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"use strict";
* @license
* Copyright 2013 Palantir Technologies, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
var ts = require("typescript");
var Lint = require("../index");
var utils_1 = require("../utils");
var OPTION_ORDER = "order";
var OPTION_ALPHABETIZE = "alphabetize";
var MemberKind;
(function (MemberKind) {
MemberKind[MemberKind["publicStaticField"] = 0] = "publicStaticField";
MemberKind[MemberKind["publicStaticMethod"] = 1] = "publicStaticMethod";
MemberKind[MemberKind["protectedStaticField"] = 2] = "protectedStaticField";
MemberKind[MemberKind["protectedStaticMethod"] = 3] = "protectedStaticMethod";
MemberKind[MemberKind["privateStaticField"] = 4] = "privateStaticField";
MemberKind[MemberKind["privateStaticMethod"] = 5] = "privateStaticMethod";
MemberKind[MemberKind["publicInstanceField"] = 6] = "publicInstanceField";
MemberKind[MemberKind["protectedInstanceField"] = 7] = "protectedInstanceField";
MemberKind[MemberKind["privateInstanceField"] = 8] = "privateInstanceField";
MemberKind[MemberKind["publicConstructor"] = 9] = "publicConstructor";
MemberKind[MemberKind["protectedConstructor"] = 10] = "protectedConstructor";
MemberKind[MemberKind["privateConstructor"] = 11] = "privateConstructor";
MemberKind[MemberKind["publicInstanceMethod"] = 12] = "publicInstanceMethod";
MemberKind[MemberKind["protectedInstanceMethod"] = 13] = "protectedInstanceMethod";
MemberKind[MemberKind["privateInstanceMethod"] = 14] = "privateInstanceMethod";
})(MemberKind || (MemberKind = {}));
var PRESETS = new Map([
["fields-first", [
["instance-sandwich", [
["statics-first", [
var PRESET_NAMES = Array.from(PRESETS.keys());
var allMemberKindNames = utils_1.mapDefined(Object.keys(MemberKind), function (key) {
var mk = MemberKind[key];
return typeof mk === "number" ? MemberKind[mk].replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (cap) { return "-" + cap.toLowerCase(); }) : undefined;
function namesMarkdown(names) {
return names.map(function (name) { return "* `" + name + "`"; }).join("\n ");
var optionsDescription = (_a = ["\n One argument, which is an object, must be provided. It should contain an `order` property.\n The `order` property should have a value of one of the following strings:\n\n ", "\n\n Alternatively, the value for `order` maybe be an array consisting of the following strings:\n\n ", "\n\n You can also omit the access modifier to refer to \"public-\", \"protected-\", and \"private-\" all at once; for example, \"static-field\".\n\n You can also make your own categories by using an object instead of a string:\n\n {\n \"name\": \"static non-private\",\n \"kinds\": [\n \"public-static-field\",\n \"protected-static-field\",\n \"public-static-method\",\n \"protected-static-method\"\n ]\n }\n\n The '", "' option will enforce that members within the same category should be alphabetically sorted by name."], _a.raw = ["\n One argument, which is an object, must be provided. It should contain an \\`order\\` property.\n The \\`order\\` property should have a value of one of the following strings:\n\n ", "\n\n Alternatively, the value for \\`order\\` maybe be an array consisting of the following strings:\n\n ", "\n\n You can also omit the access modifier to refer to \"public-\", \"protected-\", and \"private-\" all at once; for example, \"static-field\".\n\n You can also make your own categories by using an object instead of a string:\n\n {\n \"name\": \"static non-private\",\n \"kinds\": [\n \"public-static-field\",\n \"protected-static-field\",\n \"public-static-method\",\n \"protected-static-method\"\n ]\n }\n\n The '", "' option will enforce that members within the same category should be alphabetically sorted by name."], Lint.Utils.dedent(_a, namesMarkdown(PRESET_NAMES), namesMarkdown(allMemberKindNames), OPTION_ALPHABETIZE));
var Rule = (function (_super) {
tslib_1.__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.FAILURE_STRING_ALPHABETIZE = function (prevName, curName) {
return show(curName) + " should come alphabetically before " + show(prevName);
function show(s) {
return s === "" ? "Computed property" : "'" + s + "'";
/* tslint:enable:object-literal-sort-keys */
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
return this.applyWithWalker(new MemberOrderingWalker(sourceFile, this.ruleName, parseOptions(this.ruleArguments)));
return Rule;
/* tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys */
Rule.metadata = {
ruleName: "member-ordering",
description: "Enforces member ordering.",
rationale: "A consistent ordering for class members can make classes easier to read, navigate, and edit.",
optionsDescription: optionsDescription,
options: {
type: "object",
properties: {
order: {
oneOf: [
type: "string",
type: "array",
items: {
type: "string",
enum: allMemberKindNames,
maxLength: 13,
additionalProperties: false,
optionExamples: [
[true, { order: "fields-first" }],
[true, {
order: [
[true, {
order: [
name: "static non-private",
kinds: [
type: "typescript",
typescriptOnly: false,
exports.Rule = Rule;
var MemberOrderingWalker = (function (_super) {
tslib_1.__extends(MemberOrderingWalker, _super);
function MemberOrderingWalker() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
MemberOrderingWalker.prototype.walk = function (sourceFile) {
var _this = this;
var cb = function (node) {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassExpression:
case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeLiteral:
return ts.forEachChild(node, cb);
return ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, cb);
MemberOrderingWalker.prototype.checkMembers = function (members) {
var prevRank = -1;
var prevName;
for (var _i = 0, members_1 = members; _i < members_1.length; _i++) {
var member = members_1[_i];
var rank = this.memberRank(member);
if (rank === -1) {
// no explicit ordering for this kind of node specified, so continue
if (rank < prevRank) {
var nodeType = this.rankName(rank);
var prevNodeType = this.rankName(prevRank);
var lowerRank = this.findLowerRank(members, rank);
var locationHint = lowerRank !== -1
? "after " + this.rankName(lowerRank) + "s"
: "at the beginning of the class/interface";
var errorLine1 = "Declaration of " + nodeType + " not allowed after declaration of " + prevNodeType + ". " +
("Instead, this should come " + locationHint + ".");
this.addFailureAtNode(member, errorLine1);
else {
if (this.options.alphabetize && member.name !== undefined) {
if (rank !== prevRank) {
// No alphabetical ordering between different ranks
prevName = undefined;
var curName = nameString(member.name);
if (prevName !== undefined && caseInsensitiveLess(curName, prevName)) {
this.addFailureAtNode(member.name, Rule.FAILURE_STRING_ALPHABETIZE(this.findLowerName(members, rank, curName), curName));
else {
prevName = curName;
// keep track of last good node
prevRank = rank;
/** Finds the lowest name higher than 'targetName'. */
MemberOrderingWalker.prototype.findLowerName = function (members, targetRank, targetName) {
for (var _i = 0, members_2 = members; _i < members_2.length; _i++) {
var member = members_2[_i];
if (member.name === undefined || this.memberRank(member) !== targetRank) {
var name = nameString(member.name);
if (caseInsensitiveLess(targetName, name)) {
return name;
throw new Error("Expected to find a name");
/** Finds the highest existing rank lower than `targetRank`. */
MemberOrderingWalker.prototype.findLowerRank = function (members, targetRank) {
var max = -1;
for (var _i = 0, members_3 = members; _i < members_3.length; _i++) {
var member = members_3[_i];
var rank = this.memberRank(member);
if (rank !== -1 && rank < targetRank) {
max = Math.max(max, rank);
return max;
MemberOrderingWalker.prototype.memberRank = function (member) {
var optionName = getMemberKind(member);
if (optionName === undefined) {
return -1;
return this.options.order.findIndex(function (category) { return category.has(optionName); });
MemberOrderingWalker.prototype.rankName = function (rank) {
return this.options.order[rank].name;
return MemberOrderingWalker;
function caseInsensitiveLess(a, b) {
return a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase();
function memberKindForConstructor(access) {
return MemberKind[access + "Constructor"];
function memberKindForMethodOrField(access, membership, kind) {
return MemberKind[access + membership + kind];
var allAccess = ["public", "protected", "private"];
function memberKindFromName(name) {
var kind = MemberKind[Lint.Utils.camelize(name)];
return typeof kind === "number" ? [kind] : allAccess.map(addModifier);
function addModifier(modifier) {
var modifiedKind = MemberKind[Lint.Utils.camelize(modifier + "-" + name)];
if (typeof modifiedKind !== "number") {
throw new Error("Bad member kind: " + name);
return modifiedKind;
function getMemberKind(member) {
var accessLevel = hasModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword) ? "private"
: hasModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword) ? "protected"
: "public";
switch (member.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature:
return memberKindForConstructor(accessLevel);
case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertySignature:
return methodOrField(isFunctionLiteral(member.initializer));
case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodSignature:
return methodOrField(true);
return undefined;
function methodOrField(isMethod) {
var membership = hasModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword) ? "Static" : "Instance";
return memberKindForMethodOrField(accessLevel, membership, isMethod ? "Method" : "Field");
function hasModifier(kind) {
return Lint.hasModifier(member.modifiers, kind);
var MemberCategory = (function () {
function MemberCategory(name, kinds) {
this.name = name;
this.kinds = kinds;
MemberCategory.prototype.has = function (kind) { return this.kinds.has(kind); };
return MemberCategory;
function parseOptions(options) {
var _a = getOptionsJson(options), orderJson = _a.order, alphabetize = _a.alphabetize;
var order = orderJson.map(function (cat) { return typeof cat === "string"
? new MemberCategory(cat.replace(/-/g, " "), new Set(memberKindFromName(cat)))
: new MemberCategory(cat.name, new Set(utils_1.flatMap(cat.kinds, memberKindFromName))); });
return { order: order, alphabetize: alphabetize };
function getOptionsJson(allOptions) {
if (allOptions == null || allOptions.length === 0 || allOptions[0] == null) {
throw new Error("Got empty options");
var firstOption = allOptions[0];
if (typeof firstOption !== "object") {
// Undocumented direct string option. Deprecate eventually.
return { order: convertFromOldStyleOptions(allOptions), alphabetize: false }; // presume allOptions to be string[]
return { order: categoryFromOption(firstOption[OPTION_ORDER]), alphabetize: firstOption[OPTION_ALPHABETIZE] === true };
function categoryFromOption(orderOption) {
if (Array.isArray(orderOption)) {
return orderOption;
var preset = PRESETS.get(orderOption);
if (preset === undefined) {
throw new Error("Bad order: " + JSON.stringify(orderOption));
return preset;
* Convert from undocumented old-style options.
* This is designed to mimic the old behavior and should be removed eventually.
function convertFromOldStyleOptions(options) {
var categories = [{ name: "member", kinds: allMemberKindNames }];
if (hasOption("variables-before-functions")) {
categories = splitOldStyleOptions(categories, function (kind) { return kind.includes("field"); }, "field", "method");
if (hasOption("static-before-instance")) {
categories = splitOldStyleOptions(categories, function (kind) { return kind.includes("static"); }, "static", "instance");
if (hasOption("public-before-private")) {
// 'protected' is considered public
categories = splitOldStyleOptions(categories, function (kind) { return !kind.includes("private"); }, "public", "private");
return categories;
function hasOption(x) {
return options.indexOf(x) !== -1;
function splitOldStyleOptions(categories, filter, a, b) {
var newCategories = [];
var _loop_1 = function (cat) {
var yes = [];
var no = [];
for (var _i = 0, _a = cat.kinds; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var kind = _a[_i];
if (filter(kind)) {
else {
var augmentName = function (s) {
if (a === "field") {
// Replace "member" with "field"/"method" instead of augmenting.
return s;
return s + " " + cat.name;
newCategories.push({ name: augmentName(a), kinds: yes });
newCategories.push({ name: augmentName(b), kinds: no });
for (var _i = 0, categories_1 = categories; _i < categories_1.length; _i++) {
var cat = categories_1[_i];
return newCategories;
function isFunctionLiteral(node) {
if (node === undefined) {
return false;
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction:
case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression:
return true;
return false;
function nameString(name) {
switch (name.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier:
case ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral:
case ts.SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral:
return name.text;
return "";
var _a;