhancement] [`class-name`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/class-name/) now also checks class expressions (#2553)
- [enhancement] `optionExamples`: Allow to use an options array directly instead of a string representation. (#2527)
- [enhancement] `rulesDirectory` can now be resolved with Nodes resolve logic, if the directory contains an `index.js` (#2163) (#2358)
- [enhancement] [`no-unused-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-expression/): narrow error location for comma separated expressions and conditional expressions (#2645)
- [enhancement] [`no-string-literal`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-string-literal/) now handles escaped strings (#2495)
- [bugfix] In tslint:recommended move `no-reference-import` from `jsRules` to `rules` (#2441)
- [bugfix] `no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper`: only check if callback is identifier, allow all other expressions (#2510)
- [bugfix] `member-access`: Skip index signature, it can not have an access modifier (#2437)
- [bugfix] `restrict-plus-operands` fixes regression where every assignment and comparison was checked (#2454)
- [bugfix] `no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper`: allow async wrapper function (#2510)
- [bugfix] `prefer-for-of`: No error if `delete` is used (#2458)
- [bugfix] `radix`: don't warn for missing radix on method calls (#2352)
- [bugfix] `no-use-before-declare`: Handle symbol with empty declarations list. (#2436)
- [bugfix] `strict-type-predicates`: Check for construct signatures in `isFunction`. (#2479)
- [enhancement] `strict-boolean-expressions`: When `--strictNullChecks` is turned off, `allow-null-union` and `allow-undefined-union` turn off "always truthy" errors. (#2373)
- [enhancement] `radix`: added check for global.parseInt and window.parseInt (#2352)
- [enhancement] `arrow-return-shorthand`: Improve failure message when return expression is an object literal (#2466)
Thanks to our contributors!
- Andy Hanson
- bumbleblym
- Klaus Meinhardt
- Jonas Kello
- Minko Gechev
- Donald Pipowitch
## :fire: Breaking changes
- Minimum version of TypeScript version is now 2.1.0 (#2425)
- The severity level of rules are now configurable and defaults to severity "error". This affects the output of formatters:
- [formatter] `msbuild` was outputting all failures as "warning".
- [formatter] `pmd` was outputting all failures as priority 1. Now, it uses _priority 3_ for "error" (default) and _priority 4_ for "warning"
- [formatter] `json` changed the `fix` property to now contain either one replacement or an array of replacements (#2403)
-`tslint:recommended` configuration updated with `tslint:latest` rules & options (#2424)
- Removed `no-unused-new` rule, with logic moved into `no-unused-expression` (#2269)
-`no-trailing-whitespace` now checks template strings by default. Use the new options `ignore-template-strings` to restore the old behavior. (#2359)
### API breaks for custom rules
- Removed method `skip` from `RuleWalker` (#2313)
- Removed all use of the TypeScript Language Service, use only Program APIs instead (#2235)
- This means that some rules that previously worked without the type checker _now require it_. This includes:
- This breaks custom rule compilation. If your rule was not using the `ts.LanguageService` APIs, the migration is quite simple:
- public applyWithProgram(srcFile: ts.SourceFile, langSvc: ts.LanguageService): Lint.RuleFailure[] {
- N.B. If you are refactoring your custom rules, consider [these performance tips for writing custom rules](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/develop/custom-rules/performance.html).
- Removed `createFix`. Replacements should be passed directly into addFailure. (#2403)
- Removed deprecated `scanAllTokens` and `skippableTokenAwareRuleWalker` (#2370)
## :tada: Notable features & enhancements
- [feature] The severity level of rules are now individually configurable. Default severity can also be configured. (#629, #345)
- [development] allow rule tests to specify version requirement for typescript (#2323)
- [enhancement] `ignore-properties` option of `no-inferrable-types` now also ignores parameter properties (#2312)
- [enhancement] `unified-signatures` now displays line number of the overload to unify if there are more than 2 overloads (#2270)
- [enhancement] `trailing-comma` New checks for CallSignature and NamedExports (#2236)
- [enhancement] `semicolon` New check for export statements, function overloads and shorthand module declaration (#2240)
- [enhancement] `semicolon` Report unnecessary semicolons in classes and in statement position (for option "always" too) (#2240)
- [enhancement] `semicolon` check for semicolon after method overload (#2240)
- [enhancement] `array-type` now consider `object`, `undefined` and `never` as simple types, allowing `object`, `undefined[]` and `never[]` (#1843)(#2353)
- [enhancement] `align` check statement alignment for all blocks (#2379)
- [enhancement] `align`check parameter alignment for all signatures (#2379)
- [enhancement] `--test` can handle multiple paths at once (#2322)
- [enhancement] `only-arrow-functions` allow functions that use `this` in the body (#2229)
- [enhancement] CLI: print error when `--type-check` is used without `--project` (#2322)
- [enhancement] CLI: don't print stack trace on type check error (#2322)
- [enhancement] CLI: added `-p` as shorthand for `--project` to be consistent with `tsc` (#2322)
- [enhancement] `prefer-const` show warnings for `var` (#2219)
- [new-fixer] `no-inferrable-types` automatically remove inferrable type annotations (#2178)
- [new-fixer] `no-any` (#2165)
- [new-fixer] `noConsecutiveBlankLines` (#2201)
- [new-fixer] `object-literal-shorthand` (#2165)
- [bugfix] `no-switch-case-fallthrough` handle break, throw, continue and return nested in block, if-else and switch (#2218)
- [bugfix] `no-switch-case-fallthrough` allow empty case clauses before default clause (#2218)
- [bugfix] `no-mergeable-namespace` ignore property types that can't be merged (#2105)
- [bugfix] `object-literal-key-quotes` no need to quote a float if its .toString() is the same. (#2144)
- [bugfix] `no-consecutive-blank-lines` Correctly apply fixes at EOF (#2239)
- [bugfix]: Fixes installation issue with node 7.5 (#2212)
- [bugfix]: `quotemark` now handles escaped chars (#2224)
- [enhancement] Don't exit when a rule requires type checking but type checking is not enabled (#2188)
- [enhancement] `no-switch-case-fallthrough` allow single line comment `// falls through` (#2218)
- [enhancement] `no-unbound-method` allows property access and binary expressions (#2143)
- [api] Introduce `AbstractWalker` for performance (#2093)
- see [performance] (https://palantir.github.io/tslint/develop/custom-rules/performance.html) and [migration] (https://palantir.github.io/tslint/develop/custom-rules/migration.html) docs
Thanks to our contributors!
- Andy Hanson
- Stefan Reichel
- Shlomi Assaf
- Josh Goldberg
- Minko Gechev
- Irfan Hudda
- Klaus Meinhardt
- Martin Probst
- Naoto Usuyama
- Caleb Eggensperger
- Arturs Vonda
- Joscha Feth
- Moritz
- Alexander Rusakov
- Alex Ryan
- Andy
- Yuichi Nukiyama
* [bugfix] `whitespace` rule caused false positive on EOF (#2131)
* [bugfix] WebStorm fails because `json` formatter parameter has extra space (#2132)
* [bugfix] errant space in recommended ruleset (couldn't find `no-misused-new`)
* [enhancement] `adjacent-overload-signatures` now works with classes, source files, modules, and namespaces (#1707)
* [enhancement] Users are notified if they are using an old TSLint version (#1696)
* [bugfix] Lint `.jsx` files if `jsRules` are configured (#1714)
* [bugfix] Command line glob patterns now handle single quotes (#1679)
Thanks to our contributors!
* Andrii Dieiev
* Andy
* Chris Barr
* Davie Schoots
* Jordan Hawker
* Josh Goldberg
* Stepan Riha
* Yuichi Nukiyama
* [enhancement] The `semicolon` rule now disallows semicolons in multi-line bound class methods
(to get the v3 behavior, use the `ignore-bound-class-methods` option) (#1643)
* [removed-rule] Removed `use-strict` rule (#678)
* [removed-rule] Removed `label-undefined` rule; covered by compiler (#1614)
* [enhancement] Renamed `no-constructor-vars` to `no-parameter-properties` (#1296)
* [rule-change] The `orderedImports` rule now sorts relative modules below non-relative modules (#1640)
* **Deprecated**
* [deprecated] `no-unused-variable` rule. This is checked by the TypeScript v2 compiler using the flags [`--noUnusedParameters` and `--noUnusedLocals`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/What%27s-new-in-TypeScript#flag-unused-declarations-with---nounusedparameters-and---nounusedlocals). (#1481)
* [enhancement] Lint .js files (#1515)
* [new-fixer] `no-var-keyword` replaces `var` with `let` (#1547)
* [new-fixer] `trailing-comma` auto fixed (#1546)
* [new-fixer] `no-unused-variable` auto fixed for imports (#1568)
* [new-rule] `no-shadowed-variable` moves over shadowed variable checking from `no-duplicate-variable` into its own rule
*`no-duplicate-variable` now only checks for duplicates within the same block scope; enable `no-shadowed-variable` to get duplicate-variable checking across block scopes
* [enhancement] `no-duplicate-variable`, `no-shadowed-variable`, and `no-use-before-declare` now support ES6 destructuring
* [enhancement] tslint CLI now uses a default configuration if no config file is found
* [bugs] #401#367#324#352
* [new-rule] `no-var-keyword` disallows `var` in favor of `let` and `const`
* [new-rule] `sort-object-literal-keys` forces object-literal keys to be sorted alphabetically
* Add support for ES6 destructuring and module syntax (affects `variable-name`, `no-use-before-declare`, `whitespace` and `no-unused-variable`)
* Add support for ES6 for-of and spread operator syntax
* Use tsconfig.json & JSCS in the build system
* Upgraded Typescript compiler to 1.5.0-beta
* due to changes to the typescript compiler API, old custom rules may no longer work and may need to be rewritten
* the JSON formatter's line and character positions are now back to being 0-indexed instead of 1-indexed
* [bugs] #328#334#319#351#365#254
* [bug] fixes for tslint behavior around template strings (fixes #357, #349, #332, and more)
* [new-rule] `align` rule now enforces vertical alignment on parameters, arguments, and statements
* [new-rule] `switch-default` enforces a `default` case in `switch` statements
* [feature] `no-duplicate-variable` rule now additionally checks if function parameters have been shadowed
* Additional fixes to existing rules to work as before with the typescript 1.5 compiler
* [bugs] #292#293#295#301#302
* Some internal refactoring
* Added Windows CI testing (appveyor)
* Fix crash on Windows
* Upgraded Typescript compiler to 1.4
* typedef rule options were modified:
* index-signature removed as no longer necessary
* property-signature renamed to property-declaration
* variable-declarator renamed to variable-declaration
* member-variable-declarator renamed to member-variable-declaration
* typedef-whitespace rule options were modified:
* catch-clause was removed as invalid
* further options were added, see readme for more details
* due to changes to the typescript compiler API, old custom rules may no longer work and may need to be rewritten
* the JSON formatter's line and character positions are now 1-indexed instead of 0-indexed
* [bug] #245
* [bug] #238
* upgrade TypeScript compiler to 1.3
* all error messages now start with a lower-case character and do not end with a period
* all rule options are consistent in nomenclature. The `typedef` and `typedef-whitespace` rules now take in hyphenated options
*`unused-variables` rule cannot find unused private variables defined in the constructor due to a bug in 1.3 compiler
*`indent` rule has changed to only check for tabs or spaces and not enforce indentation levels
* multiple files with -f on cli
* config file search starts with input file
* [bugs] #136, #163
* internal refactors
* [bugs] #138, #145, #146, #148
* [new-rule] `no-any` disallows all uses of `any`
* [bug] `/* tslint:disable */` now disables semicolon rule as well
* [bug] delete operator no longer results in a false positive for `no-unused-expression`
* [new-rule] `no-var-requires` disallows require statements not part of an import statement
* [new-rule] `typedef` rule also checks for member variables
* [bug] `no-unused-variable` no longer triggers false positives for class members labeled only `static`
* [bug] `no-unused-expression` no longer triggers false positives for `"use strict";` expressions
* [bug] `use-strict` works correctly on function declarations
* [bug] config file is now discoverable from other drives on Windows
* [new-rule] added `no-unused-expression` rule which disallows unused expression statements
* [feature] the `check-operator` option for the `whitespace` rule now checks whitespace around the => token
* [bug] `no-use-before-declare-rule` no longer triggers false positives for member variables of classes used before the class is declared
* [bug] semicolon at end of file no longer triggers false positives for `whitespace` rule
* [bug] hoisted functions no longer cause false positives for the `no-unreachable` rule
* [bug] the rule loader no longer transforms/ignores the leading and trailing underscores and dashes of rule names in the config file
* [bug] `export import` statements no longer false positives for `no-unused-variable-rule`
* [docs] added documentation for creating custom rules and formatters
* [docs] added sample `tslint.json` file, under `docs/sample.tslint.json`
* [build] migrated build to use `grunt-ts` instead of `grunt-typescript`
* [feature] `package.json` now contains a `tslintConfig` paramater to allow users to specify the location of the configuration file there
* [feature] tslint now searches for the configuration file in the user's home directory if not found in the current path
* [bug] unbraced conditionals no longer cause false positives for the `no-unreachable` rule
* [feature] `no-unused-variable` no longer checks parameters by defualt. Parameters are now only checked if the `check-parameters` option is set.
* [bug] `no-unused-variable` parameter check no longer fails on variable argument parameters (like ...args) and on cases where the parameters are broken up by newlines.
* [bug] `no-unused-variable` validates function parameters and constructor methods
* [bug] `no-empty` and `no-trailing-comma` rules handle empty objects
* [new-rule] `no-unused-variable`
* [new-rule] `no-trailing-comma`
* [new-rule] `no-use-before-declare`
* [feature] support `--version` in CLI
* [feature] expose rule names to custom formatters
* [feature] add `verbose` formatter
* [bug] `no-empty` allows constructors with member declaration parameters