196 lines
5.1 KiB
196 lines
5.1 KiB
![]() |
'use strict'
const cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep')
const merge = require('lodash.merge')
const pluginRegistry = require('./pluginRegistry')
function freezeTheme (theme) {
const queue = [theme]
while (queue.length > 0) {
const object = queue.shift()
for (const key of Object.keys(object)) {
const value = object[key]
if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') {
return theme
const defaultTheme = freezeTheme({
boolean: { open: '', close: '' },
circular: '[Circular]',
date: {
invalid: 'invalid',
value: { open: '', close: '' }
diffGutters: {
actual: '- ',
expected: '+ ',
padding: ' '
error: {
ctor: { open: '(', close: ')' },
name: { open: '', close: '' }
function: {
name: { open: '', close: '' },
stringTag: { open: '', close: '' }
global: { open: '', close: '' },
item: {
after: ',',
customFormat: null,
increaseValueIndent: false
list: { openBracket: '[', closeBracket: ']' },
mapEntry: {
after: ',',
separator: ' => '
maxDepth: '…',
null: { open: '', close: '' },
number: { open: '', close: '' },
object: {
openBracket: '{',
closeBracket: '}',
ctor: { open: '', close: '' },
stringTag: { open: '@', close: '' },
secondaryStringTag: { open: '@', close: '' }
property: {
after: ',',
customFormat: null,
keyBracket: { open: '[', close: ']' },
separator: ': ',
increaseValueIndent: false
regexp: {
source: { open: '/', close: '/' },
flags: { open: '', close: '' },
separator: '---'
stats: { separator: '---' },
string: {
open: '',
close: '',
line: { open: "'", close: "'", escapeQuote: "'" },
multiline: { start: '`', end: '`', escapeQuote: '``' },
controlPicture: { open: '', close: '' },
diff: {
insert: { open: '', close: '' },
delete: { open: '', close: '' },
equal: { open: '', close: '' },
insertLine: { open: '', close: '' },
deleteLine: { open: '', close: '' }
symbol: { open: '', close: '' },
typedArray: {
bytes: { open: '', close: '' }
undefined: { open: '', close: '' }
const pluginRefs = new Map()
pluginRefs.count = 0
const normalizedPluginThemes = new Map()
function normalizePlugins (plugins) {
if (!Array.isArray(plugins) || plugins.length === 0) return null
const refs = []
const themes = []
for (const fromPlugin of pluginRegistry.getThemes(plugins)) {
if (!pluginRefs.has(fromPlugin.name)) {
pluginRefs.set(fromPlugin.name, pluginRefs.count++)
const ref = refs.join('.')
if (normalizedPluginThemes.has(ref)) {
return {
theme: normalizedPluginThemes.get(ref)
const theme = freezeTheme(themes.reduce((acc, pluginTheme) => {
return merge(acc, pluginTheme)
}, cloneDeep(defaultTheme)))
normalizedPluginThemes.set(ref, theme)
return {ref, theme}
const normalizedCache = new WeakMap()
function normalize (options) {
options = Object.assign({plugins: [], theme: null}, options)
const normalizedPlugins = normalizePlugins(options.plugins)
if (!options.theme) {
return normalizedPlugins ? normalizedPlugins.theme : defaultTheme
const entry = normalizedCache.get(options.theme) || {theme: null, withPlugins: new Map()}
if (!normalizedCache.has(options.theme)) normalizedCache.set(options.theme, entry)
if (normalizedPlugins) {
if (entry.withPlugins.has(normalizedPlugins.ref)) {
return entry.withPlugins.get(normalizedPlugins.ref)
const theme = freezeTheme(merge(cloneDeep(normalizedPlugins.theme), options.theme))
entry.withPlugins.set(normalizedPlugins.ref, theme)
return theme
if (!entry.theme) {
entry.theme = freezeTheme(merge(cloneDeep(defaultTheme), options.theme))
return entry.theme
exports.normalize = normalize
const modifiers = new WeakMap()
function addModifier (descriptor, modifier) {
if (modifiers.has(descriptor)) {
} else {
modifiers.set(descriptor, new Set([modifier]))
exports.addModifier = addModifier
const modifierCache = new WeakMap()
const originalCache = new WeakMap()
function applyModifiers (descriptor, theme) {
if (!modifiers.has(descriptor)) return theme
return Array.from(modifiers.get(descriptor)).reduce((prev, modifier) => {
const cache = modifierCache.get(modifier) || new WeakMap()
if (!modifierCache.has(modifier)) modifierCache.set(modifier, cache)
if (cache.has(prev)) return cache.get(prev)
const modifiedTheme = cloneDeep(prev)
cache.set(prev, modifiedTheme)
originalCache.set(modifiedTheme, theme)
return modifiedTheme
}, theme)
exports.applyModifiers = applyModifiers
function applyModifiersToOriginal (descriptor, theme) {
return applyModifiers(descriptor, originalCache.get(theme) || theme)
exports.applyModifiersToOriginal = applyModifiersToOriginal