description:"Disallows access to the constructors of `String`, `Number`, and `Boolean`.",
descriptionDetails:"Disallows constructor use such as `new Number(foo)` but does not disallow `Number(foo)`.",
rationale:(_a=["\n There is little reason to use `String`, `Number`, or `Boolean` as constructors.\n In almost all cases, the regular function-call version is more appropriate.\n [More details]( are available on StackOverflow."],_a.raw=["\n There is little reason to use \\`String\\`, \\`Number\\`, or \\`Boolean\\` as constructors.\n In almost all cases, the regular function-call version is more appropriate.\n [More details]( are available on StackOverflow."],Lint.Utils.dedent(_a)),
optionsDescription:"Not configurable.",
/* tslint:enable:object-literal-sort-keys */
Rule.FAILURE_STRING="Forbidden constructor, use a literal or simple function call instead";