description:"Requires any function or method that returns a promise to be marked async.",
rationale:(_a=["\n Ensures that each function is only capable of 1) returning a rejected promise, or 2)\n throwing an Error object. In contrast, non-`async` `Promise`-returning functions\n are technically capable of either. This practice removes a requirement for consuming\n code to handle both cases.\n "],_a.raw=["\n Ensures that each function is only capable of 1) returning a rejected promise, or 2)\n throwing an Error object. In contrast, non-\\`async\\` \\`Promise\\`-returning functions\n are technically capable of either. This practice removes a requirement for consuming\n code to handle both cases.\n "],Lint.Utils.dedent(_a)),
optionsDescription:"Not configurable.",
/* tslint:enable:object-literal-sort-keys */
Rule.FAILURE_STRING="functions that return promises must be async";