description:"Only allows labels in sensible locations.",
descriptionDetails:"This rule only allows labels to be on `do/for/while/switch` statements.",
rationale:(_a=["\n Labels in JavaScript only can be used in conjunction with `break` or `continue`,\n constructs meant to be used for loop flow control. While you can theoretically use\n labels on any block statement in JS, it is considered poor code structure to do so."],_a.raw=["\n Labels in JavaScript only can be used in conjunction with \\`break\\` or \\`continue\\`,\n constructs meant to be used for loop flow control. While you can theoretically use\n labels on any block statement in JS, it is considered poor code structure to do so."],Lint.Utils.dedent(_a)),
optionsDescription:"Not configurable.",
/* tslint:enable:object-literal-sort-keys */
Rule.FAILURE_STRING="unexpected label on statement";