2017-05-28 00:38:50 +02:00
"use strict" ;
/ * *
* @ license
* Copyright 2013 Palantir Technologies , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
var tslib _1 = require ( "tslib" ) ;
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
var tsutils _1 = require ( "tsutils" ) ;
2017-05-28 00:38:50 +02:00
var ts = require ( "typescript" ) ;
var Lint = require ( "../index" ) ;
var Rule = ( function ( _super ) {
tslib _1 . _ _extends ( Rule , _super ) ;
function Rule ( ) {
return _super !== null && _super . apply ( this , arguments ) || this ;
/* tslint:enable:object-literal-sort-keys */
Rule . FAILURE _STRING _FACTORY = function ( name ) {
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
return "Shadowed name: '" + name + "'" ;
2017-05-28 00:38:50 +02:00
} ;
Rule . prototype . apply = function ( sourceFile ) {
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
return this . applyWithWalker ( new NoShadowedVariableWalker ( sourceFile , this . ruleName , parseOptions ( this . ruleArguments [ 0 ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
/* tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys */
Rule . metadata = {
ruleName : "no-shadowed-variable" ,
description : "Disallows shadowing variable declarations." ,
rationale : "Shadowing a variable masks access to it and obscures to what value an identifier actually refers." ,
optionsDescription : ( _a = [ "\n You can optionally pass an object to disable checking for certain kinds of declarations.\n Possible keys are `\"class\"`, `\"enum\"`, `\"function\"`, `\"import\"`, `\"interface\"`, `\"namespace\"`, `\"typeAlias\"`\n and `\"typeParameter\"`. Just set the value to `false` for the check you want to disable.\n All checks default to `true`, i.e. are enabled by default.\n Not that you cannot disable variables and parameters.\n " ] , _a . raw = [ "\n You can optionally pass an object to disable checking for certain kinds of declarations.\n Possible keys are \\`\"class\"\\`, \\`\"enum\"\\`, \\`\"function\"\\`, \\`\"import\"\\`, \\`\"interface\"\\`, \\`\"namespace\"\\`, \\`\"typeAlias\"\\`\n and \\`\"typeParameter\"\\`. Just set the value to \\`false\\` for the check you want to disable.\n All checks default to \\`true\\`, i.e. are enabled by default.\n Not that you cannot disable variables and parameters.\n " ] , Lint . Utils . dedent ( _a ) ) ,
options : {
type : "object" ,
properties : {
class : { type : "boolean" } ,
enum : { type : "boolean" } ,
function : { type : "boolean" } ,
import : { type : "boolean" } ,
interface : { type : "boolean" } ,
namespace : { type : "boolean" } ,
typeAlias : { type : "boolean" } ,
typeParameter : { type : "boolean" } ,
} ,
} ,
optionExamples : [
true ,
[ true , { class : true , enum : true , function : true , interface : false , namespace : true , typeAlias : false , typeParameter : false } ] ,
] ,
type : "functionality" ,
typescriptOnly : false ,
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} ;
return Rule ;
} ( Lint . Rules . AbstractRule ) ) ;
exports . Rule = Rule ;
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function parseOptions ( option ) {
return tslib _1 . _ _assign ( { class : true , enum : true , function : true , import : true , interface : true , namespace : true , typeAlias : true , typeParameter : true } , option ) ;
var Scope = ( function ( ) {
function Scope ( functionScope ) {
this . variables = new Map ( ) ;
this . variablesSeen = new Map ( ) ;
this . reassigned = new Set ( ) ;
// if no functionScope is provided we are in the process of creating a new function scope, which for consistency links to itself
this . functionScope = functionScope !== undefined ? functionScope : this ;
Scope . prototype . addVariable = function ( identifier , blockScoped ) {
if ( blockScoped === void 0 ) { blockScoped = true ; }
// block scoped variables go to the block scope, function scoped variables to the containing function scope
var scope = blockScoped ? this : this . functionScope ;
var list = scope . variables . get ( identifier . text ) ;
if ( list === undefined ) {
scope . variables . set ( identifier . text , [ identifier ] ) ;
else {
list . push ( identifier ) ;
} ;
return Scope ;
} ( ) ) ;
2017-05-28 00:38:50 +02:00
var NoShadowedVariableWalker = ( function ( _super ) {
tslib _1 . _ _extends ( NoShadowedVariableWalker , _super ) ;
function NoShadowedVariableWalker ( ) {
return _super !== null && _super . apply ( this , arguments ) || this ;
2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
NoShadowedVariableWalker . prototype . walk = function ( sourceFile ) {
var _this = this ;
this . scope = new Scope ( ) ;
var cb = function ( node ) {
var parentScope = _this . scope ;
if ( ( _this . options . function && tsutils _1 . isFunctionExpression ( node ) || _this . options . class && tsutils _1 . isClassExpression ( node ) ) &&
node . name !== undefined ) {
/ * s p e c i a l h a n d l i n g f o r n a m e d f u n c t i o n a n d c l a s s e x p r e s s i o n s :
technically the name of the function is only visible inside of it ,
but variables with the same name declared inside don ' t cause compiler errors .
Therefore we add an additional function scope only for the function name to avoid merging with other declarations * /
var functionScope = new Scope ( ) ;
functionScope . addVariable ( node . name , false ) ;
_this . scope = new Scope ( ) ;
if ( tsutils _1 . isClassExpression ( node ) ) {
_this . visitClassLikeDeclaration ( node , functionScope , cb ) ;
else {
ts . forEachChild ( node , cb ) ;
_this . onScopeEnd ( functionScope ) ;
_this . scope = functionScope ;
_this . onScopeEnd ( parentScope ) ;
_this . scope = parentScope ;
return ;
/ * V i s i t d e c o r a t o r s b e f o r e e n t e r i n g a f u n c t i o n s c o p e .
In the AST decorators are children of the declaration they decorate , but we don ' t want to warn for the following code :
@ decorator ( ( param ) => param )
function foo ( param ) { }
* /
if ( node . decorators !== undefined ) {
for ( var _i = 0 , _a = node . decorators ; _i < _a . length ; _i ++ ) {
var decorator = _a [ _i ] ;
ts . forEachChild ( decorator , cb ) ;
var boundary = tsutils _1 . isScopeBoundary ( node ) ;
if ( boundary === 2 /* Block */ ) {
_this . scope = new Scope ( parentScope . functionScope ) ;
else if ( boundary === 1 /* Function */ ) {
_this . scope = new Scope ( ) ;
switch ( node . kind ) {
case ts . SyntaxKind . Decorator :
return ; // handled above
case ts . SyntaxKind . VariableDeclarationList :
_this . handleVariableDeclarationList ( node ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . TypeParameter :
if ( _this . options . typeParameter ) {
_this . scope . addVariable ( node . name ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . FunctionDeclaration :
if ( _this . options . function && node . name !== undefined ) {
parentScope . addVariable ( node . name , false ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . ClassDeclaration :
if ( _this . options . class && node . name !== undefined ) {
parentScope . addVariable ( node . name ) ;
// falls through
case ts . SyntaxKind . ClassExpression :
_this . visitClassLikeDeclaration ( node , parentScope , cb ) ;
_this . onScopeEnd ( parentScope ) ;
_this . scope = parentScope ;
return ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . TypeAliasDeclaration :
if ( _this . options . typeAlias ) {
parentScope . addVariable ( node . name ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . EnumDeclaration :
if ( _this . options . enum ) {
parentScope . addVariable ( node . name ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . InterfaceDeclaration :
if ( _this . options . interface ) {
parentScope . addVariable ( node . name ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . Parameter :
if ( node . parent . kind !== ts . SyntaxKind . IndexSignature &&
! tsutils _1 . isThisParameter ( node ) &&
tsutils _1 . isFunctionWithBody ( node . parent ) ) {
_this . handleBindingName ( node . name , false ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . ModuleDeclaration :
if ( _this . options . namespace &&
node . parent . kind !== ts . SyntaxKind . ModuleDeclaration &&
node . name . kind === ts . SyntaxKind . Identifier ) {
parentScope . addVariable ( node . name , false ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . ImportClause :
if ( _this . options . import && node . name !== undefined ) {
_this . scope . addVariable ( node . name , false ) ;
break ;
case ts . SyntaxKind . NamespaceImport :
case ts . SyntaxKind . ImportSpecifier :
case ts . SyntaxKind . ImportEqualsDeclaration :
if ( _this . options . import ) {
_this . scope . addVariable ( node . name , false ) ;
if ( boundary !== 0 /* None */ ) {
ts . forEachChild ( node , cb ) ;
_this . onScopeEnd ( parentScope ) ;
_this . scope = parentScope ;
else {
return ts . forEachChild ( node , cb ) ;
} ;
ts . forEachChild ( sourceFile , cb ) ;
this . onScopeEnd ( ) ;
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} ;
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NoShadowedVariableWalker . prototype . visitClassLikeDeclaration = function ( declaration , parentScope , cb ) {
var _this = this ;
var currentScope = this . scope ;
ts . forEachChild ( declaration , function ( node ) {
if ( ! tsutils _1 . hasModifier ( node . modifiers , ts . SyntaxKind . StaticKeyword ) ) {
return cb ( node ) ;
/ * D o n ' t t r e a t s t a t i c m e m b e r s a s c h i l d r e n o f t h e c l a s s ' s c o p e . T h a t a v o i d s h a d o w e d t y p e p a r a m e t e r w a r n i n g s o n s t a t i c m e m b e r s .
class C < T > {
static method < T > ( ) { }
* /
_this . scope = parentScope ;
cb ( node ) ;
_this . scope = currentScope ;
} ) ;
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} ;
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NoShadowedVariableWalker . prototype . handleVariableDeclarationList = function ( node ) {
var blockScoped = tsutils _1 . isBlockScopedVariableDeclarationList ( node ) ;
for ( var _i = 0 , _a = node . declarations ; _i < _a . length ; _i ++ ) {
var variable = _a [ _i ] ;
this . handleBindingName ( variable . name , blockScoped ) ;
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} ;
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NoShadowedVariableWalker . prototype . handleBindingName = function ( node , blockScoped ) {
if ( node . kind === ts . SyntaxKind . Identifier ) {
this . scope . addVariable ( node , blockScoped ) ;
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2017-08-14 05:01:11 +02:00
else {
for ( var _i = 0 , _a = node . elements ; _i < _a . length ; _i ++ ) {
var element = _a [ _i ] ;
if ( element . kind !== ts . SyntaxKind . OmittedExpression ) {
this . handleBindingName ( element . name , blockScoped ) ;
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} ;
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NoShadowedVariableWalker . prototype . onScopeEnd = function ( parent ) {
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var _this = this ;
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var _a = this . scope , variables = _a . variables , variablesSeen = _a . variablesSeen ;
variablesSeen . forEach ( function ( identifiers , name ) {
if ( variables . has ( name ) ) {
for ( var _i = 0 , identifiers _1 = identifiers ; _i < identifiers _1 . length ; _i ++ ) {
var identifier = identifiers _1 [ _i ] ;
_this . addFailureAtNode ( identifier , Rule . FAILURE _STRING _FACTORY ( name ) ) ;
else if ( parent !== undefined ) {
addToList ( parent . variablesSeen , name , identifiers ) ;
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} ) ;
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if ( parent !== undefined ) {
variables . forEach ( function ( identifiers , name ) {
addToList ( parent . variablesSeen , name , identifiers ) ;
} ) ;
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} ;
return NoShadowedVariableWalker ;
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} ( Lint . AbstractWalker ) ) ;
function addToList ( map , name , identifiers ) {
var list = map . get ( name ) ;
if ( list === undefined ) {
map . set ( name , identifiers ) ;
else {
list . push . apply ( list , identifiers ) ;
var _a ;