Convert PO files to Javascript objects or JSON strings. The result is Jed-compatible.
## Getting Started
Install the module with: `npm install po2json`
### As a library
var po2json = require('po2json');
### As an executable
po2json translation.po translation.json
## Documentation
### Methods
po2json has 3 methods, all of which take exactly the same options. The main function is `parse` which actually does the parsing to JSON. The 2 others - `parseFile` and `parseFileSync` are convenience functions to directly read PO data from a file and convert it to JSON.
Parse a PO buffer to JSON
*`po2json.parse(buf[, options])`
*`buf` - a _po_ file as a Buffer or an unicode string.
*`options` - an optional object with the following possible parameters:
*`fuzzy` Whether to include fuzzy translation in JSON or not. Should be either `true` or `false`. Defaults to `false`.
*`stringify` If `true`, returns a JSON string. Otherwise returns a plain Javascript object. Defaults to `false`.
*`pretty` If `true`, the resulting JSON string will be pretty-printed. Has no effect when `stringify` is `false`. Defaults to `false`
*`format` Defaults to `raw`.
*`raw` produces a "raw" JSON output
*`jed` produces an output that is 100% compatible with Jed <1.1.0
*`jed1.x` produces an output that is 100% compatible with Jed >= 1.1.0
*`mf` produces simple key:value output.
*`domain` - the domain the messages will be wrapped inside. Only has effect if `format: 'jed'`.
*`cb` - a function that receives 2 arguments: `err` and `jsonData`
Parse a PO file to JSON (synchronous)
*`po2json.parseFileSync(fileName[, options])`
*`fileName` - path to the po file
*`options` - same as for `po2json.parse`
### Command Line Arguments
po2json in command-line parametrization support added to allow override
default options.
* --pretty, -p: same as pretty = true in function options
* --fuzzy, -F: same as fuzzy = true in function options
* --format, -f: Output format (raw, jed, jed1.x, or mf)
* --domain, -d: same as domain in function options
Note: `'format': 'mf'` means the json format used by messageFormatter in
This system does any pluralization within the string, so only msgstr[0] is used with these format, in a simple "key": "value" form.
## Examples
### Basic usage with PO data as a buffer/string
var po2json = require('po2json'),
fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('messages.po', function (err, buffer) {
var jsonData = po2json.parse(buffer);
// do something interesting ...
### Parse a PO file directly - Asynchronous Usage
var po2json = require('po2json');
po2json.parseFile('messages.po', function (err, jsonData) {
// do something interesting ...
### Parse a PO file directly - Synchronous Usage
var po2json = require('po2json');
var jsonData = '';
try {
jsonData = po2json.parseFileSync('messages.po');
// do something interesting ...
} catch (e) {}
### Parse a PO file to Jed format
var po2json = require('po2json'),
Jed = require('jed');
po2json.parseFile('messages.po', { format: 'jed' }, function (err, jsonData) {
var i18n = new Jed( jsonData );
### Running tests
npm test
## Contributing
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using [grunt](
## Release History
### 0.4.2 / 2015-04-13
* Updated documentation for Jed > 1.1.0
* Use msgid_plural when there is no translation
### 0.4.1 / 2015-03-01
* Updated Jed-format code and test to deal with the new plural form
### 0.4.0 / 2015-03-01
* Added Jed > 1.1.0 compatible format (Evan Moses)
### 0.3.0 / 2014-07-16
* Added command line flags for fuzzy, pretty, format, and domain (Szigetvári Áron)
* Deals with fallback-to-msgid for fuzzy entries without the fuzzy flag (Szigetvári Áron)
### 0.2.4 / 2014-07-15
* Fixed fuzzy flag (mahata)
### 0.2.3 / 2014-01-26
* Raised minimum node version requirement to 0.8
* Raised lodash version to ~2.4.1
* Clean up documentations
### 0.2.0 / 2013-11-08
**NB! This release is NOT backwards-compatible!** It has the following **breaking changes**:
*`po2json.parse_po` has been replaced with `po2json.parse`
*`po2json.parse` has been replaced with `po2json.parseFile`
*`po2json.parseSync` has been replaced with `po2json.parseFileSync`
Other changes in this release:
* The library has been competely rewritten, it now uses the [gettext-parser]( module to parse PO files. (Illimar Tambek)
* Tests have been completely rewritten (Illimar Tambek)
* Fixed issue with double-escaping quotes (Illimar Tambek)
* Option to skip/include fuzzy translations (Illimar Tambek)
### 0.0.7 / 2012-10-26
* Fixed linting bugs and added a better fr.po fixture (Mike Edwards)
* Add tests for po2json.parse and po2json.parseSync (Dan MacTough)
* updated with version history (Mike Edwards)
* updated history (Mike Edwards)
### 0.0.6 / 2012-10-22
* Add AUTHORS to identify contributors (Dan MacTough)
* Update README with revision history and basic examples (Dan MacTough)
### 0.0.5 / 2012-10-19
* cut out fake README example from grunt boilerplate (Mike Edwards)
* fixed markdown (Mike Edwards)
* fixes tests (Mike Edwards)
* added first test for parse_po (Mike Edwards)
* Added boilerplate using grunt init (Mike Edwards)
* Changed exports.parse to use node's convetional error-first callback style. Added exports.parseSync for synchronous parsing. (Dan MacTough)
### 0.0.4 / 2012-09-18
* Properly escape linebreaks (Zach Carter)
* Update package.json (Mike Edwards)
* package.json: define main module (Asbjørn Sloth Tønnesen)