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# set-getter [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/set-getter) [](https://npmjs.org/package/set-getter) [](https://travis-ci.org/doowb/set-getter)
> Create nested getter properties and any intermediary dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths
## Install
Install with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/):
$ npm install set-getter --save
## Usage
var getter = require('set-getter');
set-getter works like [set-value](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/set-value) by adding a property to an object or an object hierarchy using dot notation. The main difference is that the property is added using `Object.defineProperty` and is expected to be a getter function that returns a value.
var obj = {};
// root level property
getter(obj, 'foo', function() {
return 'bar';
//=> 'bar'
// property dot notation
getter(obj, 'bar.baz', function() {
return 'qux';
//=> 'qux'
// property array notation
getter(obj, ['beep', 'boop'], function() {
return 'bop';
//=> 'bop'
## API
### [setGetter](index.js#L27)
Defines a getter function on an object using property path notation.
* `obj` **{Object}**: Object to add property to.
* `prop` **{String|Array}**: Property string or array to add.
* `getter` **{Function}**: Getter function to add as a property.
var obj = {};
getter(obj, 'foo', function() {
return 'bar';
## Contributing
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](https://github.com/doowb/set-getter/issues/new).
## Building docs
Generate readme and API documentation with [verb](https://github.com/verbose/verb):
$ npm install verb && npm run docs
Or, if [verb](https://github.com/verbose/verb) is installed globally:
$ verb
## Running tests
Install dev dependencies:
$ npm install -d && npm test
## Author
**Brian Woodward**
* [github/doowb](https://github.com/doowb)
* [twitter/doowb](http://twitter.com/doowb)
## License
Copyright © 2016, [Brian Woodward](https://github.com/doowb).
Released under the [MIT license](https://github.com/doowb/set-getter/blob/master/LICENSE).
_This file was generated by [verb](https://github.com/verbose/verb), v0.9.0, on April 29, 2016._